representative - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "representative" in German English Dictionary : 59 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
representative Vertreter [m]
representative stellvertretend [adj]
representative repräsentativ [adj]
representative typisch [adj]
representative bezeichnend [adj]
representative symbolisch [adj]
representative Interessenvertreter [m]
representative Stellvertreter [m]
representative Obmann [m]
representative Delegierter [m]
representative Beauftragter [m]
Representative Abgeordneter (Abg.) [m]
representative Repräsentant [m]
representative Interessensvertreter [Ös.] [m]
Representative Bundestagsabgeordneter [Dt.] [m]
representative Bevollmächtigter [m]
representative Abgeordneter [m]
representative Vertreterin [f]
representative Beauftragte [f]
representative Delegierte [f]
representative Interessenvertreterin [f]
representative Obfrau [f]
representative Repräsentantin [f]
representative Stellvertreterin [f]
representative Vertreterin (einer Firma) [f]
representative Obmännin [f]
representative Abgeordnete [f]
representative Bevollmächtigte [f]
representative Typisches
representative bevollmächtigter Vertreter
representative repräsentativ [adj]
representative darstellend [adj]
representative Beauftragter [m]
representative Vertrauensmann [m]
representative Stellvertreter [m]
representative Repräsentant [m]
representative Vertreter [m]
representative Agent [m]
representative Bevollmächtigte [m/f]
representative Abgeordnete [m/f]
representative Beauftragter [m]
representative Vertreter [m]
Representative Nationalratsabgeordneter [Ös.][Schw.] [m]
Representative Bundestagsabgeordneter [m]
Representative Nationalratsabgeordneter [m]
Representative Abgeordneter [m]
Representative Parlamentsabgeordneter [m]
representative repräsentativ [adj]
representative typisch [adj]
representative Vertreter [m]
representative Vertreter [m]
representative Vertreter 
representative Vertretung [f]
representative Stellvertreter [m]
representative representativ [adj]
representative Repräsentant [m]
representative Vertreter [m]
representative Stellvertreter [m]
representative Repräsentant [m]

Meanings of "representative" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 243 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
as my representative als mein Vertreter [adv]
as my representative als mein Stellvertreter [adv]
as my representative als meine Stellvertreterin [adv]
as my representative als meine Vertreterin [adv]
as my representative als meine Vertretung [adv]
in a representative manner repräsentativ [adv]
medical sales representative Pharmareferent [m]
medical sales representative Ärztebesucher [m]
medical sales representative Pharmaberater [m]
holiday representative örtlicher Reiseleiter [m]
field representative Außendienstmitarbeiter [m]
(a bank's) stock exchange agent/representative Börsenagent [m]
(health and) safety representative Arbeitsschutzbeauftragter [m]
special representative Sonderbeauftragter [m]
sales representative Vertriebsbeauftragter [m]
elected representative of the pupils of a school Schülersprecher [m]
publisher's representative Verlagsrepräsentant [m]
sales representative Vertriebsmitarbeiter [m]
sales representative Außendienstmitarbeiter [m]
high-ranking representative ranghoher Vertreter [m]
sales representative Handelsvertreter [m]
sales representative Handlungsreisender [m]
legal representative Rechtsvertreter [m]
trade union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
area sales representative Bereichshandelsvertreter [m]
area sales representative Gebietsvertriebsverantwortlicher [m]
branch representative Filialleiter [m]
branch representative Leiter der Filiale [m]
holiday representative Reiseleiter vor Ort [m]
founder representative Vertreter des Gründers [m]
founder representative Vertreter der Gründerin [m]
medical sales representative Pharmaberaterin [f]
medical sales representative Pharmareferentin [f]
holiday representative örtliche Reiseleiterin [f]
field representative Außendienstmitarbeiterin [f]
(health and) safety representative Arbeitsschutzbeauftragte [f]
women's representative Frauenbeauftragte [f]
special representative Sonderbeauftragte [f]
representative team Auswahlmannschaft [f]
representative agency Geschäftsstelle [f]
representative democracy Repräsentativdemokratie [f]
representative agency Vertretung [f]
branch representative Branchenvertretung [f]
founder representative Vertreterin des Gründers [f]
founder representative Vertreterin der Gründerin [f]
act as a legal representative for someone jemanden anwaltlich/rechtsfreundlich vertreten [v]
grant representative agency eine Stellvertretung gewähren [v]
elect a representative einen Vertreter wählen
holiday representative Reiseleiterin {f} vor Ort
field sales representative Handelsvertreter im Außendienst
field sales representative Handelsvertreterin im Außendient
appointed representative bestellter Vertreter
representative species vikarierende Art
diplomatic representative diplamtischer Vertreter
diplomatic representative Diplomat
sales representative Vertreter [m]
as representative of in Vertretung von
(acting as) principal or as representative (als) Auftraggeber oder Repräsentant (agieren)
(acting as) principal or as representative (als) Auftraggeber oder Repräsentant (tätig sein)
(acting as) principal or as representative (als) Auftraggeber oder Vertreter (agieren)
(acting as) principal or as representative (als) Auftraggeber oder Vertreter (tätig sein)
(acting as) principal or as representative (als) Auftraggeber oder Repräsentant (handeln)
(acting as) principal or as representative (als) Auftraggeber oder Vertreter (handeln)
labor union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
area representative Gebietsvertreter [m]
insurance representative Versicherungsvertreter [m]
union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
sales representative Handelsvertreter [m]
sales representative Verkäufer [m]
(sales) representative Propagandist [m]
agency representative Agenturvertreter [m]
authorized representative Handlungsbevollmächtigter [m]
authorized representative Bevollmächtigter [m]
chief representative Generalbevollmächtigter [m]
employee representative Arbeitnehmervertreter [m]
representative for employees with special needs Schwerbehindertenvertreter [m]
trade representative Handelsvertreter [m]
sales representative Vertreter [m]
sales representative Vertriebsmitarbeiter [m]
sole representative Generalvertreter [m]
sole representative Alleinvertreter [m]
customer service representative Kundenberater [m]
trade-union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
trade union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
commercial representative Handelsvertreter [m]
employer representative Arbeitgebervertreter [m]
worker representative Arbeitsnehmervertreter [m]
labour representative Arbeitnehmervertreter [m]
(sales) representative Propagandistin [Veraltet] [f]
authorized representative Handlungsbevollmächtigte [f]
chief representative Generalbevollmächtigte [f]
representative for employees with special needs Schwerbehindertenvertreterin [f]
trade representative Handelsvertreterin [f]
sales representative Vertreterin [f]
sales representative Handelsvertreterin [f]
sales representative Vertriebsmitarbeiterin [f]
employee representative body Arbeitnehmervertretung [f]
buyer's agreed representative vereinbarte Vertreter des Käufers
manufacturers' representative Repräsentant der Hersteller
personal representative Vertreter einer Person
representative cross section repräsentativer Querschnitt
the buyer's agreed representative der vereinbarte Vertreter des Käufers
workers' representative for bonus Akkordvertrauensmann der Arbeiter
to nominate a representative einen Vertreter bestellen
principal's representative Vertreter des Auftraggebers
insurance representative Vertreter einer Versicherungsgesellschaft
representative commercial transactions typische Handelsgeschäfte
(a bank's) representative on the stock exchange Börsenvertreter [m]
(a bank's) representative on the stock exchange Börsevertreter [m]
(a bank's) representative on the stock exchange Börsevertreter (einer Bank) [Ös.] [m]
(a bank's) stock exchange agent/representative Börseagent [m]
(a bank's) stock exchange agent/representative Börsenagent [m]
(a bank's) stock exchange agent/representative Börseagent (einer Bank) [Ös] [m]
Business Correspondence
as our representative als unser Vertreter
a visit from our representative ein Besuch unseres Vertreters
an energetic representative ein rühriger Vertreter
a representative of ours einer unserer Vertreter
our representative will call on you Unser Vertreter wird Sie aufsuchen
on the part of our representative seitens unseres Vertreters
he will act as our representative Er wird als unser Vertreter handeln
labor union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
worker representative Arbeitsnehmervertreter [m]
trade union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
labor representative Arbeitnehmervertreter [m]
workers' representative for bonus Akkordvertrauensmann der Arbeiter
Quality Management
qa representative Qualitätssicherungsbeauftragter [m]
quality assurance representative Qualitätssicherungsbeauftragter [m]
quality management representative (QMR) Qualitätsmanagement-Beauftragte [m/f]
quality management representative (QMR) Qualitätsmanagement-Beauftragter (QMB)
Work Safety
safety representative Sicherheitsbeauftragter [m]
advertising representative Anzeigenvertreter [m]
advertisement representative Annoncenexpedition [f]
advertising representative Anzeigenagentur [f]
legal representative rechtsfreundlicher Vertreter [Ös.] [m]
legal representative Rechtsvertreter [m]
legal representative rechtsfreundlicher Vertreter [m]
statutory representative gesetzlicher Vertreter [m]
capacity to conduct proceedings in one's own name or through a representative Prozessfähigkeit [f]
representative action Gemeinschaftsklage [f]
representative action Sammelklage [f]
representative action Repräsentativklage [f]
representative actions Sammelklagen [pl]
representative actions Gemeinschaftsklagen [pl]
legal representative gesetzlicher Vertreter
government representative Regierungsvertreter [m]
government representative Regierungsvertreterin [f]
representative office of a federal state Landesvertretung [f]
woman's representative Frauenbeauftragte [f]
representative democracy repräsentative Demokratie [f]
representative democracy repräsentative Demokratie
EU Terms
sales representative Handelsvertreter [m]
union representative Gewerkschaftsvertreter [m]
representative price Repräsentativpreis [m]
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Hoher Vertreter der Union für die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
locally elected representative lokaler Mandatsträger
agricultural sector representative body landwirtschaftliche Interessenvertretung
representative democracy repräsentative Demokratie
representative market price repräsentativer Marktpreis
representative rate repräsentativer Kurs
domestic representative Zustellungsbevollmächtiger [m]
authorised representative Vertretungsberechtigter [m]
authorized representative Vertretungsberechtigter [m]
equal rights representative Gleichstellungsbeauftragter [m]
general representative Generalvertreter [m]
official representative Bevollmächtigter [m]
official representative Beauftragter [m]
representative of the press Pressevertreter [m]
representative of the people Volksvertreter [m]
representative of the authorities Behördenvertreter [m]
authorised representative Vertretungsberechtigte [f]
authorized representative Vertretungsberechtigte [f]
equal rights representative Gleichstellungsbeauftragte [f]
general representative Generalvertreterin [f]
official representative Bevollmächtigte [f]
official representative Beauftragte [f]
representative body for disabled employees Schwerbehindertenvertretung [f]
representative body for employees with special needs Schwerbehindertenvertretung [f]
representative of the press Pressevertreterin [f]
youth and trainee representative council Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung [f]
sales representative Außendienstmitarbeiter [m]
employee representative Arbeitnehmervertreter [m]
accepting representative Abnehmer [m]
authorized representative Beauftragter [m]
representative sample repräsentative Stichprobe [f]
representative sample Repräsentative Probe
representative sample repräsentative Probe [f]
representative parameter repräsentativer Parameter
class representative Klassenchef [Schw.] [m]
class representative Klassensprecher [m]
class representative Klassenchef [m]
form representative Klassenchef [m]
form representative Klassenchef [Schw.] [m]
form representative Klassensprecher [m]
student representative Studierendenvertreter [m]
class representative Semestersprecher [m]
partnership representative Partnerschaftsbeauftragter [m]
library representative Bibliotheksbeauftragter [m]
class representative Klassensprecherin [f]
class representative Klassensprecherin [Dt.][Ös.] [f]
form representative Klassensprecherin [f]
form representative Klassensprecherin [Dt.][Ös.] [f]
equal opportunities representative Gleichstellungsbeauftragte [f]
library representative Bibliotheksbeauftragte [f]
departmental student representative committee Fachschaft [f]
partnership representative Partnerschaftsbeauftragter
erasmus representative ERASMUS- Beauftragter
academic staff representative Vertretung der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern
erasmus representative ERASMUS-Beauftragte
elected representative of the pupils of a school Schulsprecher
vestibule (in public/representative buildings) Halle [f]
vestibule (in public/representative buildings) Empfangshalle [f]
vestibule (in public/representative buildings) Vorhalle [f]
vestibule (in public/representative buildings) Wandelhalle [f]
vestibule (in public/representative buildings) Vestibül [n]
vestibule (in public/representative buildings) Foyer [n]
waste management representative Entsorgungsträger [m]
third-party representative Drittbeauftragte [f]
representative action Prozessstandschaft [f]
representative wastewater sampling repräsentative Abwasserprobenahme
customer service representative Kundendienstsachbearbeiter [m]
board employee representative Arbeitnehmervertreter im Aufsichtsrat
quality representative Qualitätsbeauftragter [m]
sales representative Vertriebsbeauftragter [m]
representative offices Stützpunkte [pl]
SAP Terms
credit representative Kreditbearbeiter [m]
credit representative group Bearbeitergruppe [f]
number of representative Vertreternummer [f]
representative account Vertreterkonto [n]
representative chamber Repräsentantenhaus [n]
insurance company representative Versicherungsvertreter [m]
insurance representative Versicherungsvertreter [m]
insurance company representative Versicherungsvertreterin [f]
insurance representative Vertreter einer Versicherungsgesellschaft
representative team Auswahl [f]
commercial representative Handelsvertreter [m]
severely disabled persons‘ representative Vertrauensmann der Schwerbehinderten
representative result repräsentatives Ergebnis
representative sample repräsentative Stichprobe
representative/representational mission Delegationsreise [f]
WW2 Military
representative/commissioner Beauftragter [m]
pharmaceutical sales representative Pharmareferent [m]
field representative Außendienstmitarbeiter [m]