fleshy part - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire

fleshy part


Sens de "fleshy part" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 2 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
fleshy part carnosidad [f]
fleshy part mollero [m]

Sens de "fleshy part" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 17 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
fleshy part of a limb molledo [m]
fleshy part of a limb mollete [m]
fleshy or muscular part of the arm morcillo [m]
fleshy part of the bovine legs morcillo [m]
fleshy back part of neck of cattle morrillo [m]
fleshy part of the hand pulpejo [m]
in cod and hake, fleshy part of the jaw, considered a delicacy cococha (euskera) [f]
fleshy part of hides envesado [adj]
fleshy back part of neck of cattle morrillo [m]
fleshy part of hides envesado [m]
fleshy part of a limb molledo [m]
fleshy part of the arm mollero [m]
fleshy part of the arm mollete [m]
fleshy or muscular part of the arm morcillo [m]
fleshy part under the chin papadilla [f]
blow that causes a severe bloody wound in the fleshy part at the end of the neck (cock fighting) golpe de hoya [m] PR
blow that causes a severe bloody wound in the fleshy part at the end of the neck (cock fighting) hombriguera [f] PR