island - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "island" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 17 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
island isla [f]
island insular [adj]
island isleño [adj]
island isla [f]
island insulano [adj]
island insular [adj]
island burladero [m]
island ínsula [f]
island ínsula [f] disused
island isleña [adj/f]
island red separada
island isla de venta
island isleo [m]
island ínsula [f]
island formar una isla [v]
island sembrar [v]
island sección en que las diversas tuberías están sujetas para prevenir roturas por vibración

Sens de "island" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 354 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
small island islote [m]
lanzarote (island) lanzarote [f]
perimeter around an island bojeo [m]
inter-island council cabildo insular [m]
small barren island islote [m]
small island islote [m]
small arid coastal island secadal [m]
small arid coastal island secano [m]
man from tasso island tasio [m]
traffic island isleta [f]
small arid coastal island seca [f]
woman from tasso island tasia [f]
person from chiloé island, chile chiloense [m/f]
person from chiloé island, chile chilote [m/f]
man/woman from aegina island egineta [m/f]
from chiloé island, chile chiloense [adj]
from chiloé island, chile chilote [adj]
pertaining to chiloé island, chile chilote [adj]
from aegina island egineta [adj]
inter-island interinsular [adj]
from an island isleño [adj]
easter island pascuense [adj]
from tasso island tasio [adj]
pertaining to tasso island or inhabitants tasio [adj]
someone that lives on an island isleño [m]
key (small island) cayo [m]
small island isleta [f]
someone that lives on an island isleña [f]
bouvet island isla bouvet [f]
big island isla grande [f]
adventure island isla de aventuras [f]
aegean island isla egea [f]
native to chiloé island chilote [adj]
circumnavigate an island bojar [v]
measure the perimeter of an island bojar [v]
become stranded on a desert island quedar abandonado en una isla desierta [v]
become stranded on a deserted island quedar abandonado en una isla desierta [v]
heard island and mcdonald islands islas heard y mcdonald [prop]
a deserted island una isla desierta
a lonely island una isla solitaria
prince edward island isla príncipe eduardo
easter island isla de pascua
la gomera (island) la gomera
rhode island rhode island
saint helena (island) santa helena
montserrat (the island) montserrat
cyclades (island chain) cícladas
zealand (danish island) selandia
north island isla norte
christmas island isla de navidad
heard island and mcdonald islands islas heard y mcdonald
south island isla sur
norfolk island isla norfolk
person who is from the christmas island de la isla de navidad
desert island isla desierta
easter island isla de la pascua
island kingdom reino insular
deserted island isla desierta
perimeter of an island/cape bojeo [m]
small island isleo [m]
small barren island islote [m]
perimeter of an island/cape bojo [m]
safety island isla [f]
whirlpool near the island of gorgona gorgona [f]
river plant forming a floating island camalote [m] AMER
name of a savage tribe of the island of luzon and their language igorrote [m] PH
bog island albardón [m] BO AR UY
very small island caico [m] PR
traffic island camellón [m] MX
traffic island camellón [m] MX GT
wood of the island marlberry cuyá [m] CU
small, flat, sandy island that floods frequently and is largely covered by mangroves, very common near the antilles cayo [m] HN CU DO PR CO VE
small island cayo caico [m] DO
monolithic sculptures in human likeness carved by the rapa nui people of easter island moai [m] CL
young person on easter island living as the indigenous rapa nui yorgo [m] CL
small island albardón [m] BO AR UY
traffic island mediana [f] ES
typical carnival characters from some areas of the island of hispaniola cachúa [f] DO
kitchen island isla [f] HN
traffic island isleta [f] PA
island in a river omita [f] MX:S rare
small island restinga [f] PE:E
relating to chiloe island chilote [adj] CL
carnival characters typical of some parts of la española island that wear colorful coveralls, bat wings, and carts with antlers cachuas [m/pl] DO
be from another town on the island ser de la isla [v] PR
at different points on the island en distintos puntos de la isla
if you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you take? si estuvieras desamparado en una isla desierta, nombra tres cosas que llevarías
if you were stranded on a deserted island name three things you would bring? si estuvieras varado en una isla desierta, ¿qué tres cosas llevarías?
if you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you bring? si estuvieras abandonado en una isla desierta, nombra tres cosas que llevarías
all over the island en toda la isla
in case end up on a desert island por si acaso acabamos en una isla desierta
in case end up on a desert island en caso de que terminemos en una isla desierta
be on an island estar en una isla [v]
monkey island isla de los monos
ice island iceberg [m]
person not native to the island of margarita navegado [m] VE:E
person not native to the island of margarita navegada [f] VE:E
no man is an island (everyone relies on others) un dedo no hace mano, pero sí con sus hermanos
same shit different island la misma mierda con diferente olor
Foreign Trade
import and delivery tax in the canary island atributo sobre la importación y entrega de las mercancías (aiem)
Work Safety Terms
island fever tifus tropical malayo
island fever rickettsiosis tsutsugamushi
island fever fiebre fluvial japonesa
island country país insular
small island developing states pequeños estados insulares en desarrollo
small island economy pequeña economía insular
International Law
island state estado insular
global conference on the sustainable development of small island developing states conferencia mundial sobre el desarrollo sostenible de los pequeños estados insulares en desarrollo
small island developing states pequeños estados insulares en desarrollo
high-level meeting on the special security concerns of small island states reunión de alto nivel sobre las preocupaciones especiales de seguridad de los pequeños estados insulares
island state estado insular [m]
secret plotting to free the island laborantismo [m] CU DO
island in a power system isla en una red de energía eléctrica
small and rocky island islote [m]
safety island burladero [m]
small island cayo [m]
island effect efecto de islote
island ecosystem ecosistema insular
island effect efecto de isla
telecine island cadena de telecine
heat island isla de calor
rock island peñasco aislado
urban heat island effect efecto de isla de calor urbano
heat island effect efecto de isla de calor
photo-island grid rejilla fotoisla
photo-island grid rejilla fotosensible
ocean-island basalt basalto de isla oceánica [m]
ocean-island alkali basalt basalto alcalino de isla oceánica [m]
heat island effect efecto de isla de calor
heat island isla de calor
island arc tholeiite toleíta de arco insular
island arc basalt basaltos de arco insular
Marine Biology
island inshore squid calamar insular [m]
charles island giant turtle galápago [m] EC
island mackerel caballa isleña [f]
island grouper mero abadejo
urban heat island isla de calor urbano
Molecular Biology
cpg island isla de cpg
north island brown kiwi kiwi de mantell [m]
south island piopio charlatán de nueva zelandia / piopío de la isla sur [m]
amsterdam island albatross albatros de la isla amsterdam [m]
a species of parrot in the family psittacidae that is endemic to the island of cuba (aratinga euops) catey [m] CU
north island kokako kokako de isla norte
island leaf warbler mosquitero isleño
island scrub-jay chara de santa cruz
wake island rail rascón de wake
island monarch monarca isleño
nightingale island finch yal de la nightingale
island verditer-flycatcher papamoscas isleño
stephens island wren acantisita de stephen
heard island shag cormorán de la heard
north island piopio piopío de la isla norte
island whistler silbador moluqueño
island scrub jay chara de santa cruz
island bronze-naped pigeon paloma de malherbe
inaccessible island finch yal de la inaccesible
south island oystercatcher ostrero de finsch
island collared dove tórtola bicollar
north island saddleback tieke de isla norte
inaccessible island rail rasconcillo de tristan da cunha
island swiftlet salangana de las carolinas
south island saddleback tieke de isla sur
island collared-dove tórtola bicollar
island thrush zorzal insular
island imperial pigeon dúcula insular
island canary serín canario
island imperial-pigeon dúcula insular
island leaf-warbler mosquitero isleño
gc island isla de gc
island are arco-isla [m]
island arc arco de islas [m]
barrier island islote litoral [m]
island arc arco isla [m]
island arc arco insular [m]
small island cayo [m]
island arc arco-isla [m]
island arc arco de islas [f]
stone from the island of corsica catoquita [f]
volcanic island arc cadenas de islas volcánicas [f/pl]
island arc arco insular
small unhinhabited island islote [m]
north island kokako kokako [m]
island population población isla
blood island islote sanguíneo
island fever fiebre de la isla
pancreatic island isla del páncreas
pancreatic island isla pancreática
blood island isla sanguínea
bone island isla ósea
olfactory island isla olfatoria
island disease enfermedad de las islas
island flap colgajo insular
island flap colgajo en isla
island of calleja isla de calleja
island disease enfermedad de las islas
island fever fiebre de las islas
island flap colgajo insular
blood island isla sanguínea
bone island isla ósea
langerhans' island isla de langerhans
pancreatic island islas pancreáticas
island of reil isla de reil
threshold of island of reil limen insular
culture island isla cultural
tonal island isla tonal
island of reil isla de reil
social island isla social
island neurons neuronas isla
traffic island isleta [f]
directional island isla de guía
island of automation islote de automatización
island hopping network red aérea de saltos entre islas
perimeter around an island boj [m]
sailing around an island bojeo [m]
perimeter around an island bojo [m]
island universe galaxia [f]
sail around an island bojar [v]
sail around an island bojear [v]
coral island isla de coral
ice island isla de hielo
offshore island isla costera
uninhabited island isla deshabitada
three island vessel buque de tres superestructuras
monkey island puente alto
act of sailing round an island and measuring it bojeo [m]
act of sailing round an island and measuring it bojo [m]
sail round an island/cape bojar [v]
sail round an island/cape bojear [v]
island arc arco-isla [m]
island arc arco insular [m]
ice island isla de hielo
island are arco insular
safety island isleta [f]
pedestrian island isla para peatones
loading island zona de seguridad para pasajeros
island platform andén de entrevía [m]
island platform andén intermedio
island platform andén de entrevía
island biogeography biogeografía insular
high island earthform isla alta
canary island pine pino canario
Wildlife Management
island form forma biológica insular
island fauna and flora fauna y flora insulares
floating island isla flotante
island biogeography biogeografía isla
island biotas biotas isla
island of fertility fertilidad de isla
canary island date palm palma canaria
cocos island isla del coco
phloem island isla floema
a large luminous click beetle native to the island of puerto rico cucubano [m] PR
an otter species found in central america, south america and the island of trinidad (lontra longicaudis) chucho de agua [m] HN
an otter species found in central america, south america and the island of trinidad (lontra longicaudis) perro de agua [m] GT HN NI
south island giant moa (dinornis robustus) dinornis [m]
a large luminous click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) aguaviva [f] PR
a large luminous click beetle native to the island of puerto rico aguaviva [f] PR
a large luminous click beetle native to the island of puerto rico estrellita [f] PR
canary island donkey burro majorero
island cetraria lichen liquen de islandia
cedros island mule deer bura [f]
cedros island black-tailed deer bura [f]
coiba island howling monkey mono aullador
island flying fox zorro volador pequeño
christmas island flying fox zorro volador de andaman
cedros island black-tailed deer venado mulo(a)
percy island flying fox zorro volador de las islas percy
coiba island howler monkey mono aullador
cedros island mule deer venado mulo(a)
cedros island gophersnake ratonera [f]
san esteban island iguana iguana [f]
san marcos island gecko salamanquesa [f]
tortuga island rattlesnake víbora cascabel de isla tortuga
cerralvo island sand snake culebra arenera de cerralvo
catalina island leaf-toed gecko salamanquesa de isla catalina
cerralvo island sand snake culebrita de la arena
saint george island gecko geco pestañudo
catalina island rattlesnake víbora sorda
clarion island whip snake culebra chirriadora de isla clarion
catalina island rattlesnake víbora cascabel muda
san estéban island rattlesnake víbora de cascabel
santa catalina island lizard lagartija costado manchado de santa catalina
jeronimo island legless lizard lagartija sin patas de isla jerónimo
clarion island tree lizard lagartija arbolera de clarion
socorro island tree lizard lagartija arbolera de socorro
cuba (country and largest island in caribbean) cuba [f]
providence (capital of rhode island) providence [f]
fraser island isla fraser
easter island isla de pascua
prince edward island isla príncipe eduardo
rhode island rhode island
artificial island isla artificial
artificial island isla artificial
production island isla de producción
island mountain montículo de erosión
island mount monte aislado
island mountain monte aislado
south island kokako kokako [m]
alliance of small island states alianza de los pequeños estados insulares
island models modelos insulares
peripherical island ínsula periférica
geographical island ínsula geográfica
continental island isla continental
oceanic island isla oceánica
thermal island isla térmica
heat island isla de calor
island arch arco de islas
power island isla de potencia [f]
three mile island (tmi) isla de las tres millas
three mile island isla de las tres millas
nuclear island isla nuclear
island operation operación en isla
turbine island isla de turbina
island of isomerism isla de isomerismo
island harbor puerto natural
island harbour puerto natural
island shelf plataforma insular
island harbour puerto natural protegido por islas
traffic island refugio [m]
pedestrian island isleta [f]
refuge island isleta [f]
traffic island isla de seguridad
traffic island isla de refugio
sea island cotton algodón de suramérica [m] EC
fruit of the island marlberry cuya [m] HN
island marlberry (ardisia escallonioides / parathesis vulgata) cuya [m] HN
island marlberry ardisia escallonioides / parathesis vulgata) cuya [m] DO
fruit of the island marlberry cuyucul [m] HN
island marlberry (ardisia escallonioides / parathesis vulgata) cuyucul [m] HN
island marlberry (ardisia escallonioides / parathesis vulgata) cuyucul [m] HN
mascarene island leaf-flower yuquillo [m] PR
mascarene island leaf-flower esmillo [m] PR
mascarene island leaf-flower sietecueros [m] PR
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) cucuyo [m] PA CU DO PR CO
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) minacuro [m] CO:Sw
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) cucuya [f] EC rare
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) cucaya [f] EC rare
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) lanteja [f] PR
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) lanterna [f] PR
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) lucerna [f] GT PR
a species of click beetle native to the island of puerto rico (pyrophorus luminosus) lucía [f] PR
traditional dance and singing of the easter island sau sau [m] CL
popular festival on the island of menorca, spain jaleo [m]
cozumel island raccoon mapachito [m] MX:Se
an otter species found in central america, south america and the island of trinidad (lutra longicaudis) lobito de agua [m] BO:E PY AR
an otter species found in central america, south america and the island of trinidad (lutra longicaudis) lobito de río [m] BO:E AR UY
an endemic species from cozumel island, mexico (procyon pygmaeus) mapachito [m] MX:Se
a species of anteater from south america and the island of trinidad in the caribbean (tamandua tetradactyla) oso melero [m] HN
little swan island hutia (geocapromys thoracatus) hutía [f] HN
little swan island hutia (geocapromys thoracatus) jutía [f] HN CU DO
swan island hutia (geocapromys thoracatus) hutía [f] HN
swan island hutia (geocapromys thoracatus) jutía [f] HN CU DO
an otter species found in central america, south america and the island of trinidad (lutra longicaudis) lontra [f] UY
an otter species found in central america, south america and the island of trinidad (lutra longicaudis) nutria [f] NI EC BO
a species of anteater from south america and the island of trinidad in the caribbean (tamandua tetradactyla) osa melera [f] HN