second - Français Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "second" dans le Dictionnaire Français-Anglais : 30 résultat(s)

Anglais Français
second second [adj]
second deuxième [adj]
second seconde [f]
second moment [adv]
second appuyer [v]
second seconder [v]
second détacher [v]
second deuxième [num]
second instant [m]
second témoin [m]
second seconde [adj]
second ultérieur [adj]
second deuxième [adj]
second suivant [adj]
second second [adj]
second seconde [f]
second second [adj]
second seconde [adj]
Governmental Terms
second détacher auprès [v]
second seconde [adj]
second deuxième [adj]
second seconde [f]
second deuxième [adj]
second seconde [f]
second seconde [f]
second ıntervalle de seconde
second deuxième [adj]
second soigneur [m]
second deuxième joueur
second deuxième joueuse

Sens de "second" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Français : 12 résultat(s)

Français Anglais
second [m] assistant
second [adj] second
second [m] runner-up
second [adj] another
second [adj] second
second [adj] farther
second [adj] other
second [adj] latter
second [adj] second best
second [adj] 2nd
second up
second [adj] second

Sens de "second" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Français : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Français
second one deuxième [n]
second coming retour [m]
feminine form of second seconde [adj]
second-half kick-off reprise [f]
second-person singular imperative of prononcer prononce [f]
the plural or singular personal pronoun in the second person (polite form) vous [pron]
the plural personal pronoun in the second person vous [pron]
plural of second seconds [pl/m]
second-person singular imperative of conseiller conseille [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of rassurer rassurez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of entraver entraves [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of choisir choisis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of nourrir nourris [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative present of manger mangez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperfect indicative of vouloir vouliez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural indicative present of prendre prenez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of demander demandes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular conditional of devoir devrais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of négliger néglige [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperfect indicative of connaître connaissiez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperfect indicative of demander demandiez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of retourner retournez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of affliger afflige [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of préserver préserve [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of revenir revenez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of fouiller fouilles [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of venir viendrez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive form of compléter complète [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of aider aides [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of menacer menaces [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of rencontrer rencontres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of opérer opère [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of gorger gorges [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of rejeter rejette [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of vanter vante [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of brancher branches [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of permettre permettez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of ailer ailes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of rappeler rappelez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of constater constate [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of évanouir évanouis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of informer informe [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of arriver arrivez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of mener menez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of interroger interroge [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of unir unis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of résumer résume [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of détacher détache [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of éblouir éblouis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of refléter reflète [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of hutter huttes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of importer importe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of franchir franchis [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of abandonner abandonnez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of copier copies [v.p./der.]
second person singular present indicative form of vendre vends [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of reconnaître reconnaissez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of oublier oubliez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dynamiter dynamite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of phraser phrases [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of parler parles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of pardonner pardonne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of demeurer demeurais [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of jurer jurez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of garder gardez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of border borde [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of offrir offrez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of posséder possède [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of soigner soigne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of projeter projette [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of prétendre prétendez [v.p./der.]
second person singular imperfect indicative form of chercher cherchais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of décider décide [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of intimer intimes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of homologuer homologues [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of oublier oubliais [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperfect indicative of penser pensiez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative past historic of mettre mis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of renouveler renouvelle [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of irriter irrite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of combattre combats [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of rêver rêves [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of veiner veines [v.p./der.]
second preson singular imperfect indicative of marcher marchais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of défendre défends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of espérer espérais [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of venir venez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of peupler peuples [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of rapprocher rapproche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of dialoguer dialogues [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of nourrir nourris [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of soupirer soupire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of aimais aimais [v.p./der.]
second-person plural conditional of pouvoir pourriez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of quitter quittez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic form of conquérir conquis [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of continuer continuez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of occuper occupe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of obéir obéis [v.p./der.]
first-second-person singular indicative present of faire fais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of imprimer imprime [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of jalouser jalouses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative form of écosser écossais [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of mettre mettez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of masquer masques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of exciter excite [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of servir servez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of accueillir accueillis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of consoler console [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of désigner désigne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of écouter écoutais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of concevoir conçois [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of élever élèves [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of graver graves [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of transmettre transmis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of étinceler étincelles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of porter portes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of appeler appelles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular conditional of mourir mourrais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of apprendre apprends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of aventurer aventures [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of braver braves [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of frémir frémis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of prêcher prêche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of donner donnes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of piloter pilotes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of tomber tombes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural conditional of aimer aimeriez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of nier niais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of témoigner témoigne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of tromper trompes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of emparer empare [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of occulter occultes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of juger juges [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of quereller querelles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of utiliser utilise [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of lanterner lanternes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of écrire écrivez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of épouser épouses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of prendre prends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of fuiter fuites [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of supposer supposez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of mériter mérites [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of emmener emmène [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of raisonner raisonne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of doucher douches [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of hésiter hésitez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of lire lis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of promettre promets [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of chercher cherchez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of remarquer remarquez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of loger loges [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of accepter acceptez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of défaire défaites [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of plaindre plaignez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of moquer moque [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of tasser tasses [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of laisser laissez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of suicider suicides [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of rencontrer rencontres [v.p./der.]
first and second-person singular conditional form of aller irais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of venger venge [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of liquider liquides [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of centrer centres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of plaquer plaques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of défier défie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of poster postes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural conditional of vouloir voudriez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of déshonorer déshonore [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of signaler signale [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present subjunctive of parler parliez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of investir investis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of montrer montres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of pister pistes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of écouler écoule [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of voir voyez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of souffler souffles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of trôner trônes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of souhaiter souhaitez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of affecter affecte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of mousser mousses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of songer songes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of procéder procède [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of entrer entrais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative form of dire disais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of mentir mens [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of dépouiller dépouilles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of coucher couches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of songer songes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of essayer essaie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of ôter ôte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of activer actives [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of tâcher tâchez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of prier prie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of avoir as [v.p./der.]
second-person plural conditional of savoir sauriez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of présumer présume [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of lire lisais [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of reconnaître reconnaîtrez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of contraster contrastes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of succomber succombe [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of comprendre comprendrez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of souligner souligne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of enlever enlève [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of napper nappes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of unir unis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative present form of tâcher tâches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of quereller querelles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of infirmer infirme [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of remonter remonte [v.p./der.]
second-person plural simple future form of faire ferez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of plaire plais [v.p./der.]
second person singular imperative form of entendre entends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of compléter complètes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of avertir avertis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of souvenir souviens [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of permettre permettez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of bouler boules [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of distinguer distingue [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of exercer exerce [v.p./der.]
second-person plural indicative present of aller allez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of comprendre comprends [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of revenir reviendrez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of couronner couronnes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of souhaiter souhaitais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of marber marbres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of rattacher rattache [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of plaire plais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of jeter jette [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of rendre rendrez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of soutenir soutiens [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of indigner indignes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular future indicative of être seras [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of feinter feinte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dresser dresse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of pratiquer pratiques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of savoir sus [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of observer observe [v.p./der.]
second person present participle of lâcher lâches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of clairer claires [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of occuper occupez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of devoir devais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of chemiser chemises [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of paraître parais [v.p./der.]
second person singular present indicative form of entendre entends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of frémir frémis [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperfect indicative of parler parliez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of épauler épaules [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of remordre remords [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of nier nie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative present of aimer aimes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of envisager envisage [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of savoir sachez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of consacrer consacre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of modeler modèles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of jalouser jalouses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of perdre perdis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of discipliner disciplines [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of tromper trompais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of envoyer envoie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of augmenter augmente [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of représenter représente [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of vouloir voulez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of conjecturer conjectures [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of envelopper enveloppes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of sentir sentez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of hutter huttes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of croire crois [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of guêtrer guêtres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of dériver dérives [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of minuter minutes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of faire faites [v.p./der.]
second-person plural indicative present of dire dites [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of triompher triomphes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of habiter habite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of assister assiste [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of catastropher catastrophes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of percer perce [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of compter comptais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of étudier étudie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of admettre admis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of priser prises [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of remarquer remarques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular future of pouvoir pourras [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of axer axes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural conditional of venir viendriez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of imager images [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of coder codes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of espacer espaces [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of renter rentes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of situer situe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of élancer élance [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of courser courses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of gripper grippe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dessiner dessine [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of dépenser dépenses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of vivre vive [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of enfouir enfouis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular future indicative of avoir auras [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of plaire plaisais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of massacrer massacres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of recourir recours [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mêler mêle [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of débaucher débauches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of découvrir découvris [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of impatienter impatiente [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of plaider plaide [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of publier publie [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of connaître connaissez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of croire croyez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mourir meurs [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of muser muse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of perler perles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of terrer terres [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of partir partirez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of prétendre prétendez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of aiguiller aiguilles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of rester restais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of effectuer effectue [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of flécher flèches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of évanouir évanouis [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of jouer jouez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of graver graves [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of entrer entrez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of oser osez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of fumer fume [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of croire croirez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of brusquer brusques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mentir mens [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of déployer déploie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of destiner destine [v.p./der.]
second-person plural indicative imperfect of être étiez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of river rives [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of secouer secoue [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of appeler appelez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of masquer masques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of calomnier calomnies [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dîner dîne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of enfuir enfuis [v.p./der.]
first- and second-person present indicative form of parcourir parcours [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of palmer palmes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of rire riez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of lire lisez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of reconnaître reconnaissez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of sacrifier sacrifie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of casser casse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of former formes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of concourir concours [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of vider vides [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of attaquer attaques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of grainer graines [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of cultiver cultive [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of rester restes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of comprendre comprenais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of jouir jouissais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of muscler muscles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of crier crie [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of promettre promettez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of glacer glaces [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of éprouver éprouvais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of établir établis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dormir dors [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of revoir revois [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of hésiter hésite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of comparer compare [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of expliquer expliquez [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperfect subjunctive of être fussiez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of réformer réformes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of compter comptez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of concevoir conçois [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of épingler épingles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of réussir réussis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of développer développe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of rentrer rentrais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of travailler travaillais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of angoisser angoisses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of adorer adore [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of sourire souris [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mener mène [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of devenir deviens [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of descendre descends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of muser muses [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of éloigner éloignez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of flaquer flaques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of aimer aime [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of occulter occultes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of oublier oublie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative/subjunctive form of financer finances [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of comporter comporte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of efforcer efforce [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of écouter écoutez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of doubler doubles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of passer passais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of usiner usines [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of couder coudes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular of enfuir enfuis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of plaindre plains [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of menacer menaces [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of captiver captive [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of ajouter ajoutez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of conjecturer conjectures [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of enseigner enseignes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of archiver archives [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of recueillir recueille [v.p./der.]
second person singular imperfect indicative form of entendre entendais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of condamner condamne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dégrader dégrade [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of hésiter hésitez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of exclure exclus [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of rendre rends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of aspirer aspire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of tendre tendis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of contrôler contrôles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of terrer terres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of juger juges [v.p./der.]
second-person plural indicative present of venir venez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of angoisser angoisses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative present form of vivre vis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of lire lus [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of conter contes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of écailler écailles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of valoir vaux [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of attacher attache [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of renvoyer renvoie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of sortir sortais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of rentrer rentre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of suivre suivis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of permettre permets [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of attirer attire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of contrôler contrôles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of garder gardes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of réfléchir réfléchis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of copier copies [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of chuter chutes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of songer songez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of haranguer harangues [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of montrer montrez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of gager gages [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of potasser potasse [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of préférer préférez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of proposer propose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of concevoir conçus [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of asseoir asseyez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of inclure inclus [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of programmer programmes [v.p./der.]
second-person plural future of sortir sortirez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of pocher poches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of polir polis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of revenir reviens [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of devoir devez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of sublimer sublimes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative present of voir vois [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of souhaiter souhaitez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of avertir avertis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular subjunctive present of saler sales [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of exprimer exprime [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of teinter teintes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of prévenir préviens [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of cueillir cueille [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of dire dites [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of germer germes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of domestiquer domestiques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of sauver sauve [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of peiner peines [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of vivre vivez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of élever élèves [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of daigner daigne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of plancher planches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of démontrer démontre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of retourner retourne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of centrer centres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of rire ris [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of inquiéter inquiètes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of incommoder incommode [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of contempler contemplais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of jurer jure [v.p./der.]
second-person singular conditional of pouvoir pourrais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of franchir franchis [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of servir servez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of prier priais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of épargner épargne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of couper coupes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular conditional of demander demanderais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular future of trouver trouveras [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of révolter révoltes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of chérir chéris [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of cadrer cadres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of illustrer illustres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of espérer espère [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of cadrer cadres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of poser poses [v.p./der.]
second-person plural imperative of défaire défaites [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of voler vole [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of discipliner disciplines [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of défendre défends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of phraser phrases [v.p./der.]
second-person plural present indicative of perdre perdez [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of envoler envole [v.p./der.]
second-person singular subjunctive present of charger of charger charges [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of tenter tentes [v.p./der.]