protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe - Turc Anglais Dictionnaire

protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe


Sens de "protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe" dans le Dictionnaire Turc-Anglais : 1 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe n. avrupa konseyinin imtiyaz ve muafiyetlerine müteallik genel anlaşmaya ek protokol

Sens de "protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Turc : 4 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
fourth protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe n. avrupa konseyinin imtiyaz ve muafiyetlerine müteallik genel anlaşma
second protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe n. avrupa konseyinin imtiyaz ve muafiyetlerine müteallik genel anlaşmaya ek ikinci protokol
third protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe n. avrupa konseyinin imtiyaz ve muafiyetlerine müteallik genel anlaşmaya ek üçüncü protokol
fifth protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the council of europe) n. avrupa konseyinin imtiyaz ve muafiyetlerine müteallik umumi anlaşmaya ek 5. protokol