compound - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "compound" in German English Dictionary : 61 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
compound zusammengesetzt [adj]
compound verschlimmern [v]
compound Verbindung [f]
compound compoundieren [adj]
compound Verbund [m]
compound Hof [m]
compound Mischung [f]
compound Zusammensetzung [f]
compound (chemische) Verbindung [f]
compound eingezäunte Siedlung [f]
compound Präparat [n]
compound Fabrikgelände [n]
compound Tiergehege [n]
compound Gelände [n]
compound Kompositum [n]
compound Lager [n]
compound zusammensetzen [v]
compound mischen [v]
compound eingefriedeter Platz
compound eingezäunter oder umwallter Gebäudekomplex
compound zusammengesetztes Wort
compound Residenz
compound zusammensetzen
compound vermischen
compound verbinden
compound zusammengesetzt [adj]
compound Zusammensetzung [f]
compound Verbindung [f]
compound Schmierstoffpaste [f]
compound Zusammensetzung [f]
compound Mischung [f]
compound chemische Bindung
compound Verbindung [f]
compound Präparat [n]
compound mischen [v]
compound zusammengesetztes Wort [n]
compound Verbindung [f]
compound Verbund [m]
compound Masse [f]
compound Mischung [f]
compound aufzinsen [v]
compound Masse
compound verbunden [v]
compound Verbund-
compound zusammengesetzt [adj]
compound Mischung [f]
compound zusammengesetzt [adj]
compound Zusammensetzung [f]
compound Mischung [f]
Electrical Engineering
compound Vergussmasse [f]
compound Zwinger [m]
compound Gehege [n]
compound Zwinger
compound Gehege
compound Verbund [m]
compound Verbund [m]
compound chemische Verbindung
compound vermischen [v]
compound Mischung [f]
compound Compound [n]
compound Vergussmasse [f]

Meanings of "compound" in English German Dictionary : 1 result(s)

Almanca İngilizce
Compound [n] compound

Meanings of "compound" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
compound site Abstellplatz [m]
compound-leverage diagonal cutter Hebel-Seitenschneider [m]
compound-leverage end cutter Hebel-Vornschneider [m]
protein base moulding compound Proteinkunststoff [m]
compound steel Verbundstahl [m]
compound naevus Compound-Nävus [m]
compound naevus intermediärer Nävus [m]
fragrance compound Geruchststoff [m]
compound fraction komplexer Bruch [m]
compound fracture offener Bruch [m]
compound fracture komplizierter Bruch [m]
compound data type zusammengesetzter Datentyp [m]
potting compound Vergussmasse [f]
molding compound Abdruckmasse [f]
inclusion compound Käfigverbindung [f]
inclusion compound Inklusionsverbindung [f]
inclusion compound Käfigeinschlussverbindung [f]
inclusion compound Einschlussverbindung [f]
inorganic compound anorganische Verbindung [f]
cushion compound Kissenmischung [f]
column of compound sections zusammengesetzte Profilstütze [f]
compound computation of interest Zinseszinsrechnung [f]
casting compound Abdruckmasse [f]
aluminum compound foil Aluminiumverbundfolie [f]
compound substance Verbindung [f]
cleaning compound Reinigungsmasse [f]
meta compound meta-Verbindung [f]
modelling compound Modelliermasse [f]
tightening compound Dichtungsmasse [f]
compound sentence Satzreihe [f]
platinum compound Platinverbindung [f]
pourable compound Gussmasse [f]
starting compound Ausgangsverbindung [f]
double compound Doppelverbindung [f]
addition compound Additionsverbindung [f]
casking compound Gießmasse [f]
casking compound Vergussmasse [f]
compound base Verbindungsbase [f]
compound bending Verbindungsbiegung [f]
explosive compound explosive Mischung [f]
compound sentence Satzgefüge [n]
stabilization (of a compound) Stabilisieren [n]
stabilization (of a compound) Verfestigen [n]
compound system Verbundsystem [n]
compound noun Kompositum [n]
antifreezing compound Frostschutzmittel [n]
anti-drumming compound Entdröhnungsmittel [n]
embassy compound Botschaftsgelände [n]
compound feeds Fertigfutter [n]
compound feeds Mischfutter [n]
compound eye Facettenauge [n]
factory compound Fabrikgelände [n]
compound eye Netzauge [n]
compound verb zusammengesetztes Zeitwort [n]
compound verb zusammengesetztes Verb [n]
compound erschweren [v]
compound in Raten abzahlen [v]
compound verbinden [v]
compound tilgen [v]
compound mischen [v]
compound zusammensetzen [v]
compound (with) sich einigen (mit) [v]
compound (dispute) (Streit) beilegen [v]
compound for something etwas pauschalieren [v]
compound (with) sich verständigen [v]
to compound something etwas verschlimmern [v]
compound an affair eine Angelegenheit beilegen [v]
to compound something etwas verstärken [v]
to compound something etwas vergrößern [v]
compound by verbinden durch [v]
compound the felony eine Strafe erschweren [v]
compound crystals Zwillingskristalle [pl]
compound sites Abstellplätze [pl]
accrued compound interest aufgelaufene Zinseszinsen [pl]
compound interest Zinseszinsen [pl]
organometallic compound metallorganische Verbindung
frequently compound mehrfach gefiedert
simple/compound arbitrage einfache/zusammengesetze Arbitrage
sealing compound Abdichtmasse
sealing compound Dichtungsmasse
compound complex sentence Reihe von Satzgefügen
isomeric compound isomere Verbindung
chlorinated compound chlorierte Verbindung
compound interest Zinseszins [m]
compound item Sammelposten [m]
compound yield Gesamtertrag [m]
compound computation of interest Zinseszinsrechnung [f]
compound entry Sammelbuchung [f]
calculation of compound interest Zinseszinsrechnung [f]
compound interest Zinseszinsen [pl]
compound interest Zinseszins [m]
compound computation of interest Zinseszinsberechnung [f]
use of compound interest Zinseszinsmethode [f]
compound interests Zinseszinsen [pl]
simple/compound arbitrage einfache/zusammengesetze Arbitrage
compound interest Zinseszins [m]
compound duty Mischzoll [m]
compound interest Zinseszins [m]
compound financial instruments zusammengesetzte Finanzinstrumente [pl]
compound financial instruments zusammengesetzte Finanzinstrumente
compound interest Zinseszins [m]
Work Safety
antidrumming compound Antidröhnmaterial [n]
antifogging compound Klarsichtmittel [n]
antifogging compound Antibeschlagmittel [n]
antidrumming compound schwingungsmindendes Material
azo-compound Azo-Verbindung
nitro compound Nitro-Verbindung
EU Terms
chemical compound chemische Verbindung
mineral compound anorganische Verbindung
platinum compound Platinverbindung
organo iridium compound Organoiridiumverbindung
carbocyclic compound Carbocyclus
sealing compound Vergussmasse
osmium compound Osmiumverbindung
organo lithium compound Organolithiumverbindung
organo germanium compound Organogermaniumverbindung
ammonium compound Ammoniumverbindung
oxo compound Oxoverbindung
organo uranium compound Organouranverbindung
compound parts of rubber and plastic Gummi-Kunststoff-Verbundteile
lead compound Bleiverbindung
quaternary ammonium compound quartäre Ammoniumverbindung
and at least one hetero ring in the compound und wenigstens ein weiterer Heteroring in einer Ve
hydroxylamino compound Hydroxylamin-Verbindung
iridium compound Iridiumverbindung
organo calcium compound Organocalciumverbindung
compound tool Verbundwerkzeug
organo iron compound Organoeisenverbindung
boron compound Borverbindung
hard compound plating Hartstoffbeschichten
organic compound organische Verbindung
organo silver compound Organosilberverbindung
preliminary compound Schweißen durch Schlagen
organo rhodium compound Organorhodiumverbindung
AIII-BV-compound AIII-BV-Verbindung
coffee compound Kaffeebestandteil
hydrodynamic-mechanical compound transmission hydrodynamisch-mechanisches Verbundgetriebe
tetra-alkyl lead compound Tetraalkylbleiverbindung
organo strontium compound Organostrontiumverbindung
antifreezing compound Frostschutzmittel
magnesium compound Magnesiumverbindung
masking compound Abdeckmittel
organo boron compound Organoborverbindung
alkoxylated compound alkoxylierte Verbindung
organo osmium compound Organoosmiumverbindung
heterocyclic compound heterocyclische Verbindung
compound meter Verbundmesser
aminophosphonium compound Aminophosphoniumverbindung
diolefin compound Diolefinbindung
rhenium compound Rheniumverbindung
acyclic compound acyclische Verbindung
inorganic fluor compound anorganische Fluorverbindung
paper-metal-compound foil Papier-Metall-Verbundfolie
sulfur compound Schwefelverbindung
hydroxy compound Hydroxylverbindung
barium compound Bariumverbindung
organo cadmium compound Organocadmiumverbindung
compound movement Verbundbewegung
organo tin compound Organozinnverbindung
joint sealing compound Fugenvergussmasse
ceramic compound Keramikmasse
penem compound Penemverbindung
organo technetium compound Organotechneciumverbindung
organo zinc compound Organozinkverbindung
azo compound Azoverbindung
compound insulator Verbundisolator
manganese compound Manganverbindung
technetium compound Technetiumverbindung
acetylene compound Acetylenbindung
multistage compound tool Folgeverbundwerkzeug
compound liquefaction Compound-Verflüssigung
prefabricated reinforced compound unit Stahlbetonfertigteil
inorganic compound anorganische Verbindung
compound rail Verbundschiene
plastic compound Kunststoffmasse
organo potassium compound Organokaliumverbindung
molybdenum compound Molybdänverbindung
desferri compound Desferriverbindung
halogenated oxo compound Halogen-Oxoverbindung
compound mill Verbundmühle
titanium compound Titanverbindung
methylene compound Methylenverbindung
organo molybdenum compound Organomolybdänverbindung
potassium compound Kaliumverbindung
organo platinum compound Organoplatinverbindung
organic nitrogen compound organische Stickstoffverbindung
compound casting Verbundgießen
diazo-amino compound Diazoaminoverbindung
organic oxygen compound organische Sauerstoffverbindung
organo aluminium compound Organoaluminiumverbindung
compound heating Verbundbeheizung
cadmium compound Cadmiumverbindung
prefabricated prestressed concrete compound unit Spannbetonfertigteil
compound foil Verbundfolie
alkaline earth compound Erdalkaliverbindung
chromium compound Chromverbindung
prefabricated compound unit Fertigbauelement
organic alkoxylated compound containing nitrogen organische alkoxylierte Verbindung mit Stickstoff
silver compound Silberverbindung
impression compound Abdruckmasse
organo barium compound Organobariumverbindung
switch with compound movement Verbundschalter
organo beryllium compound Organoberylliumverbindung
organic bismuth compound organische Bismutverbindung
lithium compound Lithiumverbindung
compound plate Verbundplatte
calcium compound Calciumverbindungen
tetraorganosilicon compound Tetraorganosiliciumverbindung
iron compound Eisenverbindung
sodium compound Natriumverbindung
inorganic phosphorus compound anorganische Phosporverbindung
inorganic halogen compound anorganische Halogenverbindung
cobalt compound Cobaltverbindung
organo gold compound Organogoldverbindung
organo tungsten compound Organowolframverbindung
organo cobalt compound Organocobaltverbindung
corrugated compound foil Wellverbundfolie
sugar compound Zuckerverbindung
inorganic silicon compound anorganische Siliciumverbindung
strontium compound Strontiumverbindung
hydroxy oxo compound Hydroxy-Oxoverbindung
compound semiconductor Verbindungshalbleiter
tungsten compound Wolframverbindung
containing binders compound Bindemittel enthaltende Masse
sulphur compound Schwefelverbindung
perfluoro compound Perfluorverbindung
quaternary phosphonium compound quartäre Phosphoniumverbindung
organo chromium compound Organochromverbindung
stannyl compound Stannylverbindung
two-stroke compound engine Zweitaktverbundmaschine
organo lead compound Organobleiverbindung
filling compound Spachtelmasse
levelling compound Ausgleichsmasse
in the compound in einer Verbindung
organo copper compound Organokupferverbindung
organo palladium compound Organopalladiumverbindung
copper compound Kupferverbindung
anti-pipe compound Lunkerpulver
carbocyclic compound carbocyclische Verbindung
organo sodium compound Organonatriumverbindung
organo rhenium compound Organorheniumverbindung
mercury compound Quecksilberverbindung
compound strip Verbundstreifen
diazonium compound Diazoniumverbindung
compound block Viellochstein
carbon compound Kohlenstoffverbindung
organic phosphorus compound organische Phosphorverbindung
arsenic compound Arsenverbindung
gold compound Goldverbindung
compound connection Verbundschaltung
compound circuit Verbundschaltung
organo manganese compound Organomanganverbindung
unspecified compound unspezifiziert
zinc compound Zinkverbindung
organic macromolecular compound organische makromolekulare Verbindung
oxygen compound Sauerstoffverbindung
natural compound natürliche Verbindung
plastic-paper-compound foil Kunststoff-Papier-Verbundfolie
organo-arsenic compound Organoarsenverbindung
parting compound Trennmittel
nitrogen compound Stickstoffverbindung
palladium compound Palladiumverbindung
organic tin compound organische Zinnverbindung
organo silicon compound Organosiliciumverbindung
compound ingot casting Verbundblockguss
macromolecular organic compound makromolekulare organische Verbindung
AII-BVI-compound AII-BVI-Verbindung
beryllium compound Berylliumverbindung
germanium compound Germanium-Verbindung
silicone parting compound Silicontrennmittel
organo magnesium compound Organomagnesiumverbindung
nitro compound Nitroverbindung
separating compound Trennmittel
metal compound Metallverbindung
Grignard compound Grignardverbindung
organic fluorine compound organische Fluorverbindung
compound structure Verbund [m]
jointing compound Dichtstoff [m]
material compound Materialverbund [m]
material compound Werkstoffverbund [m]
compound steel Verbundstahl [m]
compound motor Verbundmotor [m]
compound slide rest Kreuzsupport [m]
compound arrangement Verbund [m]
compound interest Zinseszins [m]
compound crystal Verbindungskristall [m]
insulating compound Wärmedämmstoff [m]
phenolic molding compound Phenolplast [m]
phenolic moulding compound Phenolplast [m]
joint sealing compound Fugendichtungsmasse [f]
sealing compound Dichtungsmasse [f]
compound spring Blattfeder [f]
elastomer compound Elastomermischung [f]
heat sink compound Wärmeleitpaste [f]
heat sink compound Wärmeableitpaste [f]
heat transfer compound Wärmeleitpaste [f]
jointing compound Dichtmasse [f]
jointing compound Ausfugmasse [f]
antipiping compound Lunkerabdeckmasse [f]
polishing compound Polierpaste [f]
sealing compound Abdichtmasse [f]
sealing compound Abdichtungsmasse [f]
sealing compound Dichtmasse [f]
compound steam engine Verbunddampfmaschine [f]
carbon compound Kohlenstoffverbindung [f]
organomolybdenum compound organische Molybdänverbindung [f]
chain compound Kettenverbindung [f]
graphite compound Graphit-Verbindung [f]
tagged compound markierte Verbindung [f]
organophosphorous compound phosphororganische Verbindung [f]
organic compound organische Verbindung [f]
pourable sealing compound Vergussmasse [f]
inclusion compound Einschlussverbindung [f]
conjugate compound konjugierte Verbindung [f]
labelled compound markierte Verbindung [f]
ion compound Ionenverbindung [f]
nonpolar compound unpolare Verbindung [f]
organomagnesium compound Organomagnesiumverbindung [f]
bedding compound Dichtmasse [f]
sandwich compound Sandwichverbindung [f]
molding compound Pressmasse [f]
organoaluminium compound Organoaluminiumverbindung [f]
silicone rubber compound Siliconkautschukmischung [f]
polishing compound Poliermasse [f]
grinding compound Schleifpaste [f]
caulking compound Dichtungsmasse [f]
organoaluminum compound Organoaluminiumverbindung [f]
silicon compound Siliziumverbindung [f]
joint compound Dichtungsmasse [f]
organoboron compound bororganische Verbindung [f]
chelate compound Chelatverbindung [f]
filling compound Spachtelmasse [f]
interstitial compound interstitielle Verbindung [f]
quarternary ammonium compound quartäre Ammoniumverbindung [f]
complex compound Komplexverbindung [f]
ring compound cyclische Verbindung [f]
metalorganic compound metallorganische Verbindung [f]
halogen compound Halogenverbindung [f]
metallic compound Metallverbindung [f]
cyclic compound Ringverbindung [f]
moulding compound Formmasse [f]
saturated compound gesättigte Verbindung [f]
organoboron compound Organoborverbindung [f]
silver compound Silberverbindung [f]
nonstoichiometric compound nichtstöchiometrische Verbindung [f]
intermediate compound Zwischenverbindung [f]
interhalogen compound Interhalogenverbindung [f]
electron compound intermetallische Verbindung [f]
cutting compound Schneidflüssigkeit [f]
organotin compound Organozinnverbindung [f]
molecular compound Molekülverbindung [f]
cyclic compound cyclische Verbindung [f]
moulding compound Pressmasse [f]
polyhydroxy compound Polyhydroxy-Verbindung [f]
polishing compound Polieremulsion [f]
inorganic compound anorganische Verbindung [f]
onium compound Oniumverbindung [f]
organometallic compound metallorganische Verbindung [f]
tread compound Laufflächenmischung [f]
coordination compound Komplexverbindung [f]
filling compound Dichtmasse [f]
iron compound Eisenverbindung [f]
organosulfur compound organische Schwefelverbindung [f]
dough moulding compound (DMC) teigförmige Premix-Pressmasse [f]
phenolic compound Phenolverbindung [f]
open-chain compound offenkettige Verbindung [f]
potting compound Vergussmasse [f]
ring compound ringförmige Verbindung [f]
starting compound Ausgangsverbindung [f]
phosphorous compound Phosphorverbindung [f]
oxygen compound Sauerstoffverbindung [f]
isotopic compound Isotopenverbindung [f]
organophosphorous compound Organophosphorverbindung [f]
interstitial compound Einlagerungsverbindung [f]
nitroso compound Nitrosoverbindung [f]
organic halogen compound organische Halogenverbindung [f]
sealing compound Kabelvergussmasse [f]
sulfur compound Schwefelverbindung [f]
labeled compound markierte Verbindung [f]
grinding compound Einschleifpaste [f]
joint compound Dichtmasse [f]
jointing compound Dichtungsmasse [f]
heterocyclic compound heterocyclische Verbindung [f]
sulphur compound Schwefelverbindung [f]
volatile organic compound (VOC) flüchtige organische Verbindung [f]
molecular compound Molekularverbindung [f]
compound foil Verbundfolie [f]
molding compound Formmasse [f]
hydrogenated compound hydrierte Verbindung [f]
lapping compound Einschleifpaste [f]
rubber compound Gummimischung [f]
metal compound intermetallische Phase [f]
insulating compound Isoliermasse [f]
vinyl compound Vinylverbindung [f]
organometallic compound Organometallverbindung [f]
ternary compound ternäre Verbindung [f]
sealing compound Ausgussmasse [f]
sodium compound Natriumverbindung [f]
intermetallic compound intermetallische Verbindung [f]
metal-chelate compound Metallchelatverbindung [f]
lattice compound Gitterverbindung [f]
organomagnesium compound Grignardverbindung [f]
intercalation compound of graphite Graphiteinlagerungsverbindung [f]
lamellar compound lamellare Verbindung [f]
chlorine compound Chlorverbindung [f]
ortho compound Ortho-Verbindung [f]
filling compound Füllmasse [f]
casting compound Gießmasse [f]
molding compound Abdruckmasse [f]
coating compound Streichmasse [f]
sealing compound Vergußmasse [f]
potting compound Gießmasse [f]
coating compound Überzugsmasse [f]
casting compound Abdruckmasse [f]
insulating compound Isoliermittel [n]
cutting compound Schneideöl [n]
antipiping compound Lunkerabdeckpulver (Metallurgie) [n]
antipiping compound Lunkerverhütungsmittel [n]
metal-chelate compound Metallchelat [n]
impregnating compound Imprägnierungsmittel [n]
embedding compound Einbettmaterial [n]
compound oil Compoundöl [n]
slushing compound Rostschutzmittel [n]
sealing compound Dichtungsmaterial [n]
sealing compound Versiegelungsmittel [n]
polishing compound Poliermittel [n]
compound bearing Mehrstofflager [n]
gas compound Gasgemisch [n]
condensed nucleus compound kondensiertes Ringsystem [n]
compound glass Verbundglas [n]
parting compound Trennmittel [n]
sound-absorptive compound Antidröhnmittel [n]
compound mischen [v]
compound zusammensetzen [v]
compound compoundieren [v]
compound legieren [v]
compound structures Verbunde [pl]
compound structures Verbünde [pl]
compound springs Blattfedern [pl]
compound miter saw Kapp- und Gehrungssäge
optically active compound optisch aktive Verbindung
compound engine Compoundmotor
compound engine Verbundmotor
organosilicon compound Organosiliciumverbindung
phosphorous compound Phosphorverbindung [f]
chlorine compound Chlorverbindung [f]
sealing compound Dichtmasse [f]
rubber compound Gummimischung [f]
plastic compound Kunststoffmasse [f]
chemical compound Chemische Zusammensetzung
SiC compound SiC Verbindung
Cold Rolling
anti rust compound Rostschutzmittel [n]
compound table Kreuztisch [m]
compound table Kreuzsupporttisch [m]
tandem-compound arrangement Einwellenanordnung [f]
tandem-compound arrangement Einwellenanordnung (Turbine) [f]
compound tables Kreuzsupporttische [pl]
compound tables Kreuztische [pl]
compound motion zusammengesetzte Bewegung [f]
welding compound Schweißmittel [n]
silicone compound Silicondichtung [f]
silicone compound Silikondichtung [f]
non-setting compound elastische Dichtungsmasse
non-setting glazing compound plastisch bleibender Kitt
compound crystal Verbindungskristall [m]
intermetallic compound intermetallische Verbindung [f]
electron compound Elektronenverbindung [f]
compound connection Verbundschaltung [f]
compound excitation Verbunderregung [f]
compound condition Mehrfachbedingung [f]
compound system Verbundsystem [n]
compound system Gesamtsystem [n]
compound condition zusammengesetzte Bedingung
compound expression zusammengesetzter Ausdruck
compound magnet Blättermagnet [m]
compound magnet Lamellenmagnet [m]
compound nucleus Compoundkern [m]
compound nucleus Verbundkern [m]
thermal compound Wärmeleitpaste [f]
compound microscope Verbundmikroskop [n]
compound pendulum physikalisches Pendel [n]
compound microscope zusammengesetztes Mikroskop [n]
compound pendulum physikalisches Pendel
quaternary (compound) quartär [adj]
aromatic compound Aromat [m]
compound semiconductor Verbindungshalbleiter [m]
bitter-tasting compound Bitterstoff [m]
heteroaromatic compound Heteroaromat [m]
acrylic sealing compound Acryldichtmasse [f]
addition compound Additionsverbindung [f]
azoxy compound Azoxyverbindung [f]
azoxy compound Azoverbindung [f]
bromine compound Bromverbindung [f]
carbonyl compound Carbonylverbindung [f]
cerium compound Ceriumverbindung [f]
chlorine compound Chlorverbindung [f]
ferric compound Ferriverbindung [Veraltet] [f]
ferric compound Ferriverbindung [f]
ferric compound Eisenverbindung [f]
ferrous compound Eisen(II)-verbindung [f]