effective - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "effective" in German English Dictionary : 45 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
effective effektvoll [adj]
effective wirksam [adj]
effective erfolgreich [adj]
effective wirkungsvoll [adj]
effective tatsächlich [adj]
effective probat [adj]
effective wirklich [adj]
effective in Kraft treten
effective wirksam [adj]
effective effektiv [adj]
effective gültig [adj]
effective wirkend [adj]
effective tatsächlich [adj]
effective wirklich [adj]
effective erfolgreich [adj]
effective in Kraft
effective effektiv [adj]
effective wirkend [adj]
effective wirksam [adj]
effective in Kraft
effective tatsächlich [adj]
effective wirklich [adj]
effective erfolgreich [adj]
effective wirksam [adj]
Quality Management
effective gültig [adj]
effective wirksam [adj]
effective effektiv [adj]
effective tatsächlich [adj]
effective wirklich [adj]
effective wirkungsvoll [adj]
effective Nutz-
effective wirksam [adj]
effective nutzbar [adj]
effective wirkungsvoll [adj]
effective wirkmächtig [adj]
effective wirksam [adj]
effective zweckmässig [adj]
effective nutzbar [adj]
effective wirksam [adj]
effective wirkend [adj]
effective wirklich [adj]
effective gültig [adj]
effective effektiv [adj]
effective effektiv [adj]
Mechanical Engineering
effective wirksam [adj]

Meanings of "effective" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 449 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
more effective effektiver [adj]
more effective wirksamer [adj]
most effective am wirksamsten [adj]
most effective am effektivsten [adj]
highly effective hochwirksam [adj]
immediately effective mit sofortiger Wirkung [adj]
effective in advertising werbewirksam [adj]
cost-effective preisgünstig [adj]
always effective zuverlässig [adj]
most effective wirksamste [adj]
legally effective rechtswirksam [adj]
cost-effective rentabel [adj]
highly effective hocheffektiv [adj]
most effective effektivste [adj]
acoustically effective akustisch wirksam [adj]
as effective as so effektiv wie [adj]
as effective as genauso wirksam wie [adj]
as effective as so wirkend wie [adj]
as effective as so wirkungsvoll wie [adj]
effective against dandruff wirksam gegen Schuppen [adj]
effective and active wirksam und aktiv [adj]
effective as from today von heute an gültig [adj]
effective as from today ab heute wirksam [adj]
in an effective manner auf wirksame Weise [adv]
in an effective manner auf effektive Weise [adv]
in an effective manner auf effiziente Weise [adv]
effective date Stichtag [m]
effective date of valuation Wertermittlungsstichtag [m]
effective value Effektivwert [m]
effective range Messbereich [m]
effective resistance Wirkwiderstand [m]
effective pitch diameter Flankendurchmesser [m]
effective communicator effektiver Kommunikator [m]
effective expansion effektiver Ausbau [m]
effective interest rate Effektivzinssatz [m]
effective rate Effektivzins [m]
effective rate Effektivzinssatz [m]
effective use effektiver Einsatz [m]
effective head Druckhöhe [f]
effective heat capacity Wärmekapazität [f]
effective power Nutzleistung [f]
effective power Wirkleistung [f]
effective output Effektivleistung [f]
effective surface Nutzfläche [f]
effective power effektive Leistungsfähigkeit [f]
effective power Nutzkraft [f]
effective rent Istmiete [f]
effective temperature effektive Temperatur [f]
effective power Wirkkraft [f]
effective communication effektive Kommunikation [f]
effective communication wirkungsvolle Kommunikation [f]
effective communication wirksame Kommunikation [f]
effective communication effiziente Kommunikation [f]
effective control effektive Steuerung [f]
effective control Effektivkontrolle [f]
effective control wirksame Kontrolle [f]
effective control wirkungsvolle Steuerung [f]
effective control wirkungsvolle Kontrolle [f]
effective control effiziente Steuerung [f]
effective control effiziente Kontrolle [f]
effective expansion wirksame Vergrößerung [f]
effective interest rate Effektivverzinsung [f]
effective method Effektivmethode [f]
effective method wirksame Methode [f]
effective method effektive Methode [f]
effective rate Effektivverzinsung [f]
effective relief wirksame Entlastung [f]
effective relief wirksame Erleichterung [f]
effective relief wirksame Abhilfe [f]
effective use effektive Nutzung [f]
effective use wirksame Nutzung [f]
effective use effiziente Anwendung [f]
effective use effiziente Verwendung [f]
effective work effektive Arbeit [f]
effective work effiziente Arbeit [f]
effective head nutzbares Gefälle (Wasserbau) [n]
effective head Nutzgefälle [n]
effective range Meßbereich [alt] [n]
effective method wirksames Verfahren [n]
effective method effektives Verfahren [n]
remain effective wirksam bleiben [v]
be clinically effective/efficacious klinisch wirksam sein [v]
be cost-effective aus Kostengründen [v]
be effective wirken [v]
be effective gelten [v]
be effective in Kraft sein [v]
be effective zur Geltung kommen [v]
be tellingly effective eine deutlich sichtbare Wirkung zeigen [v]
become effective in Kraft treten [v]
become effective wirksam werden [v]
become effective Wirkung erlangen [v]
cease to be effective unwirksam werden [v]
cease to be effective außer Kraft treten [v]
to cease to be effective außer Kraft treten [v]
be effective as of wirksam sein ab [v]
be very effective sehr wirksam sein [v]
be very effective sehr effektiv sein [v]
be very effective sehr wirkungsvoll sein [v]
be very effective sehr effizient sein [v]
effective dates Lostage [pl]
effective dates Stichtage [pl]
effective ranges Meßbereiche [pl]
effective values Effektivwerte [pl]
effective safeguards wirksame Sicherheitsmaßnahmen [pl]
effective time constants effektive Zeitkonstanten [pl]
effective supply effektives Angebot
effective climate classification effektive Klimaklassifikation
effective address absolute Adresse
effective address echte Adresse
effective conversion echte Konversion
effective demand effektive Nachfrage
effective date Zeitpunkt/Tag des Inkrafttretens
effective demand wirksame Nachfrage
effective focal distance effektive Brennweite
effective grain size wirksame Korngröße
effective focal length effektive Brennweite
effective demand tatsächliche Nachfrage
effective money bares Geld
effective management tatsächliche Geschäftsführung
effective length of buckling bar Knicklänge des Knickstabes
effective protection effektiver Schutz
effective porosity effektive Porosität
effective seam thickness gebaute Flözmächtigkeit
been effective gewirkt
been effective zur Geltung gekommen
being effective wirkend
being effective zur Geltung kommend
striking/effective designs effektvolle Muster
effective dose Dosis effectiva
effective dose Wirkdosis
most effective am effektivsten
most cost-effective am kostengünstigsten
effective dose Effektivdosis
effective dose Wirkungsdosis
most effective am wirksamsten
effective dose effektive Dosis
cost-effective kostengünstig [adj]
effective in law rechtswirksam [adj]
cost effective kostenwirksam [adj]
legally effective rechtswirksam [adj]
effective in advertising werbewirksam [adj]
effective force Wirkungskraft [f]
effective area Nutzfläche [f]
become effective in Kraft treten
effective demand tatsächliche Nachfrage
effective demand wirksame Nachfrage
effective time tatsächliche Zeit
effective forthwith sofort in Kraft
immediately effective mit sofortiger Wirkung
immediately effective sofort gültig
cost effective kosteneffektiv [adj]
effective interest yield Effektivverzinsung [f]
effective funding rate Effektivfinanzierungsrate [f]
effective date Haftungsbeginn [m]
effective interest method Effektivzinsmethode [f]
effective for tax purposes steuerlich anerkannt
effective date Zeitpunkt des Inkrafttretens
effective demand tatsächliche Nachfrage
cost-effective kostengünstig [adj]
effective demand effektive Nachfrage
effective time tatsächliche Zeit
Quality Management
effective temperature range effektiver Temperaturbereich [m]
effective temperature range Wirktemperaturbereich [m]
effective temperature Wirktemperatur [f]
Work Safety
effective temperature Effektiv-Temperatur
effective duration effektive Gebrauchszeit
effective temperature effektive Temperatur
corrected effective temperature korrigierte Effektivtemperatur
legally effective rechtswirksam [adj]
legally effective gültig [adj]
effective in law rechtswirksam [adj]
(In order) to become effective ... Um wirksam zu werden ...
(In order) to become effective ... Zu seiner Wirksamkeit ...
right in personam (effective only against a certain person) obligatorisches Recht
effective forthwith sofort in Kraft
Swiss Law
effective date Datum des Inkrafttretens
effective area of jet nozzle Schubdüsenquerschnitt
effective area Querschnitt
variation of the effective area Querschnittsänderung
variation of the effective area jet pipe Querschnittsänderung von Strahlrohr
as well as aeroplane effective auch als Starrflügelflugzeug wirksam
non-uniform effective diameter ungleicher Laufdurchmesser
measurement of effective values Effektivwertmessung
scheduled/effective comparation Soll/Ist-Vergleich
effective date Lostag [Ös.] [m]
effective date Zeitpunkt/Tag [m]
effective date Lostag [m]
effective date Zeitpunkt/Tag {m} des Inkrafttretens
highly effective hochwirksam [adj]
cost-effective kostengünstig [adj]
proven effective bewährt [adj]
effective perceived noise level effektiver perceived-noise-level” [m]
effective stylus tip radius effektiver Verrundungsradius einer Abtastnadel [m]
effective substrate Wirkstoff [m]
effective resistance Wirkwiderstand [m]
mean effective pressure mittlerer Arbeitsdruck [m]
effective value tatsächlicher Wert [m]
effective value quadratischer Mittelwert [m]
effective value Effektivwert [m]
effective capacity Nutzinhalt [m]
effective power Nutzeffekt [m]
effective pressure Wirkdruck [m]
effective diameter Flankendurchmesser [m]
effective cutting angle Spanwinkel [m]
effective date Stichtag [m]
effective power Wirkleistung [f]
effective direction Wirkrichtung [f]
effective radiated power effektive Strahlungsleistung [f]
effective boresight area wirksame Intersektionsfläche [f]
effective digit rate effektive Digitrate [f]
effective gap length effektive Spaltbreite [f]
effective antenna gain contour wirksame Antennengewinnkontur [f]
effective bearing area Lochleibungsfläche [f]
effective hourly capacity (of a screen) Beaufschlagung (eines Siebes) [f]
effective hourly capacity (of a screen) Beaufschlagung [f]
effective power Nutzleistung [f]
effective output tatsächliche Leistung [f]
effective area Nutzfläche [f]
effective demand tatsächliche Nachfrage [f]
effective surface Wirkfläche [f]
effective depth Nutzhöhe [f]
effective surface Nutzfläche [f]
effective efficiency Wirkleistung [f]
effective viscosity effektive Viskosität [f]
effective porosity wirksame Porosität [f]
effective capacity effektive Leistung [f]
effective power Nutzkraft [f]
effective capacity wirksame Kapazität [f]
effective area Wirkfläche [f]
effective surface wirksame Oberfläche [f]
effective load Nutzlast [f]
effective area wirksame Oberfläche [f]
effective grain size wirksame Korngröße [f]
effective diameter lichte Weite [f]
effective hardening depth Einhärtungstiefe [f]
effective working surface wirksame Arbeitsfläche [f]
effective atomic number effektive Kernladungszahl [f]
effective strength Effektivstärke [f]
effective power Effektivleistung [f]
effective capacity Nutzleistung [f]
effective length Nutzlänge [f]
effective mode volume effektives Modenvolumen [n]
effective volume Nutzvolumen [n]
effective output effektive Leistung
effective sound velocity effektive Schallgeschwindigkeit
effective dose effektive Dosis
effective length tragende Länge
effective half-life effektive Halbwertzeit
effective day Tag des Inkrafttretens
become effective sich auswirken
median effective dose mittlere effektive Dosis (ED 50)
effective pressure Wirkdruck [m]
effective power Wirkleistung [f]
Cold Rolling
effective area Nutzfläche [f]
effective steam pressure effektiver Dampfdruck [m]
effective head effektive Druckhöhe [f]
effective cross-sectional area wirksame Querschnittsfläche [f]
effective span lichte Stützweite
effective value Effektivwert [m]
effective power Nutzleistung [f]
effective area Effektivfläche [f]
effective input capacitance wirksame Eingangskapazität
effective resistance effektiver Widerstand
effective address wirkliche Adresse
effective mass wirksame Masse
effective resistance effektiver Widerstand [m]
effective pressure Wirkdruck [m]
effective date Datum des Inkrafttretens
effective area (space station) Wirkungsbereich [m]
effective isotropically-radiated power äquivalente isotrope Strahlungsleistung [f]
effective focal length effektive Brennweite [f]
effective mode volume effektive Modenamplitude [f]
effective dose Effektivdosis [f]
effective intensity effektive Lichtstärke
effective half-life effektive Halbwertzeit
cost-effective kostensparend [adj]
effective depth Nutzhöhe [f]
effective length Knicklänge [f]
effective output Effektivleistung [f]
effective height Nutzhöhe [f]
effective span Stützweite [f]
effective stress Vergleichsspannung [f]
effective width of slab mitwirkende Plattenbreite
effective width of t-beams mitwirkende Breite bei Plattenbalken
effective area effektiv nutzbare Fläche
effective concentration Wirkkonzentration [f]
effective plume height effektive Schornsteinhöhe
effective precipitation effektiver Niederschlag
effective dosis wirksame Dosis
effective well radius wirksamer Brunnenradius [m]
effective precipitation effektiver Niederschlag [m]
effective rainfall effektiver Regen [m]
effective well diameter wirksamer Brunnendurchmesser [m]
effective stress tatsächlicher Stress [m]
effective precipitation abflußwirksamer Niederschlag [m]
effective diameter wirksamer Korndurchmesser [m]
effective capillary conductivity effektive kapillare Leitfähigkeit [f]
effective drainage porosity entwässerbare Porosität [f]
effective velocity Bahngeschwindigkeit [f]
effective drainage porosity wirksame Porosität [f]
effective porosity nutzbare Porosität [f]
effective permeability effektive Durchlässigkeit [f]
effective evaporation effektive Verdunstung [f]
effective porosity wirksame Porosität [f]
effective abstractions effektive Rückhaltung [f]
effective porosity effektive Porosität [f]
effective porosity Nutzporosität [f]
effective separating density Ausgleichswichte [f]
effective drop height effektive Fallhöhe [f]
effective grain size effektive Korngröße [f]
effective pile length Polschichtlänge [f]
effective stress Vergleichsspannung [f]
effective radiation effektive Ausstrahlung
effective stress wirksame Spannung [f]
cost effective kostengünstig [adj]
effective value Nutzwert [m]
effective power Effektivleistung [f]
effective length Eingriffslänge [f]
effective efficiency effektiver Wirkungsgrad
effective pitch Luftschraubeneinstellwinkel [m]
mean effective pressure mittlerer Nutzdruck [m]
brake mean effective pressure mittlere Bremsleistung [f]
cost effective kostengünstig [adj]
effective value Effektivwert [m]
effective radius Wirkradius [m]
effective stroke Nutzhub [m]
effective braking time Bremswirkungsdauer [f]
effective power Nutzleistung [f]
effective area Wirkfläche [f]
effective stroke Effektivhub [n]
effective diameter Wirkdurchmesser [n]
effective length Wirksame Länge
effective power effektive Leistung
effective day Stichtag [m]
effective height Nutzhöhe [f]
effective area Nutzfläche [f]
effective instruction endgültiger Befehl [m]
effective address effektive Adresse [f]
effective data transfer rate effektive Datenübertragungsgeschwindigkeit [f]
effective interaction effektives Zusammenwirken
SAP Terms
pay effective lohnwirksam [adj]
effective price Effektivpreis [m]
effective value Effektivwert [m]
effective capacity Effektivkapazität [f]
effective-in criterion Einlaufkriterium [n]
effective-out Auslaufkriterium [n]
effective-out indicator Auslaufkennzeichen [n]
effective-in date Einlaufdatum [n]
effective date Wirksamkeitsdatum [n]
effective-out date Auslaufdatum [n]
effective reservation wirksame Reservierung
effective from Datum ab
effective until Datum bis
Electrical Engineering
effective filament diameter effektiver Filamentdurchmesser [m]
effective field ratio effektiver Erregergrad [m]
effective radius of the Earth effektiver Erdradius [m]
effective Earth-radius factor Krümmungsfaktor [m]
maximum effective supply current größter effektiver Netzstrom [m]
effective value Effektivwert [m]
effective cross-section Nutzquerschnitt [m]
effective resistance effektiver Widerstand [m]
effective range of measurement effektiver Messbereich [m]
effective scalar permeability effektive skalare Permeabilität [f]
effective wrapping length effektive Wickellänge [f]
effective dimensions effektive Abmessungen [f]
effective radiated power effektive Strahlungsleistung [f]
effective selectivity effektive Trennschärfe [f]
effective permeability effektive Permeabilität [f]
effective deceleration effektive Verzögerung [f]
effective press-in length effektive Einpresslänge [f]
effective area effektive Fläche [f]
effective turns per phase effektive Windungszahl je Außenleiter [f]
effective synchronous reactance ideelle Synchronreaktanz [f]
effective power balance Wirkungsleistungsbilanz [f]
effective power Wirkleistung [f]
effective field effektives Feld
effective intensity effektive Lichtstärke [f]
effective dose wirksame Dosis [f]
effective head Druckhöhe [f]
effective head nutzbares Gefälle [n]
Nuclear Energy
effective multiplication factor effektiver Multiplikationsfaktor [m]
effective range of measurement effektiver Messbereich [m]
effective atomic number effektive Ordnungszahl [f]
effective dose equivalent effektive Dosis [f]
effective isotropically-radiated power äquivalente isotrope Strahlungsleistung [f]
effective aperture Antennenwirkfläche [f]
effective bandwidth Nutzbandbreite [f]
effective margin effektiver Empfangsspielraum [m]
effective traffic effektiver Verkehr [m]
effective duration of a call effektive Anrufdauer [f]
effective transfer rate effektive Übertragungsrate [f]
effective data transfer rate effektive Datenübertragungsgeschwindigkeit [f]
effective slit width effektive Schlitzbreite [f]
effective picture signal wirksames Bildsignal [n]
effective call erfolgreicher Anruf [m]
legally effective rechtswirksam [adj]
effective anonymisation Pseudonymisierung [f]
effective unit fehlerfreies Stück
effective degrees of freedom effektive Anzahl von Freiheitsgraden
effective range effektive Spannweite
effective aperture effektive Blende [f]
effective candle power Nennlichtstärke [f]
effective aperture Nennöffnung [f]
effective image field brauchbares Bildfeld [n]
effective aperture of a lens Nennöffhung eines Objektivs
effective strength Iststärke [f]
combat effective unit einsatzfähige Einheit [f]
effective immediately ab sofort
effective range Wirkungsbereich [m]
effective range Schussweite [f]
effective range Schussweite
effective range Wirkungsbereich
effective value Istwert [m]
be effective wirken [v]
median effective dose mittlere wirksame Dosis
median effective dose mittlere effektive Dosis
effective electromotive force Effektiv-EMK [f]
effective perceived noise level Lärmstörpegel [m]
effective sound pressure effektiver Schalldruck [m]
effective mass effektive Masse [f]
effective gap length effektive Spaltbreite [f]
effective acoustic center [us] akustisches Zentrum [n]
effective acoustic centre [uk] akustisches Zentrum [n]
Mechanical Engineering
effective diameter Flankendurchmesser [m]
effective power Wirkleistung [m]
mean effective pressure mittlerer Nutzdruck [m]
effective motion Wirkbewegung [f]
effective direction Wirkrichtung [f]
effective horsepower Nutzpferdestärke [f]
effective work Nutzarbeit [f]
become effective wirksam werden [v]
Nuclear Technology
effective steam pressure effektiver Dampfdruck [m]
effective neutron multiplication constant effektive Neutronen-Multiplikationskonstante [f]
effective particle density effektive Teilchendichte [f]
theory of effective radius Atomradiustheorie [f]
effective neutron lifetime effektive Neutronenlebensdauer
effective load Nennlast [f]
effective gap length effektive Spaltbreite [f]
effective bandwidth Nutzbandbreite [f]
effective acoustic centre [uk] nutzbares Akustikzentrum [n]
effective acoustic center [us] nutzbares Akustikzentrum [n]
effective temperature range effektiver Temperaturbereich [m]
effective temperature range Wirktemperaturbereich [m]
effective temperature Wirktemperatur [f]
effective heating surface Heizfläche [f]
effective latent heat of fusion latente Schmelzwärme [f]
Water Supply
effective evaporation effektive Verdunstung [f]
effective tank-cooling surface wirksame Kesselkühlfläche [f]
effective sound pressure effektiver Schalldruck [m]