inventory - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "inventory" in German English Dictionary : 53 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
inventory Lagerbestand [m]
inventory Warenbestand [m]
inventory Bestand [m]
inventory Vorrat [m]
inventory Inventur [f]
inventory Inventarisierung [f]
inventory Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Bestandsverzeichnis [n]
inventory Inventur
inventory Bestand [m]
inventory Warenbestand [m]
inventory Lagerbestand [m]
inventory Vorrat [m]
inventory Inventurliste [f]
inventory Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory Inventur [f]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Lager [n]
inventory Inventur
inventory Inventar
inventory Lagerbestand [m]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Aktien [pl]
inventory Vorräte [pl]
inventory Effekten [pl]
inventory Inventur [f]
inventory Warenbestand [m]
inventory Vorrat [m]
inventory Lagerbestand [m]
inventory Inventurliste [f]
inventory Inventur [f]
inventory Inventarverzeichnis [n]
inventory Bestand [m]
inventory Bestandaufnahme [f]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory Bestandsverzeichnis [n]
inventory Lagerbestand [m]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Stückliste [f]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Lageraufnahme [f]
inventory Inventar [n]
SAP Terms
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory inventarisieren [v]
inventory Inventur [f]
inventory Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory Inventar [n]
inventory Lagerbestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory Inventar [n]

Meanings of "inventory" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 288 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
active inventory Grundbestand [m]
final inventory Endbestand [m]
inventory turns Lagerumschlag [m]
actual inventory Ist-Bestand [m]
book inventory Buchbestand [m]
taking of an inventory Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory list Inventurliste [f]
ending inventory Endbestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory list Inventarliste [f]
inventory list Bestandsliste [f]
end-of-period inventory Stichtagsinventur [f]
inventory accounting Lagerbuchführung [f]
environmental inventory Umweltbestandsaufnahme [f]
property inventory Besitzinventar [n]
inventory book Inventurbuch [n]
book inventory Bücherinventar [n]
burnout inventory Maß der Ausbrennung [n]
inventory Inventur machen [v]
inventory inventarisieren [v]
inventory Bestand aufnehmen [v]
keep an inventory ein Inventarverzeichnis führen [v]
make an inventory (of) Bestand aufnehmen [v]
make an inventory (of) inventarisieren [v]
make an inventory (of) Inventur machen [v]
deposit (inventory) (tenancy law) (Inventar) einbringen (Mietrecht) [v]
take inventory Inventur aufnehmen [v]
take inventory Inventur machen [v]
create an inventory eine Bestandaufnahme erstellen [v]
create an inventory eine Inventur erstellen [v]
create an inventory eine Bestandliste erstellen [v]
create an inventory ein Inventar erstellen [v]
create an inventory eine Bestandaufnahme anlegen [v]
create an inventory eine Inventur anlegen [v]
create an inventory eine Bestandliste anlegen [v]
create an inventory ein Inventar anlegen [v]
create an inventory ein Verzeichnis erstellen [v]
create an inventory ein Verzeichnis anlegen [v]
made an inventory Bestand aufgenommen
made an inventory inventarisiert
making an inventory inventarisierend
making an inventory Bestand aufnehmend
ABC inventory control system Lagerhaltung nach ABC-Klassifikation
average inventory on hand mittlerer Lagerbestand
initial inventory Anfangsbestand [m]
inventory liquidation Lagerabbau [m]
inventory location Lagerort [m]
minimum inventory Bestellbestand [m]
article inventory Artikelbestand [m]
ending inventory Schlussbestand [m]
final inventory Endbestand [m]
opening inventory Warenanfangsbestand [m]
minimum inventory Mindestbestand [m]
inventory on hand Lagerbestand [m]
inventory tag Inventuranhänger [m]
inventory control Lagerkontrolle [f]
taking an inventory Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory management Lagerverwaltung [f]
inventory control Bestandsaufnahme [f]
administration of inventory Lagerwirtschaft [f]
annual inventory count Jahresinventur [f]
inventory listing Bestandsliste [f]
inventory list Inventurliste [f]
inventory management Bestandsführung [f]
taking of an inventory Inventuraufnahme [f]
inventory turnover ratio Lagerumschlagshäufigkeit [f]
inventory card Lagerbestandskarte [f]
physical inventory count Inventur [f]
inventory control Bestandskontrolle [f]
inventory card Lagerkarte [f]
continuous inventory Dauerinventur [f]
inventory taking Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory pricing Bestandsbewertung [f]
year-end inventory Jahresschlußinventar [n]
inventory control system Warenwirtschaftssystem [n]
inventory account Sachkonto [n]
inventory listings Inventarverzeichnis [n]
inventory account Warenkonto [n]
inventory sheet Inventarverzeichnis [n]
inventory register Inventurbuch [n]
to do inventory Inventur machen [v]
inventory cost Lagerkosten [pl]
hedge inventory spekulative Warenbestände [pl]
inventory listings Bestandslisten [pl]
inventory lists Inventurlisten [pl]
inventory locations Lagerorte [pl]
inventory costs Lagerkosten [pl]
permanent inventory laufende Inventur
inventory card Lagerbestandskarte
estimated inventory geschätzte Inventur
perpetual inventory laufende Inventur
raise an inventory Inventar aufnehmen
inventory loan Beleihung des Warenlagers
inventory increases Lageraufbau [m]
inventory reduction Lagerabbau [m]
ABC inventory classification ABC-Inventar-Klassifikation [f]
closing inventory at the end of the year Jahresendbestand [m]
closing inventory Endbestand [m]
closing inventory Schlussbestand [m]
ending inventory Schlussbestand [m]
minimum inventory level Mindestbestand [m]
days inventory held Bestandsreichweite [f]
perpetual inventory system permanente Inventur [f]
inventory valuation Bestandsbewertung [f]
inventory accounting Lagerbuchführung [f]
sampling inventory Stichprobeninventur [f]
annual inventory Jahresinventur [f]
inventory taking Inventur [f]
inventory pricing Bestandsbewertung [f]
end-of-period inventory Stichtagsinventur [f]
inventory difference Inventurdifferenz [f]
inventory accounting department Lagerbuchhaltung [f]
closing inventory Jahresinventur [f]
inventory list Bestandsverzeichnis [n]
inventory management Vorratsmanagement [n]
inventory of assets Vermögensverzeichnis [n]
property inventory Bestandsverzeichnis [n]
inventory changes Bestandsveränderungen [pl]
stock of inventory Vorräte [pl]
continuous inventory permanente Inventur
inventory tag Inventuranhänger [m]
inventory card Lagerkarte [f]
inventory card Lagerbestandskarte [f]
inventory sheet Inventarverzeichnis [n]
inventory evidence Bestandsnachweis [m]
inventory counter Lagerbestandszähler
inventory sheet Inventarverzeichnis [n]
fuel inventory Brennstoffeinsatz [m]
minimum inventory Mindestbestand [m]
opening inventory Anfangsbestand [m]
closing inventory Endbestand [m]
inventory change Bestandsänderung [f]
inventory control Bestandskontrolle [f]
life cycle inventory Sachbilanz [f]
inventory taking Bestandsaufnahme [f]
spares inventory Ersatzteilhaltung [f]
equipment inventory Ausrüstungsverzeichnis [n]
core inventory Kerninventar [n]
reduce stock inventory abbbauen [v]
inventory cost Bestandskosten [pl]
inventory no Inventar-Nr
physical inventory realer Bestand
inventory number Inventarnummer [f]
inventory number Inventurnummer [f]
optimal inventory optimale Lagerhaltung
soil condition inventory Bodenzustandsinventur [f]
inventory number Inventarnummer [f]
task inventory survey Aufgabeninventar-Erhebung [f]
task inventory Aufgabeninventar [n]
differentiation-analytic inventory Differenzierungsanalytisches Inventar
reallocation inventory Umlegungsverzeichnis [n]
inventory of forest damage Waldschadensinventur [f]
forest inventory Waldinventur [f]
forest damage inventory Waldzustandsinventur [f]
greenhouse gas inventory Treibhausgasinventur [f]
life cycle inventory (LCI) Sachbilanz [f]
emission inventory Emissionskataster / [n]
water management inventory Wasserbuch [n]
water management inventory Wasserrecht [n]
landscape inventory Landschaftsinventar [n]
emissions inventory Emissionskataster [m/n]
Austrian forest inventory österreichische Waldinventur
groundwater inventory Grundwasserbestand [m]
inventory check Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory review Bestandsaufnahme [f]
account inventory tape Kontenbestandsband [n]
inventory changes Bestandsveränderung [f]
forest inventory Waldaufnahme [f]
vehicle inventory Fahrzeuginventar [n]
material inventory Materialbestand [m]
inventory order Lagerauftrag [m]
reconciling inventory Abgleich [m]
inventory turnover Lagerumschlag [m]
incoming inventory Lagerzugang [m]
inventory value Lagerbestandswert [m]
inventory reduction Lagerabbau [m]
inventory profit Lagergewinn [m]
inventory shrinkage Bestandsverlust [m]
inventory turnover Bestandsumschlag [m]
inventory reduction Bestandsreduzierung [f]
inventory valuation Lagerbewertung [f]
inventory management Lagerdisposition [f]
inventory movement Lagerbewegung [f]
inventory status report Bestandsübersicht [f]
inventory accounting Lagerbuchführung [f]
inventory taking Inventur [f]
inventory control Bestandssteuerung [f]
inventory control Materialdisposition [f]
inventory control Lagerhaltungskontrolle [f]
inventory management Lagerhaltung [f]
inventory item Bestandsposition [f]
inventory discrepancy Inventurdifferenz [f]
inventory control system Lagerverwaltung [f]
inventory management Lagerwirtschaft [f]
inventory shortage Lagerknappheit [f]
inventory control Bestandskontrolle [f]
inventory list Inventarverzeichnis [n]
inventory management Bestandsmanagement [n]
inventory register Inventurbuch [n]
inventory costs Bestandskosten [pl]
inventory carrying costs Lagerkosten [pl]
inventory holding costs Lagerkosten [pl]
inventory holding costs Lagerhaltungskosten [pl]
inventory carrying costs Lagerhaltungskosten [pl]
available inventory verfügbarer Lagerbestand
data inventory Datenbestand [m]
inventory of data Datenbestand [m]
SAP Terms
inventory clerk Inventuraufnehmer [m]
physical inventory status Inventurstatus [m]
book inventory balance Buchbestand [m]
ending inventory Endbestand [m]
physical inventory procedure Inventurablauf [m]
wip inventory Umlaufbestand [m]
beginning inventory Anfangsbestand [m]
physical inventory price Inventurpreis [m]
physical inventory document Inventuraufnahmebeleg [m]
physical inventory recount Inventurnachzählung [f]
inventory monitoring Bestandsüberwachung [f]
inventory monitoring list Bestandsüberwachungsliste [f]
inventory sheet Inventuraufnahmeliste [f]
inventory proposal list Inventurvorschlagsliste [f]
initial entry of inventory data Bestandsaufnahme [f]
inventory input list Inventurerfassungsliste [f]
warehouse inventory list Inventuraufnahmeliste [f]
inventory number Inventarnummer [f]
inventory accounting Materialbuchhaltung [f]
inventory posting Bestandsbuchung [f]
inventory management Bestandsführung [f]
inventory management type Bestandsführungsart [f]
physical inventory valuation Inventurbewertung [f]
inventory number Inventurnummer [f]
physical inventory history Inventurhistorie [f]
buffer stock physical inventory Pufferbestandsinventur [f]
inventory adjustment posting Inventurdifferenzenbuchung [f]
inventory update Bestandsfortschreibung [f]
inventory method Inventurart [f]
physical inventory list Inventuraufnahmeliste [f]
complete inventory count Vollerhebung [f]
inventory adjustment posting Inventurdifferenzbuchung [f]
inventory difference Inventurdifferenz [f]
inventory audit Bestandsprüfung [f]
annual inventory count Stichtagsinventur [f]
periodic inventory Stichtagsinventur [f]
inventory turnover Umschlagshäufigkeit [f]
list of inventory differences Inventurdifferenzenliste [f]
taking inventory Inventuraufnahme [f]
upward inventory revaluation Bestandsaufwertung [f]
inventory history Inventurhistorie [f]
physical inventory count Inventurzählung [f]
inventory costing Inventurkalkulation [f]
inventory recount Inventurnachzählung [f]
physical inventory statistics Inventurstatistik [f]
inventory valuation Bestandsbewertung [f]
physical inventory Inventur [f]
annual inventory Stichtagsinventur [f]
inventory sampling procedure Stichprobeninventur [f]
physical inventory management Inventurabwicklung [f]
inventory revaluation Bestandsumbewertung [f]
inventory devaluation Bestandsabwertung [f]
physical inventory indicator Inventurkennzeichen [n]
inventory sampling method Stichprobeninventurverfahren [n]
inventory blocking indicator Inventursperrkennzeichen [n]
inventory controlling Bestandscontrolling [n]
inventory management indicator Bestandsführungskennzeichen [n]
date of physical inventory Inventurdatum [n]
inventory clearing indicator Inventurausbuchungskennzeichen [n]
inventory count Inventurzählergebnis [n]
inventory adjustment date Ausbuchdatum [n]
inventory sampling profile Stichprobeninventurprofil [n]
inventory valuation procedure Bestandsbewertungsverfahren [n]
inventory data Lagerdaten [pl]
physical inventory data Inventurdaten [pl]
inventory management on a sales price basis Bestandsführung zu Verkaufspreisen
continuous inventory permanente Inventur
physical inventory körperliche Inventur
periodic inventory sampling Stichtags-Stichprobeninventur
inventory-count transfer order Inventurzähl-Transportauftrag
inventory label Inventarschildchen
inventory of contents Inventarverzeichnis [n]
perpetual inventory method Kumulationsmethode [f]
greenhouse gas inventory Treibhausinventar [n]
inventory problems Lagerhaltungsprobleme [pl]
perpetual inventory method Perpetual-Inventory-Methode
make an inventory inventarisieren [v]
Nuclear Technology
activity inventory Aktivitätsverzeichnis [n]
activity inventory Brennstoffinventar [n]
fuel inventory Brennstoffinventar [n]
fissile inventory ratio Spaltstoffverhältnis [n]
emission inventory Emissionsverzeichnis [n]