prospective - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "prospective" in German English Dictionary : 14 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
prospective vorausblickend [adj]
prospective zukünftig [adj]
prospective vorraussichtlich [adj]
prospective weitsichtig [adj]
prospective angehend [adj]
prospective aussichtsreich [adj]
prospective prospektiv [adj]
prospective angehend [adj]
prospective zukünftig [adj]
prospective voraussichtlich [adj]
prospective aussichtsreich [adj]
prospective angehend [adj]
prospective höffig [adj]
prospective Voraussicht [f]

Meanings of "prospective" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 118 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
prospective (only before noun) angehend (Person) [adj]
prospective (matter) (only before noun) präsumptiv (Sache) [adj]
prospective (only before noun) anlaufend [adj]
prospective (only before noun) künftig [adj]
prospective (only before noun) werdend (Person) [adj]
prospective (only before noun) in spe (nachgestellt) [adj]
prospective (only before noun) zukünftig [adj]
prospective (only before noun) anstehend [adj]
prospective (only before noun) zu erwartend [adj]
prospective home buyer Wohnungswerber (Ankauf) [Ös.] [m]
prospective home buyer Wohnungsbewerber [m]
prospective home buyer Wohnungsinteressent [m]
prospective candidate Kandidat [m]
prospective tenant Wohnungsbewerber [m]
prospective tenant Wohnungswerber (Miete) [Ös.] [m]
prospective tenant Wohnungsinteressent [m]
prospective investor Anlageinteressent [m]
prospective candidate Kandidatin [f]
prospective population-based study prospektive bevölkerungsbezogene Studie [f]
prospective home buyers Wohnungsinteressenten [pl]
prospective home buyers Wohnungsbewerber [pl]
prospective home buyers Wohnungswerber [pl]
prospective tenants Wohnungswerber [pl]
prospective tenants Wohnungsbewerber [pl]
prospective tenants Wohnungsinteressenten [pl]
the prospective changes in the law die anstehenden Gesetzesänderungen
the prospective professor der angehende Professor
the prospective costs die voraussichtlichen Kosten
prospective parents werdende Eltern
prospective reserve Hoffnungsreserve
prospective studies prospektive Studien
prospective buyer Kaufinteressent
prospective buyer potentieller Käufer
prospective customer potentieller Kunde [m]
prospective buyer Kaufinteressent [m]
prospective buyer Interessent [m]
prospective customer Interessent [m]
prospective customer Kaufinteressent [m]
prospective buyer Kaufinteressentin [f]
prospective customer Kaufinteressentin [f]
list of prospective buyers Kaufinteressentenliste [f]
estimation of prospective profits Gewinnabschätzung [f]
prospective buyers Kaufinteressentinnen [pl]
prospective buyers Interessenten [pl]
prospective buyers Kaufinteressenten [pl]
prospective customers Kaufinteressenten [pl]
prospective customers Interessenten [pl]
prospective customers Kaufinteressentinnen [pl]
list of prospective customers Liste der Kaufinteressenten
prospective buyer möglicher Kunde
prospective buyers mögliche Kunden
prospective client potentieller Neukunde
prospective client potenzieller Kunde
prospective customer möglicher Kunde
prospective earnings voraussichtliche Einkünfte
prospective customers mögliche Kunden
prospective investor möglicher Anleger [m]
prospective application prospektive Anwendung
Work Safety
prospective study Wiederholungsuntersuchung [f]
prospective cohort study Wiederholungsuntersuchung [f]
prospective cohort study Wiederholungsstudie [f]
prospective study Wiederholungsstudie [f]
prospective illegal migrant Schleppungswilliger [m]
prospective illegal migrant Schleusungswilliger [m]
prospective immigrant Einwanderungswilliger [m]
prospective migrant Einwanderungswilliger [m]
prospective emigrant Migrationswillige [m/f]
prospective emigrant Ausreisewillige [m/f]
prospective illegal migrant Schleusungswillige [m/f]
prospective illegal migrant Schleppungswillige [m/f]
prospective migrant Ausreisewillige [m/f]
prospective immigrant Einwanderungswillige [m/f]
prospective migrant Migrationswillige [m/f]
prospective migrant Einwanderungswillige [m/f]
prospective emigrants Ausreisewilligen [pl]
prospective emigrants Migrationswilligen [pl]
prospective illegal migrants Schleppungswilligen [pl]
prospective illegal migrants Schleusungswilligen [pl]
prospective immigrants Einwanderungswilligen [pl]
prospective migrants Einwanderungswilligen [pl]
prospective migrants Migrationswilligen [pl]
prospective migrants Ausreisewilligen [pl]
prospective illegal migrants Schleppungswillige
prospective illegal migrants Schleusungswillige
prospective immigrants Einwanderungswillige
prospective migrants Einwanderungswillige
EU Terms
prospective technological studies technologische Zukunftsforschung
prospective drilling Probebohrung [f]
prospective drilling Erkundungsbohrung [f]
prospective drilling Aufschlussbohrung [f]
prospective drillings Aufschlussbohrungen [pl]
prospective drillings Probebohrungen [pl]
prospective drillings Erkundungsbohrungen [pl]
prospective student Studienbewerber [m]
Prospective teacher Lehramtskandidat [m]
prospective student Studienbewerberin [f]
prospective students Studieninteressierte [pl]
prospective students Studienbewerber [pl]
prospective students Studienbewerberinnen [pl]
advice for prospective students Erstberatung für Studieninteressierte
prospective multicentric study prospektive Multizenterstudie [f]
prospective study Prospektivstudie [f]
prospective study Prospektive Studie
prospective tenant Mietinteressent [m]
SAP Terms
prospective customer Interessent [m]
prospective beneficiary Anwartschaftsberechtigter [m]
Electrical Engineering
prospective symmetrical current unbeeinflusster symmetrischer Strom [m]
prospective making current unbeeinflusster Einschaltstrom [m]
prospective peak current unbeeinflusster Stoßstrom [m]
maximum prospective peak current maximaler unbeeinflusster Stoßstrom [m]
prospective current unbeeinflusster Strom [m]
prospective transient recovery voltage unbeeinflusste Einschwingspannung [f]
prospective transient recovery voltage (of a circuit) unbeeinflusste Einschwingspannung (eines Stromkreises) [f]
prospective touch voltage unbeeinflusste Berührungsspannung [f]
prospective touch voltage Berührungsspannung [f]
prospective building land Bauerwartungsland [n]
prospective study prospektive Studie
prospective transient recovery voltage Einschwingspannung [f]