woodland - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "woodland" in German English Dictionary : 10 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
woodland Waldung [f]
woodland Waldland [n]
woodland Waldgebiet [n]
woodland Waldgelände [n]
woodland Wald [m]
woodland Baumsavanne [f]
woodland Waldgegend [f]
woodland Waldzone [f]
woodland Waldgebiet [n]
woodland Waldfläche [f]

Meanings of "woodland" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 122 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
mixed woodland Mischwald [m]
woodland spirit Waldgeist (Mythologie) [m]
lumbering (of an area of woodland) Abholzung (eines Waldstücks zwecks Holzernte) [f]
woodland fairy Waldfee [f]
pygmy conifer woodland Zwergstrauchzone [f]
area of woodland Waldstück [n]
woodland area Waldgebiet [n]
deforest woodland kahlschlagen [v]
deforest woodland abforsten [v]
deforest woodland Waldgebiete abholzen [v]
disafforest woodland kahlschlagen [v]
disafforest woodland abforsten [v]
disafforest woodland Waldgebiete abholzen [v]
clear-cut (an area of woodland) ein Waldstück abholzen (zwecks Holzernte) [v]
areas of woodland Waldstücke [pl]
woodland areas Waldgebiete [pl]
woodland spirits Waldgeister [pl]
woodland/forest ecosystem forstliches Ökosystem
EU Terms
coppiced woodland Niederwald [m]
woodland deity Waldgottheit [f]
cleared woodland Rodung [f]
woodland clearance Abholzung [f]
woodland community Waldgesellschaft [f]
disafforested woodland abgeforstet
disafforested woodland kahlgeschlagen
disafforested woodland Waldgebiete abgeholzt
disafforesting woodland abforstend
disafforesting woodland kahlschlagend
disafforesting woodland Waldgebiete abholzend
woodland/forest ecosystem forstliches Ökosystem
fen woodland Bruchwald [m]
fen woodland Waldmoor [n]
fen woodland Bruchmoor [n]
fen woodland Bruch [m/n]
coppice-managed woodland (forestry) Niederwald (Forstwirtschaft) [m]
coppice-managed woodland Niederwald [m]
woodland scenery Waldlandschaft [f]
deforested woodland kahlgeschlagen
deforested woodland abgeforstet
deforested woodland Waldgebiete abgeholzt
deforesting woodland abforstend
deforesting woodland Waldgebiete abholzend
deforesting woodland kahlschlagend
harmony of mountain and woodland Harmonie von Bergen und Wäldern
woodland beak chervil Wiesenkerbel [m]
woodland sage Steppensalbei [m/f]
woodland strawberry Monatserdbeere [f]
woodland strawberry Walderdbeere [f]
sclerophyll woodland/forest Hartlaubgebüsch [n]
sclerophyll woodland/forest Hartlaubgehölz [n]
woodland forget-me-not Wald-Vergissmeinnicht [n]
woodland forget-me-not Wald-Vergissmeinnicht (Myosotis sylvatica) [n]
woodland millet Flattergras [n]
yellow woodland anemone Goldwindröschen [n]
riparian woodland Ufergehölze [pl]
woodland strawberry Wald-Erdbeere
woodland ragwort Wald-Greiskraut
woodland hawthorn Zweigriffeliger Weißdorn
woodland germander Salbei-Gamander
woodland geranium Wald-Storchschnabel
woodland angelica Wilde Engelwurz
woodland figwort Knoten-Braunwurz
woodland angelica Wilde Brustwurz
yellow woodland anemone Gelbes Windröschen
woodland figwort Knotige Braunwurz
woodland sage Steppen-Salbei
yellow woodland anemone Goldwindröschen
woodland millet Flattergras
riparian woodland Ufergehölze
woodland strawberry Monatserdbeere
woodland beak chervil Wiesenkerbel
woodland strawberry Walderdbeere
woodland sage Steppensalbei
woodland millet Wald-Flattergras
woodland hawthorn Zweigriffliger Weißdorn
woodland crocus Tommasinis Krokus
woodland draba Hellgelbes Felsenblümchen
woodland draba Wald-Felsenblümchen
woodland crocus Tommasinis Safran
woodland draba Hain-Felsenblümchen
woodland crocus Bauern-Safran
yellow woodland thimble-weed Gelbes Windröschen
woodland crocus Elfen-Krokus
woodland crocus Dalmatiner Krokus
black-capped woodland warbler Schwarzscheitel-Laubsänger [m]
Mrs boulton's woodland warbler Boultonlaubsänger [m]
red-faced woodland warbler Braunwangen-Laubsänger [m]
uganda woodland warbler Budongolaubsänger [m]
woodland pipit Waldlandpieper [m]
woodland kingfisher Senegalliest [m]
yellow-throated woodland warbler Rotscheitel-Laubsänger [m]
laura's woodland-warbler Boultonlaubsänger [m]
Laura's woodland warbler Boultonlaubsänger [m]
uganda woodland-warbler Budongolaubsänger [m]
brown woodland warbler Umbralaubsänger [m]
brown woodland-warbler Umbralaubsänger [m]
Mrs Boulton's woodland warbler Boultonlaubsänger
Uganda woodland warbler Budongolaubsänger
brown woodland warbler Umbralaubsänger
woodland pipit Waldlandpieper
woodland kingfisher Senegalliest
Laura's woodland warbler Boultonlaubsänger
yellow-throated woodland warbler Rotscheitel-Laubsänger
black-capped woodland warbler Schwarzscheitel-Laubsänger
red-faced woodland warbler Braunwangen-Laubsänger
black-capped woodland-warbler Schwarzscheitel-Laubsänger
yellow-throated woodland-warbler Rotscheitel-Laubsänger
red-faced woodland-warbler Braunwangen-Laubsänger
woodland ringlet Mohrenfalter [m]
woodland jumping mouse Waldhüpfmaus [f]
woodland vole Kiefernwühlmaus [f]
woodland caribou Waldkaribu [m/n]
woodland grayling großer Waldportier
woodland grasshopper buntbäuchiger Grashüpfer
woodland dormouse Afrikanischer Waldbilch
woodland vole Kiefernwühlmaus
woodland earwig Wald-Ohrwurm [m]
woodland grasshopper buntbäuchiger Grashüpfer (Omocestus rufipes)
woodland ringlet butterfly Blutgrasfalter
woodland ringlet butterfly Rundaugen-Mohrenfalter
Urban Development
amenity woodland Erholungswald [m]
Mrs Boulton's woodland warbler Boultonlaubsänger [m]