curd - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "curd" in Spanish English Dictionary : 12 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
curd cuajada [f]
curd cáseo [m]
curd requesón [m]
curd coagular [v]
curd requesón [m]
curd cuajo [m]
curd condensar [v]
curd cuajar [v]
curd recocta [f] disused
curd cuajo [m]
curd cuajada [f]
curd leche cuajada

Meanings of "curd" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 51 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
curd cheese cuajada [f]
curd cheese cáseo [m]
curd soap jabón de piedra [m]
curd soap jabón duro [m]
cheese curd requesón [m]
woman who sold curd cheese in old ages cuajadera [f]
a kind of curd cheese feta [f]
milk curd cuajada [f]
curd of milk and vinegar used for cheese-making azi [m]
clot or curd grumillo [m]
curd (milk) cuajada [f]
liquefaction of a clot/curd descoagulación [f]
flat basket that hangs on the ceiling to smoke the curd and cheese adorote [m] VE:W
curd cheese bolanchao [m] AR:Nw
curd ball (cheese making) chipote [m] HN rur.
removal of the whey from the curd desuerado [m] EC
drawer with no bottom and holes on the sides so the whey comes out of the curd when shaping cheese taco [m] HN
curd mixed with sugar boruga [f] CU
unpressed curd borona [f] NI rur.
bread made with cornstarch and curd garulla [f] CO:C
cheese curd recocta [f] disused
remove the whey from the curd desuerar [v] MX VE:C EC
baked cake made from a mixture of corn flour, cinnamon, cheese or curd and cream caica [f] HN
milk-curd cuajada [f]
curd soap jabón de cuajada
curd soap jabón de cuajada
arepa corn cake made with tender corn and roasted wrapped in banana or chisgua leaves and can also have curd, cheese, or butter cariseca [f] CO
triangular turnover made with cornstarch and filled with curd, cinnamon, and sugar henchida [f] NI
curd cheese cuajada [f]
sweet made with curd, syrup, and cinnamon chongos zamoranos [m/pl] MX
curd cheese with quince preserve requesón y dulce de membrillo
curd cheese with honey cuajada con miel
curd cheese queso blanco
curd pressing aplastamiento de la cuajada [m]
dripping of curd desuerado [m]
pressing of curd aplastamiento de la cuajada [m]
curd cheese queso de leche cuajada
curd pressing prensadora de la cuajada
curd rack escurridor de cuajada
curd rake rastrillo para cuajada
buttermilk curd cuajada de leche de manteca
cheese curd cuajada de queso
stirred curd cuajada removida
dripping of curd escurrimiento de la cuajada
cheese curd cuajada de quesera
soft curd cuajada blanda
forking machine for curd máquina para separar el cuajo del suero
soft curd milk leche cuajada blanda
stirred curd cuajada agitada
pressing of curd prensadora de la cuajada
green curd cuajada fresca