shortly - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "shortly" in Spanish English Dictionary : 30 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
shortly en breve [adv]
shortly próximamente [adv]
shortly pronto [adv]
shortly brevemente [adv]
shortly próximamente [adv]
shortly tempranamente [adv]
shortly dentro de poco [adv]
shortly ahora mismo [adv]
shortly concisamente [adv]
shortly poco [adv]
shortly presto [adv]
shortly luego [adv]
shortly al instante [adv]
shortly en pocas palabras [adv]
shortly en seguida [adv]
shortly a la brevedad [adv]
shortly el día de mañana [adv]
shortly a pocos lances [adv]
shortly a muy corto plazo [adv]
shortly a puñados [adv]
shortly a pocas vueltas [adv]
shortly de próximo [adv] rare
shortly en poco tiempo [adv]
shortly al poco tiempo [adv]
shortly en breves momentos [adv]
shortly al poco rato
shortly a la mayor brevedad [adv]
shortly dentro de poco
shortly inmediatamente
shortly al tiro AMER

Meanings of "shortly" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 36 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
shortly before poco antes de
shortly after poco después de
milk a cow shortly after it gives birth descalostrar [v] CO:C rur.
last a minute (shortly) durar menos que un bizcocho a la puerta de un colegio [v]
last a minute (shortly) durar menos que un caramelo en la puerta de un colegio [v]
shortly after a poco [adv]
shortly after al poco rato [adv]
shortly after al rato [adv]
shortly after a poco rato [adv]
shortly after/before al filo de [prep]
he will be with us shortly estará con nosotros en breve
shortly before it exploded poco antes de que explotara
we will get back to you shortly nos pondremos en contacto con usted a la brevedad
we will get in touch with you shortly nos pondremos en contacto con usted a la brevedad
we will get back to you shortly nos pondremos en contacto con usted en breve
we will get in touch with you shortly nos pondremos en contacto con usted en breve
shortly afterwards al poco tiempo [adv]
shortly after that al poco tiempo [adv]
shortly afterwards en breve [adv]
shortly after that en breve [adv]
shortly before poco antes
shortly after a poco de
shortly before... poco antes de que…
shortly afterwards poco después
shortly after poco después de
shortly after wards poco tiempo después
shortly after wards dentro de poco
shortly afterwards poco tiempo después
shortly after that poco tiempo después
shortly afterwards dentro de poco
shortly after that dentro de poco
shortly after al poco tiempo [adv]
shortly after poco tiempo después
shortly after the birth perinatal [adj]
Animal Husbandry
cow or mare whose offspring died shortly after birth horra [f] HN NI
fictional character who is attributed the task of removing fat from the body of people walking alone who appear dead or die shortly afterwards karisisi [m] BO rur.