textil - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "textil" in English Spanish Dictionary : 10 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
textil [adj] textile
textil [f] textile company
textil [adj] non-nudist
textil [m/adj] textile
textil [m] textile
textil [adj] textile
textil [m] textile
textil [adj] fibrous
textil [adj] fibrose
textil [m/f] PE BO CL textile worker

Meanings of "textil" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 55 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
suavizante textil [m] fabric softener
textil de 100% poliéster (usado como forro de calzado) [m] duvetine
industria textil [f] apparel industry
representante textil textile representative
materia textil [f] textile
cortadora giratoria de fibra textil rotary staple cutter
etiquetado textil [m] textile labeling [us]
etiquetado textil [m] textile labelling [uk]
textil para el hogar [m] home textile
textil de producción casera [m] home-produced textile
fibra de vidrio textil [f] textile glass fiber [us]
fibra de vidrio textil [f] textile glass fibre [uk]
fibra de vidrio textil textile glass fibre [uk]
etiquetado textil textile labelling [uk]
aceite textil textile oil
maquinaria textil textile machinery
fibra textil textile fibre
industria textil textile industry
impresión textil textile printing
hilo textil textile yarn
feria textil textile show
vidrio textil textile glass
textil para el hogar home textile
microbiología textil textile microbiology
fibra textil textil fibre
confederación nacional de textil y de vestuario de chile CL national textile and clothing confederation of chile
sindicato nacional textil y de pieles CU national trade union of textile and leather workers
congreso obrero textil UY congress of textile workers
unión obrera textil UY textile workers union
federación nacional de textil, vestido y cueros DO national federation of textiles, clothing, and leather
sindicato de trabajadores de la industria textil NI trade union of textile industry workers
ciencia textil [f] textile science
ingeniería textil textile engineering
correa transportadora con armazón textil [f] conveyor-belt with a textile carcass
manguera con refuerzo textil [f] textile-reinforced hose
planta textil fibre plant
fábrica textil textile plant
fibra textil vegetal plant textile fibre
textil sintético synthetic textile
alma textil fibre core
industria textil textile industry
textil no tejido nonwoven textil
fibra de vidrio textil fibreglass fabrics
aceite textil textile oil
fieltro con acabado textil cloth faced blanket
soporte tejido textil woven textile backing
revestimiento textil de tuberías sock lining
fibra textil fibre [uk]
fibra textil fiber [uk]
fibra textil fiber [us]
cuerda de fibra textil [f] fiber rope [us]
cuerda de fibra textil [f] fibre rope [uk]
planta textil fibre crop [uk]
fibra de vidrio textil [f] textile glass fiber [us]
fibra de vidrio textil [f] textile glass fibre [uk]