sharp - English Synonyms Dictionary


[1] sharply , precisely , exactly , punctually , on the dot , (Colloq) on the button , (US) on the nose
[2] sharply , suddenly , abruptly
[3] sharply , alertly , attentively , vigilantly , watchfully , carefully
[4] sharply , acutely
[1] acute , keen , razor-sharp , knife-like , knife-edged , sharpened , pointed , needle-sharp
[2] abrupt , sudden , precipitous , sheer , vertical , marked
[3] keen , crisp , keen-witted , keen-minded , sharp-witted , shrewd , intelligent , smart , alert , bright , quick , agile , astute , clever , on the qui vive , penetrating , observant
[4] caustic , acuate , acute , bitter , biting , needlelike , acrid , hot , spicy , pungent , piquant , tangy , harsh , sour , acid , acidulous , tart
[5] acid , acute , discriminating , acidulous , acerbic , incisive , keen , vitriolic , acrimonious , knifelike , penetrating , cutting , piquant , penetrative , piercing , biting , bitter , unkind , strict , hurtful , spiteful , virulent , sarcastic , sardonic , trenchant , severe , scathing , malicious , nasty , malignant , venomous , poisonous
[6] clever , astute , shrewd , shrewd , artful , crafty , sly , cunning , foxy , calculating , unscrupulous , dishonest , (Colloq) sneaky , fly
[7] high-pitched , sharp-worded , tart , shrill , penetrating , piercing , strident , harsh , ear-splitting , loud
[8] poignant , shrill , severe , cutting , intense , sudden , piercing , extreme , acute , fierce
[9] chic , abrupt , precipitous , dapper , spruce , stylish , smart , fashionable , dressy , (Colloq) snappy , natty , classy , nifty , swell , swanky