professional - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "professional" in German English Dictionary : 29 result(s)

English German
professional profihaft [adj]
professional berufsmäßig [adj]
professional fachlich [adj]
professional fachgerecht [adj]
professional gewerbsmäßig [adj]
professional fachgemäß [adj]
professional berufsbezogen [adj]
professional fachmännisch [adj]
professional professionell [adj]
professional seriös [adj]
professional Profi [m]
professional fachmännisch [adj]
professional beruflich [adj]
professional freiberuflich [adj]
professional professionell [adj]
professional berufsmäßig [adj]
professional Experte [m]
professional Fachmann [m]
professional berufsmäßig [adj]
professional Experte [m]
professional Fachmann [m]
professional Fachkraft [f]
professional beruflich [adj]
professional berufstätig [adj]
professional fachgerecht [adj]
professional Sachbearbeiter [m]
professional fachgerecht [adj]
professional gewerblich [adj]
professional Fachkraft [f]

Meanings of "professional" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 407 result(s)

English German
more-professional professioneller [adj]
in a professional way auf professionelle Weise [adv]
in a professional way auf professionelle Art und Weise [adv]
in a professional way professionell [adv]
young urban professional Yuppie [m]
young upwardly mobile professional Yuppie [m]
professional association Berufsverband [m]
professional association Fachverband [m]
professional boxer Berufsboxer [m]
professional blunder Kunstfehler [m]
professional criminal Berufsverbrecher [m]
professional field Berufszweig [m]
professional demonstrator Berufsdemonstrant [pejorativ] [m]
professional fee Lohn [m]
professional hunter Jägermeister [m]
professional player Profispieler [m]
professional player Berufsspieler [m]
professional qualification Berufsabschluss [m]
professional soldier Berufssoldat [m]
professional sportsman Berufssportler [m]
professional sportswoman Berufssportler [m]
professional cyclist Radrennprofi [m]
professional association Berufsverein [m]
professional cyclist Profiradfahrer [m]
professional jealousy Brotneid [m]
health professional Mediziner [m]
professional military Berufssoldat [m]
professional jealousy Konkurrenzneid [m]
professional career beruflicher Werdegang [m]
professional pride Berufsstolz [m]
professional translator Berufsübersetzer [m]
professional cycling Profiradsport [m]
professional boxer Profiboxer [m]
professional cyclist Profiradsportler [m]
professional thug Berufsschläger [m]
professional career Berufsverlauf [m]
professional pride Standesdünkel [m]
on-professional Laie [m]
communication professional Kommunikationsprofi [m]
professional association Fachschaft [f]
professional activity Berufstätigkeit [f]
professional association Berufsvereinigung [f]
professional association Berufsvertretung [f]
professional boxer Berufsboxerin [f]
professional career Berufslaufbahn [f]
professional criminal Berufsverbrecherin [f]
professional experience Berufserfahrung [f]
professional group Fachgruppe [f]
professional group Berufsgruppe [f]
professional journal Fachzeitschrift [f]
professional liability insurance Berufshaftpflichtversicherung [f]
professional labour/labor Berufsausübung [f]
professional life Berufstätigkeit [f]
professional magazine Fachzeitschrift [f]
professional player Profispielerin [f]
professional outline berufliche Tätigkeit [f]
professional practice Berufspraxis [f]
professional presentation Fachpräsentation [f]
professional practice Berufsausübung [f]
professional profile berufliche Tätigkeit [f]
professional sportsman Berufssportlerin [f]
professional training Fachausbildung [f]
professional training Berufsausbildung [f]
professional sportswoman Berufssportlerin [f]
professional world Berufswelt [f]
professional honor Berufsehre [f]
professional skill Fachkompetenz [f]
code of professional ethics Berufs- und Ehrenordnung [f]
professional competence Fachkompetenz [f]
trade union representing a specific professional b Spartengewerkschaft [f]
professional association Berufsgenossenschaft [f]
professional foul Notbremse [f]
professional career Profikarriere [f]
professional qualification Berufsbefähigung [f]
professional army Berufsarmee [f]
professional knowledge Fachkenntnis [f]
professional qualification Berufsqualifikation [f]
professional career berufliche Entwicklung [f]
professional ethics Professionsethik [f]
professional service fee invoice Honorarabrechnung [f]
professional career berufliche Laufbahn [f]
professional skill Sachkompetenz [f]
professional public Fachöffentlichkeit [f]
professional ethics Berufsethik [f]
professional confidentiality Berufsverschwiegenheit [f]
professional association Standesvertretung [f]
professional association Fachvereinigung [f]
professional association Innung [f]
professional association Kammer [f]
professional team Profimannschaft [f]
professional duty of confidentiality Berufsverschwiegenheitspflicht [f]
professional secrecy Schweigepflicht [f]
professional fee Honorar [n]
professional journal Fachjournal [n]
professional journal Fachblatt [n]
professional journal Fachmagazin [n]
professional life Berufsleben [n]
professional life Erwerbsleben [n]
professional life Arbeitsleben [n]
professional magazine Fachblatt [n]
professional magazine Fachmagazin [n]
professional magazine Fachjournal [n]
professional profile Berufsbild [n]
professional confidentiality Amtsgeheimnis [n]
professional practical training Berufspraktikum [n]
professional boxing Berufsboxen [n]
professional studies Fachstudium [n]
professional secret Berufsgeheimnis [n]
professional personnel Fachpersonal [n]
professional offer Profiangebot [n]
professional boxing Profiboxen [n]
professional knowledge Fachwissen [n]
professional discussion Fachgespräch [n]
professional ethics Berufsethos [n]
commit a professional foul (bei jemandem) die Notbremse ziehen [v]
commit a professional foul (bei someone) die Notbremse ziehen [v]
give a professional opinion on something etwas fachlich beurteilen [v]
be bound to professional secrecy zur Wahrung des Berufsgeheimnisses verpflichtet sein [v]
turn professional ins Profilager überwechseln [v]
turn professional Profi werden [v]
provide someone with professional advice jemanden fachkundig beraten [v]
achieve professional level Profiebene erreichen [v]
achieve professional level professionale Ebene erreichen [v]
be professional professionell sein [v]
be professional Profi sein [v]
be professional berufstätig sein [v]
be professional fachmännisch sein [v]
be professional fachgerecht sein [v]
be professional sachkundig sein [v]
become professional professionell werden [v]
become professional fachgerecht werden [v]
become professional fachmännisch werden [v]
become professional at (something) professionell werden in [v]
become professional at (something) fachmännisch werden in [v]
become professional at (something) profihaft werden in [v]
get professional help professionelle Hilfe bekommen [v]
get professional help professionelle Unterstützung erhalten [v]
get to a professional level auf ein professionelles Niveau gelangen [v]
(professional) blinkers eingefahrene Denkmuster [pl]
professional associations Fachschaften [pl]
professional associations Berufsverbände [pl]
professional associations Fachverbände [pl]
professional associations Berufsvertretungen [pl]
professional associations Berufsvereinigungen [pl]
professional boxers Berufsboxer [pl]
professional boxers Profiboxer [pl]
professional associations Berufsgenossenschaften [pl]
professional boxers Berufsboxerinnen [pl]
professional boxers Profiboxerinnen [pl]
professional criminals Berufsverbrecher [pl]
professional criminals Berufsverbrecherinnen [pl]
professional goals berufliche Ziele [pl]
professional fields Berufszweige [pl]
professional groups Fachgruppen [pl]
professional groups Berufsgruppen [pl]
professional journals Fachjournale [pl]
professional journals Fachmagazine [pl]
professional journals Fachblätter [pl]
professional journals Fachzeitschriften [pl]
professional magazines Fachjournale [pl]
professional magazines Fachblätter [pl]
professional magazines Fachzeitschriften [pl]
professional magazines Fachmagazine [pl]
professional players Berufsspieler [pl]
professional players Profispielerinnen [pl]
professional players Berufsspielerinnen [pl]
professional players Profispieler [pl]
professional presentations Fachpräsentationen [pl]
professional soldiers Berufssoldaten [pl]
professional secrets Berufsgeheimnisse [pl]
professional profiles Berufsbilder [pl]
professional soldiers Berufssoldatinnen [pl]
professional sportsmen Berufssportlerinnen [pl]
professional sportsmen Berufssportler [pl]
professional sportswomen Berufssportlerinnen [pl]
professional sportswomen Berufssportler [pl]
professional classes akademische Berufsstände [pl]
professional personnel Fachkräfte [pl]
professional bodies Berufsvereinigungen [pl]
the professional classes die höheren Berufsstände [pl]
professional classes Akademiker [pl]
professional bodies Berufsverbände [pl]
professional knowledge Berufskenntnisse [pl]
professional knowledge Berufswissen [pl]
professional knowledge Fachkenntnisse [pl]
professional qualification Berufliche Qualifizierung
gay urban professional homosexueller Yuppie
young urban professional junger, karrierebewusster Mensch
young upwardly mobile professional junger, karrierebewusster Mensch
someone's professional career jemandes beruflicher Werdegang
professional failure Versager im Beruf
professional goals Zielsetzungen {pl} im Beruf
professional misconduct standeswidriges Verhalten
professional responsibility fachliche Kompetenz
recognition of professional qualifications Anerkennung von Berufsqualifikationen
references to professional sources fachliche Bezüge
professional player Profispieler
professional record Kampfrekord
professional expertise Fachkenntnis
professional expertise Fachkompetenz
health-care professional im Gesundheitswesen Tätiger
professional player Profi
professional expertise Fachverständnis
professional man Mann vom Fach
professional school Fachschule
professional school Berufsschule
professional man Fachmann
on a professional basis gewerbsmäßig [adv]
for professional reasons von Berufs wegen
for professional reasons aus beruflichen Gründen
in professional circles in der Fachwelt
professional farter Kunstfurzer [m]
professional assassin Berufskiller [m]
act like a professional sich wie ein Profi verhalten
professional code of practice Verhaltenskodex [m]
professional code of practice Ehrenkodex [m]
professional association Berufsverband [m]
professional soldier Berufssoldat [m]
professional advancement Berufsaufstieg [m]
professional career Berufsverlauf [m]
professional organization Berufsverband [m]
professional representation Berufsvertretung [f]
professional association Fachvereinigung [f]
professional category Berufsgruppe [f]
professional training Berufsausbildung [f]
professional liability insurance Berufshaftpflichtversicherung [f]
professional association Berufsorganisation [f]
professional qualification Berufsqualifikation [f]
professional association Berufsvereinigung [f]
professional life Berufstätigkeit [f]
professional skill Berufsqualifikation [f]
professional experience Berufserfahrung [f]
professional organization Berufsvereinigung [f]
professional life Berufsleben [n]
professional life Erwerbsleben [n]
professional secret Berufsgeheimnis [n]
professional life Arbeitsleben [n]
professional classes Akademiker [pl]
for professional buyers only nur für Facheinkäufer
in a professional capacity in professioneller Funktion
professional qualifications berufliche Befähigungsnachweise
professional labour market Markt beruflich qualifizierter Kräfte
professional labour market Markt akademisch gebildeter Arbeitskräfte
professional advancement berufliches Weiterkommen
non-professional nicht berufsmäßig
professional career berufliche Entwicklung
professional status Stellung im Beruf
professional advancement beruflicher Aufstieg
professional career beruflicher Werdegang
professional skill berufliche Fertigkeit
professional advancement berufliches Fortkommen
violation of professional secrecy Verletzung des Berufsgeheimnisses
professional qualification berufliche Qualifikation
professional earnings Einkünfte aus freiberuflicher Tätigkeit
professional experience Berufserfahrung
professional organization Berufsvereinigung
professional career Berufsverlauf
professional association Berufsvereinigung
professional secret Berufsgeheimnis [n]
professional services freiberufliche Tätigkeit
professional labour market Markt beruflich qualifizierter Kräfte
professional labour market Markt akademisch gebildeter Arbeitskräfte
professional association Berufsverband [m]
professional career Berufsverlauf [m]
professional organization Berufsverband [m]
professional soldier Berufssoldat [m]
professional advancement Berufsaufstieg [m]
professional experience Berufserfahrung [f]
professional qualification Berufsqualifikation [f]
professional association Berufsvereinigung [f]
professional life Berufstätigkeit [f]
professional skill Berufsqualifikation [f]
professional organization Berufsvereinigung [f]
professional association Berufsorganisation [f]
professional life Berufsleben [n]
professional life Erwerbsleben [n]
professional life Arbeitsleben [n]
professional qualifications berufliche Befähigungsnachweise
non-professional nicht berufsmäßig
professional advancement berufliches Weiterkommen
professional career beruflicher Werdegang
professional qualification berufliche Qualifikation
professional advancement berufliches Fortkommen
professional career berufliche Entwicklung
professional status Stellung im Beruf
professional skill berufliche Fertigkeit
professional advancement beruflicher Aufstieg
Vocational Training
professional experience Berufserfahrung [f]
acquisition of professional skills Berufsfähigkeit [f]
Work Safety
safety professional Sicherheitsfachmann [m]
safety professional Sicherheitstechniker [m]
safety professional Sicherheitsfachkraft [f]
legal professional Jurist [m]
professional disbarment Berufsverbot [n]
EU Terms
professional sport Berufssport [m]
professional association Berufsverband [m]
professional partnership Gemeinschaftspraxis [f]
professional army Berufsarmee [f]
professional experience Berufserfahrung [f]
professional society Berufskammer [f]
professional ethics Berufsethos [n]
professional secret Berufsgeheimnis [n]
professional qualifications berufliche Eignung
professional career beruflicher Werdegang
Swiss Law
rules of professional conduct Berufs- und Standesregeln [f]
professional aptitude Berufseignung
the Medical Association's professional code of conduct die Berufsordnung der Ärztekammer
professional association Berufsverband [m]
professional organization Berufsverband [m]
professional organization Berufsvereinigung [f]
professional association Berufsvereinigung [f]
professional practice Berufserfahrung [f]
professional disease Berufskrankheit [f]
professional activity Berufstätigkeit [f]
professional education Fachausbildung [f]
professional terminology Fachsprache [f]
professional study Fachstudium [n]
professional demeanour/presence professionelles Auftreten
professional qualification Berufsabschluss [m]
non-professional teaching staff Mittelbau [m]
postgraduate professional education berufliche Weiterbildung [f]
professional development for teachers Lehrerfortbildung [f]
professional development for teachers Lehrerweiterbildung [f]
professional development Weiterbildung [f]
Professional training Berufsbildung [f]
professional education Berufsbildung [f]
professional experience Berufserfahrung [f]
professional educational institute Berufsbildungsinstitut [n]
professional competencies Fachkompetenzen [pl]
professional training and education Berufsbildung und Berufspädagogik
professional skills Berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenzen (BOK)
professional translator professioneller Übersetzer [m]
floor care professional professioneller Bodenpfleger [m]
professional diver Berufstaucher [m]
professional background beruflicher Werdegang [m]
professional aim Berufsziel [n]
professional ability berufliche Fähigkeiten [pl]
healthcare professional Angehöriger [m]
occupational healthcare professional Arbeitsmediziner [m]
natural health professional Heilpraktiker [m]
health professional Heilberufler [m]
healthcare professional Gesundheitsfachkraft [f]
professional organization Berufsverbände [f]
health care professional Gesundheitsfürsorgefachkraft [pl]
health promotion professional Fachkraft für Gesundheitsförderung
professional nursing professionelle Pflege
competence of professional acting handlungsbezogene Kompetenz
professional jealousy Konkurrenzneid [m]
professional society Berufsgenossenschaft [f]
professional advanced training Berufliche Fortbildung
professional diamond dealer professioneller Diamanthändler
professional association Berufsgenossenschaft [f]
professional education Fachausbildung [f]
professional income Erwerbseinkommen [n]
professional associations Berufsgenossenschaften [pl]
professional school Berufsschule [f]
professional school Fachschule [f]
professional studies Fachstudium [n]
professional association Berufsverband [m]
professional magazine Fachzeitschrift [f]
professional competence Fachkompetenz [f]
SAP Terms
professional skill Fähigkeit [f]
professional expenses Berufsunkosten [pl]
Electrical Engineering
industrial and professional use gewerblicher Betrieb [m]
professional equipment professionelles Betriebsmittel [n]
professional mobile radio professioneller Mobilfunk [m]
professional wear Berufskleidung [f]
professional liability insurance Berufshaftpflichtversicherung [f]
professional fisherman Berufsfischer [m]
professional fisherman Berufsfischer
non-professional ornithologist Hobbyornithologe
non-professional ornithologist Amateurornithologe
professional football Profifußball [m]
professional sportsman Berufssportler [m]
professional sportswoman Berufssportler [m]
professional soccer Profifußball [m]
professional boxer Berufsboxer [m]
professional footballer Profi-Fußballer [m]
German professional soccer league Fußball-Bundesliga [f]
professional boxer Profiboxerin [f]
professional foul Notbremse (Fußball) [übertragen] [f]
professional foul Notbremse [f]
professional player Berufsspielerin [f]
non-professional team Amateurmannschaft [f]
career as a professional Profikarriere [f]
professional career Profilaufbahn [f]
German professional football league Fußball-Bundesliga [f]
professional cyclist professioneller Radsportler [m]
professional cyclist Profi-Radfahrer [m]
professional organisation Berufsverband [m]
professional association Berufsverband [m]
professional soldier Berufssoldat [m]
professional independence fachliche Unabhängigkeit
professional status Stellung im Beruf
teaching professional wissenschaftliche Lehrkraft
theater professional Bühnenschaffender [m]
theater professional Theaterschaffender [m]
theatre professional Theaterschaffender [m]
theatre professional Bühnenschaffender [m]
professional soldier Berufssoldat [m]
professional army Berufsarmee [f]
professional soldier Berufssoldatin [f]
professional army Berufsheer [n]
professional armies Berufsarmeen [pl]
banking professional Bankkaufmann [m]
banking professional Bankkauffrau [f]
professional association Berufsverband [m]