guilty - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "guilty" in Spanish English Dictionary : 29 result(s)

English Spanish
guilty culpable [adj]
guilty culpado [adj]
guilty culposo [adj]
guilty culpado [adj]
guilty reo [adj]
guilty condenatorio [adj]
guilty convicto [adj]
guilty criminoso [adj]
guilty delincuente [adj]
guilty malvado [adj]
guilty vicioso [adj]
guilty perverso [adj]
guilty sujeto a una pena
guilty nocente [adj] rare
guilty culpante [adj] rare
guilty culposo [adj] disused
guilty nocente [adj] rare
guilty culpables [adj/pl]
guilty culpada [adj/f]
guilty culposa [adj/f]
guilty criminosa [adj/f]
guilty perversa [adj/f]
guilty malvada [adj/f]
guilty viciosa [adj/f]
guilty causante [adj]
guilty chanchullero [adj]
guilty responsable [adj]
guilty convicta [adj/f]
guilty reponsable [adj]

Meanings of "guilty" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 151 result(s)

English Spanish
person found guilty of crime rea [f]
not guilty inocente [adj]
feel guilty sentirse culpable [v]
find guilty condenar [v]
plead not guilty declararse inocente [v]
plead guilty declararse culpable [v]
guilty conscience cargo de conciencia [m]
guilty party culpado [m]
not guilty verdict veredicto de inculpabilidad [m]
guilty pleasure delectación morosa [f]
guilty party culpable [m/f]
not guilty inocente [adj]
feel guilty compungirse [v]
feel guilty enconarse [v]
guilty party culpada [f]
person guilty of genocide genocida [m/f]
guilty of default contumaz [adj]
found guilty of a crime reo [adj]
guilty of culpable de [adj]
feel guilty remorder [v]
be guilty of perpetrar [v]
be found guilty ser declarado culpable [v]
be found not guilty ser declarado inocente [v]
be found not guilty of ser declarado inocente de [v]
make someone feel guilty hacer sentir culpable a alguien [v]
be found guilty of something ser hallado culpable de algo [v]
find a person guilty declarar culpable una persona [v]
have a guilty conscience tener mala conciencia [v]
believe someone guilty creer que alguien es culpable [v]
believed to be guilty creer ser culpable [v]
believe to be guilty creer ser culpable [v]
guilty party la parte culpable
guilty or innocent culpable o inocente
extremely guilty culpabilísimo [adj]
guilty of death reo de muerte [m]
plead guilty confesarse culpable [v]
guilty pleasure gustito [m] MX DO PR PE BO PY
guilty man/woman nocente [m/f] rare
having been found guilty and sentenced for committing a crime hundido [adj] HN BO
not guilty inculpado [adj] rare
found guilty of incurso [adj] cult
extremely guilty culpabilísima [adj/f]
feel guilty (about something) sentirse culpable (de algo) [v]
find someone guilty encontrar culpable a alguien [v]
find someone guilty condenar a alguien [v]
find someone not guilty determinar que alguien no es culpable [v]
find someone not guilty determinar que alguien es inocente [v]
find someone not guilty encontrar inocente a alguien [v]
find someone not guilty encontrar no culpable a alguien [v]
plead guilty to declararse culpable de [v]
be considered guilty of something (without foundation or reason) ser un muñeco de feria [v]
be considered guilty of something (without foundation or reason) ser un muñeco del pim pam pum [v]
be considered guilty of something (without foundation or reason) ser un muñeco del pimpampún [v]
be considered guilty of something (without foundation or reason) ser el muñeco de feria [v]
be considered guilty of something (without foundation or reason) ser el muñeco del pim pam pum [v]
be considered guilty of something (without foundation or reason) ser el muñeco del pimpampún [v]
feeling guilty and persecuted for having done wrong tener la cola de paja [v]
make the guilty pay pagarla el culpable [v]
make someone feel guilty hacer sentir culpable a alguien
feel guilty tener cola de paja [v] CO AR UY
be guilty by association irse en la colada [v] SV
not be guilty but be punished as such irse en la colada [v] SV
you are guilty sos culpable AR UY
you are guilty tú tienes la culpa
you are guilty eres culpable
do you feel guilty? ¿te sientes culpable?
i feel terribly guilty me siento terriblemente culpable
have a guilty conscience tener remordimientos [v]
innocent until proven guilty inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario
pleads guilty se declara culpable
everybody is innocent until proven guilty todos somos inocentes hasta que se pruebe lo contrario
be not guilty estar limpio [v]
feel guilty for having committed a grave error fatalizarse [v] CL rare
a guilty conscience needs no accuser excusa no pedida, la culpa manifiesta [old-fashioned]
find guilty declarar culpable
clergyman guilty of killing or wounding vulnerario [m]
guilty plea declaración judicial de culpabilidad [f]
plea of guilty declaración de culpabilidad [f]
plea of guilty/not guilty confesión [f]
not guilty plea declaración de inocente [f]
guilty plea declaración de culpabilidad [f]
plea of not guilty declaración de inocencia [f]
guilty plea confesión [f]
guilty plea declaración de culpabilidad [f]
plea of not guilty declaración de inocencia [f]
guilty plea declaración de culpabilidad [f]
not guilty plea declaración de inocencia [f]
not guilty plea declaración de no culpabilidad [f]
verdict of not guilty absolución libre [f]
guilty person culpable [m/f]
guilty party culpable [m/f]
pleading not guilty negativo [adj]
not guilty no culpable [adj]
guilty by one’s own admission confeso [adj]
enter a guilty plea declararse culpable [v]
find guilty juzgar culpable [v]
find not guilty juzgar inocente [v]
find guilty encontrar culpable [v]
find not guilty hallar inocente [v]
plead not guilty declararse no culpable [v]
find guilty hallar culpable [v]
find guilty hallar culpable [v]
find guilty declarar culpable [v]
find guilty culpar [v]
plead not guilty declarase inocente [v]
plead not guilty declarase no culpable [v]
guilty by failure to appear tener un juez por confeso a alguien [v]
pleading not guilty negativa [adj/f]
verdict of guilty fallo condenatorio
plead guilty to a charge declararse culpable de un cargo
verdict of guilty sentencia condenatoria
verdict of not guilty fallo absolutorio
guilty verdict encontrar culpable
plea of guilty alegación de culpabilidad
innocent until proven guilty inocente hasta que se pruebe su culpabilidad
guilty verdict fallo de condena
guilty verdict fallo condenatorio
innocent until proven guilty inocente hasta probar lo contrario
plea of guilty confesión de culpa
verdict of not guilty veredicto absolutorio de no culpabilidad
innocent until proven guilty inocente hasta ser encontrado culpable
verdict of not guilty veredicto de inocencia
plea of guilty admisión de culpabilidad
right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty derecho a la presunción de inocencia
verdict of not guilty absolución de hecho
verdict of guilty sentencia condenatoria
verdict of guilty sentencia de condena
plea of not guilty alegación de inocencia
plead guilty declararse culpable
plead not guilty declararse no culpable
guilty but mentally ill culpable pero con enfermedad mental
guilty mind intención de cometer un delito
guilty plea admisión formal de culpabilidad
guilty verdict veredicto de culpabilidad
guilty mind mens rea
verdict of not guilty absolución libre
verdict of guilty veredicto de culpabilidad
verdict of not-guilty veredicto de inocencia
guilty verdict sentencia condenatoria
plead not guilty negar la acusación
guilty finding fallo condenatorio
guilty finding fallo de culpabilidad
verdict of not guilty veredicto absolutorio
guilty finding sentencia condenatoria
guilty finding sentencia de culpabilidad
International Law
guilty act acción delictiva
guilty plea declaración de culpabilidad [f]
not guilty no culpable
plea of guilty alegación de culpabilidad
guilty of theft culpable de robo
person found guilty of crime reo [m]