half- - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "half-" in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

English Spanish
half- semi- [pref]

Meanings of "half-" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
half medio [m]
half mitad [f]
half medio [adj]
half section semicorte [m]
half cycle semiciclo [m]
half (match, game) tiempo [m]
half an hour media hora [f]
half-light penumbra [f]
half month period quincena [f]
half-breed mestiza [f]
half-marathon media maratón [n]
half-way point ecuador [m]
half-way mark ecuador [m]
half-track semioruga [f]
half parte [f]
half note [us] blanca [f]
half-boot zapata [f]
half brother/sister hermanastro [m/f]
half asleep adormilado [adj]
half-yearly semestral [adj]
half-finished semiacabado [adj]
half-conscious semiconsciente [adj]
half-empty semidesierto [adj]
half-naked semidesnudo [adj]
half-asleep semidormido [adj]
half-finished semielaborado [adj]
half duplex semidúplex [adj]
half-buried semienterrado [adj]
half-empty semivacío [adj]
half-open entreabierto [adj]
half-hearted tibio [adj]
half-finished manco [adj]
half-empty mediado [adj]
half-full mediado [adj]
half-completed mediado [adj]
half-hearted desganado [adj]
half-washed deslavado [adj]
half-close entornar [v]
half-open entreabrir [v]
half-hear entreoír [v]
cut in half cortar por la mitad [v]
half-wash deslavar [v]
half-yearly semestralmente [adv]
half medio [adv]
half-open entornado [adj]
officer of the half-year annates anatista [m]
card game played with half a deck cacho [m]
half wig casquete [m]
half-burned log chamizo [m]
castilian coin worth half cornado cinquén [m]
unit of weight equal to half a dram coclear [m]
measurement of half a span, approximately four fingers of a closed hand coto [m]
unit of measurement equivalent to four and a half inches coto toledano [m]
quarter and half a kilo cuarto y mitad [m]
half asleep entresueño [m]
half-brother hermanastro [m]
brother of the half-blood hermano consanguíneo [m]
half-brother hermano de madre [m]
brother of the half-blood hermano de padre [m]
half-brother hermano uterino [m]
brother of the half-blood medio hermano [m]
half bloom iron hierro torchuelo [m]
harness for half of the mane medio jaez [m]
half mourning medio luto [m]
half board medio madero [m]
weight equivalent to half a pound marco [m]
half adarme weight pesante [m]
half backstitch medio pespunte [m]
folded half sheet of paper plieguecillo [m]
half-goat sátiro [m]
half-goat semicabrón [m]
half-goat semicapro [m]
half-learned word semicultismo [m]
half-finished good semielaborado [m]
bucket and a half sesquimodio [m]
half a mule load tercio [m]
half time medio tiempo [m]
half boot zapato [m]
half boot zapato botín [m]
half door compuerta [f]
half-year annates anata media [f]
half-title anteporta [f]
half-title anteportada [f]
half-boots worn by roman soldiers cáliga [f]
olive measure of half a fanega canasta [f]
half-sister hermanastra [f]
sister of the half-blood hermana consanguínea [f]
half-sister hermana de madre [f]
sister of the half-blood hermana de padre [f]
half-sister hermana uterina [f]
half sister media hermana [f]
jackfruit a meter and a half jaca de dos cuerpos [f]
medieval institution wherein half one's home had to be ceded to house royal officials junta de aposento [f]
half light media luz [f]
half darkness media luz [f]
half manga [f]
ancient agrarian measure equivalent to a half bushel maquila [f]
half media [f]
half past media [f]
half hour media [f]
half round molding mediacaña [f]
half-round file mediacaña [f]
half-moon medialuna [f]
half mitad [f]
half ounce gold coin media onza [f]
half media parte [f]
half-binding media pasta [f]
half board media pensión [f]
half-light penumbra [f]
half liter liquid measure pichola [f]
half-consciousness semiinconsciencia [f]
half sole media suela [f]
board/plank half a span wide tabla de coto [f]
half a lifetime media vida [f]
half somersault vuelta de carnero [f]
half cartwheel vuelta de carnero [f]
half-boot zapata [f]
half title page frente [m/f]
like half gaiters abotinado [adj]
half roasted callonca [adj]
half drunk chirlomirlo [adj]
half-frayed entrerraído [adj]
half-full mediado [adj]
half-empty mediado [adj]
half medio [adj]
half-fired (brick) portero [adj]
half-eunuch renco [adj]
half-eunuch rencoso [adj]
half-curdled rosado [adj]
half-year semestral [adj]
half-open semiabierto [adj]
half-learned semiculto [adj]
half-dead semidifunto [adj]
half-asleep semidormido [adj]
half-finished semielaborado [adj]
half-conscious semiinconsciente [adj]
half-wild semisalvaje [adj]
half-empty semivacío [adj]
half-alive semivivo [adj]
half mad sonlocado [adj]
be half asleep entredormirse [v]
half-hear entreoír [v]
half-close juntar [v]
half-shut juntar [v]
do something half-assed orejear [v]
work half-heartedly roncear [v]
be half-asleep trasponerse [v]
half medio [adv]
half mitad [adv]
half-slip enaguas [f/pl]
half-burnt tree or log chamizo [m]
half-cycle semiciclo [m]
half cycle semiperíodo [m]
half wave semiciclo [m]
half-wit simplón [m]
half hitch cote [m]
half-cycle semiperiodo [m]
half round semicírculo [m]
second half segundo tiempo (deportes) [m]
half bottle benjamín [m]
half-time descanso [m]
centre half centre half [m]
fly-half medio de apertura [m]
half-life periodo de semidesintegración [m]
half time entretiempo [m]
half nephew medio sobrino [m]
half-uncle tiastro [m]
half uncle tiastro [m]
half-pipe medio-tubo [m]
other half noviete [m]
half blood medio hermano [m]
half-blood medio hermano [m]
half brother medio hermano [m]
other half costilla [f]
indian or half-breed maid china [f]
half-belt trabilla [f]
half-sister hermanastra [f]
half-wit simplona [f]
second half segunda mitad [f]
half-turn media vuelta [f]
half-life hemivida [f]
half-life semivida [f]
half-moon medialuna [f]
half an hour media [f]
other half novieta [f]
brick-and-half wall pared de ladrillo de espesor concreto [f]
half blood media hermana [f]
half-blood media hermana [f]
half sister media hermana [f]
being half-asleep duermevela [m/f]
half-witted lila [adj]
half-upright semimontante [adj]
half-hearted débil [adj]
half empty semivacío [adj]
half-buried semihundido [adj]
half-hidden semiescondido [adj]
half-obligatory semiobligatorio [adj]
half-written semiescrito [adj]
half-witted mentecato [adj]
half-caste mestizo [adj]
half-hearted poco entusiasta [adj]
half-price a mitad de precio [adj]
half cut zurumbo [adj]
as much as half of tanto como la mitad de [adj]
at half cock mal elaborado [adj]
half-cocked mal elaborado [adj]
at half cock con el seguro echado [adj]
half-cocked con el seguro echado [adj]
at half cock seguro echado [adj]
half-cocked seguro echado [adj]
by half por la mitad [adj]
cut by half reducir a la mitad [v]
cut by half reducir en una mitad [v]
cut in half reducir en una mitad [v]
reduce by half reducir en una mitad [v]
win by half a length ganar por medio cuerpo [v]
split in half demediar [v]
be split in half demediar [v]
break in half quebrar por la mitad [v]
break in half romper por la mitad [v]
be left half finished quedarse a medias [v]
be left half open dejar abierto a medias [v]
draw a half moon dibujar una media luna [v]
be left half finished quedar a medio terminar [v]
half la mitad [pron]
half jokingly entre bromas y veras [adv]
half jokingly medio en broma [adv]
half-heartedly débilmente [adv]
and a half y medio [adv]
half trot a medio casco [adv]
at half cock medio amartillada (arma de fuego) [adv]
at half cock con el dedo medio apretado (pistola) [adv]
by half a la mitad [adv]
in half a la mitad [adv]
to the half a la mitad [adv]
as much as half of tanto como la mitad de [prep]
half a loaf is better than none peor es nalgas [expr] NI CR
half hemi- [pref]
better half freno de mano [n] GT CR BO
my better half mi peor es nada [n] MX NI PA VE EC BO CL AR UY derog.
half and half miti miti [n] CO BO PY
half and half miti miti [n] UY rare
better half cara mitad
half-caste mestizo
half-breed mestizo
a glass of half empty medio vaso
a glass of half empty un vaso a medias
a mile and a half una milla y media
half bottle la media botella
better half media naranja
half-life vida mitad
half-truth verdad a medias
half brother medio hermano
male half-sibling medio hermano
half past una y media
half-uncle medio tío
one and a half uno y medio
half full lleno por la mitad
half open abierto por la mitad
half of them la mitad
half of it la mitad
half board media pensión
half hour media hora
half moon media luna
centre half centre back
half-closed eyes ojos entornados
eyes half closed ojos entornados
half measures medidas a corto plazo
more than half mayoría absoluta
first half primer tiempo
half sister media hermana
half nelson media llave
half the world medio mundo
half the population medio mundo
half kidding mitad en broma
half in jest mitad en broma
half truth la verdad a medias
half a drachm adarme [m]
officer for the half-year's annates analista [m]
officer for the half-year's annates anatista [m]
measure, equivalent to half a peck celemín [m]
quantity contained in a measure equivalent to half a peck with the same name celemín [m]
half-brother/sister by the same father consanguíneo [m]
half-hose calcetín [m]
asturian grain-measure of half a peck copín [m]
half a drachm coclear [m]
half-gown worn by collegians capirote [m]
half-circle at the top of a column collarino [m]
half-boot borceguí [m]
half-boot botín [m]
half-burnt tree/log chamizo [m]
officer on half-pay oficial retirado [m]
half-pike espontón [m]
half-drachm weight pesante [m]
each half of a cloven hoof pesuño [m]
lace glove with half fingers only mitón [m]
officer on half-pay retirado [m]
half sheet of standard pliego plieguecillo [m]
half-burnt charcoal tizo [m]
half-burnt wood tizón [m]
fresh bacon half-salted saladillo [m]
half-cooked meal sancocho [m]
half-goat semicabrón [m]
half cylinder semicilindro [m]
half-man semihombre [m]
half-moon semilunio [m]
half a roman pound semis [m]
half-goat semicapro [m]
half-pike azagaya [f]
old copper coin of the value of half a maravedi blanca [f]
half-door compuerta [f]
half of each of the principal parts of a garment hoja [f]
half-round file mediacaña [f]
half-moon-shaped geometrical figure lúnula [f]
heap of half-burnt charcoal tizonera [f]
half-roasting socarra [f]
half-brother/sister by the same father consanguínea [f]
half-breed saltatrás [m/f]
half-breed tornatrás [m/f]
shaped like a half-gaiter abotinado (calzado) [adj]
half-witted alocado [adj]
half-breed cambujo [adj]
half-opened entreabierto [adj]
cut by half interciso [adj]
half mediado [adj]
half-content mediado [adj]
half-fired (brick) portero [adj]
half dry verdiseco [adj]
half-dead semidifunto [adj]
half-formed semiforme [adj]
of half a foot long semipedal [adj]
half-alive semivivo [adj]
half-breed (indian and negro) zambo [adj]
two and a half times sesquidoble [adj]
half-breed mestizo [adj]
half-breed mulato [adj]
half a medias [adj]
half-baked a medias [adj]
half-open a door entreabrir [v]
half-close the eyes entornar [v]
half roast soasar [v]
half-roast socarrar [v]
half-way entremedias [adv]
half-brother medio hermano [m]
half fare medio billete [m]
half-done buen principio [m]
half-pay medio sueldo [m]
half-pay officer oficial retirado [m]
half mourning medio luto [m]
half-blood medio hermano [m]
half-wit bobo [m]
half-wit tonto [m]
half-done obra empezada [f]
half-round file lima de media caña [f]
half binding media pasta [f]
half-boot media bota [f]
half parte media de un todo [f]
half-blood media hermana [f]
half-mast media asta [f]
half-wit boba [f]
half-done medio acabada [adj]
half casi [adj]
half semi [adj]
half seas over medio borracho [adj]
half-cock en seguro [adj]
half-mast a media asta [adj]
meet someone half may partir la diferencia [v]
half-mast poner a media asta [v]
half-sole poner medias sueltas [v]
half-sole echar medias suelas [v]
half-heartedly a medias [adv]
half done a medias [adv]
half finished a medias [adv]
by half a medias [adv]
half and half mitad de uno y mitad de otro
half-breed pardo [m] AMER
half-breed ladino [m] AMER
weight of half a pound cate [m] PH
outer garment worn by half-breed women ipil [m] CAM
half-breed lobo [m] MX
one league and a half topo [m] SA
indian and chinese half-breed zambaigo [m] MX
frame in the form of a large half circle covered with canvas and adorned with flowers, fruit, dolls, and silverwork put together for festivals arco [m] BO:W
frame in the form of a large half circle covered with canvas and adorned with flowers, fruit, dolls, and silverwork put together for festivals arco [m] NI
professional with several careers and a military rank who works half the time in military institutions asimilado [m] DO VE UY
half bath medio baño [m] MX
clay pot that looks like a half gourd barco [m] HN
political movement founded by rafael ángel calderón guardia in the first half of the twentieth century calderonismo [m] CR
(handball game) strong hit with the palm of the hand and with the fingers half open to send the ball against the pediment cajchazo [m] BO
an untamed or half-tamed foal or horse bagual [m] BO:E,S CL AR UY rur.
half of a coin deacuatro [m] NI
half of an empty nut shell or fruit peel coroto [m] VE
bowl made with half of the fruit of the mexican calabash morro [m] HN SV
half-cooked corn katisara [m] BO:W
rustic furniture or rack for hanging bowls made with half of the jicaro fruit jicarero [m] NI rur.
person who makes or sells bowls made with half of the jicaro fruit jicarero [m] MX GT
bowl made with half of the fruit of the mexican calabash jícaro [m] HN SV NI
better half empate [m] CU VE
half-consumed tobacco mocho [m] CU
half wall medio punto [m] PR
dried gourd container made from half a mexican calabash morro [m] HN SV
half-cooked husked corn used to prepare stews mote cauca [m] EC
sugar cookies made from carob flour and half roasted in a round mold patay [m] AR:Nw,W
and a half pichón [m] AR UY
card game between two players with half a deck each, alternately throwing down one card at a time until one is left without cards quitacamisa [m] CO
half floor apartment semipiso [m] AR
half-baked banana sarazo [m] DO
half a load of firewood tercio [m] HN SV rur.
half door aguatocho [m] AL
half-brother cohermano [m] disused
measurement equivalent to half a liter cotofle [m] disused
measurement equivalent to half a liter cotofre [m] disused
unit of measure for firewood equivalent to a half load garrote [m] ES local
half-rotten straw pajuz [m] ES local rur.
half liter wine jug pichella [m] ES local
half-cooked banana sarazo [m] PR
half-floor semipiso [m] AR
half-breed parda [f] AMER
half-breed ladina [f] AMER
half a butt of wine balsa [f] rur. rare
olive measure of half a fanega canasta [f] rur. rare
woman's half-boot botilla [f] disused
half of a dried gourd used as a drinking vessel nambira [f] HN
indian and chinese half-breed zambaiga [f] MX
half-breed loba [f] MX
half of a large gourd used for storing tortillas artesa [f] HN:S
balancing stone mortar for grinding grains with a half-moon shape cutana (del quechua) [f] PE AR:Nw
spinning top made with half a bobbin chintalala [f] SV
half title page falsa [f] MX
half finger gloves guantilla [f] CU
half-gouge chisel gurbia [f] HN SV NI
bowl made with half of the fruit of the mexican calabash jícara [f] MX GT HN SV NI CR CU DO VE:Nw,C
capacity of a bowl made with half of the jicaro fruit jicarada [f] MX HN NI
person who makes or sells bowls made with half of the jicaro fruit jicarera [f] MX GT
half-belt martingala (francés) [f] AR UY
half wagon wheel media luna [f] HN
half of a dried gourd used as a drinking vessel nambira [f] HN
half of a dried gourd used as a drinking vessel nambira [f] NI
half of a marijuana cigarette mioca [f] SV
half micha [f] MX
half of a joint mioca [f] SV
perforated half gourd pichacha [f] HN rur.
half-way house ratonera [f] PR delinq.
half door cadireta (catalán) [f] ES local
half-title falsa [f] MX
half meatad [f] disused
half metad [f] disused
half-bottle of wine tina [f] AL
half-carafe of wine tina [f] AL
half dozen french rolls trincha [f] PY
half half (inglés) [m/f] BO:W CL disused
half-caste achinado [adj] AR UY DO
half-caste acholado [adj] AR BO PE CR PA
half-naked chingo [adj] CAM
half indian (skin colour) acholado [adj] AMER
half breed acholado [adj]
mulatto/half-breed atravesado [adj] rur. rare
half-breed cholo [adj] AMER
half-breed calpamulo [adj] disused MX
half breed jenízaro [adj] MX
half-breed ñapango [adj] CO
half broken-in horse/mule redomón [adj] SA CU HN
half-cooked/boiled food saltón [adj] CL CO
half-ripe fruit zarazo [adj] AMER AND
half-ripe fruit sarazo [adj] AMER AND
half-hearted aguachento [adj] PE
half-wit bola de humo [adj] AR UY
(for a person or a person's hair) having half-breed traits azambado [adj] EC PE
half-hearted agüevado [adj] CR CO
half-hearted ahuevado [adj] CR CO
half ripe (fruit) amarcigado [adj] PR
(for a horse) half-tamed bagualón [adj] AR UY rur.
half-cooked cao [adj] EC:N rur.
half-ripened (fruit) aicojolao [adj] DO
fifty percent or half cincuenta cincuenta [adj] CO EC
with one eye half closed (person) chojo [adj] NI
half open (door or window) entrejunta [adj] CU
half-ripe alcojolado [adj] DO
half ripened istulte [adj] SV
half naked empelotado [adj] MX GT HN SV NI DO
half-ground martajado [adj] MX
half-naked encuerado [adj] MX GT HN DO EC BO
half blind pipiriciego [adj] GT NI CR
eyes half closed piciego [adj] DO
half-ripe sarazo [adj] CO VE
half-ripe sarazo [adj] CU DO rur.
half drunk sisirico [adj] SV
half-ripe zarazo [adj] CU VE rur.
half-cooked zorocho [adj] VE:W
half drunk tres-quince [adj] CO:N
with half of a face swollen cachipuco [adj] HN rur.
half-drunk cachudo [adj] SV
half drunk copetón [adj] CO BO
half ripened istulte [adj] SV
half medianero [adj] disused
half-eunuch rencallo [adj] ES local
half-drunk totoreco [adj] SV
half-drunken totoreco [adj] SV
half-cooked zorocho [adj] VE
wear a thing till it has lost half its value demediar [v] rare