lead - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "lead" in Spanish English Dictionary : 204 result(s)

English Spanish
lead plomo [m]
lead plomo [adj]
lead conducir [v]
lead conduce [v]
lead guiar [v]
lead comandar [v]
lead dirigir [v]
Irregular Verb
lead led - led [v]
lead aventajar [v]
lead llevar [v]
lead salir (cartas) [v]
lead parar [v]
lead emplomar [v]
lead encabezar [v]
lead encartar (cartas) [v]
lead interlinear [v]
lead liderar [v]
lead protagonizar [v]
lead salidas (cartas) [f/pl]
lead cabeza [f]
lead mina [f]
lead protagonista [m/f]
lead cabezal [m]
lead derecha [f]
lead emplomadura [f]
lead mina [f]
lead traílla [f]
lead líder [m/f]
lead mano [m/f]
lead plúmbeo [adj]
lead abrir [v]
lead acaudillar [v]
lead capitanear [v]
lead dirigir [v]
lead emplomar [v]
lead empujar [v]
lead encabezar [v]
lead guiar [v]
lead imponerse [v]
lead inducir [v]
lead liderar [v]
lead menar [v]
lead presidir [v]
lead protagonizar [v]
lead resplandecer [v]
lead sobresalir [v]
lead vencer [v]
lead galán [m]
lead conductor [m]
lead alargo [m]
lead encarte (cartas) [m]
lead conducto [m]
lead liderazgo [m]
lead liderato [m]
lead avance [m]
lead escandallo [m]
lead balas [m]
lead cable [m]
lead iniciativa [f]
lead traílla [f]
lead correa [f]
lead ventaja [f]
lead interlínea [f]
lead plúmbeo [adj]
lead principal [adj]
lead espaciar [v]
lead abrir [v]
lead adiestrar [v]
lead inducir [v]
lead partir [v]
lead comenzar [v]
lead ir a la cabeza [v]
lead ir en cabeza [v]
lead estar al frente de [v]
lead llevar (vida) [v]
lead saturno [m]
lead delantera [f]
lead regleta [f]
lead sonda [f]
lead mandar [v]
lead amaestrar [v]
lead adestrar [v]
lead atraer [v]
lead derivar [v]
lead gobernar [v]
lead ir [v]
lead regir [v]
lead traer [v]
lead primacía [f]
lead salida [f]
lead mano (en el juego) [f]
lead forrar con plomo [v]
lead guarnecer con plomo [v]
lead enseñar [v]
lead llevar de la mano [v]
lead encausar [v]
lead halagar [v]
lead motivar [v]
lead gastar (tiempo) [v]
lead mover [v]
lead enseñar el camino [v]
lead dominar [v]
lead emplear (tiempo) [v]
lead mandar en jefe [v]
lead ser mano (en el juego) [v]
lead empujar [v]
lead ejemplo [m]
lead lideresa [f] MX HN NI DO VE EC PE BO
lead titular [f] rare
lead encabezonar [v] disused
lead anticipar [v] disused
lead bandear [v] disused
lead empuntar [v] CO
lead liderear [v] MX NI CU PR
lead liderizar [v] VE
lead tayacanear [v] HN
lead plúmbea [adj/f]
lead más destacada [adj/f]
lead de guías [adj]
lead adelantarse en el marcador [v]
lead mandar alguien en jefe [v]
lead llevar alguien la batuta [v]
lead ventajear [v] GT CO AR UY derog.
lead oportunidad [f]
lead indicio [m]
lead pista [f]
lead pata [f]
lead hilo [m]
lead plomo [m]
lead conductor [m]
lead avance [m]
lead conductor [m]
lead conductor de suministro [m]
lead cable [m]
lead toma de alimentación [f]
lead interlineado [m]
lead adelanto [m]
lead cable [m]
lead conductor [m]
lead desfase [m]
lead plomo [m]
lead paso [m]
lead bolina [f]
lead línea [f]
lead preceder [v]
lead primer lugar
lead sondaleza
lead mina de lápiz
lead cable flexible
lead avance de fase
lead intervalo de predicción
lead sonda [f]
lead plúmbico [adj]
lead conductor de suministro
lead toma de alimentación
lead prospecto [m]
lead adelanto [m]
lead plomada [f]
lead localización [f]
lead afluir [v]
lead plomo [m]
lead derivación [f]
lead derivación [f]
lead plomo (pb)
lead emplomar [v]
lead venero [m]
lead cable [m]
lead plomo [m]
lead adelanto [m]
lead avance [m]
lead tira [f] CU
lead precintar [v]
lead encauzar [v]
lead esmaltar [v]
lead cubrir con plomo [v]
lead toma de conexión [f]
lead interlínea [f]
lead regletear [v]
lead masa tierra
lead ir a la cabeza
lead ir delante
lead sondalesa [f]
lead avance [m]
lead arranque [m]
Animal Husbandry
lead chicote [m]
lead filón [m]
lead veta [f]
lead plomo [m]
lead encarte [m]
lead desfase [m]
lead paso (de rosca) [m]
lead recorrido (de un tubo) [m]
lead avance [m]
lead conexión [f]
lead llevar [v]
lead conductor de suministro
lead toma de alimentación
lead canal [m]
lead sonda [f]
lead llevar la batuta [v]
lead abrir huella [v]
lead ventaja [f]
lead puntear [v]
lead emplomar [v]

Meanings of "lead" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
you lead conduce [v]
I lead/drive conduzco [v]
lead paint minio [m]
lead screw husillo [m]
lead coated emplomado [adj]
take the lead adelantarse [v]
white lead albayalde [m]
black lead lápiz [m]
male lead galán [m]
red lead minio [m]
black lead grafito [m]
lead poisoning plumbemia [f]
lead to abocar a [v]
lead to dar acceso a [v]
lead astray distraer [v]
lead to salir a [v]
lead an ace salir con un as [v]
lead a trump salir de triunfo [v]
lead astray seducir [v]
lead astray torcer [v]
take the lead tomar el mando [v]
lead to provocar [v]
be in the lead llevar la delantera [v]
lead astray descarriar [v]
lead to resultar en [v]
lead astray desorientar [v]
lead weight plomo [m]
lead astray extraviar [v]
take the lead tomar la delantera [v]
lead the way mostrar el camino [v]
lead (of a pencil) mina [f]
white lead albayalde (árabe) [m]
white lead blanco de plomo [m]
lead horse cebadero [m]
lead belt cinturón de lastre [m]
lead decury student decurión [m]
set of lead roofing sheets emplomado [m]
lead worker emplomador [m]
lead sealer emplomador [m]
short lead, tin or copper ingot galápago [m]
lead bird guion [m]
read lead minio [m]
lead oxide minio [m]
lead dog perro guion [m]
lead (pb) plomo [m]
lead bullet plomo [m]
man in the lead puntero [m]
carnival celebration lead by a young man rey de gallos [m]
lead (pb) saturno [m]
lead mare caponera [f]
lead horse guía [f]
pencil lead mina [f]
lead goods shop plomería [f]
woman in the lead puntera [f]
red lead rúbrica sinópica [f]
lead oxide rúbrica sinópica [f]
glazier's lead opener tingle [f]
coated with white lead albayaldado [adj]
lead-containing aplomado [adj]
in the lead líder [adj]
lead-like plomoso [adj]
lead-in telonero [adj]
lead in front of oneself antecoger [v]
make lead-like aplomar [v]
become lead-like aplomarse [v]
lead a decent life bienvivir [v]
emboss a lead seal bollar [v]
lead to derivar [v]
lead astray desaviar [v]
lead astray descaminar [v]
be lead astray descarriarse [v]
lead to desembocar [v]
take the lead desempatar [v]
lead someone up the garden path desencaminar [v]
lead someone astray desencaminar [v]
lead through a conduit encañonar [v]
lead someone to believe hablar [v]
lead to believe indiciar [v]
lead astray malear [v]
lead astray mentir [v]
lead astray mistificar [v]
lead to originar [v]
lead astray picardear [v]
seal with lead plomar [v]
follow the lead ramalear [v]
take the lead sobresalir [v]
lead to traer [v]
flexible lead connector prolongador [m]
lead seal marchamo [m]
lead worker plomero [m]
lead ocher litargirio [m]
someone that works in lead plomero [m]
lead oxide óxido de plomo [m]
jump lead cable de arranque [m]
lead time plazo [m]
lead ball posta [f]
lead white cerusita [f]
lead poisoning intoxicación con plomo [f]
lead (leading position) delantera [f]
dog lead correa para perro [f]
affixing lead fijación del marcapasos [f]
affixing lead fijación del electrodo [f]
pencil lead mina [f]
lead (hint) pista [f]
related to or resembling lead plúmbeo [adj]
related to or resembling lead plomizo [adj]
made of lead plomizo [adj]
made of lead plúmbeo [adj]
lead-free sin plomo [adj]
lead to causar [v]
lead astray enviciar [v]
lead to desembocar [v]
lead cattle toward some place carear [v]
lead astray pervertir [v]
play the lead in protagonizar [v]
make wild bulls be lead by tame ones encabestrar [v]
(for something) to lead to the same result (as another) conducir al mismo resultado (algo) [v]
(for something) to lead to the same result (as another) llevar al mismo resultado (algo) [v]
bury the lead tapar el asunto [v]
bury the lead echar tierra encima [v]
lead a cause abanderar [v]
take the lead encabezar [v]
take the lead (do something first) tomar la delantera [v]
have a lead of llevar una ventaja de [v]
have the lead llevar la delantera [v]
lead someone astray into bad ways llevar a alguien por el mal camino [v]
lead someone to do something llevar a alguien a hacer algo [v]
lead to trouble traer problemas [v]
take the lead tomarle la delantera [v]
lead the parade encabezar el desfile [v]
lead astray llevar por mal camino [v]
lead a dog's life llevar una vida de perros [v]
lead an active life llevar una vida activa [v]
lead a normal life llevar una vida normal [v]
lead to difficulties acarrear dificultades [v]
lead to adverse effects acarrear efectos adversos [v]
lead to problems acarrear problemas [v]
lead the way marcar el camino [v]
lead the march abrir la marcha [v]
lead the way abrir la marcha [v]
lead to rebel amotinar [v]
lead to something conducir a algo [v]
lead the way encabezar la marcha [v]
lead an easy life llevar una vida blanda [v]
lead a normal life hacer una vida normal [v]
lead a saintly life vivir santamente [v]
lead-coloured plomizo
lead investigator investigadora a cargo
jump lead cable de arranque
lead guitar guitarra solista
false lead pista falsa
male lead protagonista masculino
paint made of red lead used for painting floors chauche [m]
red oxide of lead azarcón [m]
furnace for lead-smelting or charcoal-burning boliche [m]
pig of lead/tin galápago [m]
roof covered with lead emplomado [m]
black-lead lápiz [m]
lead pencil lápiz [m]
black-lead mine lapizar [m]
lead oxide minio [m]
ball or piece of lead plomo [m]
carbonate of lead cerusa [f]
scourge with lead balls plomada [f]
lead roofing plomería [f]
slug of lead posta [f]
glaziers' lead opener tingle [f]
lead-line sondaleza [f]
lead-colored aplomado [adj]
containing lead aplomado [adj]
take the lead adelantarse [v]
cover with white lead albayaldar [v]
give the colour of white lead albayaldar [v]
lead (party/band) acaudillar [v]
lead in front of one antecoger [v]
lead along acompañar [v]
lead (to) desembocar [v]
lead astray desencaminar [v]
lead a licentious life desgarrarse [v]
lead into error desorientar [v]
lead wrong desorientar [v]
lead a riotous life despeñarse [v]
lead out of temptation by means of persuasion destentar [v]
lead off desviar [v]
lead astray desaviar [v]
lead astray descaminar [v]
lead a dissipated life descarriarse [v]
lead a vagabond life guitonear [v]
paint with red-lead embijar [v]
fit/line with lead emplomar [v]
put on lead seals emplomar [v]
lead an idle life holgazanear [v]
lead a new life enmendarse [v]
put a lead seal on a diploma plomar [v]
lead cattle to graze pastar [v]
lead to pasture pastorear [v]
lead to salir [v]
lead a loose life tunar [v]
lead by the nose zapatear [v]
lead a vicious life travesear [v]
lead an idle life haraganear [v]
pot-lead grafito [m]
deep-sea-lead escandallo mayor [m]
black lead lápiz-plomo [m]
red lead almagre [m]
sugar of lead azúcar de plomo [m]
yellow lead albayalde calcinado [m]
sugar of lead acetato de plomo [m]
hand-lead sondaleza [f]
red lead almagra [f]
sugar of lead sal de saturno [f]
lead one a dance traer a uno al retortero [v]
lead along conducir [v]
lead in introducir [v]
lead into introducir [v]
lead a horse to water llevar a abrevar (un caballo) [v]
lead to water llevar a abrevar (un caballo) [v]
lead a good life vivir bien [v]
lead the way llevar la delantera [v]
lead astray desviar [v]
lead off principiar [v]
lead out of the way descarriar [v]
lead a new life enmendarse [v]
heave the lead escandallar [v]
heave the lead echar el escandallo [v]
lead the way conducir [v]
lead the way ir delante [v]
lead animal burro campanero [m] Ve:C,W
lead ox cabrestero [m] VE
lead ship buque jefe [m] CL
catholic selected by the priest to preach and lead prayers while the priest is absent delegado de la palabra [m] HN
lack of care in one's habits (which could lead to health problems) desasurdo [m] DO
high-quality rooster, lead colored cenizo [m] CU
group of people who lead within a political party comando [m] DO VE BO
pencil lead lápiz de mina [m] NI DO CL
lead teacher jefe de curso [m] BO CL
lead animal padrote [m] VE EC
trailer lead robacorriente [m] BO
mineral composed of sulfur and lead sornijear [m] CL
white lead blanquíbolo [m] disused
lead-tin-yellow génoli [m] disused
lead-tin-yellow génuli [m] rare
argentiferous lead plomo de obra [m] disused
silver lead plomo de obra [m] disused
lead ore poor in silver plomo pobre [m] disused
argentiferous lead plomo rico [m] disused
silver lead plomo rico [m] disused
in the lead puntero [m] BO PE PY AR UY
white lead makeup resplandor [m] disused
lead cattle señuelo [m] MX BO PY AR
lead ox cabrestera [f] VE
lead teacher jefa de curso [f] BO CL
lead-line sondaleza [f] NI
lead diacetate agua blanca [f] rare
sugar of lead agua blanca [f] rare
lead sugar agua blanca [f] rare
cord with a lead end, to measure heights cata [f] disused
lead horse guindaleta [f] AL
lead shot plomada [f] disused
in the lead puntera [f] BO PE PY AR UY
lead (horse) cabresteado [adj] BO:S
lead-colored plomo [adj] MX NI EC PE BO CL
lead colored sornijear [adj] AR:Nw
take the lead coger la delantera [v] ES
lead a vagabond life bribar [v] disused
mark goods with lead seal to show origin bullar [v] rur. rare
lead an idle life magancear [v] CO CL
lead astray extraviar [v] fig.
lead a group of animals ford a river cabrestear [v] VE
take the lead batutear [v] DO CO
lead an animal, by placing one rider on each side aparear [v] AR rur. rare
lead an animal, by placing one rider on each side aparear [v] UY rur.
use a tame animal to lead other less obedient animals cabestrear [v] CO
use a tame animal to lead other less obedient animals cabestrear [v] BO:S
team up an animal with the lead ox cabestrear [v] BO:S
follow the lead without resisting (a horse ) cabrestear [v] MX VE CL PY AR UY rur.
lead a cow of livestock cabrestear [v] VE
lead a herd of livestock cabrestear [v] VE
lead someone astray cotorrear [v] SV
tie up an animal with a rope from the horns to one of it's front legs in order to lead it easily compullar [v] AR:Nw rur.
lead in prayer enseñar [v] SV rare rur.
lead on caramelear [v] CO
take the lead empuntar [v] PR
lead livestock by pushing on its wooden collar paletear [v] AR UY rur.
lead in a competition picar [v] DO VE
lead the way derezar [v] disused
lead out of temptation by means of persuasion destentar [v] disused
lead a dissolute life with women garzonear [v] disused
lead astray malvar [v] disused
treat with red lead miniar [v] ES
treat with lead oxide miniar [v] ES
be in the lead puntear [v] MX HN CO BO CL PY
lead up the garden path rodar [v] CR
lead-colored aplomada [adj/f]
containing lead aplomada [adj/f]
lead up conducir [v]
lead astray confundir [v]
lead down the garden path burlarse [v]
lead by example predicar con ejemplo [v]
lead a dissolute life correr sin freno [v]
lead to dar lugar a [v]
take the lead guiar [v]
take the lead ser punta de lanza [v]
take the lead liderar [v]
swing the lead estar al socaire [v]
swing the lead ponerse al socaire [v]
follow one's lead seguir las directivas de alguien [v]
follow one's lead seguir el liderazgo de alguien [v]
follow someone's lead seguir el ejemplo de alguien [v]
go down like a lead balloon caer muy mal (a otras personas) [v]
lead the way crear escuela [v]
lead the way hacer escuela [v]
lead a life of luxury vivir a todo tren [v]
lead someone a merry chase darle a alguien quebraderos de cabeza [v]
lead someone a dance darle a alguien quebraderos de cabeza [v]
lead someone a merry dance darle a alguien quebraderos de cabeza [v]
lead the life of riley darse buena vida [v]
lead the life of riley darse la vida padre [v]
lead the life of riley darse una vida padres [v]
lead the life of riley pegarse la vida padre [v]
lead to dar paso a [v]
lead us not into temptation no nos dejes caer en la tentación [v]
lead someone on echarle los perros a alguien [v]
swing the lead hacer la zanguanga [v]
put lead in your pencil aumentar la potencia sexual [v]
put lead in one's pencil aumentar la potencia sexual [v]
lead someone down the garden path llevar a alguien al huerto [v]
lead someone by the nose llevar a alguien del cabestro [v]
lead someone to success llevar a buen puerto [v]
lead a dreary life llevar una vida gris [v]
lead someone up the garden path llevar a alguien al huerto [v]
lead someone up the garden path llevarse a alguien al huerto [v]
lead up the garden path llevar al huerto [v]
lead a sad life llevar una vida gris [v]
lead someone down the garden path llevarse a alguien al huerto [v]
lead astray llevar al huerto [v]
take the lead adelantarse en el marcador [v]
swing the lead racanear [v]
swing the lead fingirse enfermo [v]
swing the lead faltar al trabajo [v]
swing the lead eludir el trabajo [v]
swing the lead eludir la responsabilidad [v]
lead the life of riley pegarse la gran vida [v]
lead the life of riley pegarse la vidorra [v]
lead by the nose llevar a alguien de la barba [v]
lead by the nose llevar a alguien de la gamarra [v]
lead by the nose llevar a alguien del cabestro [v]
lead by the nose llevar agarrado por las narices [v]
lead by the nose llevar por la punta de las narices [v]
lead the way in something ser un adelantado en algo [v]
lead a disorderly life ser un pendón [v]
lead a disorderly and licentious life ser un crápula [v]
take the lead (by winning) tomar la delantera a alguien [v]
lead to a rift between sembrar cizaña entre [v]
lead to a rift between meter cizaña entre [v]
lead to a rift among meter cizaña entre [v]
lead to a rift among sembrar cizaña entre [v]
lead to something dar lugar a algo [v]
lead to something derivar en algo [v]
lead a life of great comfort or luxury darse una vida padres [v]
lead one to the altar llevar a alguien al altar [v]
lead one to the altar llevar a alguien a la iglesia [v]
lead someone astray llevar a alguien por mal camino [v]
lead to someone getting involved in something levantar la caza [v]
lead the life of riley vivir como un sultán [v]
lead the life of riley vivir a la gran dumón [v]
lead the life of riley vivir como dios en francia [v]
lead the life of riley vivir como un canónigo [v]
lead the life of riley vivir como un maharajá [v]
lead the life of riley vivir como un marqués [v]
lead the life of riley vivir como un pachá [v]
lead the life of riley vivir como un príncipe [v]
lead the way abrir camino [v]
lead someone to believe dar a entender algo [v]
lead someone to believe darse a entender [v]
lead someone to believe darse por enterado [v]
take the lead coger la delantera [v]
take the lead ganar la delantera [v]
take the lead tomar la delantera [v]
lead someone to believe dar a entender algo [v]
lead the way hacer escuela [v]
follow someone's lead seguir las huellas de alguien [v]
be losing the lead llevar lo peor [v]
lead lambs to the slaughter encomendar las ovejas al lobo [v]
follow someone else's lead arrimarse al parecer de alguien [v]
lead to the dance floor sacar a bailar [v]
it's lead-pipe cinch es pan comido
lead-pipe cinch muy fácil
lead a dog's life llevar una vida de perro
all roads lead to rome todos los caminos conducen a roma
all roads lead to rome todos los ríos llevan al mar
as heavy as lead pesado como el plomo
as heavy as lead que pesa mucho
lead the field ir a la cabeza
lead up to conducir hacia
lead by the nose tener a alguien metido en un puño
lead someone by the nose tener a alguien metido en un puño
lead by the nose tener dominado a alguien
lead someone by the nose tener dominado a alguien
lead a charmed life tener suerte en todo
lead a charmed life tener una vida hermosa
lead the field liderar
lead the field encabezar
lead the pack liderar el grupo
lead down the garden path timar
lead someone on a merry chase timar a alguien
lead down the garden path tomar el pelo
lead with one's chin tomar un riesgo
lead someone down the garden path tomarle el pelo a alguien
lead someone up the garden path tomarle el pelo a alguien
lead someone down the garden path llevar a alguien por un rumbo equivocado
lead someone up the garden path llevar a alguien por un rumbo equivocado
lead to the downfall llevar a la perdición
lead a person a merry pretty dance llevar a una persona a rastras
lead somebody a merry dance llevar a una persona a rastras
lead someone a merry dance llevar a una persona a rastras
lead the field llevar la delantera
lead astray llevar por el camino equivocado
lead astray llevar por el mal camino
lead down the garden path llevar por un rumbo equivocado
lead a double life llevar una doble vida
lead a dog's life llevar una vida de perros
lead the life of riley llevar una vida fantástica
lead down the garden path engañar
lead (someone) up the garden path engañar a alguien
lead someone down the garden path engañar a alguien
lead someone up the garden path engañar a alguien
lead down the garden path engatusar
lead (someone) up the garden path engatusar
lead someone down the garden path engatusar a alguien
lead someone up the garden path engatusar a alguien
lead down the garden path enredar
lead someone up the garden path enredar
lead with one's chin actuar temerariamente
lead the life of riley darse la buena vida
lead a person a merry dance manejar a una persona como a un títere
lead by the nose manejar a su antojo
lead somebody a merry dance manejar a una persona como un títere
lead someone a fine dance manejar a una persona como un títere
lead astray manipular
lead by the nose manipular
lead somebody a merry dance manipular a alguien
lead someone by the nose manipular a alguien
lead someone a pretty dance manipular a alguien
lead the field marcar el camino
lead the way marcar el camino
lead the field preceder
lead-pipe cinch algo muy fácil de hacer
lead-pipe cinch algo que sucederá con seguridad
lead down the garden path estafar
lead astray descarrilar
lead astray descarriar
lead astray desencaminar
lead astray desorientar
lead astray despistar
lead out sacar fuera (a alguien)
lead someone by the nose dominar a alguien a nuestro antojo
lead by the nose dominar a alguien a nuestro antojo
lead someone on a merry chase burlarse de alguien
lead astray echar a perder la buena conducta
lead someone to believe something hacer creer algo a alguien
lead (someone) up the garden path embaucar
lead down the garden path embaucar
lead someone up the garden path embaucar a alguien
lead someone down the garden path embaucar a alguien
lead the pack ser el líder
lead down the garden path hacer tragar el anzuelo
lead someone down the garden path hacer tragar el anzuelo a alguien
lead someone up the garden path hacer tragar el anzuelo a alguien
lead the pack ser punta de lanza
lead a charmed life vivir una vida de ensueño
lead a charmed life vivir una vida encantadora
lead a dog's life vivir una vida muy dura
lead a dog's life vivir una vida muy sacrificada
lead a charmed life vivir una vida fácil
lead a charmed life vivir una vida placentera
lead someone astray desviar a alguien del buen camino
lead someone to success llegar a buen puerto
as heavy as lead más pesado que el plomo
as heavy as lead más pesado que un plomo
as heavy as lead más pesado que una vaca en brazos
lead animals to night feeding grounds componer los animales [v] PR
lead a bad life darse al estricote [v] VE
lead on mamar gallo [v] CO
lead a lamb to slaughter llevar a uno como caña pal ingenio [v] MX DO
lead to believe engañar con manteca de garrobo [v] NI
lead someone llevar en la balastra [v] NI
lead on traer finto [v] MX
have lead fists tener la muñeca prohibida (un boxeador) [v] CU
it's lead-pipe cinch es una papa AMER
get the lead out! ¡apúrate! [interj]
lead the way muéstrame el camino
this can't lead anyplace esto no conduce a ninguna parte
tracks lead south las huellas se dirigen hacia el sur
where is this going to lead into ¿adónde terminará esto?
lead away llevar [v]
lead up to conducir a [v]
lead up to preparar el terreno para [v]
lead up to llegar a [v]
lead up to llevar a [v]