run-on - Spanish English Dictionary


Meanings of "run-on" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
run over atropellar [v]
run down atropellar [v]
run correr [v]
you/they run corran [v]
you/they run corren [v]
I run corra [v]
you run corra [v]
you run corres [v]
you run corras [v]
bull run encierro [m]
run corrida [f]
run aground varar [v]
run marchar [v]
run dirigir [v]
Irregular Verb
run ran - run [v]
print run tiraje [m]
run recorrido [m]
run carrera [f]
run internada [f]
run escalera doble (cartas) [f]
print run tirada [f]
run fermata [f]
run-resist indesmallable [adj]
run-down trasnochado [adj]
run-down debilitado [adj]
run down descargado [adj]
run desteñirse [v]
run through devorar [v]
run in rodar [v]
run rodar [v]
run out acabarse [v]
run away huir [v]
run away from huir de [v]
work (to operate, run a machine) operar [v]
run (to operate a machine) operar [v]
run dry secarse [v]
run ejecutar [v]
run away ahuyentarse [v]
run into encontrar [v]
run into encontrarse con [v]
run off soltar [v]
run into chocar con [v]
run off with alzarse con [v]
run away sumirse [v]
run up izar [v]
run jalar [v]
run away escaparse [v]
run over pillar [v]
run pilotear [v]
run through espetar [v]
run seed espigar [v]
run out terminarse [v]
run out consumirse [v]
run into topar con [v]
run into topar [v]
run out prescribir [v]
run explotar [v]
run presentarse [v]
run trabajar [v]
break into a run echar a correr [v]
run correrse [v]
run about corretear [v]
run out fallir [v]
run in the family venir de familia [v]
run manar [v]
run with manar [v]
run manejar [v]
run fluir [v]
run faster correr más [v]
run away fugarse [v]
run down denigrar [v]
run verter [v]
run into verter a [v]
run out gastarse [v]
run riot desbocarse [v]
run regentar [v]
run down descargar [v]
run descargar [v]
run into descargar en [v]
run down descargarse [v]
run regir [v]
run gobernar [v]
run off volarse [v]
run seed granar [v]
run aground zabordar [v]
run away zafarse [v]
run away desmandarse [v]
run administrar [v]
run into coincidir [v]
in the long run a largo plazo [adv]
in the short run a corto plazo [adv]
run corrida (bancaria) [f]
run aground encallar [v]
run ir corriendo [v]
run around corretear [v]
run after correr tras [v]
run desteñir [v]
(machine, device) run ir [v]
run off derrame [m]
software that can be run ejecutable [m]
hare that has been run by dogs matacán [m]
run time metraje [m]
national state-run hotel parador [m]
national state-run hotel parador nacional de turismo [m]
run rayón [m]
short run repelón [m]
print run tiraje [m]
sled run tobogán [m]
wine of free-run must obtained only by the weight of the grape without pressing vino de lágrima [m]
the indies run carrera de indias [f]
run corrida [f]
letting one's imagination run wild elucubración [f]
run-off plate fallanca [f]
print run impresión [f]
free-run wine lágrima [f]
amount of water needed to run a waterwheel muela [f]
run for public office oposición [f]
run (fish) ribazón [f]
run fence tela [f]
print run tirada [f]
servant who run errands of a nunnery or convent demandadera [m/f]
run down trasnochado [adj]
run competir [v]
run over abarrajar [v]
run aground abarrancar [v]
run aground abarrancarse [v]
run into abocar [v]
run into abordar [v]
run afoul of abordar [v]
make run fast adelantar [v]
run out agotarse [v]
run into gullies ahocinarse [v]
run away ahuyentarse [v]
run off amontar [v]
run away amontarse [v]
run by andar [v]
run together apeñuscarse [v]
run together apretarse [v]
run over arrollar [v]
run off atajarse [v]
run out of steam atrafagarse [v]
run slow atrasar [v]
run automatically automatizar [v]
run over coger [v]
run through correr [v]
run a risk correr [v]
run correrse [v]
run into desbocar [v]
run down the heel of a shoe descarcañalar [v]
have the heel of a shoe run down descarcañalarse [v]
run descender [v]
run back descorrer [v]
run into desembocar [v]
run amok deslenguarse [v]
run through devorar [v]
run dirigir [v]
run discurrir [v]
run off dispararse [v]
run toward dispararse [v]
run software ejecutar [v]
let one's imagination run wild elucubrar [v]
run aground embarrancar [v]
run ashore embarrancar [v]
be run aground embarrancarse [v]
be run ashore embarrancarse [v]
run aground enarenarse [v]
run aground encallar [v]
be run aground encallarse [v]
run through enclavar [v]
run into encontrar [v]
run into encontrarse [v]
run enderezar [v]
be run enderezarse [v]
run out of arguments enervarse [v]
run out of excuses enervarse [v]
give the run around entretener [v]
run esvarar [v]
make run escapar [v]
run away escaparse [v]
run low escasear [v]
run out of steam fatigarse [v]
run away fugarse [v]
run away hoparse [v]
run away huir [v]
run inicializar [v]
run down limar [v]
run manar [v]
run into meterse [v]
run low parvificar [v]
run through pasar [v]
run over pasar [v]
run after perseguir [v]
run over pillar [v]
run out prescribir [v]
run one's eyes over recorrer [v]
run into reencontrarse [v]
run through regar [v]
run regentar [v]
run away again rehuir [v]
run in their own footsteps rehuir [v]
run to the hills remontarse [v]
run resbalar [v]
run resbalarse [v]
run a horse ragged reventar [v]
be run ragged reventarse [v]
run into rozarse [v]
run saltar [v]
run dry secarse [v]
run after seguir [v]
run over sobreverterse [v]
run into topar [v]
run trabajar [v]
run away transmontarse [v]
run through traspasarse [v]
run tratar [v]
run over tropellar [v]
run aground varar [v]
run out vencer [v]
run verter [v]
run viajar [v]
run volar [v]
run for public office oposiciones f[/pl]
run-off derrame [m]
run-off escurrimiento [m]
dry run ensayo [m]
run time tiempo de ejecución [m]
a railroad system where the trains run on a single rail monorriel [m]
(ship/plane) run viaje [m]
place where horses roam/run corredero [m]
ambulance run recorrido de ambulancia [m]
cattle run colada [f]
run vuelta [f]
run-up carrerilla [f]
run of an octave carrerilla [f]
run racha [f]
run edición [f]
run anotación [f]
an old run-down house chabola [f]
additional run carrera adicional [f]
aids run carrera para la lucha contra el sida [f]
ambulance run ruta de ambulancia [f]
run resist indesmallable [adj]
sea-run anádromo [adj]
long-run a largo plazo [adj]
run-of-the-mill mediocre [adj]
run of the mill adocenado [adj]
run-of-the-mill anodino [adj]
run-of-the-mill corriente y moliente [adj]
run-of-the-mill ordinario [adj]
run-of-the-mill común y corriente [adj]
run-of-the-mill ordinaria [adj]
run-down en ruinas [adj]
run-of-the-mill normal y corriente [adj]
run-down agotado [adj]
run down aniquilado [adj]
at a run a la carrera [adj]
run for presentarse [v]
run into each other tropezarse [v]
run into encontrarse [v]
run away rajarse [v]
run away ahuyentarse [v]
run out extinguirse [v]
run a ship aground embarrancar [v]
run over redundar [v]
run aground enarenar [v]
run to seed espigarse [v]
run away desbocarse [v]
run into debt entramparse [v]
run trotar [v]
run together emborracharse [v]
run across toparse [v]
run gestionar [v]
run out of steam desfondarse [v]
run away emplumar [v]
(machine) run andar [v]
run slow atrasar [v]
(time) run out agotarse (el tiempo) [v]
(battery) run down agotarse (la pila, la batería) [v]
(battery) run out agotarse (la pila, la batería) [v]
(river) run correr (un río) [v]
(river) run discurrir (un río) [v]
(one's luck) to run out esfumarse (la suerte) [v]
(river) run fluir (un río) [v]
(battery) run down quedar poca (batería) [v]
(line) run trazar (una línea) [v]
run (to be or become) estar [v]
run out of gas agotarse [v]
run out of something quedarse sin algo [v]
run a business dirigir un negocio [v]
run out caducar [v]
run aground aconcharse [v]
run out agotarse [v]
run llenar [v]
run funcionar [v]
run burlar [v]
break into a run arrancar a correr [v]
run aground embarrancar [v]
run moquearse [v]
run amok enloquecerse [v]
run ragged acogotar [v]
run away chaquetear [v]
run down pelar [v]
run down morder [v]
run naked in public correr desnudo [v]
run together concurrir [v]
flee or run away salir en carrera [v]
flee or run away apretar los talones [v]
run afluir [v]
run after perseguir [v]
run amok correr a ciegas [v]
run away arrancarse [v]
run into tropezar [v]
run into chocar [v]
run out extinguir [v]
run out expirar [v]
run off echar [v]
run out vencer [v]
run short distance lanzarse [v]
run galopar [v]
run across the road cruzar la carretera corriendo [v]
run encallar [v]
run a bath llenar la bañera [v]
run all the faster correr aún más rápido [v]
run amok enloquecer atacando a gente de forma indiscriminada [v]
run one's eye over something echar un ojo a algo [v]
run past pasar corriendo [v]
run one's eye over something echar un vistazo a algo [v]
run smoothly ir bien [v]
run the gauntlet of something exponerse a algo [v]
run the risk of something correr el riesgo de algo [v]
run the risk of doing something correr el riesgo de hacer algo [v]
go for a run ir a correr [v]
go for a run ir a dar a correr [v]
run abrir [v]
run organizar [v]
run seguir [v]
run poner (la máquina/la película) [v]
run hacer funcionar [v]
let the motor run dejar que el motor funcione [v]
run off the road salirse de la carretera [v]
run a light saltarse un semáforo [v]
be on the run estar huyendo [v]
run over pasarse [v]
run the light saltarse el semáforo (en rojo) [v]
run smoothly ir como la seda [v]
hit and run chocar y huir [v]
run upstairs subir corriendo [v]
run the show llevar la batuta [v]
run a business llevar un negocio [v]
run a business llevar una empresa [v]
run to the store correr a la tienda [v]
run all over the place correr por todas partes [v]
run all over the place correr por todos lados [v]
run the risk of correr el riesgo de [v]
run the risk of exponerse a [v]
run upstairs correr escaleras arriba [v]
run downstairs correr escaleras abajo [v]
run a risk correr un peligro [v]
run a risk correr peligro [v]
run a risk correr riesgo [v]
run a risk of correr un riesgo de [v]
run laps correr vueltas [v]
run the show cortar el bacalao [v]
run for a third term presentarse a un tercer mandato [v]
run for president presentarse para presidente [v]
be run over morir atropellado [v]
be run over ser atropellado [v]
run out of breath darle un ahogo [v]
run on batteries funcionar con pilas [v]
run on batteries funcionar a pilas [v]
run on gas funcionar con gas [v]
run aground quedar varado [v]
run downstairs bajar corriendo [v]
run errands hacer mandados [v]
run an errand hacer un recado [v]
run away ahuecar el ala [v]
run a brush through one's hair pasar el cepillo por el pelo [v]
put the enemy on the run poner al enemigo en fuga [v]
run at something precipitarse sobre algo [v]
run aground a boat on a bench embancarse [v]
run aground/ashore (ship/boat) enarenarse [v]
run about for play corretear [v]
run away escurrirse [v]
run (liquid/water) manar [v]
be able run rings around (somebody) ser más listo [v]
can not run no poder correr [v]
hit a home run volarse la barda [v]
run wild calentarse el bocado [v]
run away salir como bola por tronera [v]
be run hacerse operar [v]
be run hacerse funcionar [v]
be run by estar dirigido por [v]
be run efficiently estar dirigido eficazmente [v]
run from pillar to post ir de herodes a pilatos [adv]
run one's mouth ¿cómo te quedó el ojo? [expr] MX PA
a run of luck una racha de suerte
hit and run delito de fuga
run on a bank pánico bancario
dog run corral para perros
dog run área cercada para perros
rapid run apretón [m]
stalk of a cabbage run to seed bohordo [m]
run curso [m]
entrance and run of a ship rasel [m]
mill-run saetín [m]
car or train that can run on a road or on rails tractocarril [m]
quick run cosetada [f]
duty paid for the run of cattle holladura [f]
run marcha [f]
run circular [v]
run over arrollar [v]
run (business) atender [v]
run in deep and narrow ravines ahocinarse [v]
run in gullies arroyar [v]
walk/run swiftly apeonar [v]
run out of acabar [v]
run away afufar [v]
run through with a sword atravesar [v]
run a risk atreverse [v]
run through a fortune agotar [v]
run to acorrer [v]
run in acudir [v]
play/run/shoot off a tie desempatar [v]
run through one's fortune deshacer [v]
run counter contrariar [v]
run on correr [v]
run a risk correr (un riesgo) [v]
run over derramarse [v]
get clear of a ship which has run afoul of one's vessel desabordarse [v]
run/walk swiftly desalarse [v]
run away (horse) desbocarse [v]
run over desbordar [v]
run off the rails (trains) descarrilar [v]
run descender [v]
run back descorrer [v]
run a business/firm explotar [v]
run a risk exponer [v]
run along with the skirts flying loose haldear [v]
run away escaparse [v]
run out fallecer [v]
run into difficulties escollar [v]
run to ground (animals) encavarse [v]
run about like ants hormiguear [v]
run a string through a hem enjaretar [v]
run back (game) rehuir [v]
run bulls lidiar [v]
run gently rezumarse [v]
run (the nose) moquear [v]
run over rebosar [v]
run on wheels rodar [v]
run over recorrer [v]
run against topar [v]
run across topar [v]
run over sobreverterse [v]
run transcurrir [v]
run (a horse) at full gallop tenderse [v]
run away zafarse [v]
run about/up and down zancajear [v]
run over trasverter [v]
run the risk correr el riesgo [v]
trial run viaje de prueba [m]
run viajecito [m]
run sitio frecuentado [m]
run período de operación [m]
run gusto [m]
run libre uso [m]
run hilo del discurso [m]
run terreno de pasto [m]
run raza [f]
trial run marcha de prueba [f]
trial run prueba de ensayo [f]
run excursión [f]
run jornada [f]
run batida de caza [f]
run hilera [f]
run continuación [f]
run duración [f]
run vida de alguna cosa [f]
run aprobación [f]
run aceptación [f]
run ribazón [f]
run voluntad [f]
run caída [f]
run migración [f]
run inclinación [f]
run galería inclinada [f]
bad run at play mala suerte en el juego [f]
run extraído [adj]
run derretido [adj]
run vaciado [adj]
run against tropezar con [v]
run aground fracasar [v]
run ahead obrar sin reflexión [v]
run counter correr en una dirección opuesta [v]
run counter oponerse [v]
run amuck atacar a ciegas [v]
run amuck correr por las calles [v]
run amuck (ir) a troche y moche [v]
run ashore ir a la costa (un buque) [v]
run high the sea estar muy crecido [v]

Meanings of "run-on" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 12 result(s)

Spanish English
Irregular Verb
ran - run [v] run
jonrón (inglés home run) [m] HN SV NI resounding success
rondón (inglés run downhill) [m] HN:N run downhill
go for a run in the car [v] pasear en coche
jitear de home run [v] PR jail be released from prison with complete freedom
rondón (inglés run downhill) [m] NI CR:Ne PA fish stew with coconut and vegetables
home run (inglés) [m] MX SV NI CU DO PR home run
no hit no run (inglés) [m] PR no hitter
jonrón (inglés home run) [m] EC rare home run
jonrón (inglés home run) [m] US MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CU DO PR CO VE home run
run (inglés) [m] HN run
run [m] HN armadillo