things - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "things" en diccionario español inglés : 22 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
things cosas [f/pl]
things chirimbolos [m/pl]
things trebejos [m/pl]
things bártulos [m/pl]
things enseres [m/pl]
things enseres [m/pl]
things equipaje [m]
things trastos [m/pl]
things tarecos [m/pl] AMER
things féferes [m/pl] CU DO
things suerte [f]
things lo [pron]
things trapos [m/pl]
things trapitos [m/pl]
things vestidos [m/pl]
things enredos [m/pl]
things circunstancias [f/pl]
things los bártulos
things los trastos
things macundales [m/pl] VE
things artículos [m/pl]
things efectos [m/pl]

Significados de "things" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
a set of three things terno [m]
set (of things) juego [m]
crowd (large number of people or things together) nube [f]
scheme of things máquina [f]
pretty things lindezas [f/pl]
throng (a large number of people or things) multitud [f]
things that happen hecho [m]
complicating things alambicamiento [m]
love and fondness of things argentinian argentinismo [m]
person who makes beds, hangings or similar things camero [m]
fondness of things catalan or catalonian catalanismo [m]
fond of things catalan or catalonian catalanismo [m]
fondness of things cuban cubanismo [m]
fondness of things extremaduran or extremenian extremeñismo [m]
set of things forming a hemicycle hemiciclo [m]
look of things look (inglés) [m]
area to collect things recogedero [m]
seeing things as they really are desilusión [f]
collection of pleasant things floresta [f]
series of things ordered gradually gradación [f]
multitude of things falling themselves continuously and abundantly granizada [f]
jargon used for things carried as rigorous mourning marga [f]
long line of things/people tiramira [f]
fond of things catalan catalanista [adj]
fond of things catalonian catalanista [adj]
pertaining to fondness of things catalan or catalonian catalanista [adj]
turn things to one's advantage llevar alguien agua a su molino [v]
make the best of things arranchar [v]
say silly things bobear [v]
see things as they really are decepcionarse [v]
renounce from earthly things descarnar [v]
have renounced earthly things descarnarse [v]
see things as they really are desengañarse [v]
see things as they really are desilusionarse [v]
see things as they really are desimpresionarse [v]
load or fill with bulky things embalumar [v]
be loaded or filled with bulky things embalumarse [v]
make things worse for oneself perjudicarse [v]
begin to do things typical of young adults pollear [v]
put things right rectificarse [v]
do things simultaneously simultanear [v]
many things bastante [pron]
small things minucias [f/pl]
things of the world cosas del mundo [expr]
moderation in all things nequicia [expr]
christ as god, beginning and end of all things alfa y omega [n]
device which is used for making things sharp sacapuntas [m]
someone that smuggles things contrabandista [m]
belief that all things in the universe are alive panvitalismo [m]
someone that gathers things recolector [m]
tool used with a mortar to grind things pistilo [m]
tool used with a mortar to grind things pilón [m]
morbid interest in other things morbo [m]
hooked wooden tool to grab cut vegetation or other things garabato [m]
multitude of things recua [f]
army (a large number of people or things) multitud [f]
apprehending inner nature of things introspección [f]
swarm (a large number of people or things) multitud [f]
trivial things quisquilla [f]
collection of pleasant things floresta [f]
gathering (things) recolecta [f]
ton (a large number of people or things) multitud [f]
dozens (a large number of people or things) multitud [f]
legion (a large number of people o things) multitud [f]
lump (a large number of people or things) multitud [f]
person who makes beds, hangings or similar things camera [f]
someone that forges things out of gold orfebre [m/f]
someone that sees things as they are realista [m/f]
pertaining to a mishmash of ill-sorted things abigarrado [adj]
doing unexpected things ocurrente [adj]
related to all categories or things generalizado [adj]
related to things which overlap traslapado [adj]
related to things which overlap superpuesto [adj]
related to things which overlap solapado [adj]
by the look of things por el aspecto de las cosas [adj]
by the look of things por lo que parece [adj]
settle (arrange things) establecerse [v]
take things calmly tomar las cosas con calma [v]
do two things at the same time simultanear [v]
join two things together anudar [v]
set things straight aclararse [v]
get things clear aclararse [v]
jumble up things trastear [v]
move things around trastear [v]
put things in the wrong order poner el carro delante de los bueyes [v]
make things worse for someone hacer leña del árbol caído [v]
leave things as they are no marear la perdiz [v]
leave things as they are no marear la perdiz dejar las cosas tranquilas [v]
connect things relacionar [v]
make things fabricar [v]
do things unconventionally marchar al ritmo de un diferente tambor [v]
mix two totally different things mezclar churras con merinas [v]
do things quickly apresurarse [v]
do things quickly darse prisa [v]
do things quickly apurarse [v]
leave things lying about dejar las cosas por ahí [v]
make things worse empeorar las cosas [v]
pack up one's things preparar los bártulos [v]
complicate things complicar las cosas [v]
complicate things enredar las cosas [v]
complicate things rizar el rizo [v]
kick things dar patadas [v]
make things easier facilitar las cosas [v]
facilitate things facilitar las cosas [v]
do crazy things hacer locuras [v]
say nonsense things badajear [v]
say nonsense things bobear [v]
do nonsense things bobear [v]
do silly things bobear [v]
do weird things tarantear [v]
do strange things tarantear [v]
do weird things hacer cosas raras [v]
do strange things hacer cosas raras [v]
worry about small things preocuparse por pequeñeces [v]
want bad things for someone querer mal a alguien [v]
do two things at the same time simultanear dos cosas [v]
less likely to succeed than other people or things encontrarse en inferioridad de condiciones [v]
less likely to succeed than other people or things estar en inferioridad de condiciones [v]
give up worldly things despegarse del mundo [v]
talk about indifferent things hablar de cosas indiferentes [v]
(re)think things through recapacitar [v]
cover things up andar con tapujos [v]
be a weave of so many things tener muchas cosas que hacer [v]
let things take their course andar en la bola [v]
do useful things hacer cosas de utilidad [v]
be modeling a few things estar modelando algunas cosas [v]
do extraordinary things hacer cosas extraordinarias [v]
do useful things hacer cosas útiles [v]
all things being equal en igualdad de circunstancias [adv]
all things being equal si todo sigue igual [adv]
all things being equal siendo todo lo demás igual [adv]
all things being equal siempre que las demás condiciones no varíen [adv]
all things being equal permaneciendo invariables los demás datos [adv]
by the looks of things por lo que parece [adv]
among other things entre otras cosas [adv]
amongst other things entre otras cosas [adv]
petty things zarandajas [f/pl]
baby's things cosas del bebé [f/pl]
all things todas las cosas [f/pl]
indicating that one cannot do two things well at the same time no se puede tapar dos cabezas con el mismo sombrero [expr] HN NI
how are things? ¿cómo está la cosa? [expr] VE:C
how are things? entonces [expr] PA VE
could you speed things up please puyalo [expr] NI
could you speed things up please púyalo [expr] VE
trivial things pluma de burro [n] DO
all things being equal a igualdad de condiciones
personal things cosas personales
someone that forges things out of gold forjador del oro
man is the measure of all things el hombre es la medida de todas las cosas
too many things demasiadas cosas
such things tales cosas
the wrong things lo que no debo
way of doing things manera de obrar
scheme of things el esquema de las cosas
way of doing things modus operandi
things in common puntos en común
many other things otras muchas cosas
many other things muchas otras cosas
heap of things lopped/cut off desmocho [m]
mutual restitution of things bartered destrueco [m]
someone who carries things in baskets capachero [m]
hook to hang things upon colgadero [m]
confused heap of things caramillo [m]
person who dyes things brown embazador [m]
heap of things jumbled together matalotaje [m]
bundle of things tied together mazo [m]
parcel of things jumbled together revoltijo [m]
parcel of things jumbled together revoltillo [m]
mutual restitution of things bartered destrueque [m]
enthusiasm for england or english things anglomanía [f]
things gained conquista [f]
mixture of different things calabriada [f]
coupling of two things cópula [f]
collection of immaterial things cosecha [f]
union of four persons/things cuatrinca [f]
collection of fine things floresta [f]
multitude of things which fall in abundance granizada [f]
heap of things jarcia [f]
the union or concurrence of many things masa [f]
bounds or limits of contiguous things medianería [f]
succession of things runfla [f]
rush of things ventregada [f]
long line of things/people tiramira [f]
authority or force that things receive by saying or common opinion voz [f]
succession of things runflada [f]
undertake too many things at once abarcar [v]
loosen close-pressed or matted things ahuecar [v]
accustom oneself to do things with skill amañarse [v]
heap/pile or throw things together, without order or choice amontonar [v]
make things unequal/uneven desemparejar [v]
destroy the conformity between two things which matched each other deshermanar [v]
begin the use of things decentar [v]
join things closely together coadunar [v]
do foolish things desatinar [v]
match (things/colors) casar [v]
load/fill with bulky things embalumar [v]
manage things well industriarse [v]
unite and arrange various things encuadernar [v]
taste and relish nice things golosear [v]
taste and relish nice things golosinar [v]
place things head to tail gualdrapear [v]
relate little things menudear [v]
diminish further things taxed resisar [v]
chew hard things ronzar [v]
give excessive attention to worldly things mundanear [v]
change the state or order of things voltear [v]
change the state or order of things alterar el orden de las cosas [v]
taste and relish nice things golosmear [v]
taste and relish nice things golosinear [v]
couplet (two similar things; a pair) par [m]
actual or present state of things actualidad [f]
assemblage (a group of persons or things gathered or collected) multitud [f]
set of things masa [f]
number (a large quantity or group of people or things) multitud [f]
troop (a group or company of people, animals, or things) banda [f]
clear knowledge of things vista [f]
let things slide dejar rodar la bola [v]
of all things ante todo [adv]
of all things sobre todo [adv]
above all things muy especialmente [adv]
above all things sobre todo [adv]
couplet (two similar things; a pair) doble [m]
series of things that surround another cinturón [m] fig.
collision of persons/things beso [m] fig.
union of two or more animals or things acollaramiento [m] BO CL AR UY
agglomeration of people or things that are usually problematic achoclonamiento [m] CL
pile of things altero [m] MX
scatterbrain (perceiving imaginary things as real) alucinado [m] MX
place where people/animals/things gather at a rodeo apiñadero [m] CL
someone who does things in a hurry apurete [m] PY
heavy-set person who often trips over or bumps into things when walking aplanador [m] PA CU CO
someone who worries and mulls things over too much apurón [m] MX
a large amount of things aterro [m] CR
someone who does things in a hurry apurete [m] DO BO PY AR UY
set of mixed things bojote [m] PR
crowding of people or things apeñuscamiento [m] MX CO VE
large amount of things animalero [m] SV
effect produced by a set of white things blanquizal [m] PR
someone who says incoherent things caballo [m] HN NI derog.
bootlegger of low value things cacharrero [m] EC disused
smuggler of low value things cacharrero [m] EC disused
things obtained for free cachete [m] PR
large quantity of things cachipil [m] NI
a large number of people, animals or things cachimbazal [m] HN SV NI GT CR
a large number of people, animals or things tanate [m] GT SV CR
a large number of people, animals or things chorro [m] HN CR DO
set of varied things campechaneado [m] MX
imbalance between two things desfasaje [m] CU
action that has been realized planning ahead to prevent anything that might make things difficult or obstruct completion of that action clavo pasado [m] VE
jumble or mess of things chacuatol (del náhuatl) [m] NI
multitude of things ceremillar [m] CU
multitude of things seremil [m] CU
multitude of things serón [m] CU
jumble or mess of things chapapote (del náhuatl) [m] DO
multitude of things ceremil [m] CU
multitude of things ceremillar [m] CU
group of many things in a disordered mess or piled up cerro [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR CO VE PE CL PY
bunch of people things, or money chupo [m] PE
disorganized mass of people or things choclón [m] CL
a lot of people or things chuchonal [m] PE
place where people, animals or things gather together chinaxtle [m] MX
place where people, animals, or things gather chinastle [m] MX
place where people, animals or things gather chinascle [m] MX
place where people, animals or things gather chinaste [m] MX
heap of useless things chirrilero [m] SV
disordered appetite for food or other things desmayamiento [m] PR
disordered appetite for food or other things esmayamiento [m] PR
jumble of things mogote [m] PR
jumble of things carso [m] PR
site covered haphazardly or rustically to protect people, animals, or things from the elements canchón [m] EC
pile of things catapacio [m] VE
messy pile of things carso [m] PR
messy pile of things mogote [m] PR
insignificant things that attract one's attention cazacurioso [m] UY
full of people or things fuleteado [m] PR
pile of things, especially tortillas guachipil [m] SV
person who looks for and stores things for recycling and exchange guajero [m] GT
set of things gathered or tied together in a single group gajo [m] HN EC
considerable number of things guato [m] MX
palm fiber basket used to carry things and children on one's back guayare [m] VE:E
excessive love toward gringos or people or things from the usa gringuismo [m] CL
man who bathes people or things in copal smoke copalero [m] HN rur.
great quantity of people or things clustered in one place cojonal [m] CU
great quantity of people or things clustered in one place carajal [m] MX PA CU VE EC
set of similar things stacked on top of one another colchón [m] CU
count of the exact quantity of people or things conteo [m] MX HN NI CR PA CO VE EC PE BO CL AR UY
group of things combo (inglesa) [m] HN
hanging to many people or things colgazón [m] HN
highest part of certain things, especially a tree or mountain copo [m] VE
distance between two things cortón [m] MX GT
burlap cloth used to cover certain things to protect them from dust and water coleto [m] VE
burlap cloth used to cover certain things to protect them from dust and water coletón [m] VE
large number of people or things condumio [m] PA
large number of people or things agglomerated in one place cojonal [m] CU
large number of people or things agglomerated in one place carajal [m] MX PA CU VE EC
love for or attachment to things characteristic or typical of the department of santa cruz de la sierra, bolivia cruceñismo [m] BO
love or attraction to things typical of the city of cochabamba, bolivia cochabambinismo [m] BO
large quantity or abundance of activities, people, things, or animals jurgo [m] CO:C
economist with many theories that only complicate things and fails in practice kikuyo [m] EC PE derog.
large number of people, things, or activities kilo [m] BO:W CL
great quantity of things diablal [m] MX
great quantity of things diablar [m] MX
abundance of things macanazal [m] HN
abundance of things macanazo [m] HN
large number of things diablal [m] MX
large number of things diablar [m] MX
pile of things macanazal [m] HN
pile of things macanazo [m] HN
children's game where the child throws a ball against a wall, says certain things and makes some movements before the ball bounces back to his hands oa [m] EC
children's game where the child throws a ball against a wall, says certain things and makes some movements before the ball bounces back to his hands oa [m] HN NI
man who does women's things panudo [m] SV derog.
set up unimportant things papel picado [m] CL
pile of things pachiquil [m] AR:Nw
protective cloth for carrying things peshte [m] GT
pile of useless things peretero [m] VE
small cushion for carrying things pepeshte [m] SV
group of useless things peretero [m] VE
abundance of people, animals, or things pitiquín [m] HN
group of disorganized things rebrujo [m] CO:W
love and attachment to all things puerto rican puertorriqueñismo [m] PR
pile of things puño [m] GT
great quantity of things reguerete [m] DO PR
large number of things reguerete [m] DO PR
percentage of money made from stealing from daily purchases or other things requecho [m] PY
pile of things rollo [m] DO BO
heap of things rollo [m] DO BO
bunch of things turcazal [m] NI
mess of things tepalcate [m] GT derog.
large amount of old things tilichal [m] SV
mess of things zambrote [m] CR
mess of things tendal [m] GT CO BO CL PY AR UY
pile of things tiradero [m] MX NI
mess of things tapalcate [m] GT
attachment to things typical of the tarija department, bolivia tarijeñismo [m] BO
flying of many things voladero [m] CL
set of things aterro [m] CR
man who does women's things panudo [m] SV
mass (a very large number of things grouped together) multitud [f]
concurrence of several things avenida [f] fig.
mixture and union of immaterial things conglobación [f] fig.
scattered things regancina [f] HN NI
scatterbrain (perceiving imaginary things as real) alucinada [f] MX
someone who worries and mulls things over too much apurona [f] MX
love for or attachment to things from of the antilles antillanía [f] PR
someone who says incoherent things caballa [f] HN NI derog.
a large number of people or things grouped together in one place burdajada [f] CU DO
bootlegger of low value things cacharrera [f] EC disused
smuggler of low value things cacharrera [f] EC disused
a large number of people or things grouped together in one place burda [f] CU DO
a set of varied things campechaneada [f] MX
set of varied things campechaneada [f] MX
quantity of people or things of varying size charpa [f] NI
platform made with boards or planks joined together or on a group of canoes that are tied together, that is used to transport people and things from one side of the river to the other chalana (francés) [f] VE BO:E
tangled mess resulting from flexible things getting tangled up together champa (del quechua) [f] BO:W,C
sequence of things chorizada [f] PA CL
great number of things chingada [f] HN
string of things chorizada [f] PA CL
large number of people, animals, things, or immaterial entities chorrera [f] GT HN NI CU VE BO CL AR UY
load of things chingada [f] HN
heap of useless things chirrilera [f] SV
set of dirty things fodonguez [f] MX
loot of stolen things carga [f] SV
conversation of nonsense or inconsequential things carburada [f] SV
series of things carrandana [f] VE:W
set of hidden or secured things guaca [f] NI CR EC
set of hidden or secured things huaca [f] CR EC BO CU
person who looks for and stores things for recycling and exchange guajera [f] GT
paper or plastic container, with or without handles used to carry or store things funda [f] DO PR EC
set of two things, naturally or artificially together guápil [f] CR rur.
many people, animals, or things collera [f] AR:Ne rur.
combination of two things combinola [f] BO
row or series of things or actions corrida [f] CL rare
amount or portion of bread or other things that is baked in an oven cochada [f] CO VE
set of similar things that are grouped together for a purpose cochada [f] AR
art, exquisite taste for material things and the order and arrangement of them coquetería [f] PR
burlap cloth used to cover certain things coleta [f] VE
process of descent in the quality of things or incidents cualquierización [f] DO
braid of any thin fiber that indigenous people use to tie and pull all kinds of things jimba [f] EC:C
pair of the same things mancuerna [f] GT HN SV DO
abundance of things mano [f] CU
constant piling up of things llevadera [f] HN SV
group of things macolla [f] NI
laundry list of things longaniza [f] DO
abundance of things macanada [f] HN
abundance of things macolla [f] GT
pair of very similar things mancuerna [f] GT HN SV DO
pile of things macanada [f] HN
pile of things macolla [f] GT
pile of things mano [f] CU
bunch of small things mirringada [f] SV
pile of small things mirringada [f] SV
trivial things plepla [f] DO
pile of useless things peretera [f] VE
unimportant things pepla [f] DO
always ask for things pidichera [f] SV
group of useless things peretera [f] VE
things of poor quality rascuachera [f] SV
disorganized mess of things regancina [f] HN NI
scattering of things on the floor regazón [f] HN SV NI CR
round pad to carry things on one's head rodela [f] PE
percentage of money made from stealing from daily purchases or other things sencilla [f] PE disused
pile of things ringlera [f] DO
heap of things ringlera [f] DO
large amount of things runflada [f] PA derog.
pile of things tendereta [f] PA
group of old things tilingada [f] AR disused
large amount of old things tilchada [f] SV
large amount of things trailada [f] SV
group of useless things tilingada [f] AR disused
mess of things tauca [f] EC BO
mess of things tendalada [f] GT HN SV NI BO:E CL AR
mess of things tendereta [f] PA
pile of things tauca [f] EC BO
large quantity of things volconada [f] GT HN SV rur.
joint of two things empatadura [f] MX DO PR
place full of things of poor quality rascuachera [f] SV
someone who is always asking for things buscavida [m/f] PR
easily distracted person who frequently forgets things cabeza volada [m/f] BO
someone who is always borrowing things buscavida [m/f] PR
person who does things quickly fatiguilla [m/f] BO derog.
person who does despicable things general [m/f] PR
person who does things hurriedly correvolando [m/f] BO
person who likes easy things comecherry [m/f] PR
writer detailing the special things of his country regnícola [m/f] cult rare
referring to a person who does things in the most complicated manner possible alrevesado [adj] CR
who does things in a hurry apurete [adj] BO CL
who worries and mulls things over too much apurón [adj] MX
counting on somebody else's effort to get things done atenido [adj] HN NI
who decides things decididor [adj] MX EC rare
zillions, an extraordinarily large number of people or things cuchucientos [adj] PE
not quick on returning things lent to them cullu [adj] BO
zillions, an extraordinarily large number of people or things cuchicientos [adj] DO PR
pertaining to someone who prefers things considered to be in bad taste or not very refined charralero [adj] CR
who looks or searches through someone else's things, messing them up curteador [adj] DO
tangled (things) chipa [adj] BO
messy (things) chipa [adj] BO
full of people or things fuleado [adj] HN SV NI CR
full of people or things a full total [adj] BO teen
full of things grifo [adj] HN
accustomed to appropriating all or in a large part of a genre of things garifo [adj] CR rare derog.
having a tendency to make things more complicated galletoso [adj] VE
with a tendency to complicate things galletoso [adj] VE
crushed between two things (person) contraminado [adj] HN SV
opposite (people or things) confrontativo [adj] HN SV CO cult
squeezed between two things (person) contraminado [adj] HN SV
who tends to feel offended or bothered by little things contumerioso [adj] MX:Se HN SV NI
being someone who enjoys touching and moving things hurgandillo [adj] HN
being someone who rummages through things hurguete [adj] BO
being someone who rummages through things hurguete [adj] CL rare
handling things roughly hachero [adj] CR
saying crazy things disparatoso [adj] DO
saying incoherent things disvarioso [adj] DO
doing things carelessly mamarrachento [adj] PE
doing things carelessly mamarrachento [adj] UY rare
doing things carelessly mamarrachiento [adj] PE UY
being someone who does things for no reason marronero [adj] PR
saying crazy things disvarioso [adj] DO
saying unfounded things disparatoso [adj] DO
having the habit of taking other people's things matrero [adj] BO:N
doing things quickly premuroso [adj] EC BO CL rare
useless for doing things ruco [adj] HN
who writes about the special things of his country regnícola [adj] cult rare
recall long-forgotten things desenterrar [v] fig.
do unworthy things desmentir [v] fig.
remove from earthly things descarnar [v] fig.
say stupid things opear [v] AR
do stupid things opear [v] AR
say nonsense things opear [v] AR
group things or people in a disorderly and in a cramped way achoclonar [v] CL
join two things together empatar [v] ANT CL CO VE PE EC HN
cram people/things apuchungar [v] HN
cram people/animals/things together in one spot apiñuscar [v] CO
cram people/animals/things together in one spot apiñuscarse [v] CO
do things in a hurry andar a los apurones [v] HN NI BO PY AR UY
do things in a hurry andar al apurete [v] BO CL
put things together forming mounds or piles (firewood/sugar cane/ears of corn) arrumar [v] CO:C
put things together forming mounds or piles (firewood/sugar cane/ears of corn) arrumar [v] NI PA VE EC PE
pack people/things apuchungar [v] HN
leave things in disarray arrinconar [v] PR
put things in order arrinconar [v] BO
lose interest in all things abatatar [v] PR
talk about concrete things aterrizar [v] GT HN SV NI CU PR
overload someone with things/people atochar [v] CL
do things unconsciously (due to habit) andar en automático [v] CR PR VE
join or tie up things or animals in pairs such as corn or oxen aguayantar [v] HN
be emotionally impressed by something and as a consequence to forget things or commit mistakes bacharse [v] UY
be emotionally impressed by something and as a consequence to forget things or commit mistakes bachearse [v] UY
do or say nonsense things babosear [v] SV NI DO
stir things animalear [v] HN:N
say foolish things bolacear [v] AR
approach other people/things/places apegar [v] CL PY UY
make things worse for oneself amolarse [v] VE
clutter things animalear [v] HN:N
say senseless things bolacear [v] AR
carry things on one's back burrear [v] CU rur.
do things poorly acabar [v] CU
pile things one on top of the other acarguillar [v] AR:Nw rur.
separate two or more things that had been connected desempatar [v] CU PR VE
make things worse for oneself desgraciarse [v] EC
separate two or more things that had been connected desenchuflar [v] HN SV DO CO