go-between - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "go-between" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 30 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
go-between intermediaria [f]
go-between alcahuete [m]
go-between intermediario [m]
go-between comadre [f]
go-between trotaconventos [f]
go-between faraute [m]
go-between celestina [f]
go-between proxeneta [f]
go-between alcahueta [f]
go-between enlace [m/f]
go-between tercero [adj]
go-between intermediario
go-between alcahuete
go-between mediador
go-between entremetido [m]
go-between medianero [m]
go-between entremetida [f]
go-between haraute (francés) [m] disused
go-between zurcidor de voluntades [m]
go-between comadre [f]
go-between zurcidora de voluntades [f]
go-between correvedile [m/f]
go-between correveidile [m/f]
go-between tercero [adj]
go-between madrina [f] disused
go-between tercera [adj/f]
go-between mediador
go-between intermediador
go-between chulo
go-between intermediario [m]

Sens de "go-between" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
go up subir [v]
go out salir [v]
go ir [v]
go irse [v]
let's go vamos [interj]
merry-go-round carrusel [m]
go down bajar [v]
go with acompañar [v]
go in entrar [v]
go off explotar [v]
go ahead dale [interj]
go on dale [interj]
I go voy [v]
you go vas [v]
they go van [v]
I will go iré [v]
you go vayas [v]
they go vayan [v]
we will go iremos [v]
he/she will go irá [v]
you will go irá [v]
we go vayamos [v]
you will go irás [v]
you/he/she will go out saldrá [v]
I would go iría [v]
you/he/she would go iría [v]
I go out salgo [v]
you/they will go irán [v]
we will go out/leave saldremos [v]
you go vais [v]
I will go out saldré [v]
I'll go down bajaré [v]
you go down bajes [v]
I go down caigo [v]
merry-go-round tiovivo [m]
go around rodeo [m]
let-go despegado [adj]
go back volver [v]
go too far pasarse [v]
go broke quebrar [v]
go forward adelantarse [v]
go swimming practicar natación [v]
go away blow largar [v]
go into entrar [v]
go marchar [v]
go on seguir [v]
let go soltar [v]
go back regresar [v]
go walking caminar [v]
go to seed espigar [v]
go away marcharse [v]
cross (to go across) pasar [v]
go to dirigirse [v]
go tender [v]
go shopping ir de compras [v]
go valer [v]
go away irse [v]
let go largar [v]
suffer (to go through) pasar [v]
go sour acedarse [v]
Irregular Verb
go went - gone [v]
go-kart racing karting [m]
go vez [f]
go around andar [v]
go home ir a casa [v]
go under naufragar [v]
go to pieces venirse abajo [v]
go back retroceder [v]
go backwards retroceder [v]
go down retroceder [v]
go on a trip ir de gira [v]
go desplazarse [v]
go through caber por [v]
go black negrear [v]
go hunting ir de cacería [v]
go into revolver [v]
go through revolver en [v]
go rezar [v]
go round rodar [v]
go off the boil dejar de hervir [v]
go outside salir a la calle [v]
go bald quedarse calvo [v]
go to bed meterse en la cama [v]
go to bed irse a la cama [v]
go camping hacer camping [v]
go lighter aclararse [v]
go like mad ir disparado [v]
go off dispararse [v]
go on strike hacer huelga [v]
go on strike ponerse en huelga [v]
go off saltar [v]
go down hundirse [v]
go round doblar [v]
go ahead adelantarse [v]
go ahead salir adelante [v]
go on seguir adelante [v]
go into adentrarse en [v]
go brown dorarse [v]
go to sleep dormirse [v]
go dry secarse [v]
go to sleep adormecerse [v]
go numb adormecerse [v]
go through customs pasar por la aduana [v]
go rusty oxidarse [v]
go ahead seguir adelante [v]
go away from egresar de [v]
go unnoticed pasar inadvertido [v]
go court ir a palacio [v]
go on board embarcarse [v]
go hunting ir de caza [v]
go shooting ir de caza [v]
go home ir para casa [v]
go in town ir al centro [v]
go downtown [us] ir al centro [v]
go bald encalvecer [v]
go grey encanecerse [v]
go gray [us] encanecer [v]
go pasar [v]
go by pasar [v]
go through pasar por a [v]
go ahead pasar [v]
go beyond pasar [v]
go over pasarse [v]
go soft pasarse [v]
go bad pasarse [v]
go for a stroll pasearse [v]
go for a walk pasearse [v]
go for a drive pasear en coche [v]
go for a ride dar un paseo [v]
go into hospital ingresar en el hospital [v]
go slow pausar [v]
let go soltarse [v]
go well pegar [v]
go together pegar [v]
go crazy alocarse [v]
go mad enloquecerse [v]
go deaf quedarse sordo [v]
go rancid enranciarse [v]
go to heaven ir al cielo [v]
go deaf ensordecer [v]
go into detail entrar en detalles [v]
go underground pasar a la clandestinidad [v]
go numb entumecerse [v]
go to sleep entumecerse [v]
go after perseguir [v]
go beyond superar [v]
go fishing ir de pesca [v]
go slowly ir despacio [v]
go slow ir despacio [v]
go on foot ir andando [v]
go on foot ir a pie [v]
go with ir con [v]
go like fuck ir follado [v]
go after ir tras [v]
go ir a [v]
go out irse [v]
go away andarse [v]
go off andarse [v]
go for a stroll dar un paseo [v]
go for a walk dar un paseo [v]
go to school ir al colegio [v]
go off at a tangent salirse por la tangente [v]
go to school ir a la escuela [v]
go court pleitear [v]
go by pasar de largo [v]
go skiing hacer esquí [v]
go carefully ir con tiento [v]
go off estallar [v]
go far llegar lejos [v]
go shopping ir de tiendas [v]
go off estropearse [v]
go armed ir armado [v]
go back to arrancar de [v]
go law litigar [v]
go on continuarse [v]
go to press entrar en prensa [v]
go astray torcerse [v]
go off torcerse [v]
go against contrariar [v]
go back tornar [v]
go through experimentar [v]
go without prescindir [v]
go mad volverse loco [v]
go out extinguirse [v]
go abroad ir al extranjero [v]
go astray extraviarse [v]
go missing extraviarse [v]
go transcurrir [v]
go transitar [v]
have a go probar [v]
go to corresponder [v]
go beyond transponer [v]
go down transponerse [v]
go down transponer [v]
go bad corromperse [v]
go wrong fallar [v]
go beyond trascender [v]
go off cortarse [v]
go out cortarse [v]
go through traspasar [v]
go deeply into profundizar [v]
go beyond traspasar [v]
go too far traspasarse [v]
go on prolongarse [v]
come and go dar treguas [v]
go too far propasarse [v]
go by train ir en tren [v]
go fifty-fifty ir a medias [v]
go on with proseguir [v]
go on proseguir [v]
go on a cruise hacer un crucero [v]
go cuadrar [v]
go through pulirse [v]
go by car ir en automóvil [v]
go mouldy florecerse [v]
go downhill ir cuesta abajo [v]
go marcharse [v]
go whoring putear [v]
go by plane ir en avión [v]
go jogging hacer footing [v]
go quitarse [v]
go away quitarse [v]
go to the polls acudir a las urnas [v]
go in for the kill entrar a matar [v]
go too far pasarse de la raya [v]
go out of one's mind perder la razón [v]
go dejarse [v]
go beyond rebasar [v]
go sailing hacer vela [v]
go out menguar [v]
go down menguar [v]
go fundirse [v]
go smoothly venir rodado [v]
go on sale salir a la venta [v]
go down mermarse [v]
go home recogerse [v]
go to bed recogerse [v]
go green verdear [v]
go green verdecer [v]
go into a trance entrar en trance [v]
go round recorrer [v]
go round versar [v]
go back recular [v]
go away salir de viaje [v]
go missing desaparecer [v]
go desaparecer [v]
go away desaparecer [v]
go unnoticed pasar desapercibido [v]
go out of fashion pasarse de moda [v]
go barefoot ir descalzo [v]
go astray descaminarse [v]
go on a diet ponerse a régimen [v]
go flat descargarse [v]
go astray descarriarse [v]
go regir [v]
go by regirse por [v]
go down descender [v]
go visiting ir de visita [v]
go round girar [v]
go around girar [v]
go up remontar [v]
go back to remontarse a [v]
let oneself go descuidarse [v]
go on montarse en [v]
go through vivir [v]
go it alone volar solo [v]
go volar [v]
go to sleep morirse [v]
go numb morirse [v]
go over (again) repasar [v]
go back volver atrás [v]
go off volverse [v]
go back volverse [v]
go to pieces deshacerse [v]
go down deshincharse [v]
go flat deshincharse [v]
go down desinflarse [v]
go too far desmedirse [v]
go by ship ir en buque [v]
go back retornar [v]
go on continuar [v]
go deep profundizar [v]
let's go! hala [interj]
go away váyanse [interj]
go to bed acostarse [v]
go up ascender [v]
go (to be acceptable) estar [v]
go ahead ir adelante [v]
go on a ride pasear (en un vehículo) [v]
go up to elevarse a [v]
go crazy enloquecerse [v]
go silent enmudecer [v]
go by car ir en coche [v]
go into a coma entrar en coma [v]
go along conformarse [v]
go extinct extinguirse [v]
go bankrupt quebrar [v]
go under quebrar [v]
go sightseeing hacer turismo [v]
go halves ir a medias [v]
go arm in arm ir del brazo [v]
go over again repasar [v]
go hungry pasar hambre [v]
go into detail about detallar [v]
let go despedir [v]
go over tratar [v]
go visitar [v]
go with (match) ir [v]
go away ir [v]
go-getter conseguidor [m]
letting go desmelene [m]
go intento [m]
go dark oscurecer [m]
go around retortero [m]
merry-go-round tiovivo [m]
go on a shopping spree triunfo [m]
go-ahead visto bueno [m]
letting go despedida [f]
get-up-and-go energía [f]
go jugada [f]
go-ahead sanción [f]
go-getter buscavidas [m/f]
not go to seed baldo [adj]
happy-go-lucky bien contentadizo [adj]
ready to go operacional [adj]
ready to go operativo [adj]
tending to go crazy in the summer veraniego [adj]
go well chutar [v]
go wrong azararse [v]
go down abajar [v]
let oneself go abandonarse [v]
go aground abarrancar [v]
go aground abarrancarse [v]
go back on abjurar (de) [v]
go down ablandar [v]
go down ablandarse [v]
go to abocarse [v]
start to go bad abombarse [v]
go up to abordar [v]
go out acabarse [v]
go camping acampar (italiano) [v]
go spoiled acarralarse [v]
go sour acedarse [v]
go away aclararse [v]
go with acompañarse [v]
go with acompañar [v]
go soft acorcharse [v]
go to acudir [v]
go into adentrarse [v]
go deeper adentrarse [v]
go towards aderezarse [v]
go to aderezarse [v]
go into debt adeudarse [v]
go on a diet adietarse [v]
go dull adormecerse [v]
go numb adormecerse [v]
go bad ahilarse [v]
go cambiar de aires [v]
go mudar aires [v]
go mudar de aires [v]
go out tomar el aire [v]
go too far alargarse [v]
go over the line alargarse [v]
go further away alargarse [v]
go along with allanarse [v]
go crazy alocarse [v]
go mad alocarse [v]
go crazy enloquecer [v]
go insane enloquecer [v]
go mad enloquecer [v]
go out of one's mind enloquecer [v]
go crazy alterarse [v]
go mad alterarse [v]
go insane alterarse [v]
go sour amargarse [v]
go pale amarillear [v]
go soft reblandecerse [v]
go about andar [v]
go after andar tras [v]
go before anteceder [v]
go dormant apagarse [v]
go off apartarse [v]
go away apartarse [v]
go to aportar [v]
go along aprobar [v]
go arid aridecerse [v]
go rancid arranciarse [v]
go into a tizzy arriscarse [v]
go bankrupt arruinarse [v]
go along asentir [v]
go wild asilvestrarse [v]
go to asistir [v]
go bad asolanarse [v]
go along with atenerse [v]
go to great lengths atrafagarse [v]
go through atravesar [v]
get dressed to go out aviarse [v]
go down stream bajar [v]
go down to bajar [v]
go down bajarse [v]
go from top to bottom bajar [v]
go over closely barrer [v]
go along the edge of bordear [v]
go on a drinking binge borrachear [v]
go mad caducar [v]
go against caer [v]
go off cantar [v]
go down ceder [v]
go blind cegar [v]
go back cejar [v]
be a go-between celestinear [v]
go backwards ciar [v]
go around circular [v]
come and go circular [v]
go around circunvalar [v]
go around circunvolar [v]
go back and forth columpiarse [v]
go against combatir [v]
go easy on comedirse [v]
go through comerse [v]
go on the market comercializar [v]
go round contornear [v]
go against contradecir [v]
go back on one's word contradecirse [v]
go against contraponerse [v]
go quickly correr [v]
go correr [v]
go by correr [v]
go around correr [v]
go by the coast costear [v]
go up crecer [v]
go running off after being tazed with a cattleprod cucar [v]
go dar [v]
make go dar [v]
go bad decentar [v]
begin to go bad decentarse [v]
go down declinar [v]
go down decrecer [v]
let go dejar [v]
let oneself go dejarse [v]
go overboard derramar [v]
let go of desaferrar [v]
have let go of desaferrarse [v]
go off desatinar [v]
go down descender [v]
go off descomponerse [v]
go bad descomponerse [v]
go haywire descontrolarse [v]
go wild descontrolarse [v]
go back descorrer [v]
let go of desembarazarse [v]
go ashore desembarcar [v]
go through desencerrar [v]
let go desenclavijar [v]
go wild desenfrenarse [v]
let go of desengañílar [v]
go crazy desgonzarse [v]
go berserk desgonzarse [v]
go off the deep end desgonzarse [v]
go away deshacerse [v]
go overboard deshacerse [v]
letting go desmelenarse [v]
go belly up desmoronarse [v]
go through a process diligenciar [v]
go to dirigirse [v]
go down disminuirse [v]
go through the roof disparar [v]
go through the roof dispararse [v]
go off on dispararse [v]
go ape dispararse [v]
go numb dormirse [v]
go easy on dosificar [v]
go overboard dramatizar [v]
go on for durar [v]
go out on a limb echar [v]
go after echar [v]
go easy on economizar [v]
go rotten emborrascarse [v]
go to waste empobrecerse [v]
go ballistic enarbolarse [v]
go under encallar [v]
make go into an alley encallejonar [v]
go into an alley encallejonarse [v]
go bald encalvecer [v]
go gray encanecer [v]
go into one's den encavarse [v]
go blind enceguecerse [v]
go into heat encelarse [v]
go through enclavar [v]
go lame encojarse [v]
go into debt endeudarse [v]
go mad enfadarse [v]
go numb from cold engarrotarse [v]
go out to sea engolfarse [v]
go off the rails engranujarse [v]
go rogue engranujarse [v]
go crazy enloquecer [v]
go insane enloquecer [v]
go mad enloquecer [v]
go crazy enloquecerse [v]