singulars - Français Anglais Dictionnaire


Sens de "singulars" dans le Dictionnaire Français-Anglais : 14 résultat(s)

Anglais Français
singular singulier [adj]
singular curieux [adj]
singular drôle [adj]
singular fantasque [adj]
singular simple [adj]
singular baroque [adj]
singular particulier [adj]
singular extraordinaire [adj]
singular individuel [adj]
singular excentrique [adj]
singular extravagant [adj]
singular unique [adj]
singular étrange [adj]
singular exceptionnel [adj]

Sens de "singulars" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Français : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Français
first-person singular present subjunctive of blâmer blâme [m]
(generally singular) chance hasard [m]
third-person singular present indicative of promettre promet [m]
first-person singular present indicative of blâmer blâme [m]
feminine singular form of vieux vieille [adj]
feminine singular of pensif pensive [adj]
feminine singular form of gai gaie [adj]
feminine singular of mental mentale [adj]
feminine singular of miraculeux miraculeuse [adj]
masculine singular of vieux vieil [adj]
feminine singular form of présent présente [adj]
feminine singular form of marin marine [adj]
feminine singular of heureux heureuse [adj]
feminine singular form of meilleur meilleure [adj]
singular feminine form of européen européenne [adj]
feminine singular of coulis coulisse [adj]
feminine singular form of exprès expresse [adj]
feminine singular form of patient patiente [adj]
feminine singular of haut haute [adj]
feminine singular of aucun aucune [adj]
feminine singular of fin fine [adj]
feminine singular of infortuné infortuné [adj]
feminine singular of exposé exposé [adj]
first-person singular present indicative of demander demande [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of concurrencer concurrence [f]
feminine singular form of meilleur meilleure [f]
(generally singular) ugliness laideur [f]
first-person singular indicative present of prononcer prononce [f]
second-person singular imperative of prononcer prononce [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of trancher tranche [f]
feminine singular form of patient patiente [f]
third-person singular subjunctive present of prononcer prononce [f]
first-person singular present indicative of concurrencer concurrence [f]
third-person singular present subjunctive of concurrencer concurrence [f]
third-person singular indicative present of prononcer prononce [f]
first-person singular subjunctive present of prononcer prononce [f]
third-person singular present indicative of imager image [f]
third-person singular present indicative of concurrencer concurrence [f]
third-person singular present indicative of trancher tranche [f]
first and third person singular present form of tenter tente [f]
first-person singular present indicative of trancher tranche [f]
to me (first-person singular indirect object pronoun) moi [pron]
me (first-person singular direct object pronoun) moi [pron]
the one belonging to you (singular) tien [pron]
some (singular) quelque [pron]
you (singular) tu [pron]
the plural or singular personal pronoun in the second person (polite form) vous [pron]
the third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used after a preposition lui [pron]
feminine singular of aucun aucune [pron]
third-person singular present indicative of recommander recommande [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future of étonner étonnera [v.p./der.]
ordinary second-person singular imperative present of piquer pique [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of moucher mouche [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of devenir devins [v.p./der.]
second person singular past historic indicative form of entendre entendis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of reprendre reprends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of danser danses [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of relever relève [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of contribuer contribue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of conjecturer conjecture [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of attribuer attribue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of maîtriser maîtrise [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of murmurer murmure [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of poser poses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of considérer considère [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of cesser cessa [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of relâcher relâche [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of déshonorer déshonore [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of revendiquer revendique [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of caresser caresses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of archiver archive [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of entraver entrave [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of envisager envisage [v.p./der.]
feminine singular past participle of protéger protégée [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of consacrer consacre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of offenser offense [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of couvrir couvre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of recommencer recommence [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of dédaigner dédaigne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of jouer jouais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of importuner importune [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of profiter profite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of croître crût [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of planter plante [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of enseigner enseignes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of imaginer imagine [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of succéder succède [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of réfléchir réfléchissait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of percer perce [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of gueuler gueule [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of arrêter arrêta [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of pousser pousse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of éblouir éblouis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of joindre joignait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of activer actives [v.p./der.]
first-person singular subjunctive present form of participer participe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of subsister subsiste [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of résumer résumait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of gonfler gonfle [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of rebeller rebelles [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of céder céda [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of inspirer inspire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of étonner étonne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of permettre permets [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of éveiller éveille [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rapporter rapporte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of soucier souciait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of peser pèse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of croiser croise [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of jouir jouis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of retrouver retrouva [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular subjunctive present of sombrer sombre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of entrer entrai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of ruiner ruine [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of entreprendre entrepris [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of affecter affecte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of entrer entre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of gêner gêne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of diminuer diminue [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of briser brisa [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of coffrer coffre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of unir unis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional form of trouver trouverait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of télescoper télescope [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of réveiller réveillai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of promener promène [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of tomber tombais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of manifester manifeste [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of suggérer suggère [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of lester leste [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of oser osais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of buller bulle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of proposer proposait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of lever leva [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of précéder précède [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of approcher approchai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative simple past of boire bus [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of dépêcher dépêches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of programmer programmes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of presser presse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of masser masses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative present of pleuvoir pleut [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of appartenir appartiens [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rejeter rejette [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of ambiancer ambiance [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of détourner détournait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of excuser excuse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of soulever soulève [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of commercer commerces [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of informer informe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of négliger néglige [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of terminer termine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of pétroler pétrole [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of verser versait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular and third-person singular present indicative form of remercier remercie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of tendre tendis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of promettre promets [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of chemiser chemises [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of supposer suppose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of perler perles [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of bâtir bâtisse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of hâter hâtait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of préfacer préface [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of accorder accorde [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of suer suait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future indicative of être sera [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of plumer plume [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of affaisser affaissa [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of transformer transforme [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of commander commande [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of saluer salue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of commencer commence [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of crémer crème [v.p./der.]
first-person and third-person singular present subjunctive of sauter saute [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of permettre permettait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular conditional of croire croirais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular conditional of désirer désirerais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of préambuler préambule [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of napper nappe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of découvrir découvris [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of peiner peines [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of disparaître disparus [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rentrer rentre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of illuminer illumine [v.p./der.]
third person singular present indicative form of remplir remplit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of prendre prit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of décider décide [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of barricader barricades [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of réveiller réveille [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of enlever enleva [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of rassembler rassemble [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of charpenter charpente [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of forcer force [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of verser verse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of nacrer nacre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of échanger échangea [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of retomber retombe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of résoudre résolus [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of fâcher fâche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of écailler écailles [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of coller collait [v.p./der.]
first-second-person singular indicative imperfect of écrire écrivais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of assurer assura [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of retrouver retrouve [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of faillir faillit [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of opposer oppose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of brancher branches [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of imaginer imaginait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of mesurer mesures [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of négliger néglige [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of retrouver retrouvait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of prévoir prévois [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of lanterner lanterne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of baisser baissa [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of prier priai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular future of dire diras [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of courir cours [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of brûler brûlait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of redouter redoute [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of analyser analyse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of mettre mette [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of remonter remonte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of aborder aborde [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of ramer rames [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of lâcher lâche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of veiner veines [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of marchander marchande [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of étouffer étouffa [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of professer professe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of regretter regrettais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of accueillir accueille [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of contribuer contribue [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of coter cote [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of illustrer illustre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of spiraler spirale [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of suspendre suspend [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of respirer respire [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of déclarer déclarait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of grimacer grimace [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of rester resterait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of gronder gronde [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of suspecter suspecte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of ajouter ajouterai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of sécher sèches [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of manifester manifestait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of couper coupe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of hâter hâte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of patrouiller patrouille [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of balancer balançait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of recommencer recommence [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of médeciner médecine [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of patrouiller patrouilles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of signer signes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of remuer remue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of demander demanderai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of gerber gerbes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of trouver trouve [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of ravir ravit [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of apporter apporte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of mélanger mélange [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of conseiller conseille [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of éloigner éloigne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of frissonner frissonna [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of importuner importune [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of promener promène [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of filer files [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of désirer désira [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of souffler souffle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of respirer respira [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of rappeler rappelait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of penser penses [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of réveiller réveille [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of amener amènerait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of susciter suscite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of rechercher recherches [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of trousser trousse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of engager engage [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of approuver approuve [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of craindre crains [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of embrasser embrasse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of mirer mire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of répondre répondis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present conditional of avoir aurais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of gémir gémit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of retourner retourne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of aller va [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of tuer tua [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of outrager outrage [v.p./der.]
singular imperative of regarder regarde [v.p./der.]
third person singular present indicative form of vendre vend [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of reprendre reprends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of ressentir ressens [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of occuper occupait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of troubler troubles [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of supporter supporte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of positiver positives [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of fixer fixes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of accueillir accueille [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of médeciner médecine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of parjurer parjure [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative present form of présenter présentes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of succomber succombe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of ranimer ranime [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of écouter écoutes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of fleurir fleuris [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of conformer conforme [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of attirer attire [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of varier varie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of imager image [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of éprouver éprouvai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of surveiller surveille [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of caser cases [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of franchir franchis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of éviter évitait [v.p./der.]
feminine singular past participle of fuir fuite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of avoir eut [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of impatienter impatiente [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of crypter crypte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of consentir consens [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of consister consiste [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of mesurer mesures [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative past historic of mettre mis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of constater constate [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of activer active [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of expirer expire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of livrer livres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of paraître parais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of rendre rendis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of soutenir soutiens [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of vitrer vitre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular simple future form of voir verra [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of supporter supporte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of dépasser dépasse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of impliquer implique [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of proposer propose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative present of mettre mets [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of souffler souffle [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of pénétrer pénètre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of acheter achète [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of quitter quittes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of trouver trouve [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of résulter résulta [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of multiplier multiplie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of apaiser apaise [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of casquer casque [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of fâcher fâche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of pénétrer pénètre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of remplacer remplace [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of descendre descendit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of présumer présume [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative simple past of boire bus [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of refuser refuse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of venter vente [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of gazer gaze [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of vivre vives [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of sublimer sublime [v.p./der.]
first-person singular conditional of parier parierais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of soutenir soutenait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of torturer torture [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of servir servirait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of appliquer applique [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of reconnaître reconnus [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of réfléchir réfléchis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of flatter flatte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of destiner destinait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of blâmer blâme [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of accompagner accompagne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of noyer noie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of consumer consume [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of sabler sable [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of disposer disposait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of philosopher philosophes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of hâter hâte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of écarter écarte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of donner donnerait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of soulever soulève [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of meubler meubles [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of insister insiste [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of changer change [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of rougir rougis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of sonner sonne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of craindre craignais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative present form of composer compose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of circuler circule [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present conditional of avoir aurait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of habiter habite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular conditional of parier parierais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of allumer allume [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of fraiser fraise [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of mériter mérite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of originer origines [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of quitter quittais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of bomber bombes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of contribuer contribue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of conter conte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of renverser renverse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of envelopper enveloppes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of ordonner ordonnait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of dérouler déroulait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of occuper occupe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of arrêter arrêtai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of débaucher débauche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of empêcher empêcha [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of conformer conforme [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect subjunctive of terrer terrasses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of rapprocher rapprochait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of frissonner frissonnait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of teinter teinte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of relever relève [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of tripler triple [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of surpasser surpasse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of impatienter impatiente [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of incommoder incommode [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of caresser caresse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of espacer espaces [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of accompagner accompagne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of retomber retombe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative present of sentir sens [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of reconnaître reconnais [v.p./der.]
first- and third-person singular indicative present tense of sauter saute [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of figurer figurait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of crier cria [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of empêcher empêche [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of toiser toise [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of quitter quitte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of retourner retournai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of hacher hache [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of gripper grippe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of carrosser carrosse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of déployer déploie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of abuser abuse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of insulter insulte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of crâner crâne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of apprendre apprends [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of enlever enlève [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of dire dis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of priver prive [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of passer passes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of enseigner enseigne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of disposer dispose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of tirer tire [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of souper soupe [v.p./der.]
first-person and third-person singular present tense of fouiller fouille [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of torcher torches [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of médire médit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of augmenter augmente [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of décider décida [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of palmer palmes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of emparer empare [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of exalter exaltait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of employer employait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of renoncer renonce [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of remarquer remarques [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of inerter inertes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of craindre craignait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of brusquer brusque [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of fatiguer fatiguait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of commencer commence [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of représenter représenta [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of rendre rendais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of mener mena [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of éclairer éclaire [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of plâtrer plâtre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of envahir envahit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of entrer entrais [v.p./der.]
first-person and second-person singular imperfect tense of parler parlais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of jouer joue [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of cercler cercles [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of préparer prépara [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of calomnier calomnie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of commander commande [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of prier priait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of diriger dirigea [v.p./der.]
neutral and masculine singular participle of agir agi [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of diriger dirigeait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of pouvoir puisse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of pleurer pleure [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of dresser dresse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of ronfler ronflait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of autoriser autorise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of achever achève [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of nager nage [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of soupirer soupire [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of apporter apporte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of adresser adresses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of asseoir assit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of forger forge [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of huiler huile [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of laisser laisse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of provoquer provoque [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular indicative present of essayer essaie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of promettre promettait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of ficeler ficelles [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of chercher chercherait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of givrer givre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of déranger dérange [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of mourir mourrait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of cibler cible [v.p./der.]
first-person singular subjunctive past of finircategory (french verb forms) finisse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of impliquer implique [v.p./der.]