thrust - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "thrust" in German English Dictionary : 77 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
thrust Grubenbruch [m]
thrust Druck [m]
thrust Stoß [m]
thrust Stich [m]
thrust Messerstich [m]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Verbruch [m]
thrust Vorstoß [m]
thrust Schubs [m]
thrust Tenor [m]
thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust drängte
thrust aufgenötigt
thrust gedrängt
thrust gestoßen
thrust drängen
thrust werfen
thrust stoßen
thrust treiben
thrust gestochen
thrust stecken
thrust schieben
thrust gesteckt
thrust geschoben
Irregular Verb
thrust thrust - thrust [v]
thrust Stoß [m]
thrust Vorstoß [m]
thrust Hauptrichtung [f]
thrust werfen [v]
thrust stoßen [v]
thrust Stoß [m]
thrust Axialdruck [m]
thrust Längsdruck [m]
thrust Druck [m]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Axiallast [f]
thrust Normalkraft [f]
thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust Druckkraft [f]
thrust Schieben [n]
thrust Stoßen [n]
thrust Axialschub [m]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Längsdruck [m]
thrust Erddruck [m]
thrust Bodenstoß [m]
thrust Druck [m]
thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust Schübe [pl]
thrust Verschiebung [f]
thrust Bruch [m]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Druck [m]
thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust schieben [v]
thrust Schub (Luftfahrt, Raumfahrt) [m]
thrust Schub [m]
Gliding Terms
thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust Druck [m]
thrust Schub [m]
Electrical Engineering
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Durst [m]
thrust Vorstoß [m]
thrust Stoss [m]
thrust Stich [m]
thrust Stoss
thrust Stich
thrust Vortrieb [m]
thrust Anschub [m]
Mechanical Engineering
thrust Längsdruck [m]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Druck [m]
thrust Schub [m]
thrust Schubkraft [f]

Meanings of "thrust" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 455 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
earth thrust Erddruck [m]
thrust pad Druckring [m]
knife thrust Messerstich [m]
horn thrust Hornstoß [m]
engine thrust Triebwerksschub [m]
cut-and-thrust Messerkampf [m]
swelling thrust Quellschub [m]
development thrust Entwicklungsschub [m]
front of a thrust Faltenstirn [f]
thrust performance Schubleistung [f]
rocket (missile with thrust propulsion) Rakete (Flugkörper mit Rückstoßantrieb) [f]
thrust weapon Stichwaffe [f]
cut-and-thrust Messerstecherei [f]
clutch thrust spring Kupplungsdruckfeder [f]
thrust bearing Drucklager [n]
thrust bearing Axiallager [n]
make a thrust einen Vorstoß unternehmen [v]
thrust aufnötigen [v]
thrust sich verschieben [v]
thrust aside beiseite schieben [v]
thrust (at) stechen [v]
thrust (at) schieben (nach) [v]
thrust (at) stecken [v]
thrust (at) stoßen [v]
thrust out hinstrecken [v]
thrust out ausstrecken [v]
thrust aside zurückweisen [v]
thrust one's way sich durchkämpfen [v]
thrust aside zur Seite drängen [v]
thrust oneself upon someone sich jemandem aufdrängen [v]
thrust one's way sich durchdrängeln [v]
thrust one's way through something sich durch etwas drängen [v]
thrust past sich vorbeidrängen [v]
thrust out vorstrecken [v]
thrust in einwerfen [v]
to thrust stoßen [v]
thrust on vorwärts treiben [v]
to thrust schieben [v]
to thrust stechen [v]
be thrust upon aufgezwungen werden [v]
be thrust upon auferlegt werden [v]
be thrust upon aufgedrängt werden [v]
thrust collars Druckringe [pl]
thrust pads Druckringe [pl]
I/he/she thrust ich/er/sie stieß
he/she has/had thrust er/sie hat/hatte gestoßen
thrust aside beiseite geschoben
thrust one's way sich durchgekämpft
thrust out ausgestreckt
thrust one's way sich durchgedrängelt
thrust aside zur Seite gedrängt
thrust aside zugerückweisen
thrust out streckte vor
thrust out streckte hin
thrust out hingestreckt
thrust out vorgestreckt
thrust out streckte aus
thrust out herausstoßen
thrust past sich vorbeidrängen
cut and thrust Hin und Her
home thrust beißende Bemerkung
cut and thrust Widerstreit
thrust out hinausstoßen
thrust on antreiben
thrust aside zur Seite stoßen
home thrust gezielter Hieb
cut and thrust of the debate Hitze der Debatte [f]
cut and thrust of politics Spannungsfeld der Politik [n]
you thrust du stößt
thrust vector control Schubvektorlenkung
thrust reverser flap Schubumkehrklappe
measurement of rock thrust Gebirgsdruckmessung
thrust reverser door Schubumkehrfenster
thrust blade switch Schubtrennschalter
thrust control Schubregelung
thrust stand Bohrständer
non-positive displacement engine with axial-thrust Strömungsmaschine mit Axialschubausgleich
axial-thrust balancing Axialschubentlastung
axial-thrust compensation Axialschubausgleich
thrust-balancing dummy piston Ausgleichskolben
thrust bearing support Axiallagerabstützung
thrust reverser Schubumkehreinrichtung
thrust chambers Schubkammern
thrust reversal Schubumkehr
double thrust zweiseitig wirkend [adj]
thrust (mechanics) Druck (Mechanik) [m]
thrust (mechanics) Schub [m]
thrust ring Druckring [m]
thrust ring Anlaufring [m]
axial thrust Axialschub [m]
thrust compensation Schubausgleich [m]
reverse thrust Umkehrschub [m]
backward thrust Bremsschub [m]
thrust balance piston Schubausgleichskolben [m]
thrust compensation piston Schubausgleichskolben [m]
static thrust Standschub [m]
take-off thrust Startschub [m]
end thrust Axialdruck [m]
explosive thrust Verbrennungsdruck [m]
loss of thrust Schubverlust [m]
full thrust voller Schub [m]
vacuum thrust Vakuumschub [m]
lateral thrust Seitendruck [m]
thrust load Axialschub [m]
static thrust statischer Schub [m]
thrust bolt Druckbolzen [m]
propeller thrust Propellerschub [m]
ball thrust Kugeldruck [m]
forward thrust Vortrieb [m]
lateral thrust Seitenhub [m]
thrust journal Tragzapfen [m]
jet thrust Standschub [m]
thrust reverser Schubumkehrer [m]
thrust collar Druckring [m]
thrust collar Winkelring [m]
thrust journal Spurzapfen [m]
end thrust Längsdruck [m]
thrust journal Stützzapfen [m]
thrust ring Stützring [m]
end thrust Enddruck [m]
supporting thrust Auflagedruck [m]
thrust load Axialdruck [m]
thrust plate Druckstempel [m]
net thrust Nettoschub [m]
thrust bearing ring Axiallagerring [m]
cutting thrust Schnittkraft [f]
camber thrust Sturzseitenkraft [f]
thrust (mechanics) Axialkraft [f]
thrust (mechanics) Längskraft [f]
thrust bolt Andruckschraube [f]
thrust on the drawbar Deichselkraft [f]
thrust roller Druckrolle [f]
thrust shaft Druckwelle [f]
thrust rod Schubstrebe [f]
thrust washer Anlaufscheibe [f]
thrust washer (motor) Auswuchtscheibe (Motor) [f]
thrust-sheet Decke [f]
thrust-reverser Schubumkehr-Vorrichtung [f]
thrust chamber Brennkammer [f]
thrust washer Schubaufnahmescheibe [f]
thrust bolt Druckschraube [f]
thrust power Schubleistung [f]
thrust motion Schubbewegung [f]
clutch thrust bearing Kupplungsdruckfeder [f]
thrust washer Stoßscheibe [f]
thrust reversal Schubumlenkung [f]
thrust load Axialbelastung [f]
thrust face Anlauffläche [f]
thrust loading Schubbelastung [f]
thrust load Axiallast [f]
thrust capacity axiale Tragfähigkeit [f]
thrust face Druckseite [f]
thrust acceleration Schubbeschleunigung [f]
thrust reversal Schubumkehr [f]
seating thrust Schließkraft [f]
ball-thrust hardness Kugeldruckhärte [f]
thrust ring Wellenscheibe [f]
thrust reverse Schubumkehr [f]
thrust jet Schubdüse [f]
thrust washer Druckscheibe [f]
thrust screw Druckschraube [f]
thrust disk Druckscheibe [f]
thrust bushing Druckbuchse [f]
thrust spring Druckfeder [f]
thrust load Längsbelastung [f]
thrust force Schubkraft [f]
thrust plate Druckplatte [f]
thrust ball bearing Druckkugellager [n]
thrust bearings Axialgleitlager [n]
thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
deep groove ball thrust bearing Axial-Rillenkugellager [n]
thrust bearing Widerlager [n]
taper roller thrust bearing Axial-Kegelrollenlager [n]
plain thrust bearing Gleitlager [n]
thrust pad Druckstück [n]
spherical roller thrust bearing Axialpendelrollenlager [n]
thrust roller bearing Axialrollenlager [n]
self-aligning roller thrust bearing Axial-Pendelrollenlager [n]
ball thrust bearing Kugeldrucklager [n]
needle thrust bearing Axialnadellager [n]
ball thrust bearing Druckkugellager [n]
needle roller thrust bearing Axialnadellager [n]
collar thrust bearing Kammlager [n]
thrust bearing Scheibenlager [n]
deep groove ball thrust bearing Axialrillenkugellager [n]
tilting pad thrust bearing Segmentdrucklager [n]
thrust bearing Drucklager [n]
hydrostatic thrust bearing hydrostatisches Drucklager [n]
thrust bearing Traglager [n]
thrust bearing Spurlager [n]
axial thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
thrust ball bearing Rillenkugellager [n]
thrust bearing housing Drucklagergehäuse [n]
thrust bearing Axiallager [n]
thrust ball bearing Axialrillenkugellager [n]
tapered-roller thrust bearing Axialkegelrollenlager [n]
cylindrical roller thrust bearing Axialzylinderrollenlager [n]
thrust segment Drucksegment [n]
angular contact thrust ball bearing Axialschrägkugellager [n]
thrust bearing housing Axiallagergehäuse [n]
ball thrust bearing Axialrillenkugellager [n]
thrust stoßen [v]
thrust schieben [v]
deep groove ball thrust bearings Axial-Rillenkugellager [pl]
thrust bearings Widerlager [pl]
thrust bolts Andruckschrauben [pl]
thrust rings Anlaufringe [pl]
thrust rods Schubstreben [pl]
thrust shafts Druckwellen [pl]
thrust rings Druckringe [pl]
thrust washers Auswuchtscheiben [pl]
thrust washers Anlaufscheiben [pl]
thrust-sheets Schubmassen [pl]
thrust-sheets Decken [pl]
axial thrust axialer Schub
tangential thrust tangentialer Schub
self-aligning roller thrust bearing Axial-Pendelrollenlager
thrust rod Schubstange
propeller thrust Propellerschub [m]
static thrust Standschub [m]
thrust factor Axialfaktor [m]
thrust bolt Druckschraube [f]
thrust washer Axialscheibe [f]
thrust washer Seitenscheibe [f]
tapered roller thrust bearing Axialkegelrollenlager [n]
thrust bearing Axiallager [n]
cylindrical roller thrust bearing Axialzylinderrollenlager [n]
thrust block Drucklager [n]
angular contact thrust ball Axialschrägkugellager [n]
spherical roller thrust bearing Axialpendelrollenlager [n]
thrust ball bearing Axialrillenkugellager [n]
thrust bearing housing Axiallagergehäuse [n]
needle roller thrust bearing Axialnadellager [n]
spherical roller thrust bearing Axial Pendelrollenlager
angular contact thrust ball bearing Axial Schrägkugellager
cylindrical roller thrust bearing Axial Zylinderrollenlager
thrust ball bearing Axial Rillenkugellager
axial-thrust bearing system Axiallagersystem [n]
thrust ball bearing Axialkugellager [n]
thrust ball bearing Längskugellager [n]
single-thrust ball bearing Scheibenrillenlager [n]
axial-thrust bearing systems Axiallagersysteme [pl]
thrust ball bearings Längskugellager [pl]
single-thrust ball bearings Scheibenrillenlager [pl]
thrust-bearing Axiallager [n]
thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
ball thrust bearing Kugeldrucklager [n]
thrust bearing Widerlager [n]
thrust ball bearings Axialkugellager [pl]
thrust needle bearings Axialnadellager [pl]
thrust roller bearings Axialdruckrollenlager [pl]
thrust bearings Segment-Gleitlager
thrust due to heat Wärmeschub [m]
thrust fault abnorme Verwerfung
unit thrust Einheitsschub [m]
azimuth thrust Azimutalschub [m]
vacuum thrust Vakuumschub [m]
vectored thrust Vektorschub [m]
full thrust voller Schub [m]
nominal thrust Nennschub [m]
thrust cone Schubbug [m]
thrust nozzle Schubkonus [m]
thrust vector Schubvektor [m]
thrust nozzle Schubdüse [f]
thrust decay Schubabnahme [f]
thrust cut-off Schubabschaltung [f]
thrust axis Schubachse [f]
thrust misalignment Schubfehleinstellung [f]
thrust modulation Schubmodulation [f]
thrust vectoring nozzle Schubvektordüse [f]
thrust vector control Schubvektorsteuerung [f]
cold gas thrust system Kaltgasschubsystem [n]
low-thrust motor Niedrigschubtriebwerk [n]
vectored-thrust engine Vektorschubtriebwerk [n]
centre of thrust [uk] Schubzentrum [n]
thrust programme [uk] Schubsteuerprogramm [n]
thrust program [us] Schubsteuerprogramm [n]
thrust subsystem Schubsubsystem [n]
center of thrust [us] Schubzentrum [n]
thrust-to-weight ratio Verhältnis Schub/Gewicht
pelvic thrust Hüftschwung [m]
jaw thrust manoeuvre Esmarch-Handgriff [m]
jaw thrust maneuver Esmarch-Handgriff [m]
jaw thrust manoeuvre Esmarch-Manöver [n]
jaw thrust maneuver Esmarch-Manöver [n]
horizontal thrust Schub [m]
earth thrust Erddruck [m]
horizontal thrust waagerechter Seitenschub [m]
horizontal thrust component Horizontalschubkomponente [f]
thrust line Stützlinie [f]
thrust-line Stützlinie [f]
horizontal thrust Horizontalkraft [f]
place and thrust method Taktschiebeverfahren [n]
horizontal thrust components Horizontalschubkomponenten [pl]
bottom thrust unterer Überschiebungshorizont [m]
roof thrust oberer Überschiebungshorizont [m]
thrust of the ground Erddruck [m]
roof thrust Dachüberschiebung [f]
thrust fault Aufschiebung [f]
thrust-sheet Schubmasse [f]
transverse thrust Seitenverschiebung [f]
up-thrust-fault Aufschiebung [f]
thrust sheet Überschiebungsdecke [f]
thrust sheet tektonische Decke [f]
rock thrust Gebirgsschub [m]
rock thrust Gebirgsdruck [m]
axial thrust Längsdruck [m]
axial thrust Axialschub [m]
axial thrust Druck (Mechanik) [m]
axial thrust Schub [m]
end thrust Axialdruck [m]
thrust ring Druckring [m]
thrust load Axialdruck [m]
thrust ring Anlaufring [m]
axial thrust Axialkraft [f]
axial thrust Längskraft [f]
ball-thrust hardness test Kugeldruckprüfung [f]
ball-thrust hardness test Brinellprobe [f]
ball-thrust hardness test Kugeleindruck-Härteprüfung [f]
ball-thrust test Brinellprobe [f]
ball-thrust test Kugeldruckprüfung [f]
ball-thrust test Kugeleindruck-Härteprüfung [f]
thrust load Schubbelastung [f]
thrust flank Schubflanke [f]
thrust washer Druckscheibe [f]
thrust washer Anlaufscheibe [f]
thrust bush Anlaufbuchse [f]
thrust spring Druckfeder [f]
thrust face Schubfläche [f]
thrust washer Gleitscheibe [f]
thrust washer Stützscheibe [f]
axial thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
thrust segment Drucksegment [n]
clutch thrust bearing Kupplungsdrucklager [n]
needle thrust bearing Axialnadellager [n]
thrust ball bearing Druckkugellager [n]
thrust ball bearing Kugeldrucklager [n]
thrust bearing Drucklager [n]
thrust load axiale Belastung
jet thrust Standschub [m]
jet thrust Schub [m]
propeller thrust Schraubenschub [m]
propeller thrust Propellerschub [m]
propeller thrust Schub [m]
thrust (aerospace) Schub (Luft- und Raumfahrt) [m]
thrust (aerospace) Schub [m]
static jet thrust Schub [m]
static jet thrust Standschub [m]
thrust lever Schubhebel [m]
rotor thrust Rotorschub [m]
guaranteed thrust garantierter Schub [m]
reverse thrust Bremsschub [m]
gross thrust Gesamtschub [m]
gross thrust resultierender Schub [m]
reverse thrust Retroschub [m]
static thrust Standschub [m]
static thrust statischer Schub [m]
thrust augmenter Schubkraftverstärker [m]
thrust reverser Schubumkehrer [m]
thrust augmenter Schubvergrößerer [m]
propeller thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust (aerospace) Schubkraft [f]
dry thrust Schubkraft [f]
thrust augmentation Schubverstärkung [f]
thrust-reverser Schubumkehr [f]
thrust vectoring nozzle strahlumlenkende Düse [f]
thrust reverser Schubumkehrvorrichtung [f]
thrust bearing Axialkugellager [n]
thrust bearing Drucklager [n]
engine mount-and-thrust structure Triebwerks Widerlager und Schubgerüst [n]
static thrust statischer Schub
full thrust voller Schub
thrust vectoring nozzle Düse Strahlumlenkung
rear axle thrust Hinterachsschub [m]
thrust angle Spurversatzwinkel [m]
end thrust Enddruck [m]
thrust collar Druckring [m]
thrust collar Tragring [m]
thrust washer Stoßring [m]
thrust on drawbar Deichselkraft [f]
thrust ring Anlaufscheibe [f]
thrust plate Halteplatte [f]
thrust washer Druckscheibe [f]
thrust rod Schubstrebe [f]
thrust plate Druckplatte [f]
thrust block Drucklager [n]
thrust member Druckstück [n]
thrust bearing Ausrücklager [n]
thrust bearing Axialkugellager [n]
thrust bearing Drucklager [n]
thrust bearing Axiallager [n]
thrust face Drucklager [n]
plain thrust bearing Axialgleitlager [n]
thrust angles Spurversatzwinkel [pl]
thrust face Drucklager 
graphite thrust bearing Graphit Drucklager
ball thrust bearing Kugel-Drucklager
Electrical Engineering
thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
thrust and guide bearing Trag-Führungslager [n]
hydraulic thrust hydrostatischer Druck [m]
side thrust Seitenschub [m]
hydraulic thrust Wasserdruck [m]
maximum axial thrust maximaler Axialdruck [m]
thrust bearing Axiallager [n]
thrust shaft Druckwelle [f]
thrust shaft Drucklagerwelle [f]
thrust bearing Drucklager [n]
thrust block Drucklager [n]
propeller thrust coefficient Schubwert der Luftschraube
lateral-thrust unit Bugstrahlruder [n]
feint (pretended blow/thrust/grip) (boxing) Finte [f]
main thrust Hauptstoß [m]
dagger thrust Dolchstoß [m]
thrust weapon Stoßwaffe [f]
thrust line Stoßlinie [f]
thrust weapons Stoßwaffen [pl]
breech thrust Verschlussbelastung [f]
bolt thrust Verschlussbelastung [f]
bolt thrust Stoßbodenkraft -> Verschlussbelastung
breech thrust Stoßbodenkraft -> Verschlussbelastung
side thrust seitliche Auslenkkraft [f]
Mechanical Engineering
thrust collar Druckring [m]
axial thrust Axialschub [m]
thrust block Tragring [m]
thrust plate Druckplatte [m]
thrust washer Anlaufscheibe [f]
ring-type thrust washer ringförmige Anlaufscheibe [f]
thrust cylindrical roller bearing Axialzylinderrollenlager [n]
double thrust bearing Wechsellager [n]
axial thrust bearing Achsdrucklager [n]
multi-collar thrust bearing Kammlager [n]
thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
thrust block Längslager [n]
axial thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
thrust ball-bearing Axialkugellager [n]
thrust bearing Axiallager [n]
self-aligning roller thrust bearing Axialpendelrollenlager [n]
deep-groove ball thrust bearing Axialrillenkugellager [n]
thrust roller bearing Axialrollenlager [n]
thrust bearing Längslager [n]
ball thrust bearing Kugeldrucklager [n]
thrust ball-bearing Längskugellager [n]
end-thrust bearing Axialdrucklager [n]
plain thrust bearing Gleitaxiallager [n]
thrust bearing Drucklager [n]
axial thrust Axialdruck [m]
axial thrust Axialschub [m]
main tool thrust Hauptschnittdruck [m]
thrust die Druckstempel [m]
thrust force Radialkraft [f]
thrust load Axialbeanspruchung [f]
vertical tool thrust Senkrechtschnittkraft [f]
thrust strip Druckleiste [f]
thrust washer Druckscheibe [f]
thrust bearing Längslager [n]