marrow - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "marrow" in German English Dictionary : 10 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
marrow Knochenmark [n]
marrow Mark [n]
marrow Markkürbis [m]
marrow Speisekürbis [m]
marrow Kürbis (verschiedene Arten) [m]
marrow Kürbis [m]
marrow Zucchini [f]
marrow Zucchini
marrow Markkürbis
marrow Speisekürbis

Meanings of "marrow" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 94 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
vegetable marrow Gartenkürbis [m]
bone marrow smear Knochenmarkausstrich [m]
bone marrow aplasia Knochenmarkaplasie [f]
bone marrow disease Knochenmarkserkrankung [f]
spinal marrow Rückenmark [n]
marrow-deep bis ins Mark
chill somebody to the marrow jemanden erschrecken [v]
chill somebody to the marrow jemandem Angst einjagen [v]
be chilled to the marrow abgekühlt sein
be frozen to the marrow sehr frieren
be chilled to the marrow völlig durchgefroren sein
be frozen to the marrow völlig durchgefroren sein
be chilled to the marrow ausgekühlt, bis auf die Knochen sein
chilled to the marrow bis auf die Knochen durchgefroren
chilled to the marrow völlig durchgefroren
chilled to the marrow ausgekühlt bis auf die Knochen
be chilled to the marrow durchgefroren, bis auf die Knochen sein
be frozen to the marrow ganz durchgefroren sein
Work Safety
bone-marrow dose Knochenmarksdosis [f]
benzene-induced bone marrow damage Benzol-Panmyelophthise
benzene-induced bone marrow damage Benzen-Panmyelophthise
benzene-induced bone marrow damage Benzen-Myelopathie
benzene-induced bone marrow damage Benzol-Myelopathie
bone-marrow storage Knochenmarkeinlagerung [f]
bone marrow cells Knochenmarkzellen [pl]
bone marrow stem cells Stammzellen des Knochenmarks [pl]
destructive to bone marrow knochenmarksschädigend [adj]
marrow spoon Marklöffel [m]
bone marrow donor Knochenmarkspender [m]
bone marrow recipient Knochenmarkempfänger [m]
bone-marrow cancer Knochenmarkkrebs [m]
bone-marrow nail Knochenmarknagel [m]
bone marrow smear Knochenmarksausstrich [m]
bone marrow smear Markausstrich [m]
bone marrow aspiration Knochenmarkaspiration [f]
bone marrow donor Knochenmarkspenderin [f]
bone marrow puncture Knochenmarkpunktion [f]
bone-marrow depletion Knochenmarkerschöpfung [f]
bone-marrow histology Knochenmarkhistologie [f]
bone marrow donation Knochenmarkspende [f]
bone marrow ablation Knochenmarksablation [f]
bone marrow stimulation Knochenmarkstimulation [f]
bone marrow hyperplasia Markhyperplasie [f]
bone-marrow cytology Knochenmarkzytologie [f]
bone marrow transplantation Knochenmarktransplantation [f]
bone marrow aplasia Knochenmarkhypoplasie [f]
bone marrow biopsy Knochenmarkbiopsie [f]
bone marrow transplant Knochenmarktransplantation [f]
low-signal bone marrow signalarmes Knochenmark [n]
damages bone marrow geschädigtes Knochenmark [n]
marrow spoons Marklöffel [pl]
bone marrow donors Knochenmarkspenderinnen [pl]
bone marrow donors Knochenmarkspender [pl]
bone marrow recipients Knochenmarkempfänger [pl]
bone marrow punctures Knochenmarkpunktionen [pl]
bone-marrow nails Knochenmarknägel [pl]
bone marrow transplant Transplantation von Knochenmark
destructive to bone marrow myelotoxisch
bone marrow examination Knochenmarkuntersuchung {f} med
bone marrow examinations Knochenmarkuntersuchungen {pl} med
red marrow rotes Knochenmark
marrow space (of the bone) Markhöhle [f]
bone marrow Mark [n]
marrow brain Medulla oblongata [n]
marrow brain Nachhirn [n]
marrow brain verlängertes Rückenmark [n]
marrow brain Myelenzephalon [n]
marrow extract Markextrakt [n]
yellow bone marrow gelbes Knochenmark [n]
bone marrow Knochenmark [n]
red bone marrow rotes Knochenmark [n]
marrow extracts Markextrakte [pl]
bone marrow Knochenmark [n]
stone marrow Nakrit [m]
bone-marrow dumplings Markknödel [m]
bone-marrow dumplings Markknödel (Suppeneinlage) [Ös.] [m]
marrow-pip Kürbiskern [m]
marrow scoop Marklöffel [m]
beef marrow Rindermark [Norddt.][Mitteldt.] [n]
beef marrow Rindsmark [n]
beef marrow Rindermark [n]
beef marrow Rindsmark [Süddt.][Ös.][Schw.] [n]
bone-marrow dumplings Markklößchen [n]
bone-marrow dumplingses Markknödel [pl]
bone-marrow dumplingses Markklößchen [pl]
marrow-pips Kürbiskerne [pl]
marrow dumplings Markklößchen [pl]
marrow-stem kale Futterkohl [m]
marrow-stem kale Markkohl [m]
marrow-stem kale Markstammkohl [m]
Boston marrow Riesen-Kürbis
marrow-stem kale Futterkohl
marrow-stem kale Markkohl
marrow-stem kale Markstammkohl