monthlies - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "monthlies" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 17 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
monthly mensual [adj]
monthly mensualmente [adv]
monthly mensuario [adj]
monthly mensual [adj]
monthly mensualmente [adv]
monthly periódico mensual [m]
monthly publicación mensual [f]
monthly menstruo [adj] outdated
monthly mensil [adj] disused
monthly menstruo [adj] disused
monthly menstrualmente [adv] rare
monthly por mes [adv]
monthly al mes [adv]
monthly mensual [adj]
monthly mensualmente [adv]
monthly revista mensual
monthly cada mes

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "monthlies" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 222 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
monthly salary mes [m]
monthly payment mes [m]
monthly salary mensualidad [f]
monthly instalment mensualidad [f]
monthly payment mensualidad [f]
three-monthly trimestral [adj]
four-monthly cuatrimestral [adj]
two-monthly bimensual [adj]
two-monthly bimestral [adj]
monthly allowance mensualidad [f]
monthly payment mes [m]
monthly wage mensualidad [f]
monthly pay mensualidad [f]
monthly salary mensualidad [f]
monthly payment mensualidad [f]
monthly payment mesada [f]
four-monthly cuatrimestral [adj]
semi-monthly quincenal [adj]
semi-monthly quincenario [adj]
six-monthly semestral [adj]
monthly national lottery la grande [n] HN
monthly rate tasa mensual
monthly statement extracto mensual
monthly statement resumen mensual
monthly wage mes [m]
monthly pay mesada [f]
monthly pay paga [f]
twice-monthly bimensual [adj]
ten-monthly diezmesino [adj]
monthly paper periódico mensual [m]
monthly rose rosa de china [f]
monthly rose rosa de todo el año [f]
two-monthly bimensuario [adj]
monthly courses achaque [m] disused
fraction of a lottery ticket played monthly and that pays an extraordinary prize gordito [m] PA
agricultural laborer who is paid monthly mencho [m] AR:Ne rur.
agricultural laborer who is paid monthly mensú [m] AR:Ne UY
monthly salary mensual [m] EC
monthly salary mensual [m] PY AR:Nw rur.
agricultural laborer who is paid monthly mensual [m] AR UY rur.
agricultural laborer who is paid monthly mensualero [m] PY AR:Ne UY rur.
monthly pay mensual [m] EC
monthly pay mensual [m] PY AR:Nw rur.
game consisting of awarding money from the weekly or monthly fees of the players pasanacu [m] BO
monthly fee pisaje [m] MX
person who receives lunch and dinner in exchange for a monthly charge pensionado [m] BO
person who receives room and board in exchange for a monthly charge pensionado [m] BO:S
agricultural laborer being paid monthly mensú [m] PY AR
agricultural laborer being paid monthly mensual [m] AR UY
monthly payment on a debt armada [f] PE
group of established food products that are sold monthly at grocery stores cuotativa [f] CU
monthly fee paid by students in private schools colegiatura [f] MX HN SV NI CL
special jail cell for prisoners who pay a monthly fee in exchange for certain privileges cuadra [f] HN
monthly state-sponsored lottery lotería grande [f] HN SV
monthly worker mesera [f] GT HN NI rur.
monthly school payment pensión [f] EC PE BO
lunch and dinner in exchange for a monthly charge pensión [f] BO
person who receives lunch and dinner in exchange for a monthly charge pensionada [f] BO
person who receives room and board in exchange for a monthly charge pensionada [f] BO:S
two-monthly bimestre [adj] rare
four-monthly cuatrimestre [adj] rare
pay something monthly mensualizar [v] EC
pay something monthly mensualizar [v] HN PY rare
do something monthly mensualizar [v] EC
do something monthly mensualizar [v] HN PY rare
be served lunch and dinner in exchange for a monthly charge pensionar [v] BO
ten-monthly diezmesina [adj/f]
at monthly intervals a intervalos de un mes
on a monthly basis de forma mensual
monthly closing cierre mensual [m]
monthly closure cierre mensual [m]
monthly salary mesada [f]
monthly payment cuota mensual [f]
monthly premium cuota mensual [f]
monthly instalment cuota mensual [f]
monthly fee cuota mensual [f]
monthly installment mensualidad [f]
monthly payment mesada [f]
monthly salary mensualidad [f]
semi monthly quincenal [adj]
semi-monthly quincenal [adj]
six-monthly semestral [adj]
monthly in arrears a mes vencido [adj]
pay monthly pagar mensualmente [v]
half-monthly quincenalmente [adv]
monthly charges cobros mensuales [m/pl]
monthly dues cuotas mensuales [f/pl]
monthly installments cuotas mensuales [f/pl]
monthly returns balance mensual
monthly settlement liquidación mensual
monthly fee pago mensual
monthly instalment plazo mensual
monthly returns estadística mensual
monthly instalment vencimiento mensual
monthly report informe mensual
monthly statement estado de cuenta mensual
monthly payments pagos mensuales
monthly charges cargos mensuales
monthly costs costos mensuales
monthly expenditures gastos mensuales
monthly installment pago mensual
monthly fee cargo mensual
monthly expenses gastos mensuales
monthly payment pago mensual
monthly interest intereses mensuales
monthly statement estado mensual
monthly costs costes mensuales
monthly remuneration remuneración mensual
monthly interest intereses mensuales
monthly costs costos mensuales
monthly rent renta mensual
monthly payment abono mensual
monthly report reporte mensual
payable monthly in arrears pagadero por mes vencido
monthly remuneration retribución mensual
monthly report informe mensual
monthly rent alquiler mensual
monthly income renta mensual
monthly installment plazo mensual
monthly pay paga mensual
monthly pay retribución mensual
monthly rental alquiler mensual
monthly salary compensación mensual
monthly salary remuneración mensual
monthly wage salario mensual
monthly salary sueldo mensual
monthly investment plan plan de inversiones con depósitos fijos mensuales
monthly order orden mensual
monthly salary paga mensual
monthly payment pago mensual
monthly statement estado mensual
monthly order pedido mensual
monthly charges cargos mensuales
monthly wage paga mensual
monthly wage compensación mensual
monthly wage remuneración mensual
monthly salary salario mensual
monthly expenditures gastos mensuales
monthly fee cargo mensual
monthly installment pago mensual
monthly investment plan plan de inversiones mensual
monthly sales ventas mensuales
monthly savings ahorros mensuales
monthly payment plazo mensual
monthly expenses gastos mensuales
monthly compensation compensación mensual
monthly benefit beneficio mensual
monthly benefit pago mensual
monthly premium prima mensual
income-related monthly adjustment amount cantidad del ajuste mensual relacionado al ingreso
average indexed monthly earnings promedio de ganancias mensuales ajustadas
monthly report memoria mensual
monthly interest interés mensual
monthly payments pagos mensuales
monthly payment mensualidad [f]
monthly installment vencimiento mensual
monthly payment reembolso mensual
monthly payment pago mensual
monthly periodic rate tasa periódica mensual
monthly installments abonos mensuales
monthly balance balance mensual
average monthly wage salario mensual promedio
monthly installment mensualidad [f]
monthly payment mesada [f]
semi-monthly quincenal [adj]
pay monthly pagar mensualmente [v]
half-monthly quincenalmente [adv]
cost of monthly insurance costo mensual del seguro
monthly earning test prueba de ingresos mensuales
monthly income ingresos mensuales
monthly payment abono mensual
payable monthly in arrears pagadero por mes vencido
monthly income renta mensual
monthly-rental alquiler mensual
monthly earnings ingresos mensuales
monthly costs costos mensuales
monthly charges cargos mensuales
monthly installment pago mensual
monthly rent alquiler mensual
monthly pay paga mensual
monthly interest intereses mensuales
monthly wage salario mensual
monthly statement estado mensual
monthly salary salario mensual
monthly rent renta mensual
monthly charge cargo mensual
monthly effective interest rate (on central reserve bank promissory notes) tasa efectiva mensual PE
monthly tax units unidades tributarias mensuales CL
monthly mean solar radio-noise flux flujo mensual medio de ruido solar
monthly record boletín mensual [m]
monthly pay mensualidad [f]
monthly rate of pay mesada [f]
monthly income renta mensual
monthly record resumen mensual
monthly report informe mensual
monthly payments pagos mensuales
monthly pay sueldo mensual
monthly digest resumen mensual
monthly record revista mensual
monthly balance balance mensual
monthly pesticide use report informe mensual de uso de pesticidas
monthly report informe mensual
monthly average promedio mensual
average monthly expenditure gasto promedio mensual
mean monthly temperature anomaly anomalía de temperatura media mensual [f]
monthly mean precipitation rate tasa de precipitación media mensual
mean monthly precipitation precipitación media mensual
mean monthly temperature temperatura media mensual
mean monthly medio mensual
bi-monthly bimestral [adj]
monthly report informe mensual
Real Estate
current monthly expenses gastos mensuales actuales
monthly payment pago mensual
initial monthly payment monto del pago mensual inicial
initial monthly payment cantidad del pago mensual inicial
monthly mortgage payment pago mensual de una hipoteca
Dam Terms
monthly payment pagamiento mensual
monthly statement situación mensual
monthly pass abono de transporte mensual
monthly pesticide use report informe mensual de uso de pesticidas
half monthly quincenal [adj]
mean monthly discharge caudal medio mensual