opposing - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "opposing" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 39 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
opposing opuesto [adj]
opposing encontrado [adj]
opposing oponente [adj]
opposing opositor [adj]
opposing enfrentado [adj]
opposing contrapuesto [adj]
opposing rechazamiento [m]
opposing rechazo [m]
opposing ofensa [f]
opposing antagónico [adj]
opposing contrapuesto [adj]
opposing desavenido [adj]
opposing disidente [adj]
opposing enemigo [adj]
opposing oponente [adj]
opposing opositor [adj]
opposing pugnante [adj]
opposing refractario [adj]
opposing resistidor [adj]
opposing enfrente [adv]
opposing frente [adv]
opposing contrario [adj]
opposing enemigo [adj]
opposing arguyente [adj]
opposing contraponedor [adj]
opposing pugnante [adj]
opposing adversario [adj] disused
opposing arguyente [adj] disused
opposing opositara [adj/f]
opposing opuesta [adj/f]
opposing adversaria [adj/f]
opposing enfrentada [adj/f]
opposing antagónica [adj/f]
opposing contrapuesta [adj/f]
opposing contraria [adj/f]
opposing contraponedora [adj/f]
opposing enemiga [adj/f]
opposing en contra [adv]
opposing contrario [adj]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "opposing" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 79 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
opposing party contraparte [f]
in spanish dance, movement with the opposing foot in the opposite direction deshecha [f]
opposing party oposición [f]
pressure exerted by two people or two opposing groups pinza [f]
opposing resistance rebelde [adj]
opposing bullfighting taurófobo [adj]
join the opposing party contrapasar [v]
an opposing view un punto de vista opuesto [m]
coexistence of opposing attitudes ambivalencia [f]
an opposing view una perspectiva contraria [f]
opposing progress retrógrado [adj]
opposing the creation of a transbasin diversion antitrasvase [adj]
opposing the drinking of alcohol abstemio [adj]
opposing the practice of abortion antiaborto [adj]
opposing the tenets of democracy antidemocrático [adj]
opposing fascism antifascista [adj]
opposing or against the establishment or existence of trusts antimonopolista [adj]
opposing abortion antiabortista [adj]
opposing change reaccionario [adj]
person in the middle of a conflict of interest between two opposing parties jamón del sándwich [n] SV CL AR
unevenness opposing the free flow of waters contravertiente [m]
opposing forces contrafuerzas [f/pl]
blow from a spur that severs the central vein of the opposing fighter cock venazo [m] PR
children's game in which the two teams line up and wrapping arms around each other's waist with the first child holding onto something fixed, the opposing team tries to separate the children in line cebollita jiqui jiqui [f] BO rare
blow with a spur that ultimately chokes the opposing fighter cock morcillera [f] PA CO:N VE
benched because the opposing team's batters are easily getting hits (baseball pitcher) explotado [adj] NI
opposing peronism gorila [adj] AR
destabilize the balance between things/forces/opposing viewpoints desbalancear [v] MX NI DO PR BO CL AR
express an opposing opinion llevarle a alguien la contraria [v]
express an opposing opinion llevarle la contraria a alguien [v]
be two opposing positions in an issue ser un tira y afloja [v]
be two opposing positions in an issue ser un toma y daca [v]
a piece of paper will take whatever you write on it (without opposing) el papel lo aguanta todo
a piece of paper will take whatever you write on it (without opposing) el papel aguanta todo lo que le escriban
prevent the opposing team from filling the bases bregar la arepa [v] VE
have interests in two opposing sides jugar en los dos equipos [v] SV NI
pass the ball through opposing players recibir en filtro [v] HN
adhere to two opposing positions without commitment quedar bien con dios y con el diablo [v] PA AR UY
in absence of any opposing action de forma predeterminada
in absence of any opposing action por omisión
a violent argument or a confrontation between supporters of opposing factions la de tirios y troyanos
stubbornly opposing someone else's will agredisto [adj] AR:Nw
stubbornly opposing someone else's will agredista [adj/f] AR:Nw
Work Safety Terms
opposing-torque brake frenado por retrocesión
opposing party in litigation contraparte [f]
opposing party contraparte [f]
opposing party parte contraria
the opposing party la parte contraria
opposing the brazilian workers' party antipetista [adj]
supporting and opposing arguments argumentos a favor y en contra
front opposing compulsory military service frente opositor al servicio militar obligatorio AR
opposing field campo opuesto [m]
opposing force adversario [m]
opposing motor contramotor [m]
opposing torque par antagonista
opposing spring resorte antagonista
opposing party parte contraria
opposing flux flujo opuesto
series opposing en serie opositiva
opposing reaction reacción contraria
opposing process proceso contrario
opposing current corriente opositora
opposing muscle músculo oponente
Real Estate
opposing party parte adversa
opposing force fuerza contraria
opposing green luz verde en sentido contrario [f]
opposing torque par antagonista
opposing torque par resistente
check an opposing player controlar al adversario [v]
get past opposing defence sorprender la defensa adversa [v]
mark am opposing soccer player very closely encimar [v] PE BO AR
opposing team equipo adversario
get past opposing defence sorprender la defensa adversa [v]
opposing team contrario [m]
taking the hit ball and throwing it immediately to a base so as to force a player of the opposing team out of play asistencia [f] NI PR VE
catch the ball hit by the opposing team (player) atrapar [v] NI PR VE
keep the opposing team from scoring runs dar una lechada [v] CU
a shrub up to 8 m high, with opposing leaves, white flowers, large, clusters and berries edible purple flowers and fruits (heterotrichum cymosum) camasey peludo [m] PR
a shrub up to 8 m high, with opposing leaves, white flowers, large, clusters and berries edible purple flowers and fruits (heterotrichum cymosum) camasey terciopelo [m] PR