superior court - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch

superior court


Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "superior court" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 8 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
superior court corte superior
superior court audiencia [f]
superior court corte superior [f] US
superior court corte superior
superior court tribunal superior
superior court tribunal superior
superior court corte superior
superior court tribunal superior CU

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "superior court" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 20 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
writ from a superior to a lower court urging that justice be administered incitativa [f]
appeal to a superior court mejora [f]
superior court referee árbitro de la corte superior [m]
magistrate (of a superior court) magistrado [m]
act of removing a lawsuit from an inferior to a superior court avocamiento [m]
appeal of superior court judgements recurso de injusticia notoria [m]
act of removing a lawsuit from an inferior to a superior court avocación [f]
remove a lawsuit from an inferior to a superior court avocar [v]
carolina superior court sala superior de carolina
judge of superior court juez del tribunal superior
clerk of the superior court secretario del tribunal superior
los angeles superior court corte superior de los angeles
judge of superior court juez de la corte superior
judge of the superior court juez de la corte superior
superior court judge juez de la corte superior
judge los angeles superior court juez de la corte superior de los angeles
superior court judge juez superior
presiding judge of the superior court juez presidente del tribunal superior
candidate forjudge of the superior court candidato a juez de la corte superior
los angeles county superior court judge juez de la corte superior del condado de los angeles