willow - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "willow" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 20 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
willow sauce [m]
willow mimbrera [f]
willow mimbre [m/f]
willow salce [m]
willow salguera [m]
willow vimbre [m]
willow sauz [m]
willow bardaguera [f] rare
willow mimbre [m]
willow abridora [f]
willow mimbrera [f]
willow sauce [m]
willow bimbre [m]
willow sauce [m]
willow sauz [m]
willow saz [m]
willow bardaguera [f]
willow sarga [f]
willow mimbrera [f]
willow zuma [f] ES local

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "willow" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 150 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
willow plantation salcedo [m]
field of bitter willow sargal [m]
willow grove saucedal [m]
willow grove sauzal [m]
willow grove sauceda [f]
willow grove saucera [f]
pertaining to the bitter willow sarguero [adj]
desert willow mimbre [m]
variety of willow sarga [f]
weeping willow sauce llorón
willow-plot arcazón [m]
willow-twig mimbre [m]
willow-plantation salceda [m]
willow-plantation salcedo [m]
willow-plantation sauzal [m]
willow-plantation saucedal [m]
willow-ring vilorta [f]
willow-plantation saucera [f]
willow-plantation sauceda [f]
pussy-willow sauce pequeño americano [m]
weeping willow sauce de babilonia [m]
weeping willow diablo [m]
weeping willow máquina para limpiar lana [f]
willow-leaf red quebracho soto [m] BO:E,S
plot of land abundant in willow-leaf red quebracho quebrachal [m] PY AR UY
basket willow salzmimbre [m] ES local
water willow plantation zumacal [m] rare
bonpland willow ahuejote [m]
cricket bat willow sauce cricket-bat
willow tit carbonero sibilino [m]
osier willow bardaguera [f]
basket willow bardaguera [f]
golden weeping willow sauce llorón
willow warbler mosquitero musical
weeping willow sauce llorón
willow grouse lagópodo escossês
willow-leaved cotoneaster cotoneaster [m]
willow tit carbonero montano [m]
willow tit carbonero sibilino [m]
willow grouse lagópodo común [m]
willow ptarmigan lagópodo común
willow flycatcher mosquero saucero
willow grouse lagópodo [m]
willow fracture fractura en sauce
weeping willow desmayo [m]
willow wood madera de sauce
weeping willow sauce llorón [m]
desert willow acuahuitl [m]
bonpland willow sauce [m]
babylon willow sauce llorón
white willow sauce blanco
willow tit carbonero sibilino [m]
black willow sauce negro
willow warbler mosquitero musical
white willow sauce blanco
kind of willow saciña [f]
weeping-willow desmayo [m]
sweet-willow mirto holandés [m]
willow bustic (bumelia salicifolia) almendrón [m] PR VE
water-willow (justicia pectoralis) bítamo [m] PR
water-willow bitará [m] PR
dwarf willow sauce llorón enano [m]
drooping willow sauce llorón [m]
egyptian willow sauce llorón egipcio [m]
water willow descansé [m] CO
willow bustic cuyá [m] CU PR
willow bustic cuya [m] DO
willow bustic xacchum [m] MX:Se
peruvian primrose-willow chilillo [m] HN SV
water-willow (justicia spicigera) guajatinta [m] HN
willow-leaved jessamine palqui amarillo [m] BO:S
willow-leaved jessamine palqui negro [m] BO:S
willow-leaved jessamine palqui [m] CL AR:N
plot of land with abundant willow-leaf red quebracho quebrachal [m] PY AR UY
willow-leaf red quebracho quebrache [m] MX
willow-leaf red quebracho quebracho [m] BO PY AR
wood of the willow-leaf red quebracho quebracho [m] AR
willow-leaf red quebracho quebracho colorado [m] AR
wood of the willow-leaf red quebracho quebracho colorado [m] AR
willow-leaf red quebracho quebracho colorado [m] UY
plot of land with abundant willow-leaf red quebracho quebrajachal [m] MX
plot of land with abundant willow-leaf red quebracho quebrajachalero [m] MX
willow-leaf red quebracho quebrajache [m] MX
willow-leaf red quebracho quebrajacho [m] MX
willow bustic (dipholis salicifolia) cuyá [m] CU
weeping willow (salix babylonica) desmayo [m]
willow-leaved jessamine duraznillo [m]
weeping willow (salix babylonica) llorón [m]
willow-leaved jessamine palqui (mapuche) [m]
willow-leaved jessamine parqui [m]
babylon willow salce [m]
weeping willow salce [m]
a species of willow (salix babylonica) salce [m]
babylon willow salgar [m]
weeping willow salgar [m]
a species of willow (salix babylonica) salgar [m]
babylon willow salguero [m]
weeping willow salguero [m]
a species of willow (salix babylonica) salguero [m]
purple willow sargatillo [m]
purpleosier willow sargatillo [m]
a species of willow (salix purpurea) sargatillo [m]
white willow (salix alba) sauce blanco [m]
goat willow sauce cabruno [m]
pussy willow sauce cabruno [m]
a common species of willow (salix caprea) sauce cabruno [m]
babylon willow sauce de babilonia [m]
weeping willow sauce de babilonia [m]
a species of willow sauce de babilonia [m]
a species of willow (salix babylonica) sauce de babilonia [m]
babylon willow sauce llorón [m]
weeping willow sauce llorón [m]
a species of willow sauce llorón [m]
a species of willow (salix babylonica) sauce llorón [m]
primrose willow (jussiaea angustifolia) yerba cangá [f] PR
willow-leaved jessamine hediondilla [f] BO
willow-leaved jessamine yerba santa [f] EC BO:E
willow-leaved jessamine yerbasanta [f] BO
willow-leaved jessamine rama verde [f] BO:W
willow-leaf red quebracho quebracha [f] PR
floating primrose-willow (ludwigia peploides) verdolaga de agua [f] MX
grey willow bardaguera [f]
large gray willow bardaguera [f]
a species of willow (salix atrocinerea) bardaguera [f]
willow bustica species of flowering plant (sideroxylon salicifolium) carolina [f] CU DO
square stalked willow herb (epilobium tetragonum) laureola [f]
square stalked willow herb (epilobium tetragonum) laureola macho [f]
basket willow mimbrera [f]
a species of willow native to europe, western asia, and the himalayas (salix viminalis) mimbrera [f]
willow-leaved jessamine persicaria [f]
purple willow saciña [f]
purpleosier willow saciña [f]
a species of willow (salix purpurea) saciña [f]
babylon willow salguera [f]
weeping willow salguera [f]
a species of willow (salix babylonica) salguera [f]
bitter willow sarga [f]
olive willow sarga [f]
hoary willow sarga [f]
rosemary willow sarga [f]
elaeagnus willow sarga [f]
willow (salix) mimbre [m/f]
almond-willow especie de sauce
willow (salix) palero [m] ES local
bitter willow salciña [f] ES local
olive willow salciña [f] ES local
hoary willow salciña [f] ES local
rosemary willow salciña [f] ES local
elaeagnus willow salciña [f] ES local
water willow zuma [f] ES local