entente de services - French English Dictionary

entente de services


Meanings of "entente de services" in English French Dictionary : 1 result(s)

French English
entente de services [f] service agreement

Meanings of "entente de services" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 7 result(s)

French English
Human Resources
avis en vue de la conclusion d'une entente sur les services essentiels [m] notice to enter into an essential services agreement
avis de modification d'une entente des services essentiels [m] notice to amend an essential services agreement
avis de négocier une entente des services essentiels [m] notice to negotiate an essential services agreement
State Law
entente relative à la fourniture de services agreement for service
entente d'achat de services purchase of services agreement
entente de prestation de services en travail partagé work-sharing delivery arrangement
Real Estate
entente de prestation de services [f] service delivery agreement