exempt - French English Dictionary



Meanings of "exempt" in French English Dictionary : 23 result(s)

English French
exempt exempter [v]
exempt dispenser [v]
exempt exempt [adj]
exempt débarrasser [v]
exempt affranchir [v]
exempt exempter [v]
exempt exonérer [v]
exempt dispenser [v]
exempt libérer [v]
exempt dégagé [adj]
exempt exempt [adj]
exempt dispensent [v.p./der.]
exempt dispensons [v.p./der.]
exempt dispensez [v.p./der.]
exempt exempter [v]
exempt exonérer [v]
exempt exempt [adj]
exempt exonéré [adj]
exempt exempte [adj]
exempt exempté [adj]
Social Security
exempt exempt (de)
State Law
exempt soustraire [v]
exempt exclure [v]

Meanings of "exempt" in English French Dictionary : 11 result(s)

French English
exempt [adj] exempt
exempt [adj] exempt
exempt [adj] devoid
exempt [v.p./der.] unshackles
exempt [v.p./der.] enfranchises
exempt [v.p./der.] liberates
exempt [v.p./der.] frees
exempt [adj] tax-exempt
exempt [adj] tax-free
exempt [adj] exempt
exempt [adj] bye

Meanings of "exempt" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 69 result(s)

English French
masculine plural of exempt exempts [adj]
feminine form of exempt exempte [adj]
be exempt from être dispensé de [v]
be exempt être exempt [v]
be exempt from être exempt de [v]
be exempt être exonéré [v]
be exempt from être exonéré de [v]
become exempt (from) être exempté [v]
exempt from duty être exempté des droits de douanes [v]
exempt from tax défiscaliser [v]
tax-exempt non-imposable [adj]
exempt from tax exonéré [adj]
tax-exempt exempt [adj]
tax-exempt d'impôt [adj]
tax-exempt exempte [adj]
exempt from tax d'impôt [adj]
exempt from tax exonéré d'impôt
tax-exempt exonéré d'impôts
tax-exempt exonéré d'impôt
exempt income revenu exonéré [n]
exempt surplus surplus exonéré [n]
exempt deficit déficit exonéré [n]
exempt interest intérêt exonéré [n]
exempt earnings gains exonérés
exempt from tax exonérer [v]
exempt from execution or attachment insaisissable [adj]
exempt from punishment soustraire à la peine
exempt from dispenser de
property exempt from distribution bien exclu de la répartition
State Law
exempt share action exclue
to be exempt from execution or seizure être exempt d'exécution ou de saisie
to be exempt from disclosure être soustrait à la divulgation
exempt income and exempt dividends revenu exempté et dividendes exemptés
to exempt from the application exempter de l'application
exempt income revenu exonéré
chattel exempt from seizure bien meuble insaisissable
to be exempt from criminal responsibility ne pas engager sa responsabilité criminelle
to exempt from the application exclure de l'application
to exempt from personal liability dégager de sa responsabilité personnelle
exempt supply fourniture exonérée
to be exempt from the application être exclu de l'application
exempt percentage pourcentage d'exonération
to exempt from the application soustraire à l'application
to exempt from seizure and detention exempter de la saisie ou de la rétention
exempt offer offre franche
exempt transmission apparatus appareil de transmission exclu
tax exempt land terrain non imposable
Family Law
exempt property bien exclu [m]
Governmental Terms
exempt from distress or seizure insaisissable [adj]
exempt income revenu exonéré
exempt supply fourniture exonérée
exempt amount montant exonéré
exempt period période d'exonération
exempt market dealer courtier sur le marché dispensé
exempt home renovation work travaux de rénovation domiciliaire exemptés
exempt from seizure franc de capture et saisie
Parliamentary Terms
exempt information renseignements assujettis à une exception [m]
exempt staff personnel exonéré [m]
tax-exempt land terrain exempt d'impôts
Information Management
exempt staff personnel exonéré [m]
Health Economy
to be exempt from étre exonéré de
to be exempt from etre exonéré de
property-tax-exempt occupancy occupation serait exempte d'impôt foncier
Real Estate
exempt information information assujettie à une exception [f]
exempt private company affaire familiale
exempt programming undertaking entreprise de programmation exemptée
third party exempt programming undertaking entreprise de programmation tierce exemptée
exempt transmission apparatus appareil de transmission exclu
exempt from military service exempt du service militaire