export - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "export" in German English Dictionary : 27 result(s)

English German
export Export [m]
export Ausfuhr [f]
export Ausfuhr (Handel) [f]
export Verfrachtung [f]
export exportieren [v]
export ausführen [v]
export ausführen [v]
export exportieren
export Ausfuhr
export Export
export ausschleusen
export Austrag
export Export [m]
export Ausfuhr [f]
export ausführen [v]
export exportieren [v]
export exportieren
EU Terms
export Ausfuhr [f]
export Außenhandel [m]
export Exportartikel [m]
Cold Rolling
export Export [m]
export Ausfuhr [f]
export exportieren [v]
Adobe Terms
export exportieren [v]
SAP Terms
export exportieren [v]
export Ausfuhr [f]
export exportieren [v]

Meanings of "export" in English German Dictionary : 7 result(s)

German English
Export [m] export
Export [m] exportation
Export export
Export [m] exportation
Export [m] export
Export [m] export trade
Cold Rolling
Export [m] export

Meanings of "export" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 403 result(s)

English German
export-oriented exportorientiert [adj]
re-export trade Wiederausfuhrhandel [m]
export revenue Ausfuhrerlös [m]
export tariff Ausfuhrzoll [m]
export trade Ausfuhrhandel [m]
export surplus Exportüberschuss [m]
import export trade Import-Exporthandel [m]
sugar export Zuckerexport [m]
import-export trade Import-Export-Handel [m]
import-export Import-Export [m]
export duty Ausfuhrzoll [m]
export hit Exportschlager [m]
export surplus Ausfuhrüberschuss [m]
conventional export konventioneller Export [m]
boxing for export Exportverpackung [f]
re-export Wiederausfuhr [f]
re-export document Wiederausfuhranmeldung [f]
export subsidy Exportsubvention [f]
export declaration Ausfuhrerklärung [f]
export of goods Warenausfuhr [f]
export declaration Exportdeklaration [f]
export brand Exportmarke [f]
export permit Ausfuhrbewilligung [f]
nonrecourse export financing Forfaitierung [f]
export surge Exportwoge [f]
nonrecourse export financing regresslose Exportfinanzierung [f]
ban on export Ausfuhrsperre [f]
export financing Exportfinanzierung [f]
sugar export Zuckerausfuhr [f]
reluctance to export Exportmüdigkeit [f]
export restriction Ausfuhrbeschränkung [f]
validated export license bestätigte Exportlizenz [f]
export tax Ausfuhrsteuer [f]
export department Exportabteilung [f]
export department Ausfuhrabteilung [f]
conventional export konventionelle Ausfuhr [f]
deemed export vorgesehene Ausfuhr [f]
export control commodity number Nummer der Warenposition der Ausfuhrkontrolle [f]
export controlled information Ausfuhrkontrollinformation [f]
export enforcement Export-Durchführung [f]
export subsidiary unabhängige Exportfirma [f]
country of export Ausfuhrland [n]
export trade Exportgeschäft [n]
obtain any export licence die Ausfuhrbewilligung beschaffen [v]
export something (from/to a country) etwas exportieren [v]
export something worldwide etwas weltweit exportieren [v]
be subject to the issue of an export permit exportgenehmigungspflichtig sein [v]
be subject to the issue of an export permit ausfuhrgenehmigungspflichtig sein [v]
export olive oil Olivenöl exportieren [v]
export something (from/to a country) ausführen [v]
export opportunities Exportchancen [pl]
export regulations Ausfuhrbestimmungen [pl]
export goods Exportgüter [pl]
export laws Exportgesetze [pl]
export promotion activities Exportförderungstätigkeiten [pl]
export sales contracts Ausfuhrverkaufsverträge [pl]
export traiding companies Exportunternehmen [pl]
export surplus Exportüberschuss
the cost of export licence die Kosten der Ausfuhrbewilligung
export powers exportabhängige
export powers exportorientierte Länder
export oriented exportorientiert [adj]
export goods Exportartikel [m]
export subsidies Exportzuschüsse [m]
export credit Exportkredit [m]
export trade Exporthandel [m]
export surplus Exportüberschuss [m]
export sales Auslandsabsatz [m]
net capital export Nettokapitalexport [m]
arms export Waffenexport [m]
export revenue Exportumsatz [m]
export market Ausfuhrmarkt [m]
export refund rate Ausfuhrerstattungssatz [m]
world export Weltexport [m]
export price Ausfuhrpreis [m]
export merchant Exportkaufmann [m]
export market Exportmarkt [m]
export duty Ausfuhrzoll [m]
export order Exportauftrag [m]
export commission merchant Exportkommissionär [m]
capital export Kapitalexport [m]
export credit Ausfuhrkredit [m]
export value Ausfuhrwert [m]
export clerk Exportsachbearbeiter [m]
export restitution Exportausgleich [m]
export market Auslandsmarkt [m]
export article Exportartikel [m]
export growth Exportzuwachs [m]
export price index Ausfuhrpreisindex [m]
export surplus Ausfuhrüberschuss [m]
export agent Exportvertreter [m]
export trade Ausfuhrhandel [m]
export operations Exporttätigkeiten [f]
export strategy Exportstrategie [f]
export of capital Kapitalausfuhr [f]
export department Exportabteilung [f]
export credit insurance Exportkreditversicherung [f]
export tax Ausfuhrsteuer [f]
export restriction Ausfuhrbeschränkung [f]
export guarantee Ausfuhrgarantie [f]
export financing Exportfinanzierung [f]
export financing Ausfuhrfinanzierung [f]
export restriction Exportbeschränkung [f]
export subsidy Exportsubvention [f]
export promotion Ausfuhrförderung [f]
export subsidy Ausfuhrsubvention [f]
export promotion Exportförderung [f]
export license Exportlizenz [f]
export economy Exportwirtschaft [f]
export industry Exportindustrie [f]
export license Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
export department Außenhandelsabteilung [f]
export licence Exportlizenz [f]
export division Exportabteilung [f]
export licence Ausfuhrbewilligung [f]
export license Ausfuhrbewilligung [f]
export duty Ausfuhrabgabe [f]
export rate Exportquote [f]
export policy Ausfuhrpolitik [f]
customs office of export Ausfuhrzollstelle [f]
export journal Exportfachzeitschrift [f]
export credits guarantee Exportkreditgarantie [f]
export declaration Ausfuhranmeldung [f]
export advertising Exportwerbung [f]
export advisory board Exportberatungsstelle [f]
export license Exportgenehmigung [f]
export permit Ausfuhrbewilligung [f]
export credit insurance Ausfuhrkreditversicherung [f]
export bonus Ausfuhrprämie [f]
export propensity Exportquote [f]
export bounty Exportprämie [f]
export firm Exportfirma [f]
export packing Exportverpackung [f]
export shipment Exportlieferung [f]
export control Ausfuhrkontrolle [f]
export credit insurance Exportversicherung [f]
export statistics Exportstatistik [f]
export guarantee Exportgarantie [f]
export article Exportware [f]
export clearance Ausfuhrabfertigung [f]
gold export Goldausfuhr [f]
export licence Exportgenehmigung [f]
export information Exportinformation [f]
export licence Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
re-export Wiederausfuhr [f]
export drive Exportkampagne [f]
export invoice Ausfuhrrechnung [f]
export bill of lading Konnossement [n]
export marketing Exportmarketing [n]
export product Exportprodukt [n]
export business Exportgeschäft [n]
export volume Exportvolumen [n]
export volume Ausfuhrvolumen [n]
export house Exportgeschäft [n]
export transaction Exportgeschäft [n]
country of export Exportland [n]
export customs procedure Ausfuhrzollverfahren [n]
export company Exportunternehmen [n]
export growth Exportwachstum [n]
export procedure Ausfuhrverfahren [n]
export quota Ausfuhrkontingent [n]
re-export wiederausführen [v]
re-export rückexportieren [v]
export declarations Ausfuhranmeldungen [pl]
export departments Außenhandelsabteilungen [pl]
export licences Exportgenehmigungen [pl]
export licences Exportlizenzen [pl]
export licences Ausfuhrbewilligungen [pl]
export licences Ausfuhrgenehmigungen [pl]
export licenses Exportlizenzen [pl]
export licenses Exportgenehmigungen [pl]
export licenses Ausfuhrgenehmigungen [pl]
export licenses Ausfuhrbewilligungen [pl]
arms export criteria Waffenausfuhrkriterien [pl]
export revenue Exporteinnahmen [pl]
export duties Exportabgaben [pl]
export subsidies Exportsubventionen [pl]
export formalities Ausfuhrförmlichkeiten [pl]
export receipts Exporteinnahmen [pl]
export goods Exportwaren [pl]
export duties Ausfuhrabgaben [pl]
export goods Ausfuhrwaren [pl]
export incentives Exportvergünstigungen [pl]
export documents Exportpapiere [pl]
export refunds Ausfuhrerstattungen [pl]
export sales Exportgeschäfte [pl]
export regulations Exportbestimmungen [pl]
export incentives Exportanreize [pl]
export manager Leiter der Exportabteilung
for financing our export sales zur Finanzierung unserer Exportgeschäfte
export-oriented industry exportorientierte Industrie
for the export of the goods für den Export der Ware
export marketing Export-Marketing
cost of export licence Kosten der Ausfuhrbewilligung
including any export duties einschließlich aller Exportabgaben
indirect export indirekte Ausfuhr
the cost of export licence die Kosten der Ausfuhrbewilligung
obtain any export licence die Ausfuhrbewilligung beschaffen
this will encourage us to export dies wird uns ermuntern zu exportieren
to clear the goods for export die Ware für den Export freimachen
export licence Exportgenehmigung
export tax relief Steuererleichterung für Exportgeschäfte
re-export wieder exportieren
export licence Ausfuhrgenehmigung
export-led growth durch Export bedingtes Wachstum
re-export rückexportieren
export surplus Ausfuhrüberschuss
Arrangement Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits Übereinkommen {n} über Leitlinien für öffentlich unterstützte Exportkredite
no export restrictions keine Exportbeschränkungen
export credit Exportkredit [m]
export charge Exportzoll [m]
export charge Ausfuhrzoll [m]
export company Exporteur [m]
export duty Exportzoll [m]
export duty Ausfuhrzoll [m]
export good Exportartikel [m]
export good Ausfuhrartikel [m]
export order Exportauftrag [m]
export tariff Exportzoll [m]
export tariff Ausfuhrzoll [m]
export trade Ausfuhrhandel [m]
massive export Massenexport [m]
export commerce Exporthandel [m]
ban on export Ausfuhrstopp [m]
export market Exportmarkt [m]
embargo on export Ausfuhrsperre [f]
export certificate Exportbescheinigung [f]
export certificate Ausfuhrbescheinigung [f]
export charge Ausfuhrabgabe [f]
export control Ausfuhrkontrolle [f]
export customs declaration Ausfuhrerklärung [f]
export declaration Ausfuhranmeldung [f]
export duty Ausfuhrabgabe [f]
export embargo Ausfuhrsperre [f]
export firm Exportfirma [f]
export permit Exportgenehmigung [f]
export permit Ausfuhrbewilligung [f]
export permit Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
export processing zone (EPZ) Freizone [f]
export processing zone (EPZ) Zollfreizone [f]
export ratio Exportquote [f]
export tariff Ausfuhrabgabe [f]
export-import agency Außenhandelsagentur [f]
government export credit guarantee Hermesbürgschaft [f]
export economy Exportwirtschaft [f]
export guarantee Exportgarantie [f]
export license Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
export credit insurance Ausfuhrkreditversicherung [f]
export guarantee Ausfuhrgewährleistung [f]
export guarantee Ausfuhrgarantie [f]
embargo on export Exportembargo [n]
embargo on export Ausfuhrembargo [n]
export ban Ausfuhrverbot [n]
export business Exportgeschäft [n]
export embargo Ausfuhrverbot [n]
export embargo Exportembargo [n]
export embargo Ausfuhrembargo [n]
export factoring Factoring-Exportgeschäft [n]
export good Exportgut [n]
export processing zone (EPZ) Zollfreigebiet [n]
export quota Exportkontingent [n]
export quota Ausfuhrkontingent [n]
export program Exportprogramm [n]
embargoes on export Exportembargos [pl]
embargoes on export Ausfuhrsperren [pl]
embargoes on export Ausfuhrembargos [pl]
export bans Ausfuhrverbote [pl]
export certificates Exportbescheinigungen [pl]
export certificates Ausfuhrbescheinigungen [pl]
export duties Ausfuhrzölle [pl]
export embargos Ausfuhrsperren [pl]
export embargos Ausfuhrverbote [pl]
export embargos Exportembargos [pl]
export embargos Ausfuhrembargos [pl]
export firms Exportfirmen [pl]
export goods Exportgüter [pl]
export goods Exportartikel [pl]
export goods Ausfuhrartikel [pl]
export orders Exportaufträge [pl]
export permits Exportgenehmigungen [pl]
export permits Ausfuhrbewilligungen [pl]
export permits Ausfuhrgenehmigungen [pl]
export processing zones Freizonen [pl]
export processing zones Zollfreizonen [pl]
export processing zones Zollfreigebiete [pl]
export quotas Exportkontingente [pl]
export quotas Ausfuhrkontingente [pl]
export regulations Exportbestimmungen [pl]
export regulations Ausfuhrbestimmungen [pl]
export-led growth exportinduziertes Wachstum
boxed for export in Seeverpackung
export licence Exportgenehmigung [f]
export incentives Exportanreize [pl]
Business Correspondence
export of gold Goldausfuhr [f]
our prices are the very best export prices sind die besten Exportpreise
to expand our export program unser Exportprogramm erweitern
export surplus Exportüberschuss [m]
ban on import/export Einfuhrverbot/Ausfuhrverbot [n]
EU Terms
export credit Ausfuhrkredit [m]
export revenue Ausfuhrerlös [m]
export price Ausfuhrpreis [m]
export credit insurance Ausfuhrversicherung [f]
export subsidy Ausfuhrsubvention [f]
export restriction Ausfuhrbeschränkung [f]
export tax Ausfuhrabgabe [f]
export of capital Kapitalausfuhr [f]
export licence Ausfuhrlizenz [f]
export industry Exportindustrie [f]
re-export Wiederausfuhr [f]
export aid Ausfuhrbeihilfe [f]
export policy Ausfuhrpolitik [f]
export customs procedure Ausfuhrzollverfahren [n]
export of waste Ausfuhr von Abfällen
export levy Abschöpfung bei der Ausfuhr
export (EU) Ausfuhr (EU)
export financing Finanzierung der Ausfuhren
export refund Erstattung bei der Ausfuhr
export monitoring Überwachung der Ausfuhren
remission of export duties Abgabenerlass bei der Ausfuhr
tariff (on the import/export of goods) Zoll [m]
tariff (on the import/export of goods) (staatliche) Abgabe [f]
tariff (on the import/export of goods) Gebühr [f]
countries of export Ausfuhrländer [pl]
countries of export Exportländer [pl]
export duty Ausgangszoll [m]
export trade Ausfuhrhandel [m]
export trade Export [m]
port of export Ausfuhrhafen [m]
export version Exportausführung [f]
export trade Ausfuhr [f]
export permit Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
export declaration Ausfuhrerklärung [f]
export trade Exportgeschäft [n]
export exportieren [v]
export ausführen [v]
export herausbringen [v]
graduate in export administration Diplom-Exportwirt [m]
graduate in export administration Diplom-Exportwirtin [f]
graduate in export administrations Diplom-Exportwirte [pl]
graduate in export administrations Diplom-Exportwirtinnen [pl]
waste export Abfallexport [m]
capital export Kapitalexport [m]
export licence Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
agri export Agrarexport [m]
agricultural export Agrarexport [m]
merchandise intended for export Exportgüter [pl]
goods for re-export Waren {pl} zur Wiederausfuhr
export officer Ausfuhrverantwortlicher [m]
export price Exportpreis [m]
project and export financing Auftragsfinanzierung [f]
export certificate Ausfuhrbescheinigung [f]
export license Ausfuhrbescheinigung [f]
export permit Ausfuhrbescheinigung [f]
Adobe Terms
pdf export presets (cs) PDF-Exportvorgaben (CS)
cross-media export Medienübergreifender Export
export officer Ausfuhrverantwortlicher [m]
export license Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
project and export financing Auftragsfinanzierung [f]
export regulations Ausfuhrvorschriften [pl]
SAP Terms
export parameter Exportparameter [m]
export order Exportauftrag [m]
export credit insurance Warenkreditversicherung [f]
re-export Wiederausfuhr [f]
export list Exportliste [f]
german export regulations Außenwirtschaftsverordnung [f]
export list number Ausfuhrlistennummer [f]
export declaration Ausfuhrerklärung [f]
export permit Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
export business Exportgeschäft [n]
export office Exportbüro [n]
export paper Exportpapier [n]
german export administration act Außenwirtschaftsgesetz [n]
country of export Ausfuhrland [n]
export document Exportdokument [n]
export transaction Exportgeschäft [n]
export procedure indicator Exportkennzeichen [n]
export procedure Exportverfahren [n]
export papers Exportpapiere [pl]
selection criteria for export documents Exportpapierleiste [pl]
export ledger Export-Ledger
export rollup XExport-Rollup
export restrictions Ausfuhrbeschränkungen [pl]
currency export Ausfuhr von Devisen
no export restrictions keine Exportbeschränkungen
maximum export maximale erlaubte Ausfuhr
export credit insurance Exportkreditversicherung [f]
export credit insurance Ausfuhrkreditversicherung [f]
export credits guarantee Exportkreditgarantie [f]
export license [us] Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
export license [us] Exportlizenz [f]
export licence [uk] Exportlizenz [f]
export licence [uk] Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
Member State of export Ausfuhrmitgliedstaat [m]
re-export Reexport [m]
index of export prices Ausfuhrpreisindex [m]
re-export Wiederausfuhr [f]
re-export Reexport
Member State of actual export tatsächlicher Ausfuhrmitgliedstaat
marketing and sales (export) Marketing und Absatz (Export)
Paper Terms
export license Ausfuhrgenehmigung [f]
export certificate Ausfuhrbescheinigung [f]
export regulations Ausfuhrbestimmungen [pl]
export packaging Exportgüterverpackung [f]