hemp - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "hemp" in German English Dictionary : 13 result(s)

English German
hemp Hanf [m]
EU Terms
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf
hemp Hanf [m]
hemp Hanf [m]

Meanings of "hemp" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 187 result(s)

English German
female hemp Saathanf [m]
stripped hemp Schleißhanf [m]
scutched hemp Reinhanf [m]
scutched hemp Schwinghanf [m]
scutched hemp Strähnhanf [m]
manila hemp Manilahanf [m]
hemp seed Hanfsamen [m]
hemp thread Hanfgarn [n]
hemp rope Hanfseil [n]
hemp oakum Hanfwerg [n]
tease flax or hemp Flachs oder Hanf kämmen [v]
tease flax or hemp Flachs oder Hanf hecheln [v]
beat hemp Hanf schlagen [v]
hemp-fibers Hanffasern [pl]
Indian hemp Indischer Hanf (Cannabis indica)
wild hemp Wildhanf (Cannabis sativa var. spontanea)
Work Safety
hemp disease Cannabiose [f]
hemp disease Hanflunge [f]
hemp workers' pneumoconiosis Cannabiose [f]
hemp workers' pneumoconiosis Hanflunge [f]
hemp disease Hanffieber [n]
hemp workers' pneumoconiosis Hanffieber [n]
hemp disease Hanffieber
hemp workers' pneumoconiosis Hanffieber
hemp packing Hanfdichtung [f]
hemp fiber Hanffaser [f]
hemp cord Hanfschnur [f]
hemp rope grease Hanfseilfett [n]
hemp rope Hanftau [n]
hemp rope Hanfseil [n]
hemp twine Hanfgarn [n]
hemp rope Hanfseil [n]
hemp bedding Hanfumspinnung [f]
alu hemp packings Aluhanf-Dichtungen [pl]
hemp seed Hanfsamen [m]
hemp grower Hanfbauer [m]
hemp harvester Hanferntemaschine [f]
hemp plantation Hanffeld [n]
hemp seed Hanfkorn [n]
hemp plantations Hanffelder [pl]
hemp seeds Hanfkörner [pl]
hemp hackler Hanfhechler [m]
hemp hards Hanfabfall [m]
hemp hose Hanfschlauch [m]
hemp hurds Hanfabfall [m]
hemp rope Hanfstrick [m]
hemp strap Hanfgurt [m]
hemp thread Hanfzwirn [m]
hemp tow Hanfabfall [m]
hemp breaking machine Hanfbreche [f]
hemp breaking machine Hanfbrechmaschine [f]
hemp cord Hanfschnur [f]
hemp cloth Hanfleinwand [f]
hemp core (cable) Hanfseele (Kabel) [f]
hemp covering Hanfumspinnung [f]
hemp core (cable) Hanfeinlage [f]
hemp hards Hanfhede [f]
hemp hackling machine Hanfhechelmaschine [f]
hemp hurds Hanfhede [f]
hemp packing Hanfliderung [f]
hemp packing Hanfdichtung [f]
hemp snipper Schnippmaschine [f]
hemp snipper Hanfreißmaschine [f]
hemp snipping machine Schnippmaschine [f]
hemp snipping machine Hanfreißmaschine [f]
hemp string Hanfschnur [f]
hemp spinning Hanfspinnerei [f]
hemp tow Hanfhede [f]
hemp twine Hanfschnur [f]
Manila hemp Abakafaser [f]
hemp fibre Hanffaser [f]
hemp cloth Hanfleinen [n]
hemp hards Hanfwerg [n]
hemp hurds Hanfwerg [n]
hemp oil Hanföl [n]
hemp rope Hanftau [n]
hemp rope Hanfseil [n]
hemp tow Hanfwerg [n]
hemp yarn Hanfgarn [n]
teasing (of flax or hemp) Kämmen [n]
teasing (of flax or hemp) Kämmen (Flachs oder Hanf) [n]
teasing (of flax or hemp) Hecheln [n]
spun hemp Hanfgarn [n]
to break hemp Hanf brechen [v]
hemp breaking machines Hanfbrechen [pl]
hemp breaking machines Hanfbrechmaschinen [pl]
hemp fibers Hanffasern [pl]
hemp hacklers Hanfhechler [pl]
hemp hackling machines Hanfhechelmaschinen [pl]
hemp hoses Hanfschläuche [pl]
hemp snippers Schnippmaschinen [pl]
hemp snippers Hanfreißmaschinen [pl]
hemp snipping machines Hanfreißmaschinen [pl]
hemp snipping machines Schnippmaschinen [pl]
hemp straps Hanfgurte [pl]
spring hemp Frühhanf [m]
bowstring hemp Bogenhanf [m]
common hemp-nettle stechender/stacheliger Hohlzahn [m]
common hemp-nettle gemeiner/gewöhnlicher Hohlzahn [m]
cultivated hemp Kulturhanf [m]
cultivated hemp Industriehanf (Cannabis sativa var. sativa) [m]
cultivated hemp Industriehanf [m]
cultivated hemp Nutzhanf [m]
water hemp agrimony Wasserhanf [m]
industrial hemp Industriehanf [m]
hemp agrimony Wasserdost [m]
water hemp agrimony Lämmerschwanz [m]
Manila hemp Manilahanf [m]
hemp-agrimony Wasserdost [m]
industrial hemp Nutzhanf [m]
bowstring hemp Schwiegermutterzunge [f]
common hemp-nettle Hanfnessel (Galeopsis tetrahit) [f]
manila hemp Abaca [f]
abutilon hemp Samtpappel [f]
common hemp-nettle Hanfnessel [f]
Indian hemp Samtpappel [f]
common hemp nettle Hanfnessel [f]
hemp agrimony Grundheil [n]
water hemp agrimony Kunigundenkraut [n]
hemp agrimony Kunigundenkraut [n]
hemp palms (botanical genus) Hanfpalmen [pl]
hemp palms (botanical genus) Hanfpalmen (Trachycarpus) (botanische Gattung) [pl]
hemp-nettles Hohlzähne (Galeopsis) (botanische Gattung) [pl]
hemp-nettles Hohlzähne [pl]
bowstring hemp Bajonettpflanzen [pl]
hemp leaves Hanfblätter [pl]
hemp agrimony Drüsiger Wasserdost
water hemp agrimony Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost
common hemp agrimony Gemeiner Wasserdost
hemp nettle Sibirische Hanfnessel
Chinese hemp palm Tessiner Palme
hemp nettle Hanf-Brennnessel
hemp nettle Sibirische Nessel
hemp plant Sisal-Agave
common hemp-nettle Stechender Hohlzahn
common hemp nettle Stechender Hohlzahn
common hemp-nettle Zweispaltiger Hohlzahn
sisal hemp Sisal-Agave
Kentucky hemp Hanf-Brennnessel
downy hemp-nettle Weicher Hohlzahn
downy hemp-nettle Flaum-Hohlzahn
common hemp-nettle Stacheliger Hohlzahn
common hemp-nettle Gemeiner Hohlzahn
hemp-leaved hollyhock Hanfblättriger Eibisch
bifid hemp-nettle Zweispaltiger Hohlzahn
water hemp agrimony Kunigundenkraut
Indian hemp Samtpappel
water hemp agrimony Lämmerschwanz
hemp agrimony Grundheil
common hemp-nettle Hanfnessel
abutilon hemp Samtpappel
industrial hemp Nutzhanf
hemp agrimony Kunigundenkraut
hemp agrimony Wasserdost
Manila hemp Manilahanf
industrial hemp Industriehanf
common hemp nettle Hanfnessel
Chinese hemp palm Chinesische Hanfpalme
common hemp agrimony Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost
water hemp agrimony Gemeiner Wasserdost
Indian hemp Lindenblättrige Schönmalve
tidemarsh water hemp Virginia-Hanf
Chinese hemp palm Hochstämmige Hanfpalme
abutilon hemp Lindenblättrige Schönmalve
split-lip hemp-nettle Zweispaltiger Hohlzahn
water hemp agrimony Hanfartiges Kunigundenkraut
white Indian hemp Sumpf-Seidenpflanze
broad-leaved hemp nettle Breitblättriger Hohlzahn
water hemp agrimony Echter Wasserdost
hemp agrimony Gemeiner Wasserdost
hemp broomrape ästige Sommerwurz
large-flowered hemp-nettle bunter Hohlzahn
common hemp-nettle gewöhnlicher Hohlzahn
broad-leaved hemp-nettle breitblättriger Hohlzahn
downy hemp-nettle weichhaariger Hohlzahn
red hemp-nettle schmalblättriger Hohlzahn
african hemp kapländische Zimmerlinde
common hemp Echter Hanf (Cannabis sativa)
common hemp Gewöhnlicher Hanf
sisal hemp Sisalhanf [m]
manila hemp Manilahanf [m]
hemp (rope) Hanf [m]
Paper Terms
hemp paper Hanfpapier [n]
Mechanical Engineering
hemp rope Hanfseil [n]
hemp rope Hanfseil [n]
hemp (rope) Hanf [m]
hemp packing Hanfdichtung [f]