in fashion - German English Dictionary

in fashion


Meanings of "in fashion" in German English Dictionary : 4 result(s)

English German
in fashion in Mode [adv]
in fashion aktuell [adv]
in fashion modern [adv]
in fashion in der Mode [adv]

Meanings of "in fashion" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 48 result(s)

English German
in fashion aktuell [adj]
in rote fashion auswendig [adj]
in a timely fashion zur rechten Zeit [adv]
in a timely fashion rechtzeitig [adv]
in a timely fashion zeitnah [adv]
in a timely fashion innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitraums [adv]
in a timely fashion fristgerecht [adv]
in a timely fashion fristwahrend [adv]
in a timely fashion in angemessener Zeit [adv]
in a timely fashion rasch [adv]
in a timely fashion zügig [adv]
in a timely fashion termingerecht [adv]
in an unorganized fashion auf unorganisierte Weise [adv]
in an unusual fashion auf ungewöhnliche Weise [adv]
in an unusual fashion in einer ungewohnten Art [adv]
in piecemeal fashion auf unsystematische Weise [adv]
in piecemeal fashion unzusammenhängend [adv]
in rote fashion aus dem Gedächtnis [adv]
in rote fashion aus dem Kopf [adv]
in the fashion in der Mode [adv]
in the fashion modern [adv]
fashion in motion pictures Mode in Filmen [f]
be back in fashion wieder in Mode sein [v]
be back in fashion wieder in sein [v]
be back in fashion wieder modern sein [v]
behave in a strange fashion sich sonderbar benehmen [v]
behave in a strange fashion sich sonderbar verhalten [v]
behave in an easy fashion sich entspannt verhalten [v]
it is in fashion Es ist in Mode
back in fashion wieder modern
in a fashion gewissermaßen
to behave in a strange fashion sich sonderbar benehmen
be in fashion im Trend liegen
be in fashion in Mode sein
in a fashion gewissermaßen
in a fashion auf gewisse Weise
in head-in-the-sand fashion Vogel-Strauß-Manier
in pendulum fashion pendelnd
in pendulum fashion sich hin- und herbewegend
in fashion again wieder in Mode
a person who is not interested in fashion Modemuffel [m]
to do something in a careless fashion bei etwas herumschludern [v]
to do something in a haphazard fashion bei etwas herumschludern [v]
Business Correspondence
something quite in fashion etwas das in der Mode ist
in this fashion auf diese Weise [f]
in pendulum fashion sich hin- und herbewegend
in pendulum fashion pendelnd
in such fashion derart