offices - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "offices" in German English Dictionary : 12 result(s)

English German
offices Geschäftsstelle [f]
offices Büros [pl]
offices Dienste [pl]
offices Kontore [pl]
offices Büroräume [pl]
offices Sekretariate [pl]
offices Dienstzimmer [pl]
offices Handelskontore [pl]
offices Diensträume [pl]
offices Amtszimmer [pl]
offices Amtsräume [pl]
offices Amtsstuben [pl]

Meanings of "offices" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 181 result(s)

English German
factory security offices Werkschutz [m]
sale of offices Ämterverkauf [m]
local government offices Gemeindeverwaltung [f]
block of offices Bürohaus [n]
parlour offices Sprechzimmer [pl]
porter's offices Pförtnerlogen [pl]
post offices Postämter [pl]
notary's offices Notariate [pl]
Offices of Vital Records Standesämter [pl]
Offices of Vital Records Zivilstandsämter [pl]
offices of information Pressebüros [pl]
offices of departure Abgangsstellen [pl]
offices seating Bürositzmöbel [pl]
orderly offices Schreibstuben [pl]
lost property offices Fundbüros [pl]
lost property offices Fundämter [pl]
lost-and-found offices Fundbüros [pl]
lost-and-found offices Fundämter [pl]
main offices Zentralen [pl]
main offices Hauptbüros [pl]
met offices Wetterbüros [pl]
met offices Wetterämter [pl]
law offices Anwaltskanzleien [pl]
home offices Heimbüros [pl]
information offices Auskunftsstellen [pl]
information offices Informationsbüros [pl]
inquiry offices Auskunfteien [pl]
inquiry offices Auskunftsbüros [pl]
general post offices Hauptpostämter [pl]
field offices Außenstellen [pl]
food distribution offices Lebensmittelverteilungsstellen [pl]
foreign offices Außenministerien [pl]
front-offices Zentralen [pl]
front-offices Hauptbüros [pl]
draughting offices Konstruktionsbüros [pl]
engineering offices Ingenieurbüros [pl]
evening box offices Kassen [pl]
evening box offices Abendkassa [pl]
evening box offices Kassa [pl]
evening box offices Abendkassen [pl]
exchange offices Wechselstuben [pl]
club offices Vereinsbüros [pl]
commandant's offices Kommandanturen [pl]
CID offices Kommissariate [pl]
CID offices Polizeikommissariate [pl]
circus box offices Zirkuskassen [pl]
admission offices Zulassungsstellen [pl]
betting offices Wettannahmen [pl]
betting offices Wettannahmestellen [pl]
betting offices Wettbüros [pl]
booking offices Fahrkartenschalter [pl]
box offices Abendkassen [pl]
box offices Abendkassa [pl]
box offices Kassen [pl]
box offices Kassa [pl]
shops and offices (of a factory) Betriebsräume [pl]
shops and offices (of a factory) Betriebsstätten (einer Fabrik) [pl]
ticket offices Kartenausgabestellen [pl]
ticket offices Fahrkartenausgaben [pl]
receiving offices Annahmestellen [pl]
record offices Archive [pl]
dental offices Zahnarztpraxen [pl]
menial offices niedrige Dienste
network of branch offices Filialnetz [n]
branch offices Außenstellen [pl]
branch offices Depositenkassen [pl]
branch offices Zweigniederlassungen [pl]
branch offices Zweiggeschäfte [pl]
branch offices Filialen [pl]
branch offices Zweigstellen [pl]
business offices Kontore [pl]
business offices Handelskontore [pl]
customs offices Zollstellen [pl]
customs offices Zollämter [pl]
misconduct in offices Amtsdelikte [pl]
regional head offices Bezirksdirektionen [pl]
misconduct in offices Pflichtverletzungen {pl} im Amt
bank offices Bankfilialen [pl]
clearing offices Verrechnungsstellen [pl]
inland revenue offices Finanzämter [pl]
internal revenue offices Finanzämter [pl]
paying offices Zahlstellen [pl]
pay-offices Auszahlungsstellen [pl]
pay-offices Lohnbüros [pl]
tax offices Finanzämter [pl]
network of branch offices Filialnetz [n]
advertising offices Anzeigenannahmen [pl]
court offices Kanzleien [pl]
law offices Kanzleien [pl]
lawyer's offices Kanzleien [pl]
lawyer's offices Anwaltskanzleien [pl]
good offices Vermittlung [f]
municipal offices Amtsgebäude [n]
campaign offices Wahlkampfbüros [pl]
lobbying offices Kontaktbüros [pl]
good offices gute Dienste [pl]
Federal Statistical Office and the statistical offices of the Länder Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder
Politics (Swiss)
federal offices Bundesämter [pl]
Patent and Trademark Offices Patentämter [pl]
Patent Offices Patentämter [pl]
county council (offices) Kreisverwaltung [f]
to debar from holding offices vom Amt ausschließen [v]
central offices Hauptstellen [pl]
central offices Zentralen [pl]
coordination offices Koordinationsstellen [pl]
customs investigating offices Zollfahndungsstellen [pl]
customs investigating offices Zollfahndungen [pl]
drafting offices Konstruktionsbüros [pl]
head offices Hauptgeschäftsstellen [pl]
head offices Hauptverwaltungen [pl]
head offices Zentralen [pl]
housing offices Wohnungsämter [pl]
housing offices Wohnbauämter [pl]
Offices of the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages Standesämter [pl]
Offices of the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages Zivilstandsämter [pl]
pastoral offices Pastorate [pl]
pastoral offices Pfarrämter [pl]
procurement offices Beschaffungsstellen [pl]
public record offices Staatsarchive [pl]
Register Offices Standesämter [pl]
Register Offices Zivilstandsämter [pl]
registration offices Meldebehörden [pl]
registration offices Einwohnermeldeämter [pl]
registration offices Meldeämter [pl]
registration offices Meldestellen [pl]
registry offices Zivilstandsämter [pl]
registry offices Standesämter [pl]
residents registration offices Meldeämter [pl]
residents registration offices Einwohnermeldeämter [pl]
residents registration offices Meldebehörden [pl]
residents registration offices Meldestellen [pl]
secretary's offices Sekretariate [pl]
accommodation offices Quartiervermittlungen [pl]
accommodation offices Unterkunftvermittlungen [pl]
accommodation offices Zimmervermittlungen [pl]
accommodation offices Zimmervermittlungsagenturen [pl]
admission offices Evidenzstellen [pl]
decentralized administration offices dezentrale Verwaltungsstellen
doctor's offices Sprechzimmer [pl]
doctor's offices Arztsprechzimmer [pl]
medical offices Arztpraxen [pl]
medical offices Ordinationen [pl]
medical offices Arztambulatorien [pl]
staffed offices Geschäftsstelle [f]
committee's offices Geschäftsstelle [f]
architect's offices Architekturbüros [pl]
architect's offices Architektenbüros [pl]
architectural offices Architektenbüros [pl]
architectural offices Architekturbüros [pl]
mining offices Bergämter [pl]
aeronautical meteorological stations/offices Flugwetterstationen [pl]
aeronautical meteorological stations/offices Flugwetterwarten [pl]
meteorological offices Wetterbüros [pl]
meteorological offices Wetterämter [pl]
forest offices Forstämter [pl]
vehicle registration offices Kfz-Zulassungsstellen [pl]
vehicle registration offices Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstellen [pl]
delivery post offices Zustellpostämter [pl]
dispatch offices Abfertigungsstellen [pl]
luggage offices Gepäckschalter [pl]
luggage offices Gepäckabfertigungen [pl]
branch offices Zweigniederlassung [f]
representative offices Stützpunkte [pl]
branch offices Niederlassungen [pl]
press offices Presseabteilungen [pl]
press offices Pressestellen [pl]
telegraph offices Telegraphenämter [pl]
tourist offices Fremdenverkehrsbüros [pl]
tourist offices Verkehrsämter [pl]
tourist offices Fremdenverkehrsämter [pl]
tourist offices Verkehrsvereine [pl]
editorial offices Redaktionen [pl]
internet-based data collection of the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder IDEV [f]
Conference of Heads of the Statistical Offices Amtsleiterkonferenz [f]
Conference of Heads of the Statistical Offices ALK
internet-based data collection of the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder Internet Datenerhebung im Verbund der statistischen Ämter des Bundes und der Länder
statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder
theater box offices Theaterkassen [pl]
theater box offices Theaterkassa [pl]
theatre box offices Theaterkassa [pl]
theatre box offices Theaterkassen [pl]