painting - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "painting" in German English Dictionary : 34 result(s)

English German
painting bemalend [adj]
painting malend [adj]
painting bestreichend [adj]
painting Malerei [f]
painting Anstreichen [n]
painting Gemälde [n]
painting anmalend
painting pinselnd
painting schminkend
painting malend
painting einstreichend
painting streichend
painting bemalend
painting anstreichend
EU Terms
painting Malerei [f]
painting Anstrich [m]
painting Lackierung [f]
Cold Rolling
painting Überzug [m]
painting Belag [m]
painting Zustellung [f]
painting Verkleidung [f]
painting Anstrich [m]
painting Lackierung [f]
painting Freie Malerei
painting Anstreichen [n]
painting Lackfarbe [f]
painting Lackierung [f]
painting Lackierung [f]
painting Lackieren [n]
Wheel Making
painting Lack [m]
painting Lackierung [f]
painting Farbgebung [f]
painting Gemälde [n]
painting Malerei [f]

Meanings of "painting" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 258 result(s)

English German
painting over übermalend [adj]
field painting Baustellenanstrich [m]
finish (painting) Deckanstrich [m]
flat coat (painting) Spachtelauftrag (Anstreichen) [m]
site painting Baustellenanstrich [m]
course in silk painting Seidenmalkurs [m]
course in silk painting Malkurs in Seidenmalerei [m]
house painting Hausanstrich [m]
painting knife Spachtel [f]
painting knife Malspachtel [f]
painting style Malweise [f]
manner of painting Malweise [f]
Gouache (method of painting) Gouache (eine Maltechnik) [f]
fore-edge painting Vorderschnitt-Malerei (Buchdruck) [f]
decorative painting Dekorationsmalerei [f]
action painting Aktionsmalerei [f]
airbrush (painting) Airbrush (Anstreichen) [f]
airbrush (painting) Sprühpistole [f]
wall painting Wandmalerei [f]
watercolor painting Aquarellmalerei [f]
watercolor painting Aquarellzeichnung [f]
watercolour painting Aquarellzeichnung [f]
watercolour painting Aquarellmalerei [f]
slip painting Engobenmalerei [f]
slip painting Engobierung (Keramik) [f]
spray painting Spritzlackierung [f]
sand painting Sandmalerei [f]
tempera painting Temperamalerei [f]
portrait painting Portraitmalerei [f]
painting therapy Maltherapie [f]
body painting Karosserielackierung [f]
word painting Wortmalerei [f]
chalk painting Kalkmalerei [f]
caveman painting Höhlenmalerei [f]
chalk painting Kreidemalerei [f]
silk painting Seidenmalerei [f]
scene painting Bühnenmalerei [f]
painting quality Lackierqualität [f]
ceiling painting Deckenbemalung [f]
vase painting Vasenmalerei [f]
corinthian vase-painting korinthische Vasenmalerei [f]
face painting Gesichtsbemalung [f]
face painting Gesichtsmalerei [f]
face painting Schminke [f]
flower painting and illustration Blumenmalerei und -illustration [f]
furniture painting Möbellackierung [f]
gothic painting gotische Malerei [f]
group painting exhibition Gruppengemäldeausstellung [f]
house painting Hausmalerei [f]
painting display room Bilderzimmer [n]
painting knife Malmesser [n]
painting knife Palettenmesser [n]
wall painting Wandbild [n]
wall painting Wandgemälde [n]
stripper (painting) Ablaugenmittel (Anstreichen) [n]
stripper (painting) Farbenabbeizmittel [n]
sand painting Sandbild [n]
sand painting Sandgemälde [n]
sand painting Sandmalen [n]
ceiling painting Deckengemälde [n]
oil painting Ölgemälde [n]
panel painting Tafelbild [n]
monumental painting Monumentalgemälde [n]
votive painting Votivbild [n]
talent for painting Maltalent [n]
scroll painting Rollbild [n]
portrait painting Portraitgemälde [n]
landscape painting Landschaftsgemälde [n]
landscape painting Landschaftsbild [n]
talent for painting Zeichentalent [n]
face painting for children Kinderschminken [n]
nude painting Aktgemälde [n]
black painting schwarzes Gemälde [n]
corinthian vase-painting korinthisches Vasenbild [n]
mask a window (before painting) (vor dem Streichen) ein Fenster abkleben [v]
render something (e.g. in a painting) etwas darstellen (bspw. in einem Gemälde) [v]
get back to painting sich wieder der Malerei widmen [v]
hang a painting ein Bild aufhängen [v]
hang a painting on a wall ein Bild an die Wand hängen [v]
painting equipment Malutensilien [pl]
painting display rooms Bilderzimmer [pl]
painting knives Palettenmesser [pl]
painting knives Spachteln [pl]
painting knives Malmesser [pl]
painting knives Malspachtel [pl]
painting knives Streichmesser [pl]
painting techniques Malereitechniken [pl]
oil on canvas (painting technique) Öl auf Leinwand (Maltechnik)
painting over übermalend
painting someone's portrait jemanden abkonterfeiend
painting someone's portrait jemanden porträtierend
impasto (painting technique) Impasto (Maltechnik)
a monumental painting ein monumentales Gemälde
abstract painting abstrakte Malerei
riverscape (painting) Szene {f} am Fluss
painting competition Malwettbewerb
wall painting Wandgemälde
wall painting Wandmalerei
painting competition Zeichenwettbewerb
be like painting the forth bridge das ist eine wahre Sisyphusarbeit
be like painting the forth bridge ohne Ende sein
be no oil painting hässlich sein
be no oil painting keine Schönheit sein
be like painting the forth bridge nicht endend sein
be no oil painting nicht gerade attraktiv
it's like painting the forth bridge Es ist eine Sisyphusarbeit
painting method Malverfahren
relief painting Reliefmalerei
immersion-painting Tauchlackieren
pastel painting Pastellmalerei
painting lessons Malunterricht
glass-painting Glasmalerei
water painting Aquarellmalerei
spray-painting robot Lackierroboter [m]
painting robot Lackierroboter [m]
interior painting Innenanstrich [m]
electrophoretic painting Elektrotauchlackierung [f]
spray painting Spritzlackierung [f]
reverse glass painting Hinterglasbild [n]
reverse painting on glass Hinterglasbild [n]
spray painting Farbspritzen [n]
immersion painting Tauchlackieren [n]
electrostatic spray painting elektrostatisches Spritzlackieren [n]
reverse painting on glasses Hinterglasbilder [pl]
glass painting Glasmalerei [f]
painting robot Anstrichroboter [m]
painting class Malkurs [m]
painting course Malkurs [m]
painting classes Malkurse [pl]
painting courses Malkurse [pl]
barbotine painting Barbotine-Technik [f]
rock painting Felsmalerei [f]
mural painting Wandmalerei [f]
cave-painting Höhlenmalerei [f]
cave-painting Höhlenmalerei [f]
Sienese school of painting Malerschule [f]
spray painting Spritzauftrag [m]
mural painting Wandmalerei [f]
road painting Fahrbahnmarkierung [f]
roller painting Farbaufrollen [n]
painting work Malerarbeiten [pl]
china painting Porzellanmalerei [f]
painting on glass Glasmalerei [f]
painting on porcelain Porzellanmalerei [f]
wall painting Wandmalerei [f]
spray painting robot Lackierroboter [m]
spray painting Spritzlackierung [f]
painting shop Lackiererei [f]
painting line Lackierstraße [f]
dip painting Tauchlackierung [f]
vehicle painting Fahrzeuglackierung [f]
cataphoretic painting Kataphorese [f]
electro-dip painting Elektrotauchlackierung [f]
car lacquering/painting Autolackierungen [pl]
painting work Malerarbeit [f]
silk painting Seidenmalerei [f]
silk painting Seidenmalerei
fore-edge painting (book) Schnittmalerei (am Vorderschnitt eines Buches) [f]
fore-edge painting (book) Schnittmalerei [f]
fore-edge painting (book) Unterschnittmalerei [f]
flesh tint (painting) Fleischton [m]
half-tone (painting) Halbton [m]
half-tone (painting) Halbton (Malerei) [m]
act of painting Malvorgang [m]
art of painting Malerei [f]
Bavarian/austrian house wall painting Lüftlmalerei [f]
fresco painting Freskomalerei [f]
mural painting Wandmalerei [f]
nude painting Aktmalerei [f]
paint mixing board (painting) Mischpalette [f]
paint mixing board (painting) Mischpalette (Malerei) [f]
paint scraper (painting) Farbspachtel [f]
paint scraper (painting) Farbspachtel (Malerei) [f]
painting on porcelain Porzellanmalerei [f]
painting with pastels (painting technique) Pastellmalerei [f]
pastel painting Pastellmalerei [f]
pastel painting Pastellzeichnung [f]
person seen from behind (painting) Rückenfigur [f]
refiner (painting) Pigmentreibe [f]
riverscape (painting) Flussszene (Malerei) [f]
riverscape (painting) Szene [f]
riverscape (painting) Flussszene [f]
rock painting Felsmalerei [f]
rock painting Felsenmalerei [f]
trompe l'oeil painting Trompe l'oeil-Malerei [f]
trompe l'oeil painting Trompe l'oeil-Malerei (illusionistische Malerei, die Räumlichkeit vortäuscht) [f]
monochrome painting monochrome Malerei [f]
scenic painting Theatermalerei [f]
abstract painting abstrakte Malerei [f]
reverse glass painting Hinterglasmalerei [f]
cave painting Höhlenmalerei [f]
art of painting Malkunst [f]
body painting Körperbemalung [f]
watercolour painting Aquarellmalerei [f]
landscape painting Landschaftsmalerei [f]
overglaze painting Überglasurmalerei [f]
painting scene Malerszene [f]
Dutch painting Niederländische Malerei [f]
portrait painting Bildnismalerei [f]
technique of painting Maltechnik [f]
underglaze painting Unterglasurmalerei [f]
china painting Porzellanmalerei [f]
hot wax painting Heißwachsmalerei [f]
naive painting naive Malerei [f]
commission painting Auftragsmalerei [f]
naive painting Sonntagsmalerei [f]
slipware painting Schlickereimalerei [f]
scene painting Theatermalerei [f]
lime painting Kalkmalerei [f]
slipware painting Schlickermalerei [f]
street painting Straßenmalerei [f]
historical painting Historienmalerei [f]
monumental painting Monumentalmalerei [f]
panel painting Tafelmalerei [f]
manner of painting Malweise [f]
oil painting Ölmalerei [f]
flesh tint (painting) Inkarnat [n]
flesh tint (painting) Inkarnat (Malerei) [n]
flesh tint (painting) Karnat [n]
fresco painting Fresko [n]
landscape painting Landschaftsbild [n]
mural painting Wandbild [n]
mural painting Wandgemälde [n]
painting gallery Bilderzimmer [n]
painting knife Streichmesser (Malerei) [n]
painting knife Streichmesser [n]
pastel painting Pastell [n]
monumental painting Kolossalgemälde [n]
panoramic painting Panoramagemälde [n]
cluttered painting überladenes Gemälde [n]
abstract painting abstraktes Gemälde [n]
kitsch painting Kitschgemälde [n]
commissioned painting Auftragsgemälde [n]
watercolour painting Aquarellbild [n]
painting galleries Bilderzimmer [pl]
painting techniques Malerei-Techniken [pl]
Sienese school of painting Malerschule {f} von Siena
ink painting Tuschemalerei
mural painting Wandmalerei
ink painting Tuschmalerei
body painting Bodypainting
mural painting Wandgemälde
tone painting Tonmalerei [f]
word painting Tonmalerei [f]
word painting Sinnbild [n]
character-painting Figurenzeichnung [f]
painting with light Malen mit Licht
glass painting and art glasswork Glasmalerei und Kunstverglasung
Paper Terms
oil painting brushes Ölmalpinsel [m]
painting brush Malpinsel [m]
painting cardboard Malpappe [f]
painting knife Malmesser [n]
painting accessories Malzubehör [n]
painting medium Malmittel [n]
spray painting Farbspritzen [n]
spray painting Farbsprühen [n]
spray painting Spritzlackieren [n]
immersion painting Tauchlackierung [f]