surgical - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "surgical" in German English Dictionary : 3 result(s)

English German
surgical chirurgisch [adj]
surgical operativ [adj]
surgical chirurgisch [adj]

Meanings of "surgical" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 121 result(s)

English German
general surgical allgemeinchirurgisch [adj]
surgical operation chirurgischer Eingriff [m]
surgical gown Chirurgenkittel [m]
surgical ward Chirurgie [f]
surgical ward chirurgische Station [f]
perform a surgical intervention einen chirurgischen Eingriff vornehmen [v]
have a surgical operation eine chirurgische Operation haben [v]
have a surgical operation einen chirurgischen Eingriff haben [v]
surgical techniques Operationstechniken [pl]
surgical instruments chirurgische Instrumente [pl]
surgical gloves Operationshandschuhe [pl]
non-surgical medicine konservative Medizin
surgical fees insurance Operationskostenversicherung [f]
surgical clamp Offenhalter
eye surgical scissors Augenscheren [pl]
surgical spirits Wundbenzin [n]
trauma surgical unfallchirurgisch [adj]
surgical gown OP-Kittel [m]
surgical gown Operationskittel [m]
surgical intervention chirurgischer Eingriff [m]
surgical intervention Eingriff [m]
surgical intervention operativer Eingriff [m]
surgical operation chirurgischer Eingriff [m]
surgical operation operativer Eingriff [m]
surgical operation Eingriff [m]
surgical plaster Verbandgips [m]
surgical spoon chirurgischer Löffel [m]
surgical truss maker Bandagist [m]
surgical sealant chirurgischer Klebstoff [m]
surgical aspirator chirurgischer Sauger [m]
surgical adhesive chirurgischer Klebstoff [m]
surgical glue chirurgischer Klebstoff [m]
surgical mask Mundschutz [m]
surgical procedure chirurgischer Eingriff [m]
surgical stocking Stützstrumpf [m]
surgical boot orthopädischer Schuh [m]
life-saving surgical operation lebensrettender chirurgischer Eingriff [m]
surgical glue chirurgischer Kleber [m]
surgical aortic valve replacement chirurgischer Aortenklappenersatz [m]
surgical appliance Stützapparat [m]
surgical hook Wundhaken [m]
non-surgical diagnostic investigation and treatment of orthopaedic conditions konservative Orthopädie [f]
surgical dermatology operative Dermatologie [f]
surgical intervention Operation [f]
surgical scrub and gowning area OP-Schleuse [f]
surgical scrubbing area OP-Schleuse [f]
surgical staple chirurgische Klammer [f]
surgical staple Wundklammer [f]
blepharoplasty (surgical eyelid modification) Blepharoplastik [f]
blepharoplasty (surgical eyelid modification) Blepharoplastik (chirurg. Augenlidkorrektur) [f]
surgical face mask chirurgische Gesichtsmaske [f]
surgical cotton Wundwatte [f]
surgical mask chirurgische Maske [f]
surgical safety checklist Sicherheitscheckliste Chirurgie [f]
surgical removal operative Entfernung [f]
surgical nurse OP-Schwester [f]
surgical collar Halsmanschette [f]
surgical iridectomy chirurgische Iridektomie [f]
surgical appliance Prothese [f]
surgical mask OP-Maske [f]
surgical intensive care unit chirurgische Intensivstation [f]
surgical safety checklist chirurgische Sicherheitscheckliste [f]
radical surgical resection radikale chirurgische Resektion [f]
surgical technique Operationstechnik [f]
surgical operation Operation [f]
surgical gag Mundsperre [f]
surgical wound Operationswunde [f]
surgical abdomen akutes Abdomen [n]
mobile army surgical hospital mobiles Lazarett [n]
surgical specimen Operationspräparat [n]
surgical knife chirurgisches Messer [n]
surgical staging chirurgisches Staging [n]
surgical instruments Operationsbesteck [n]
surgical spirit Wundbenzin [n]
surgical lancet chirurgisches Messer [n]
surgical drape Operationsabdecktuch [n]
surgical fever septisches Fieber [n]
surgical interventions Eingriffe [pl]
surgical interventions chirurgische Eingriffe [pl]
surgical interventions Operationen [pl]
surgical interventions operative Eingriffe [pl]
surgical operations chirurgische Eingriffe [pl]
surgical operations Operationen [pl]
surgical operations Eingriffe [pl]
surgical operations operative Eingriffe [pl]
surgical scrub and gowning areas OP-Schleusen [pl]
surgical scrubbing areas OP-Schleusen [pl]
surgical staples chirurgische Klammern [pl]
surgical staples Wundklammern [pl]
surgical truss makers Bandagisten [pl]
surgical techniques Operationstechniken [pl]
surgical gloves OP-Handschuhe [pl]
surgical laser Chirurgie-Laser
surgical equipment chirurgische Ausrüstung
surgical pathology chirurgische Pathologie
surgical instruments chirurgische Instrumente
surgical medicine operative Medizin
surgical treatment chirurgische Behandlung
surgical technique chirurgische Technik
absorbable surgical suture resorbierbares Nahtmaterial
surgical assistance Chirurgische Assistenz
surgical assistant Operationstechnische (r) Assistent (in)
surgical debridement chirurgisches Debridement
surgical preparation Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen für Operationen
surgical precautions Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bei Operationen
surgical pathology chirurgische Pathologie
surgical technician OP-Springer
surgical scrub chirurgische Händedesinfektion
surgical suite OP-Bereich
surgical shock chirurgischer Schock
surgical sectioning chirurgische Durchtrennung [f]
surgical waste chirurgischer Abfall
saline-soaked surgical sponge mit Kochsalzlösung getränkter Tupfer
surgical steel Chirurgenstahl [m]
surgical fees insurance Operationskostenversicherung [f]
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital unit Feldlazarett-Einheit [f]
surgical strike gezielter Bombenangriff
surgical mask Operationsmaske [f]
surgical instruments OP-Besteck
surgical mask chirurgische Schutzmaske
surgical scissors chirurgische Schere