terminal - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "terminal" in German English Dictionary : 85 result(s)

English German
terminal endständig [adj]
terminal unheilbar [adj]
terminal terminal [adj]
terminal End... [adj]
terminal End- [adj]
terminal Anschluss... [adj]
terminal Abschluss- [adj]
terminal Abschluss... [adj]
terminal abschließend [adj]
terminal Anschluss [m]
terminal Batteriepol [m]
terminal Endbahnhof [m]
terminal Umschlagplatz [m]
terminal Abfertigungshalle [f]
terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal Polklemme [f]
terminal Datenstation [f]
terminal Endstation [f]
terminal Anschlussstück [n]
terminal Sichtgerät [n]
terminal Flughafengebäude [n]
terminal Datenendgerät [n]
terminal Endstelle
terminal Abschluss [m]
terminal Endstation [f]
terminal Endgerät [n]
terminal End-
terminal Anschluss [m]
terminal Polklemme [f]
terminal Verteilerklemme [f]
terminal Verbindungsklemme [f]
terminal Klemme [f]
terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal Datenendgerät [n]
terminal Terminal [n]
terminal Terminal
terminal elektrische Klemme
terminal endständig [adj]
terminal letal [adj]
terminal todgeweiht [adj]
terminal terminal [adj]
terminal im Endstadium
terminal Kabelanschluss [m]
terminal Stützpunkt [m]
terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal Datenendgerät [n]
terminal Endgerät [n]
terminal Quetschverbinder [m]
terminal Anschlußklemme [f]
terminal Abfertigungshalle [f]
terminal Pol [m]
terminal Klemme [f]
terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal Schlußstück [n]
terminal Umschlagplatz [m]
terminal Endgerät [n]
Model Railroading
terminal Bildschirm [m]
terminal Anschluss [m]
terminal Anreihklemme [f]
terminal Endstation [f]
terminal Datenstation [f]
terminal Endeinrichtung [f]
terminal Endgerät [n]
terminal Terminal [n]
terminal Abfrageendgerät
terminal Abfragegerät
Electrical Engineering
terminal Klemmen- [adj]
terminal Anschlusspunkt [m]
terminal Anschluss [m]
terminal Kabelschuh [m]
terminal Pol [m]
terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal Klemme [f]
terminal Klemmschraube [f]
terminal Endeinrichtung [f]
terminal Endgerät [n]
terminal Terminal [n]
terminal Sichtgerät [n]
terminal endständig [adj]
terminal endständig
terminal endständig [adj]
terminal Pol [m]
terminal Klemme [f]
terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal Klemme [f]

Meanings of "terminal" in English German Dictionary : 9 result(s)

German English
terminal [adj] terminal
Terminal [m] computer terminal
Terminal [n] terminal
Terminal terminal
terminal [adj] terminal
Terminal [n] terminal (shipping)
Terminal [n] data terminal
Terminal [n] terminal
Terminal [n] terminal

Meanings of "terminal" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English German
terminal-controlled terminalgesteuert [adj]
main terminal Hauptstromanschluss [m]
monochrome terminal Schwarzweißbildschirm [m]
monochrome terminal Schwarz-Weiß-Bildschirm [m]
color terminal Farbbildschirm [m]
colour terminal Farbbildschirm [m]
booking terminal Buchungsplatz [m]
two terminal network Zweipol [m]
passenger terminal Passagierterminal [m]
cargo terminal Frachtterminal [m]
terminal occlusion Schlussbiss [m]
chromatic terminal Farbbildschirm [m]
main terminal Hauptanschluss [m]
plus terminal Pluspol [m]
ferry terminal Fährterminal [m]
bus terminal Busbahnhof [m]
terminal board Rangierverteiler [m]
sea terminal Seehafenanleger [m]
IDC terminal Schneidklemmanschluss [m]
beşiktaş ferry terminal Beşiktaş-Fährhafen [m]
packet terminal Paket-Endstation [f]
modular terminal Anreihklemme [f]
lead-through terminal Durchführungsklemme [f]
intelligent terminal intelligente Datenstation [f]
generator terminal Generatorklemme [f]
branch terminal line Stichbahn [f]
user terminal Benutzerstation [f]
receiving terminal Empfangsstation [f]
rectangular terminal Rechteckklemme [f]
reservation terminal Buchungsstation [f]
retrieval terminal Abfragestation [f]
terminal bus Anschlussschiene [f]
terminal stage Endphase [f]
terminal assignment Anschlussbelegung [f]
terminal bus Anschlußschiene [alt] [f]
terminal stage Endstufe [f]
terminal cistern Terminalzisterne [f]
terminal strip Klemmleiste [f]
terminal illness unheilbare Krankheit [f]
terminal strip Klemmenleiste [f]
terminal vascular bed Endstrombahn [f]
dumb terminal nichtprogrammierbare Datenstation [f]
terminal care Sterbebegleitung [f]
terminal voltage Anschlussspannung [f]
terminal disinfection Schlussdesinfektion [f]
terminal disinfection Abschlussdesinfektion [f]
dumb terminal unintelligente Datenstation [f]
terminal hairs Terminalbehaarung [f]
terminal post Polklemme [f]
terminal strip Reihenklemme [f]
computer terminal Computerterminal [n]
terminal stage Endstadium [n]
main terminal Hauptterminal [n]
terminal board Klemmbrett [n]
city terminal Stadtterminal [n]
have a terminal illness unheilbar krank sein [v]
terminal buses Anschlußschienen [pl]
terminal stages Endstufen [pl]
terminal stages Endstadien [pl]
terminal values Endwerte [pl]
terminal stages Endphasen [pl]
terminal groups Endgruppen [pl]
passive two terminal network passiver Zweipol
logging-on of a terminal session Anmeldung einer Terminalsitzung
active two terminal network aktiver Zweipol
smart terminal halbintelligentes Terminal
terminal lamina Lamina terminalis
terminal stage Endstadium
terminal ill unheilbar Kranker
terminal cone Conus medullaris
terminal extrapyramidal insufficiency syndrome terminales extrapyramidales Defektsyndrom
terminal nerves Nervi terminales
terminal vessels Endstrombahn
terminal vessels terminale Strombahn
terminal drop terminaler Verfall
terminal stage Terminalstadium
terminal hairs Terminalhaare
He has terminal cancer. Er ist unheilbar an Krebs erkrankt.
terminal box Verteiler [m]
air terminal Flughafenterminal [m]
computer terminal Terminal [m]
terminal market Terminalmarkt [m]
terminal station Endbahnhof [m]
cash terminal Bargeldautomat [m]
terminal bonus Endprämie [f]
terminal market Schlussbörse [f]
ocean terminal Überseefrachtabfertigung [f]
container terminal Containerlager [n]
computer terminal Computerterminal [n]
airport terminal Flughafengebäude [n]
barcode terminal Barcodeterminal [n]
barcode terminal Strichkodeterminal [n]
point-of-sale terminal EFT/POS-Terminal [n]
point-of-sale terminal Kassaterminal [n]
point-of-sale terminal Kassaterminal [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
point-of-sale terminal EFT/POS-Terminal [Schw.] [n]
point-of-sale terminal Kassenterminal [n]
point-of-sale terminal POS-Terminal [n]
POS terminal Kassaterminal [n]
POS terminal EFT/POS-Terminal [n]
POS terminal EFT/POS-Terminal [Schw.] [n]
POS terminal Kassaterminal [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
POS terminal POS-Terminal [n]
POS terminal Kassenterminal [n]
air terminal Flugabfertigungsstelle mit Busbahnhof
terminal value Endwert [m]
terminal value Restwert [m]
Work Safety
terminal stopping device Grenztaster [m]
cathode-ray tube terminal Bildschirm [m]
terminal stopping device Endschalter [m]
CRT terminal Bildschirm [m]
EU Terms
computer terminal EDV-Terminal
lustre terminal Lüsterklemme
terminal box Anschlusskasten
switching arrangements with several input-terminal Schaltanordnungen mit mehreren Ein- oder Ausgangsk
cable terminal box Kabelverteiler
earth terminal Erdungsanschluss
terminal arrangement Anschlussanordnung
distributor terminal Verteilklemme
battery terminal Batterieklemme
terminal block Anschlussklemmblock
terminal box Klemmkasten
plug terminal block Steckleiste
terminal arrangement Anschlussklemmenanordnung
terminal strip Anschlussklemmleiste
connecting terminal Anschlussklemme
terminal chain link Kettenendglied
data terminal Datenterminal
line terminal Leitungsanschluss
terminal repeater Endverstärker [m]
terminal diagram Anschlussplan [m]
container terminal Containerbahnhof [m]
terminal station Kopfbahnhof [m]
terminal box Klemmenkasten [m]
terminal box Kasten [m]
blade terminal Flachstecker [m]
feed terminal Zuleitungsanschluss [m]
flat solder terminal Flachlötanschluss [m]
terminal base Aufpunkt (Antenne) [m]
terminal base Aufpunkt [m]
terminal base Fußpunkt [m]
terminal block Verteiler [m]
terminal board Rangierverteiler [m]
terminal box Anschlusskasten [m]
terminal box lid Klemmkastendeckel [m]
terminal box Verteilerkasten [m]
terminal box lid Klemmenkastendeckel [m]
terminal point Anschlusspunkt [m]
terminal tower Abschlussmast [m]
terminal strip Verteiler [m]
negative terminal negativer Pol [m]
negative terminal Minuspol [m]
positive terminal positiver Pol [m]
positive terminal Pluspol [m]
operator terminal Bedienungsplatz [m]
stub terminal Kopfbahnhof [m]
earth terminal Massepol [m]
battery-cable terminal Batteriepol [m]
minus terminal Minuspol [m]
cable terminal box Kabelanschlusskasten [m]
cable terminal lug Kabelschuh [m]
terminal bolt Anschlußbolzen [m]
cable terminal Kabelabschluss [m]
screw terminal Schraubanschluss [m]
ground terminal Erdungsanschluß [m]
earth terminal Erdungsanschluss [m]
flat-pin terminal Flachstecker [m]
terminal block Anschlußblock [m]
terminal pin Stiftkabelschuh [m]
earth terminal Masseklemme [f]
screw terminal Schraubklemme [f]
receive fibre optic terminal device LWL-Empfangseinrichtung [f]
fibre optic terminal device LWL-Endeinrichtung [f]
transmit fibre optic terminal device LWL-Sendeeinrichtung [f]
end terminal Endklammer [f]
output terminal Abgangsklemme [f]
pillar terminal Buchsenklemme [f]
plug-in terminal Einsteckklemme [f]
terminal base capacity (antenna) Fußpunktkapazität (Antenne) [f]
terminal block Klemmenleiste [f]
terminal base capacity (antenna) Fußpunktkapazität [f]
terminal block Klemmleiste [f]
terminal block designation Klemmenbezeichung [f]
terminal phase Endphase [f]
terminal lug Anschlussfahne [f]
terminal exchange Endvermittlungsstelle [f]
terminal phase Endstufe [f]
terminal sleeve Abschlusshülse [f]
terminal post Polklemme [f]
terminal strip Klemmenleiste [f]
terminal strip Klemmleiste [f]
terminal tag Lötöse [f]
spring loaded terminal Federdruckklemme [f]
U-clamp terminal Bügelklemme (U-förmig) [f]
valve terminal Ventilinsel [f]
lustre terminal Lüsterklemme [f]
ground terminal Massenklemme [f]
battery terminal Batterieklemme [f]
terminal velocity Endgeschwindigkeit [f]
terminal group endständige Gruppe [f]
terminal group terminale Gruppe [f]
terminal group Endgruppe [f]
earth terminal Massenklemme [f]
terminal nut Anschlussmutter [f]
tap terminal Abzweigklemme [f]
terminal bar Verbindungsschiene [f]
block terminal Reihenklemme [f]
supply terminal Anschlußklemme [f]
battery terminal grease Vaseline [f]
modular terminal Anreihklemme [f]
terminal block Anschlußleiste [f]
through-terminal Durchgangsklemme [f]
connection terminal Verbindungsklemme [f]
terminal plate Anschlußplatte [f]
generator terminal voltage Generatorklemmenspannung [f]
data terminal equipment Dateneinrichtung [f]
terminal clamp Anschlußklemme [f]
isolating terminal Trennklemme [f]
double terminal Doppelklemme [f]
phase terminal Phasenklemme [f]
terminal bus Anschlußschiene [f]
terminal point of supply Liefergrenze [f]
branch terminal Abzweigklemme [f]
disconnect terminal Trennklemme [f]
test terminal Prüfklemme [f]
single terminal Einzelklemme [f]
terminal voltage Anschlußspannung [f]
spring-loaded terminal Federdruckklemme [f]
stud terminal Bolzenklemme [f]
input terminal Eingangsklemme [f]
protective conductor terminal Schutzleiterklemme [f]
isolating terminal Reihenklemme [f]
ground terminal Erdungsklemme [f]
earth terminal Erdungsklemme [f]
compensating terminal Abgleichklemme [f]
multi-function terminal Multifunktionsterminal [n]
POS terminal Kassenterminal [n]
terminal board Klemmenbrett [n]
point-of-sale terminal Kassenterminal [n]
technician's terminal Wartungsterminal [n]
terminal board Klemmbrett [n]
terminal equipment Endgerät [n]
terminal phase Endstadium [n]
video terminal Datensichtgerät [n]
video terminal Bildschirmgerät [n]
terminal grease Polfett [n]
video display terminal Datensichtgerät [n]
control terminal Bedienungspult [n]
Peat terminal Torfterminal [n]
terminal blocks Klemmleisten [pl]
terminal blocks Klemmenleisten [pl]
terminal blocks Verteiler [pl]
terminal boards Klemmbretter [pl]
terminal boards Klemmenbretter [pl]
terminal boards Rangierverteiler [pl]
terminal box lids Klemmenkastendeckel [pl]
terminal boxes Abschlussmuffen [pl]
terminal box lids Klemmkastendeckel [pl]
terminal boxes Anschlusskästen [pl]
terminal boxes Kabelendmuffen [pl]
terminal boxes Verteiler [pl]
terminal clamps Anschlussklemmen [pl]
terminal boxes Sicherungskästen [pl]
terminal boxes Verteilerkästen [pl]
terminal boxes Klemmenkästen [pl]
terminal equipment Endeinrichtungen [pl]
terminal lugs Anschlussfahnen [pl]
terminal equipment Endgeräte [pl]
terminal phases Endphasen [pl]
terminal phases Endstadien [pl]
terminal phases Endstufen [pl]
terminal posts Polklemmen [pl]
terminal points Anschlusspunkte [pl]
terminal sleeves Abschlusshülsen [pl]
terminal strips Klemmleisten [pl]
terminal strips Klemmenleisten [pl]
terminal strips Verteiler [pl]
screwless terminal schraubenlose Klemme
internal terminal block interne Klemmleiste
terminal access Zugriff über Datenendstationen
stationary terminal Hochspannungsturm der Verteilerkappe
deep water terminal Offshore-Terminal
terminal mode Terminalmodus [m]
terminal emulation Terminalemulation [f]
terminal number Klemmennummer [f]
terminal marking Klemmenbezeichnung [f]
cable terminal Kabelklemme [f]
operating terminal Bedienterminal [n]
graphic terminal Grafikterminal [n]
operator terminal Bedienerterminal [n]
terminal cap Endkappe [f]
input terminal Eingabestation [f]
terminal block Klemmenleiste [f]
measuring terminal Messanschluss [m]
terminal processor Terminalprozessor [m]
terminal multiplexer Terminalmultiplexer [m]
earth terminal Erdungsanschluss [m]
terminal pin Anschlussstift [m]
terminal station Außenstation [f]
data terminal Datenendstelle [f]
collector terminal Kollektorklemme [f]
information terminal Informationsterminal [n]
remote terminal Fernterminal [n]
data communication terminal Datenkommunikationsendgerät [n]
timesharing terminal Time‐Sharing‐Terminal [n]
data terminal Datenterminal [n]
receiving terminal Empfangsterminal [n]
computer terminal Computerterminal [n]
computer terminal Rechnerterminal [n]
screen terminal Bildschirmterminal [n]
interactive terminal interaktives Terminal
portable terminal tragbares Terminal
timesharing terminal Time-Sharing-Terminal
terminal job Terminal-Job
terminal job Terminal‐Job
two-terminal network Zweipol [m]
terminal velocity Endgeschwindigkeit [f]
terminal sterilization Endsterilisation [f]
N-terminal end Amino-Terminus [m]
N-terminal end N-Terminus [m]
terminal desoxynucleotidyl transferase terminale Desoxyribonukleotidyltransferase [f]
bouton terminal Endknöpfchen [n]
terminal age main sequence Endalter-Hauptreihe [f]
display terminal (space station) Datenanzeigestation [f]
chromatic terminal Farbbildschirm [m]
fibreoptic terminal device [uk] faseroptisches Endgerät [n]
fibreoptic terminal device [uk] faseroptisches Terminal [n]
fiberoptic terminal device [us] faseroptisches Endgerät [n]
fiberoptic terminal device [us] faseroptisches Terminal [n]
receive fiberoptic terminal device [us] Empfang faseroptischen Endgerät
receive fibreoptic terminal device [uk] Empfang faseroptischen Endgerät
terminal examination Abschlussprüfung [f]
ditch terminal Grabenkopf [m]
terminal devoicing Auslautverhärtung [f]
terminal syllable Endsilbe [f]
terminal patient Sterbepatient [m]
terminal clinic Sterbeklinik [f]
terminal ward Sterbestation [f]
terminal disease tödlich verlaufende Krankheit
terminal cancer Krebs im Endstadium
terminal cancer Krebs im Spätstadium
terminal nerve nullter Hirnnerv [m]
terminal filament Endfaden [m]
terminal bronchiole Endbronchiole
terminal community Schlussgesellschaft [f]
ground terminal Erdungsanschluß [m]
terminal velocity Endgeschwindigkeit [f]
terminal moraine Endmoräne [f]
terminal (shipping) Terminal [n]
two terminal network Zweipol [m]
terminal diagram Klemmenplan [m]
terminal box Klemmkasten [m]
cable terminal Kabelabschluss [m]
soldering terminal Lötstützpunkt [m]
screw terminal Schraubklemme [f]
pole terminal Polklemme [f]
terminal box Verteilerbox [f]
connecting terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal box Schalterdose [f]
terminal clip Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal block Klemmleiste [f]
bus terminal Busklemme [f]
terminal strip Reihenklemme [f]
terminal marking Klemmenbezeichnung [f]
terminal board Klemmleiste [f]
terminal station Endstation [f]
cable terminal Kabelklemme [f]
line-up terminal Reihenklemme [f]
data terminal equipment (DTE) Datenendeinrichtung [f]
terminal screw Anschlussschraube [f]
user terminal Benutzerstation [f]
terminal voltage Klemmenspannung [f]
terminal housing Klemmengehäuse [n]
data terminal Datensichtgerät [n]
terminal board Klemmbrett [n]
Control Engineering
terminal block Abschlussblock [m]
terminal pin Anschlussstift [m]
terminal block Klemmenblock [m]
terminal pad Anschlusskontaktstelle [f]
terminal impedance Klemmenimpedanz [f]
terminal strip Klemmenleiste [f]
terminal lug Kabelschuh [m]
terminal control area Nahverkehrsbereich [m]
airways terminal Air-Terminal [m]
mail and cargo terminal Post- und Frachtterminal [m]
terminal area Terminalbereich [m]
air terminal Großflughafen [m]
air terminal Fangeinrichtung [f]
air terminal Abfertigungshalle [f]
terminal building Abfertigungshalle [f]
automatic terminal information service automatische Informationsdurchsage [f]
screw terminal Schraubklemme [f]
departure terminal Abflugstation [f]
air terminal Flughalle [f]
departure terminal Abflugterminal [n]
national terminal Inlandsterminal [n]
data terminal Datenendgerät [n]
terminal board Klemmbrett [n]
passenger terminal Abfertigungsgebäude [n]
terminal radar Flughafenradar [n]
cargo terminal Frachtabfertigungsterminal [n]
cargo terminal Frachtterminal [n]
terminal buildings Abfertigungshallen [pl]
terminal instrument procedures Instrumentenflugverfahren im Nahverkehrsbereich
automatic terminal information service automatische Ausstrahlung von Lande-und Startinfor
terminal nose-dive schnellster Sturzflug
freight terminal Air-Terminal für Frachtflugzeuge
cargo terminal Air-Terminal für Frachtflugzeuge
terminal location Anschlusspunkt [m]
pin terminal Rundstecker [m]
terminal diagram Anschlussplan [m]
main terminal Hauptanschluss [m]
terminal stud Anschlussbolzen [m]
customer activated terminal (CAT) Tankautomat [m]
terminal post Anschlusspol [m]
spark plug terminal Zündkerzenstecker [m]
earth terminal Massepol [m]
high-tension terminal Hochspannungspol [m]
positive-grounded terminal positiv geerdeter Pol [m]
battery terminal Batteriepol [m]
side-mounted terminal seitlich angebrachter Pol [m]
minus terminal Minuspol [m]
negative grounded terminal negativ geerdeter Pol [m]
negative terminal Minuspol [m]
terminal designation Klemmenbezeichnung [f]
terminal nut Anschlussmutter [f]
battery-cable terminal Batterieklemme [f]
terminal voltage Klemmenspannung [f]
battery terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
terminal for earthing to crank case Masseschlussklemme [f]
screw terminal Schraubklemme [f]
terminal connector Steckverbindung [f]
earth terminal Masseklemme [f]
high-tension terminal Hochspannungsanschlussklemme [f]
positive-grounded terminal positiv geerdete Anschlussklemme [f]
plus terminal positive Anschlussklemme [f]
battery terminal Batterieanschlussklemme [f]
side-mounted terminal seitlich angebrachte Anschlussklemme [f]
positive terminal positive Anschlussklemme [f]
main terminal Hauptanschlussklemme [f]
negative terminal negative Anschlussklemme [f]
spark plug terminal Zündkerzenklemmschraube [f]
terminal block Reihenklemme [f]
minus terminal Minusanschlussklemme [f]
negative grounded terminal negativ geerdete Anschlussklemme [f]
negative terminal negative AnschlusskIemme [f]
battery terminal clips Batterieklemmen [pl]
terminal designations Klemmenbezeichnungen [pl]
battery negative terminal Batterie-Minuspol
battery positive terminal Batterie-Pluspol
bus terminal Busbahnhof [m]
intermodal terminal Umschlagbahnhof [m]
bus terminal Autobusbahnhof [m]
coach terminal Busbahnhof [m]
bus terminal Busklemme [f]
connecting terminal Anschlussklemme [f]
container terminal Containerstation [f]
container terminal Containerterminal [n]
container terminal Containerterminal (CT) [n]
passenger terminal Abfertigungsgebäude [n]
air terminal Flughafenabfertigungsgebäude [n]
baggage terminal Gepäckterminal [n]
container terminal Containerterminal
air terminal Air Terminal
terminal box Endverschluss [m]
terminal box Kabelverzweiger [m]
terminal box Anschlußkasten [m]
terminal box Kabelendverschluss [m]
four-terminal network Vierpol [m]
terminal control Bildschirmsteuerung [f]
Model Railroading
container terminal Containerbahnhof [m]
terminal station Endbahnhof [m]
terminal station Endstation [f]
terminal loop Wendeschleife [f]
terminal loop Kehrschleife [f]
branch terminal line Stichbahn [f]
railway terminal Zielbahnhof [m]
terminal operator Terminalbetreiber [m]
transshipment terminal Umladebahnhof [m]
terminal station Endbahnhof [m]
railroad freight terminal [us] Eisenbahnfrachtterminal [m]
railway freight terminal [uk] Eisenbahnfrachtterminal [m]
maritime terminal Hafenbahnhof [m]
rail mounted terminal Reihenklemme [f]
branch terminal line Stichbahn [f]
terminal loop Kehrschleife [f]
transshipment terminal Umschlagterminal [n]
hand-held terminal Handterminal [n]
multi-terminal system Mehrplatzrechner [m]
multi-terminal system Gemeinschaftsrechner [m]
single-terminal system Einplatzrechner [m]
terminal printer Ausgabedrucker [m]
terminal server Terminalserver [m]
terminal adaptor Datenstationsadapter [m]
terminal port Datenstationsanschluss [m]
terminal job Datenstationsjob [m]
terminal mode Datenstationsmodus [m]
terminal server Datenstationsserver [m]
control terminal Leitdatenstation [f]
display terminal Bildschirmstation [f]