capable - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "capable" in Spanish English Dictionary : 22 result(s)

English Spanish
capable capaz [adj]
capable apto [adj]
capable talentoso [adj]
capable talentudo [adj]
capable válido [adj]
capable solvente [adj]
capable habilidoso [adj]
capable susceptible [adj]
capable bravo [adj]
capable competente [adj]
capable hábil [adj]
capable suficiente [adj]
capable inteligente [adj]
capable apta [adj/f]
capable capacitado [adj]
capable capaz [adj]
capable apto [adj]
capable eficaz [adj]
capable idóneo [adj]
capable capaz [adj]
capable con capacidad
capable diestro [adj]

Meanings of "capable" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 125 result(s)

English Spanish
capable of feeling sensitivo [adj]
capable of error falible [adj]
capable of misleading falible [adj]
capable of holding a quintal (100 lbs) quintaleño [adj]
capable of roaring rugible [adj]
be capable of bastarse [v]
the quality of being capable of being read legibilidad [f]
the quality of being capable of being verified verificabilidad [f]
capable (of) susceptible [adj]
related to or denoting an animal capable of producing a poisonous chemical venenoso [adj]
be capable of something ser capaz de algo [v]
be capable of doing something ser capaz de hacer algo [v]
be capable of ser capaz de [v]
make oneself capable of bearing something unpleasant acerarse [v]
be capable of something ser capaz para algo [v]
in a way that is not capable of being contained inconteniblemente [adv]
severe but capable critic aristarco [m]
someone who learns or is capable of or apt at learning aprendedor [adj]
capable of alienation alienable [adj]
capable of demarcation deslindable [adj]
capable of being carved entallable [adj]
capable of instruction disciplinable [adj]
capable of understanding comprensivo [adj]
capable of being dissipated disipable [adj]
capable of conciliation conciliable [adj]
capable of concreting concrescible [adj]
capable of infamy infamable [adj]
capable of fecundation fecundable [adj]
capable of being pierced horadable [adj]
capable of being finished finible [adj]
not capable of being embraced or envisaged inabarcable [adj]
capable of labour labradero [adj]
capable of being restrained refrenable [adj]
capable of prorogation prorrogable [adj]
capable of being perturbed perturbable [adj]
capable of operating operable [adj]
capable of holding a quintal quintaleño [adj]
capable of being laid ponedero [adj]
capable of suffering pasible [adj]
capable of roaring rugible [adj]
capable of being narrated narrable [adj]
capable of rebuilding reedificable [adj]
capable of abstraction or omission prescindible [adj]
capable of succession sucesible [adj]
capable of holding a quintal quintalero [adj]
be able or capable of being contained caber [v]
very capable person faculto [m] DO VE
very capable person balazo [m] CL
an individual with capable of making rain ahuizote [m] MX rare
capable man machete [m] VE
very capable person faculta [f] DO VE
very capable person bala [f] MX CL
capable person mengambrea [f] SV
very capable person bala [f] MX
capable person mengambrea [f] SV
person who is capable of facing risky situations comecandela [m/f] CU disused
person not capable of doing a good job pirata [m/f] VE
capable of neighing hinnible [adj] rare
capable of instruction disciplinable [adj] rare
capable of neighing hinnible [adj] rare
be capable of being contained caber [v]
become more capable and knowledgeable desahuevarse [v] PA PE
feel capable tantearse [v] HN
capable of feeling sensitiva [adj/f]
capable of holding a quintal quintaleña [adj/f]
capable of labour labradera [adj/f]
capable of understanding comprensiva [adj/f]
someone who learns or is capable of or apt at learning aprendedora [adj/f]
capable of holding a quintal quintalera [adj/f]
capable of being laid ponedera [adj/f]
be very capable of doing something no cantar mal las rancheras [v]
be capable of doing many things competently hacer a pluma y a pelo [v]
be capable portarse águila [v] GT
be capable of doing something dar el ancho [v] MX GT HN NI BO CL
be capable of doing something dar el ancho [v] PE rare
be capable podérselas [v] GT HN SV NI
show oneself capable portarse águila [v] GT
be capable of anything tragarse una sierra [v] DO
capable/deserving of slapping abofeteable [adj]
be capable tener alguien su alma en su almario [v]
be capable tener alguien su alma en su cuerpo [v]
be capable tener alguien su alma en sus carnes [v]
anyone is capable of anything todo cabe en alguien [expr]
be capable of doing something arriscar [v] CO:C rur.
be capable of batirse [v] BO
be capable salvar [v] CL teen
everyone knows what they're capable of cada uno se arropa hasta donde le alcanza la cobija VE
capable of capaz de
capable of being completed ejecutable [adj]
legally capable capacitado jurídicamente
capable of contracting capaz de contratar
capable of inheriting capaz de heredar
capable to marry capaz de contraer matrimonio
legally capable capacitado legalmente
highly capable muy capaz [adj]
highly capable dotado [adj]
highly capable muy capaz, dotado
capable of reproducing fértil [adj]
alkaline (capable of neutralizing an acid; basic) básico [adj]
spacecraft (a craft capable of traveling in outer space; technically, a satellite around the sun) satélite [m]
capable fault falla susceptible
capable of relieving or suppressing coughing antitusígeno [adj]
capable of being seethed elijable [adj]
capable fault falla susceptible
capable of being locked capaz de ser cerrado
capable of being blocked capaz de ser bloqueado
voice-capable modem módem de voz
dual capable aircraft (dca) avión bivalente
partially mission capable parcialmente útil para cumplir su misión
dual capable aircraft (dca) avión de doble capacidad operativa
not mission capable (nmc) no apto para su misión
fully mission capable totalmente capaz para la misión
dual capable aircraft avión de doble capacidad operativa
not mission capable no apto para su misión
mission capable (mc) capaz para la misión
partially mission capable (pmc) parcialmente capaz para cumplir su misión
mission capable capaz para la misión
dual capable aircraft avión bivalente
combat capable útil para el combate
full mission capable totalmente capaz para la misión
fully mission capable (fmc) totalmente capaz para la misión
Wildlife Management
capable of reproduction apto para la reproducción
suspended and capable well pozo productivo suspendido
plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances autótrofo [m]
poison produced from the plant of the same name that is capable of producing serious symptoms including death cube [m] PE