rubbles - Spanish English Dictionary


Meanings of "rubbles" in Spanish English Dictionary : 43 result(s)

English Spanish
rubble escombros [m/pl]
rubble despojo [m]
rubble ruinas [f/pl]
rubble cascajo [m]
rubble ripio [m]
rubble cascote [m]
rubble yesón [m]
rubble aljezón [m]
rubble derribo [m]
rubble escombro [m]
rubble doladura [f]
rubble despojos [m/pl]
rubble escombro [m]
rubble despojos [m/pl]
rubble restos [m/pl]
rubble ripios [m/pl]
rubble pedregullo [m] AR UY
rubble pachilla [f] EC
rubble mampuesto [m]
rubble canto rodado [m]
rubble morrillo [m]
rubble grava [f]
rubble escollera [f]
rubble piedra bruta
rubble piedra bruta
rubble detrito [m]
rubble detritus [m]
rubble desmonte [m]
rubble ripio [m]
rubble cascajo [m]
rubble cascote [m]
rubble detritus [m]
rubble rocalla [f]
rubble piedra [f]
rubble detritos [m/pl]
rubble material detrítico
rubble cascote [m]
rubble escombro [m]
rubble piedra machacada [f]
rubble piedra de machaqueo [f]
rubble piedra machacada
rubble piedra de machaqueo
rubble zafra [f]

Meanings of "rubbles" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 92 result(s)

English Spanish
mortar rubble argamasón [m]
piece of rubble cascote [m]
reused rubble cascote [m]
gypsum rubble gasón [m]
large rubble stone easily grasped by hand matacán [m]
gypsum rubble yesón [m]
rubble wall filler broma [f]
rubble work mampostería concertada [f]
rubble masonry mampostería concertada [f]
dry rubble masonry mampostería ordinaria [f]
fill with rubble encascotar [v]
piece of rubble cascote [m]
rubble stone cascote [m]
rubble masonry mampostería [f]
be trapped under the rubble estar atrapado bajo ruinas [v]
be trapped under rubble estar atrapado bajo ruinas [v]
be trapped under the rubble estar atrapado bajo escombros [v]
be trapped under rubble estar atrapado bajo escombros [v]
earthquake rubble escombros de un terremoto [m/pl]
rubble-work cascotería [f]
rubble-work mampostería [f]
raise rubble-work mampostear [v]
rubble-work enripiado [m]
place where rubble, rocks, and other trash have accumulated cascotal [m] AR
laying of rubble enrocamiento [m] CL
filling of ditches with rubble emplantillado [m] PE CL
rubble or fragments to fill holes reble [m] ES local
gypsum rubble zaborro [m] ES local
person in charge of throwing the rubble or mineral remains into the dump where waste is deposited botarripio [m/f] CL
person in charge of throwing the rubble or mineral remains into the dump where waste is deposited botarripios [m/f] CL
who removes the excess rubble from a building site/pavement (person) derripiador [adj] CL
fill with rubble foundations of a wall emplantillar [v] SCN
make rubble enripiar [v] DO PR PY
lay rubble enrocar [v] EC CL
fill ditches with rubble emplantillar [v] PE BO CL
remove rubble desenronar [v] ES local
fill in with rubble emplantillar [v] CL
back fill with rubble emplantillar [v] CL
build with rubble enronar [v] ES local
build with rubble enrunar [v] ES local
rubble vendor ripiero [m] BO:E CL
rubble vendor ripiera [f] BO:E CL
relating to rubble ripiero [adj] CL
rubble stone canto rodado [m]
rock rubble canto rodado [m]
rubble stone bolón [m]
rubble aggregate cascajo [m] AR
rubble stone cabezote [m]
rubble stone morrillo [m]
rubble filling between ashlar faces froga [f] CO
build a wall with rubble enrajonar [v]
rubble concrete hormigón ciclópeo
rubble-mound breakwater rompeolas de escollera
rubble drain drenaje de grava
rubble mound escollera sin clasificar
rubble work mampostería concertada
rubble arch arco rústico
random rubble mampostería ordinaria
rubble masonry mampostería concertada
rubble masonry mampostería de cascote CO
rubble masonry albañilería de piedra bruta
rubble stone piedra en bruto
rubble concrete hormigón ciclópeo
rubble masonry mampostería de piedra bruta
Marine Biology
whiting: a shallow-water benthic species found on sand and rubble bottoms (malacanthus plumieri) matejuelo [m] PR
rubble tip vertedero [m]
roughly dressed ashlar or rubble-stone carretal [m]
rubble stone zonga [f]
rubble-slope derrubios de ladera
rubble stone canto rodado [m]
throwing or putting rubble in a hole enripiado [m] EC CL PY AR UY
rubble stone piedra en bruto [f]
rubble stone piedra sin labrar [f]
rubble masonry mampostería ordinaria [f]
rock rubble brecha de fricción [f]
cover with a layer of rubble encascotar [v]
fill with rubble enripiar [v]
reinforce with rubble encascotar [v]
throw or put rubble in a hole enripiar [v]
rubble masonry mampostería ordinaria
coursed rubble masonry hilada de asiento
rubble stone piedra sin labrar
rubble stone piedra en bruto
rubble concrete hormigón de cascote
random rubble mampostería careada
small stone for filling joints in rubble work teyolote [m] MX
rubble stone rajón [m]
rubble stone rejón [m] MX
a rubble stone zonga [f] CO
rock rubble brecha de falla [f]
dump rubble aterrar [v]
rubble front frente de escombros