sexually aroused - Spanish English Dictionary

sexually aroused


Meanings of "sexually aroused" in Spanish English Dictionary : 4 result(s)

English Spanish
sexually aroused caliente [adj]
sexually aroused cachondo [adj]
sexually aroused alebrestado [adj] SV
sexually aroused alzado [adj] UY rude

Meanings of "sexually aroused" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 30 result(s)

English Spanish
be sexually aroused calentarse [v]
be aroused (sexually) ser excitado (sexualmente) [v]
be aroused (sexually) estar excitado (sexualmente) [v]
be aroused (sexually) estar excitado (sexualmente) [v]
be aroused (sexually) sentirse estimulado (sexualmente) [v]
sexually aroused man arrecho [m] SV NI PA DO CO EC PE BO
person who is easily sexually aroused kachilo [m] BO:W,C
sexually aroused woman arrecha [f] SV NI PA DO CO EC PE BO
person who is easily sexually aroused kachila [f] BO:W,C
sexually aroused person arrincone [m/f] PE
sexually aroused by the presence of a mare (horse) enyeguado [adj] BO:N,E rur.
sexually aroused (man) cosposón [adj] CR rare
become sexually aroused descalentarse [v] DO
become sexually aroused deslecharse [v] PR
be sexually aroused eslecharse [v] PR
be sexually aroused estar con la bala pasada [v] CL
be sexually aroused quedar con la bala pasada [v] CL
be sexually aroused ponerse bellaco [v] PR
be sexually aroused (animal or person) estar carretón [v] PE
be sexually aroused estar cachondo [v]
be sexually aroused estar caliente [v]
person who's sexually aroused cabeza caliente [m/f] PE
sexually aroused by prolonged abstinence aguantado [adj] PE
very sexually aroused enyegüecido [adj] CL
inclined to become sexually aroused fogoso [adj] MX DO EC PE
become sexually aroused enfermarse [v] CU
be sexually aroused empalmarse [v] ES derog.
sexually aroused by prolonged abstinence aguantada [adj/f] PE
become sexually aroused embellacarse [v] PR
(sexually) aroused excitado [adj]