textile - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "textile" in Spanish English Dictionary : 13 result(s)

English Spanish
textile textil [adj]
textile tejido [m]
textile tela [f]
textile textil [m/adj]
textile textil [m]
textile textil [adj]
textile textil [m]
textile pañero [adj]
textile materia textil [f]
textile hilable [adj]
textile capaz de hilarse
textile textilero [adj] CR CO EC
textile textiles [m/pl]

Meanings of "textile" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 78 result(s)

English Spanish
textile mill telares (singular) [m]
textile company textil [f]
watered textile moer [m]
purifying and straightening textile fibers peinado [m]
frieze (textile) ratinado [m]
textile mill scraps caedura [f]
textile mill tejeduría [f]
textile representative representante textil
heightening (textile colours) avivado [m]
linen manufactured at the textile industry located in the chillo valley (south of quito) hilo de chillo [m] EC
textile worker who places bobbins on spooling machines madejero [m] PE
textile worker textilero [m] EC BO
textile factory or workshop where prints are made estampería [f] EC CL
textile fiber made from the bark of the emajagua de sierra emajagua [f] PR
textile fiber made from the bark of the emajagua de sierra esmajagua [f] PR
textile factory textilera [f] CR EC BO
textile industry textilería [f] CR EC PE BO PY
textile worker textilera [f] EC BO
textile factory textilera [f] CR EC BO
textile industry textilería [f] EC PE BO PY
textile worker textil [m/f] PE BO CL
non textile workers trabajadores en empleos no textiles
textile labeling [us] etiquetado textil [m]
textile labelling [uk] etiquetado textil [m]
home textile textil para el hogar [m]
home-produced textile textil de producción casera [m]
textile clay arcilla textiles [f]
textile glass fiber [us] fibra de vidrio textil [f]
textile glass fibre [uk] fibra de vidrio textil [f]
textile glass fibre [uk] fibra de vidrio textil
textile labelling [uk] etiquetado textil
textile machinery maquinaria textil
textile oil aceite textil
textile processing acabado de textiles
textile yarn hilo textil
textile show feria textil
textile industry industria textil
home textile textil para el hogar
textile fibre fibra textil
textile microbiology microbiología textil
textile printing impresión textil
textile glass vidrio textil
national textile and clothing confederation of chile confederación nacional de textil y de vestuario de chile CL
national trade union of textile and leather workers sindicato nacional textil y de pieles CU
colombian textile company compañía colombiana de tejidos CO
congress of textile workers congreso obrero textil UY
nicaraguan textile company textilería de nicaragua NI
association of argentine textile manufacturers asociación de industriales textiles argentinos AR
textile workers association asociación de obreros textiles AR
textile workers union unión obrera textil UY
textile workers federation central de trabajadores textiles VE
association of ecuadoran textile manufacturers asociación de industriales textiles del ecuador EC
trade union of employees of the textile and related industries of the argentine republic sindicato de empleados textiles de la industria y afines de la república argentina AR
national federation of revolutionary textile workers federación nacional de trabajadores textiles revolucionarios PE
national federation of textile workers federación nacional de trabajadores textiles DO
national federation of textile, leather, and garment workers federación obrera nacional de trabajadores textiles, del cuero y del vestuario UY
trade union of textile industry workers sindicato de trabajadores de la industria textil NI
union of colombian textile workers unión de trabajadores textiles de colombia CO
united trade union of colombian textile company workers sindicato único de trabajadores de la compañía colombiana de tejidos CO
federation of argentine textile industries federación de industrias textiles argentinas AR
federation of peruvian textile workers federación de trabajadores textiles del perú PE
federation of textile workers federación de trabajadores textiles CO
textile science ciencia textil [f]
textile engineering ingeniería textil
conveyor-belt with a textile carcass correa transportadora con armazón textil [f]
textile-reinforced hose manguera con refuerzo textil [f]
synthetic textile textil sintético
textile industry industria textil
plant textile fibre fibra textil vegetal
non textile workers trabajadores en empleos no textiles
textile plant fábrica textil
cotton textile tejido de algodón
textile oil aceite textil
woven textile backing soporte tejido textil
paper for textile paper tubes papel para conos de hilatura [m]
textile fibers fibras textiles
textile glass fiber [us] fibra de vidrio textil [f]
textile glass fibre [uk] fibra de vidrio textil [f]