wayside - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "wayside" in Spanish English Dictionary : 5 result(s)

English Spanish
wayside arcén [m]
wayside orilla del camino [f]
wayside junto al camino [adj]
wayside en el camino [adj]
wayside borde de camino

Meanings of "wayside" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 48 result(s)

English Spanish
wayside shrine apacheta [f]
by the wayside por el camino [adj]
wayside inn pascana (quechua) [f] PE BO AR rur.
drop by the wayside tirar la toalla [v]
drop by the wayside darse por vencido [v]
fall by the wayside darse por vencido [v]
drop by the wayside arrojar la esponja [v]
drop by the wayside tirar la esponja [v]
drop by the wayside abandonar la lucha [v]
drop by the wayside arrojar la toalla [v]
drop by the wayside echar la soga tras el caldero [v]
drop by the wayside recoger velas [v]
drop by the wayside dar con la carga en tierra [v]
drop by the wayside echarse con la carga [v]
drop by the wayside dar con la carga en el suelo [v]
fall by the wayside arrojar la esponja [v]
fall by the wayside tirar la toalla [v]
fall by the wayside abandonar la lucha [v]
fall by the wayside arrojar la toalla [v]
fall by the wayside tirar la esponja [v]
fall by the wayside recoger velas [v]
fall by the wayside echar la soga tras el caldero [v]
fall by the wayside echarse con la carga [v]
fall by the wayside dar con la carga en tierra [v]
fall by the wayside dar con la carga en el suelo [v]
fall by the wayside quedarse a mitad de camino [v]
fall by the wayside quedarse en aguas de borrajas [v]
fall by the wayside desaparecer [v]
fall by the wayside quedar al margen [v]
drop by the wayside abandonar algo [v]
drop by the wayside dejar de hacer algo [v]
drop by the wayside quedar por el camino [v]
fall by the wayside irse al cuerno [v]
fall by the wayside quedarse fresco [v]
fall by the wayside quedarse en agua de borrajas [v]
fall by the wayside quedarse en agua de cerrajas [v]
fall by the wayside quedarse en la cuneta [v]
drop by the wayside levantar el gallo [v] MX
fall by the wayside levantar el gallo [v] MX
drop by the wayside arriar velas [v]
fall by the wayside arriar velas [v]
wayside interface unit unidad de interfaz de arcén
wayside station apeadero [m]
wayside interface unit unidad de interfaz de arcén
common wayside dock izcua [f]
wayside lift elevador a borde de un andén
wayside signal señal al lado de la vía
wayside control system sistema de control en vía