it appears that - English Turkish Sentences
English Turkish
it appears that görünen o ki expr.
  • It appears that the rest of the international community has turned its attention entirely away from Central America.
  • Görünen o ki uluslararası toplumun geri kalanı dikkatini tamamen Orta Amerika'ya çevirmiş durumda.
  • It appears that we have to pay what goes towards cows and wheat but not what goes towards disasters.
  • Görünen o ki, ineklere ve buğdaya giden parayı ödemek zorundayız ama afetlere giden parayı ödemeyeceğiz.
  • It appears that Doha has sounded the alarm bells here in this House.
  • Görünen o ki Doha, bu Mecliste alarm zillerini çaldırdı.
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