supporting - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "supporting" in German English Dictionary : 20 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
supporting abfangend
supporting ausbauend
supporting abstützend
supporting sich stützend
supporting fördernd
supporting unterstützend
supporting begünstigend
supporting tragend
supporting befürwortend
supporting stützend [adj]
supporting tragend [adj]
supporting stützend [adj]
supporting Stütz-
supporting Trag-
supporting stützend [adj]
supporting tragend [adj]
supporting stützend [adj]
supporting Stützschiene [f]
supporting Auflage-
supporting Stütz-

Meanings of "supporting" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 274 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
self-supporting finanziell unabhängig [adj]
self-supporting selbsttragend [adj]
self-supporting freitragend [adj]
for supporting zur Unterstützung [adv]
supporting member Tragstab [m]
supporting table Auflagetisch [m]
supporting document Beleg [m]
association for supporting and developing social life Verein für Unterstützung und Entwicklung des sozialen Lebens [m]
supporting direction Tragrichtung [f]
supporting point Stützstelle [f]
supporting role Nebenrolle [f]
supporting structure Tragkonstruktion [f]
supporting surface Auflagefläche [f]
supporting membership Fördermitgliedschaft [f]
supporting act Vorband [f]
supporting programme Rahmenprogramm [n]
supporting program Rahmenprogramm [n]
supporting member Fördermitglied [n]
become self-supporting unabhängig werden [v]
become self-supporting eigenständig werden [v]
become self-supporting autark werden [v]
become self-supporting selbsttragend werden [v]
supporting cells Stützzellen [pl]
supporting documents Belege [pl]
supporting documents Nachweise [pl]
supporting points Stützstellen [pl]
supporting programmes Rahmenprogramme [pl]
supporting programs Rahmenprogramme [pl]
supporting surfaces Auflageflächen [pl]
supporting structures Stützkonstruktionen [pl]
supporting data unterstützende Daten [pl]
supporting roots Stützwurzeln [pl]
supporting widths Stützweiten [pl]
supporting documents sachdienliche Unterlagen
supporting documents weitere Unterlagen
supporting document Nachweis [m]
supporting measures Hilfsmaßnahmen [pl]
supporting documents weitere Unterlagen
supporting service unterstützender Service
supporting process unterstützender Prozess [m]
Vocational Training
supporting vocational training for disadvantaged youths Benachteiligtenförderung [f]
supporting measures flankierende Maßnahmen [pl]
supporting arrangement Halteanordnung
pivoting supporting member Drehaufsatz
supporting means as part of the vacuum tube Halterungsmittel als Teil der Vakuumröhre
supporting frame Stützgestell
supporting device Stützvorrichtung
work-supporting means Werkstückhalterung
package-supporting device Aufsteckvorrichtung
supporting chain Schleppkette
set of supporting rollers Tragrollensatz
device for supporting bottles Flaschenträger
elastically deformable supporting member of a ceil elastisch verformbares Halteglied einer Unterdecke
package-supporting device Spulenaufsteckvorrichtung
curb or supporting frame for skylights Aufsetzkranz
supporting member for forms Schalungsträger
moderator structure for supporting Moderatoraufbau zum Abstützen
constant supporting spring force konstante Federkraft
foot-supporting part Stützeinlage
supporting knife-edge Stützschneide
supporting when working in the field Tragen bei der Feldarbeit
supporting insulator Stützisolator
supporting arrangement Tragvorrichtung
supporting device for articles to be cooled Kühlguthaltevorrichtung
supporting part Unterstützungsteil
supporting means Abspannvorrichtung
means for supporting work Werkstückhalterung
supporting frame Traggestell
supporting device Haltevorrichtung
supporting plate Trägerplatte
supporting rack Stützrahmen
supporting device Tragvorrichtung
shell supporting system Schalentragwerk
supporting device Auflagevorrichtung
apparatus for supporting components during manufac Aufsockelmaschine
device for supporting pipe Vorrichtung zum Abstützen von Rohr
supporting means Stützmittel
supporting means Haltemittel
supporting roll Auflagewalze
mattress-supporting member Matratzenrahmen
self-supporting selbsttragend
supporting insulation Abstützen der Isolierung
supporting cap Abstützkappe
supporting-frame Auflagebock
supporting-wheel drive Laufradantrieb
supporting device for the winding bobbin Auflaufspulenhalter
platforms for supporting on tables Platten zum Aufstellen auf Tischen
supporting device Führungsvorrichtung
supporting for clothes hangers Kleiderbügelhalter
finger supporting device Fingerstütze
supporting device for attaching articles to bicycl Haltevorrichtung für Gegenstände an Zweirädern
coating the supporting material Beschichten eines Trägers
mounting of supporting structures Tragplattenbefestigung
supporting means Halterungsmittel
supporting arrangement Spindellagerung
supporting structure Tragkonstruktion
supporting device Aufstellvorrichtung
supporting shoe Auflagerschuh
means for supporting work Spitzenlosschleifen
supporting frame Stützrahmen
attaching to the supporting elements Anbringen an ihren Traggliedern
supporting means Stützvorrichtung
store for supporting Magazin zum Halten
supporting of rail Unterstützen von Eisenbahnschienen
supporting element Stützelement
supporting means as part of a discharge tube Halterungsmittel als Teil einer Entladungsröhre
supporting for weapons Waffenhalter
roof-covering elements attaching to the supporting Anbringen der Dacheindeckungselemente an den Tragg
supporting device Abstützvorrichtung
supporting document Belegdokument [n]
self-supporting freitragend [adj]
self-supporting selbsttragend [adj]
supporting structure Stützpunkt [m]
supporting structure Unterbau [m]
supporting yoke Stützkonsole [m]
supporting yoke Stützbügel [m]
supporting arm Tragarm [m]
supporting ring Abstützring [m]
supporting flange Auflageflansch [m]
supporting thrust Auflagedruck [m]
supporting force Auflagekraft [f]
supporting structure Tragkonstruktion [f]
supporting structure Stützkonstruktion [f]
supporting surface Auflagefläche [f]
supporting rod Tragstange [f]
supporting area Auflagefläche [f]
supporting spring Stützfeder [f]
supporting surface Tragfläche [f]
supporting disc Stützscheibe [f]
supporting roller Stützrolle [f]
supporting spring Tragfeder [f]
supporting decision Entscheidungsunterstützung [f]
supporting force Stützkraft [f]
supporting surface Sitzfläche [f]
supporting axle Tragachse [f]
supporting disc Unterlegscheibe [f]
supporting surface Haltefläche [f]
supporting surface Stützfläche [f]
supporting plate Unterlegplatte [f]
supporting force Unterstützungskraft [f]
supporting information Begleitinformation [f]
supporting device Abstützung [f]
supporting member Auflagerlasche [f]
supporting bearing Stützlager [n]
supporting bearing Traglager [n]
supporting leg Stützbein [n]
supporting system Halterungssystem [n]
supporting yokes Stützbügel [pl]
supporting yokes Stützkonsolen [pl]
supporting members Teile [pl]
supporting roles Stützwalzen [pl]
supporting members tragende Elemente [pl]
supporting documents entsprechende Unterlagen
supporting surface tragende Fläche
capable of supporting tragfähig
supporting ring Stützring [m]
supporting block Stützblock [m]
supporting frame Stützrahmen [m]
supporting leg Stützschenkel [m]
supporting shoe Stützschuh [m]
supporting spindle Stützspindel [f]
supporting plate Trägerplatte [f]
supporting plate Unterlegplatte [f]
supporting framework Traggerüst [n]
supporting header Tragsammler [m]
boiler structural supporting steelwork Kesselunterstützungskonstruktion [f]
boiler supporting structure Kesselunterstützungskonstruktion [f]
boiler supporting structure Kesselgerüst [n]
supporting framework Tragwerk [n]
boiler supporting structures Kesselgerüste [pl]
supporting headers Tragsammler [pl]
hollow supporting column Hohlsäule [f]
hollow supporting column Hohlsäule 
supporting function Stützfunktion [f]
supporting agent Trägerstoff [m]
supporting cell Stützzelle [f]
supporting benefit Unterstützungsleistung [f]
supporting construction Stützkonstruktion [f]
supporting structure Stützkonstruktion [f]
supporting frame Tragstruktur [f]
supporting column Stütze [f]
self-supporting selbsttragend [adj]
supporting staff Hilfskräfte [pl]
supporting cell Stützzelle [f]
supporting tissue Stützgewebe [n]
denture-supporting area Prothesenlager [n]
self-supporting freistehend [adj]
structural supporting freistehend [adj]
self-supporting frei stehend [adj]
self-supporting selbsttragend [adj]
supporting member Tragstab [m]
subsoil (supporting ground underneath a building) Bauuntergrund [m]
subsoil (supporting ground underneath a building) Untergrund [m]
supporting beam Deckenträger [m]
supporting pillar Strebepfeiler [m]
supporting pillar Stützpfeiler [m]
supporting surface Untergrund [m]
supporting plate Tragplatte [f]
supporting structure Tragekonstruktion [f]
supporting wall Futtermauer [f]
self-supporting partition frei stehende Zwischenwand [f]
supporting wall Stützmauer [f]
supporting structure Tragkonstruktion [f]
supporting structure Tragwerk [n]
supporting rope Tragseil [n]
supporting beams Deckenträger [pl]
supporting pillars Stützpfeiler [pl]
supporting loads Auflagerkräfte [pl]
supporting pillars Strebepfeiler [pl]
supporting walls Stützmauern [pl]
structural supporting freitragend
structural supporting selbsttragend
supporting liquid Stützflüssigkeit [f]
self-supporting properties of the roof Eigentragfähigkeit [f]
supporting of the rock Abstützen [n]
self-supporting properties of the roof Eigentragfähigkeit {f} des Hangenden
Fire Protection
supporting combustion brandfördernd [adj]
self supporting freitragend [adj]
self supporting selbsttragend [adj]
supporting bracket Stützwinkel [m]
supporting bolt Tragbolzen [m]
supporting flange Stützflansch [m]
supporting bracket Lagerarm [m]
supporting ring Stützring [m]
supporting force Auflagerkraft [f]
supporting unit Stützvorrichtung [f]
supporting plate Tragplatte [f]
supporting area Auflagefläche [f]
supporting bar Tragstange [f]
supporting plate Aufnahmeplatte [f]
supporting roller Stützrolle [f]
supporting plate Auflageplatte [f]
supporting rod Tragstange [f]
supporting frame Untergestell [n]
supporting tube Stützrohr [n]
partially-supporting teiltragend [adj]
self-supporting selbsttragend [adj]
self-supporting freitragend [adj]
supporting axle Tragachse [f]
supporting members Längsträger [pl]
self-supporting body selbsttragende Karosserie
self-supporting rigid vehicle starres freitragendes Fahrzeug [n]
self-supporting selbsttragend [adj]
supporting rail Stützschiene [f]
supporting column Vertikaltragsäule [f]
supporting track Stützgleis [n]
process-supporting prozessunterstützend [adj]
SAP Terms
supporting documents Nachweise [pl]
Electrical Engineering
brush-holder supporting structure Bürstenbolzen [m]
self-supporting fiber-optic cable selbsttragendes Glasfaserkabel [n]
supporting plate Trägerplatte [f]
supporting roots Nebenwurzeln
supporting hyperplane Stützhyperebene [f]
supporting document Beleg [m]
supporting signature Unterstützungsunterschrift [f]
Timber Engineering
supporting member Hauptträger [m]
supporting act Vorgruppe [f]
supporting actor Nebendarsteller [m]
supporting film Vorfilm [m]
supporting actress Nebendarstellerin [f]
supporting role Nebenrolle [f]
supporting character Nebenfigur (Film/Theater) [n]
supporting characters Nebenfiguren [pl]
close supporting fire Nahunterstützungsfeuer [n]
deep supporting fire Fernunterstützungsfeuer [n]
supporting fire Unterstützungsfeuer [n]
supporting fire Unterstützungsfeuer [n]
supporting fire Unterstützungsfeuer
production supporting services Produktionsunterstützende Dienstleistung [pl]
Mechanical Engineering
supporting roller Stützrolle [f]
supporting cable Tragseil [n]
mandril supporting rod Dornstange [f]
mandrel supporting rod Dornstange [f]
arbor-supporting bracket Fräsdorntraglager [n]