textile - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "textile" in German English Dictionary : 21 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
textile Textil- [adj]
textile verspinnbar [adj]
textile textil [adj]
textile Stoff [m]
textile Textilie [f]
textile Gewebe [n]
textile Textil...
textile das Textil
textile Webstoff [m]
textile Textil [n]
textile Webstoff [m]
textile Textilie [f]
textile Gewebe [n]
textile Web
textile Spinn-
textile Textil-
textile Textil [n]
textile Gewebe [n]
textile Textil [n]
textile Textil...
textile Stoff [m]

Meanings of "textile" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 189 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
loose (consistency of textile) schlabberig (oder schlabbrig) [adj]
textile worker Textilarbeiter [m]
textile adhesive Textilkleber [m]
textile manufacturer Textilhersteller [m]
textile production Textilherstellung [f]
textile factory Textilfabrik [f]
textile branche Textilbranche [f]
textile finishing Textilveredelung [f]
textile plant Textilpflanze [f]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile filter Textilfilter / [n]
perch textile products Textilprodukte besehen [v]
perch textile products optisch prüfen [v]
textile goods Textilwaren [pl]
food and textile Lebensmittel und Textilien [pl]
home textile Heimtextilien [pl]
textile manufacturer Textilfabrikant [m]
textile branche Textilhandel [m]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
EU Terms
textile machine Textilmaschine [f]
textile fibre Textilfaser [f]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile plant Textilpflanze [f]
textile product Textilerzeugnis [n]
textile material auf Textilgut [v]
textile fabric Textilgewebe
treatment of textile Textilbehandlung
on to textile materials auf Textilgut
textile bleaching Textilbleiche
treatment of textile materials Textilgutbehandlung
treatment of textile materials with liquids Behandeln von Textilgut mit Flüssigkeiten
machines for wet treatment of textile material Maschinen zur Nassbehandlung von Textilgut
making on textile fabrics Herstellen auf Textilgut
textile materials Kontinue-Bleiche
multi-layer textile fabric Mehrschichtentextilgewebe
textile decoration Textilstoffverzierung
tentering textile fabric Spannen von Textilgut
textile treatment Textilbehandlung
textile fabric Textilstoff
textile material Textilmaterial
liquid on to the surface of the textile material Flüssigkeit auf die Oberfläche von Textilgut
making non-woven fabrics of textile fabrics with m Vliesbildung von Textilgut mit makromolekularen or
testing of textile sheets Textilbahnprüfung
combined when shearing textile fabric kombiniert beim Scheren von Textilgut
textile hose Gewebeschlauch
cleaning the machines for treatment of textile mat Textilgutbehandlung
forcing through textile materials Hindurchführen durch Textilgut
treating material for textile materials Behandlungsmittel für Textilgut
textile insert Gewebeeinlage
textile finishing Textilveredelung
textile technology Textiltechnik
smoothing textile articles Glätten von Textilartikeln
tentering for textile fabric Spannen von Textilgut
textile processing Textilverarbeitung
textile printing Textildruck
severing textile fabric Trennen von Textilgewebe
textile fabrics by rollers Textilgut mittels Walzen
on textile fabrics auf Textilgut
textile finishing Schmutzabweisungsmittel
pattern textile fabric Kleiderzuschnitt
making patterns on textile fabrics Mustern von Textilgut
passing of textile materials Hindurchführen von Textilgut
dehydrating textile materials Entwässern von Textilgut
textile fibre Textilfaser
textile engineer Textilingenieur [m]
textile printing Zeugdruck [m]
textile material Spinnstoff [m]
textile printing Gewebedruck [m]
textile fiber Textilfaser [f]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile glass fiber Textilglasfaser [f]
textile processing Textilverarbeitung [f]
textile glass mat Textilglasmatte [f]
textile finishing Textilveredelung [f]
textile finishing Appretur [f]
textile finishing Textilausrüstung [f]
textile finishing machine Textilausrüstungsmaschine [f]
textile fiber Spinnfaser [f]
textile finishing machine Textilveredlungsmaschine [f]
textile printing machine Textildruckmaschine [f]
textile oil Textilöl [n]
textile auxiliary Textilhilfsmittel [n]
textile finishing Appretieren [n]
textile fabrics Webwaren [pl]
textile fabrics Textilien [pl]
textile fabrics Wirkwaren [pl]
textile machines Textilemaschinen [pl]
textile machinery Textilmaschinen
textile machine market Textilmaschinenmarkt [m]
textile machine Textilmaschine [f]
textile printing machine Textildruckmaschine [f]
textile machine oil Textilmaschinenöl [n]
textile oil Textilöl [n]
textile fibres Textilfasern
textile fibers Textilfasern
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile chemistry Textilchemie [f]
textile design Textiles Gestalten
textile engineering and clothing technology Textil- und Bekleidungstechnologie
textile floor covering Textilbodenbelag [m]
textile-mill Weberei [f]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile technology Textiltechnik [f]
textile fibre Textilfaser [f]
synthetic textile fibre Kunstfaser [f]
textile machine Textilmaschine [f]
textile finishing Textilveredelung [f]
textile fabric Textilgewebe [n]
SAP Terms
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile cord Textilkord [m]
textile cord tire Textilreifen [m]
textile cord tyre Textilreifen [m]
textile factory Textilbetrieb [m]
textile plant Textilbetrieb [m]
textile printing Stoffdruck [m]
woven textile fabrics Webstoff [m]
textile mill Textilbetrieb [m]
textile sector Textilsektor [m]
textile printer Textildrucker [m]
textile article Textilartikel [m]
textile laboratory technician Textillaborant [m]
textile cleaner Textilreiniger [m]
textile product tester Produktprüfer [m]
blotch (textile printing) Boden [m]
textile printing Textildruck [m]
indentation (textile printing) Eindruckform (Textildruck) [f]
indentation (textile printing) Eindruckform [f]
indentation (textile printing) Druckform [f]
textile factory Textilfabrik [f]
textile finishing Textilveredelung [f]
textile industry Textilwirtschaft [f]
textile machine Textilmaschine [f]
textile plant Textilfabrik [f]
textile web Bahn [f]
textile trade Textilbranche [f]
textile sector Textilwirtschaft [f]
textile work Textilarbeit [f]
textile production Textilproduktion [f]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile wall covering Textiltapete [f]
textile fibre Textilfaser [f]
textile cleaner Textilreinigerin [f]
textile product tester Produktprüferin [f]
textile laboratory technician Textillaborantin [f]
textile technology Textiltechnik [f]
textile refining Textilveredlung [f]
textile refining Textilveredelung [f]
textile glass fibre [uk] Textilglasfaser [f]
textile labelling [uk] Textiletikettierung [f]
textile coating Textilbeschichtung [f]
textile labeling [us] Textiletikettierung [f]
textile glass fiber [us] Textilglasfaser [f]
textile finishing Textilveredlung [f]
paper for textile paper tubes Kötzerhülsenpapier [n]
textile fabric Textilgewebe [n]
textile product Textilprodukt [n]
textile product Textilerzeugnis [n]
(textile) care label (textiles) Pflegekennzeichen [n]
textile trade Textilhandwerk [n]
textile branche Textilhandwerk [n]
textile laboratory Textillabor [n]
bake (textile printing) brennen [v]
textile cord tyres Textilreifen [pl]
textile cord tires Textilreifen [pl]
textile factories Textilbetriebe [pl]
textile factories Textilfabriken [pl]
textile machines Textilmaschinen [pl]
textile goods Textilwaren [pl]
textile plants Textilfabriken [pl]
textile plants Textilbetriebe [pl]
textile products Textilerzeugnisse [pl]
textile products Textilprodukte [pl]
textile toys textiles Spielzeug [pl]
textile web textile Bahn
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
textile cone Weberkegel [m]
textile cone Textil-Kegelschnecke
textile cone Weberkegel
textile manufacturing Textilverarbeitung [f]
textile factory Textilmanufaktur [f]
textile city Textilstadt [f]
textile and clothing industry Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie [f]
textile finishing Textilveredlung [f]
textile fiber Textilfaser [f]
Mechanical Engineering
textile-reinforced hose Schlauch Textilverstärkung
textile printing Textildruck [m]
textile coating Textilbeschichtung [f]
textile finishing Textilveredlung [f]
Waste Management
textile waste Textilabfall [m]