distance - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "distance" in German English Dictionary : 39 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
distance Abstand [m]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Strecke [f]
distance Ferne [f]
distance Wegstrecke [f]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Ferne [f]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Strecke [f]
distance Gleitweg [m]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Weg [m]
distance Weite [f]
distance Strecke [f]
distance Weglänge [f]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Weglänge [f]
distance räumliche Entfernung [f]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Weglänge [f]
distance Distanzmaß [n]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Strecke [f]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Fahrstrecke [f]
distance Fahrstrecke [f]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Distanz [f]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Distanz [f]
distance Abstand [m]
distance Entfernung [f]
distance Distanz [f]
Timber Engineering
distance Abstand [m]
distance Distanz [f]

Meanings of "distance" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
long-distance Fern... [adj]
long-distance Weit- [adj]
long-distance Fern- [adj]
long-distance Langstrecken- [adj]
a good distance off ein gutes Stück entfernt [adv]
a good distance off eine große Distanz entfernt [adv]
a good distance off eine ganz schöne Strecke entfernt [adv]
at a distance in einem Abstand [adv]
at a distance auf Distanz [adv]
at a distance weit weg [adv]
at a distance in der Ferne [adv]
at a distance aus der Ferne [adv]
at a distance auf Abstand [adv]
at a distance of (..) metres from here (…) Meter entfernt von hier [adv]
at this distance of time nach so langer Zeit [adv]
at this distance of time nach einem so langen Zeitraum [adv]
from a great distance aus großer Entfernung [adv]
polar distance Polabstand [m]
minimum distance Mindestabstand [m]
interocular distance Augenabstand [m]
line distance Zeilenabstand [m]
long distance transport Ferntransport [m]
interionic distance Ionenabstand [m]
fuzzy distance Fuzzyabstand [m]
focus distance Fokusabstand [m]
distance (between) Abstand [m]
distance (between) Zwischenraum (zwischen) [m]
distance (measuring) sensor Distanzsensor [m]
distance between ions Ionenabstand [m]
distance on foot Fußweg [m]
direct distance dialing Selbstwählferndienst [m]
walking distance Fußweg [m]
working distance Arbeitsabstand [m]
stop distance Stoppweg [m]
stopping distance Anhalteweg [m]
snap distance Fangradius [m]
start distance Startweg [m]
estimated distance geschätzter Abstand [m]
wall distance Wandabstand [m]
long-distance haulage Fernlastverkehr [m]
clear distance lichter Abstand [m]
long-distance travel Fernverkehr [m]
usable operating distance Nutzschaltabstand [m]
long-distance haulage Güterfernverkehr [m]
pupillary distance Augenabstand [m]
short-distance hauling Güternahverkehr [m]
free working distance Arbeitsabstand [m]
long-distance transport Ferntransport [m]
long-distance swimmer Langstreckenschwimmer [m]
range of distance Abstandsbereich [m]
braking distance Bremsweg [m]
direction distance Richtungsabstand [m]
average fault distance mittlerer Fehlerabstand [m]
long-distance hiking trail Weitwanderweg [m]
long-distance trail Weitwanderweg [m]
center-to-center distance Mittenabstand [m]
long-distance way Fernwanderweg [m]
distance flight Weitflug [m]
distance circle Distanzkreis [m]
long-distance hauling Güterfernverkehr [m]
distance learning Fernunterricht [m]
long distance transport Langstreckentransport [m]
distance event Langstreckenlauf [m]
long distance haulage Lastenfernverkehr [m]
long-distance racer Langstreckenläufer [m]
inter-atomic distance Atomabstand [m]
long-distance traffic Fernverkehr [m]
a good distance ein gutes Stück [m]
direct distance dialling direkter Anruf [m]
distance education Fernunterricht [m]
equal distance gleichmäßiger Abstand [m]
equal distance gleicher Abstand [m]
Mahalanobis' generalized distance D²-Abstandsmaßzahl [f]
medium distance Mittelstrecke [f]
gauge (distance between the rails of a track) (railway) Spur [f]
hearing distance Hörweite [f]
hearing distance Rufweite [f]
distance (to be) covered Weglänge [f]
distance (to be) covered Fahrstrecke [f]
distance (to be) covered Flugstrecke [f]
distance from reality Realitätsferne [f]
distance from reality Wirklichkeitsferne [f]
distance on foot Gehweite [f]
distance on foot Gehstrecke [f]
action at a distance Fernwirkung [f]
walking distance Gehweite [f]
walking distance Gehstrecke [f]
whole distance Gesamtstrecke [f]
zenith distance Zenitdistanz [f]
striking distance Reichweite [f]
striking distance Schussweite [f]
time-distance curve Laufzeitkurve [f]
putting at a distance Abstandnahme [f]
table of distance (drive) tariffs (taximeter) Wegstreckentabelle (Taxameter) [f]
total distance Gesamtstrecke [f]
average haul distance mittlere Transportentfernung [f]
striking-distance Schussweite [f]
same distance gleiche Entfernung [f]
short-distance irradiation Nahbestrahlung [f]
long-distance shot Fernaufnahme [f]
estimated distance geschätzte Entfernung [f]
long-distance travel Fernreise [f]
long-distance relationship Fernbeziehung [f]
long-distance dispersal Fernausbreitung [f]
striking-distance Reichweite [f]
pupillary distance Pupillendistanz [f]
focal distance Brennweite [f]
long-distance heating Fernwärme [f]
a good distance eine große Distanz [f]
a good distance eine ganz schöne Strecke [f]
direct distance dialling direkte Fernwahl [f]
distance education Fernausbildung [f]
distance from the sea Entfernung zum Meer [f]
distance from the sea Entfernung vom Meer [f]
distance from the starting point Entfernung zum Ausgangspunkt [f]
distance from the starting point Entfernung zum Anfangspunkt [f]
distance from the starting point Entfernung zum Startpunkt [f]
effort distance Distanz des Kraftaufwands [f]
equal distance gleiche Entfernung [f]
inaccessible distance unerreichbare Ferne [f]
distance over hubs Flanschmaß [n]
center-to-center distance Achsenmaß [n]
short distance reconnaissance plane Nahaufklärungsflugzeug [n]
long-distance transport network Fernverkehrsnetz [n]
distance learning Fernstudium [n]
long-distance call Ferngespräch [n]
distance education Fernlernen [n]
keep the proper distance den gebührenden Abstand halten [v]
cover a distance eine Strecke zurücklegen [v]
cover quite a distance ein gutes Stück Weg zurücklegen [v]
cover/do a distance of fifteen kilometres eine Strecke von fünfzehn Kilometern zurücklegen [v]
distance (dissociate) oneself from sich abgrenzen {vr} von (Personen) [v]
be within walking distance zu Fuß erreichbar sein, in fußläufiger Nähe sein [v]
reckon the distance die Entfernung abschätzen [v]
to be at equal distance gleichen Abstand haben [v]
cover a distance eine Entfernung zurücklegen [v]
cover a distance eine Strecke zurücklegen [v]
cover a distance eine Distanz zurücklegen [v]
hold oneself at a distance sich auf Distanz halten [v]
hold oneself at a distance jemandem die kalte Schulter zeigen [v]
hold oneself at a distance sich reserviert verhalten [v]
distance universities Fernuniversitäten [pl]
actions at a distance Fernwirkungen [pl]
distance contracts Fernabsatzverträge [pl]
long-distance flights Langstreckenflüge [pl]
Mahalanobis' generalized distance verallgemeinerter Abstand nach Mahalanobis
image-side focal distance bildseitige Brennweite
image-side focal distance hintere Brennweite
image-side focal distance zweite Brennweite
effective focal distance effektive Brennweite
covered a distance eine Strecke zurückgelegt
covering a distance eine Strecke zurücklegend
Brevet (long-distance bicycle ride) Brevet (Fahrradmarathon)
capacitive distance sensor kapazitiver Abstandssensor
clear distance lichter Abstand
vertical distance of veins bankrechter Abstand zweier Flöze
viewing distance Augenabstand vom Bildschirm
uniformly best distance power test gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
short distance geringe Entfernung
second focal distance bildseitige/hintere/zweite Brennweite
reach distance of the floor conveyor Vorschub des Flurförderers
operating distance Reichweite
long-distance runner Langläufer
from a safe distance aus sicherer Entfernung
striking distance unmittelbare Nähe
long-distance calling Ferngespräch
long-distance runner Langstreckenläufer
long-distance auf große Entfernung
iliac spine distance Distantia spinarum
operating distance Arbeitsbereich
focal distance Fokusabstand
focal distance Fokalabstand
over a long distance weithin [adv]
within a distance of two miles im Umkreis von drei Kilometern
within hearing distance in Rufweite
within hailing distance in Rufweite
at a discreet distance in diskreter Entfernung
at a distance of in einer Entfernung von
from a distance von weitem
from a distance aus der Ferne
from some distance aus geraumer Entfernung
in the distance in der Ferne
Keep a distance! Abstand halten!
be in couching distance in Sitzweite sein
distance selling Fernabsatz [m]
distance sensor Abstandssensor [m]
distance teaching Fernunterricht [m]
long distance haulage Lastenfernverkehr [m]
short-distance hauling Güternahverkehr [m]
long distance haulage Fernlastverkehr [m]
long-distance hauling Güterfernverkehr [m]
distance learning Fernstudium [n]
distance banking Telebanking [n]
long-distance call Ferngespräch [n]
great distance große Entfernung
long-distance Langstrecken-
distance banking Electronic Banking
distance banking Telebanking [n]
distance banking Electronic Banking [n]
long-distance trading Fernhandel [m]
distance teaching Fernunterricht [m]
distance learning Fernstudium [n]
Vocational Training
distance learning Fernunterricht [m]
distance study Fernunterricht [m]
distance learning Fernlehre [f]
distance study Fernlehre [f]
distance learning protection act Fernunterrichtsgesetz [n]
distance learning protection act Fernunterrichtsschutzgesetz [n]
central office for distance learning staatliche Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht
Work Safety
safety distance Sicherheitsabstand [m]
safe distance Sicherheitsabstand [m]
reach distance Greifweite [f]
reach distance Reichweite [f]
distance protection system Distanzschutzsystem [n]
distance protection system Schutz durch ausreichenden Abstand
EU Terms
distance learning Fernunterricht [m]
distance selling Versandhandel [m]
distance measuring equipment Entfernungsmessgerät
long-distance navigation Langstreckennavigation
distance measurement Entfernungsmessung
determination of distance Entfernungsmessung
one-way determination of distance Einwegentfernungsmessung
distance keeper Abstandshalter
control of distance between milling members Getreidemühle
measuring the distance of fall of a falling body Messen der Fallstrecke eines fallenden Körpers
measurement of distance Abstandsmessung
distance between the needles Nadelabstand
measurement of distance Entfernungsmessung
high-speed distance protection Schnelldistanzschutz
pupillary distance Augenabstand
unit-distance code Unit-Distance-Code
distance control Abstandsregelung
long-distance selector Fernleitungswähler
control from a distance Ferneinstellung
interelectrode distance Elektrodenabstand
distance warning device Abstandswarnanlage
driving within the stopping distance Fahren im Bremswegabstand
distance member Distanzstange
stopping distance Bremswegabstand
distance adjustment Einstellen der Entfernung
control of distance between milling members Mahlspaltregelung
distance-elevation display Entfernung-Winkel-Darstellung
distance screen Distanzraster
distance protection Distanzschutz
distance of fall Fallstrecke
short-distance haulage device Nachschleppvorrichtung
compensation of distance between wheel Radstandsausgleich
pupillary distance Pupillenabstand
center distance Mittenabstand [m]
emergency braking distance Schnellbremsweg [m]
co-ordination distance Koordinierungsabstand [m]
warning distance Vorsignalabstand [m]
distance between signals Signalabstand [m]
service braking distance Betriebsbremsweg [m]
braking distance Bremsweg [m]
buffer distance Pufferabstand [m]
distance bolt Abstandsbolzen [m]
distance between serrations Rastenabstand [m]
distance meter Distanzmesser [m]
distance meter Entfernungsmesser [m]
distance modulus Entfernungsmodul [m]
distance piece Abstandhalter [m]
distance of deceleration Verzögerungsweg [m]
short-distance transmitter (radio) Nahsender (Funk) [m]
short-distance transmitter (radio) Nahsender [m]
spraying distance Sprühabstand [m]
base distance Basisabstand [m]
distance meter Abstandsmesser [m]
fixed distance Festabstand [m]
shaft-centre distance Achsabstand [m]
distance error Entfernungsfehler [m]
lattice distance Netzebenenabstand [m]
chordal distance Sehnenabstand [m]
distance ring Abstandsring [m]
groove distance Nutabstand [m]
viewing distance Sehabstand [m]
distance between bearings Lagerabstand [m]
lattice distance Gitterabstand [m]
control distance Schaltweg [m]
internuclear distance Kernabstand [m]
interlattice plane distance Netzebenenabstand [m]
distance between axes Achsabstand [m]
distance error Abstandsfehler [m]
nuclear distance Kernabstand [m]
internuclear distance Atomabstand [m]
long-distance express Fernschnellzug [m]
distance pin Distanzbolzen [m]
centre distance modification coefficient Teilkreisabstandsfaktor [m]
distance pin Abstandsbolzen [m]
distance washer Abstandsring [m]
clear distance from lichter Abstand [m]
groove distance Rillenabstand [m]
distance spacer Abstandshalter [m]
center distance Achsenabstand [m]
distance gauge Abstandsmesser [m]
sliding distance Gleitweg [m]
test distance Prüfabstand [m]
safety distance Schutzabstand [m]
stop distance Bremsweg [m]
interatomic distance Atomabstand [m]
displacement distance Verschiebeweg [m]
distance piece Abstandshalter [m]
interatomic distance Kernabstand [m]
lateral distance Seitenabstand [m]
distance between lines Zeilenabstand [m]
stopping distance Bremsweg [m]
distance ring Distanzring [m]
distance between centers Achsabstand [m]
switching distance Schaltabstand [m]
projection distance Projektionsabstand [m]
distance between centers Mittenabstand [m]
skip distance Sprungabstand [m]
axial distance Axialabstand [m]
center distance Achsabstand [m]
long distance conveyor Langstreckenförderer [m]
distance from center to center Mittenabstand [m]
edge distance Randabstand [m]
focal distance Fokusabstand [m]
centre distance Achsabstand [m]
switching distance Abstand [m]
long-distance interference suppression Fernentstörung [f]
direct distance dialing Fernwahl [f]
sighting distance Signalsicht [f]
target distance Zielentfernung [f]
striking-in distance Einschaltstrecke [f]
clearance and creepage distance Luft- und Kriechstrecke [f]
creep distance Kriechstrecke [f]
distance bush Abstandhalterhülse [f]
distance bush Distanzbuchse [f]
distance bush Distanzhülse [f]
distance column Distanzsäule [f]
distance measurement Entfernungsmessung [f]
distance measurement techniques Wegmesstechnik [f]
distance plate Zwischenplatte [f]
distance ring Distanzscheibe [f]
distance roll Abstandsrolle [f]
distance spacer Abstandshülse [f]
distance space Abstandsfläche [f]
distance tube Distanzbuchse [f]
distance table Entfernungstabelle [f]
long-distance heating station Fernheizstation [f]
long-distance reception Fernempfang [f]
measurement of focal distance Brennweitenmessung (Optik) [f]
short-distance scatter (radio) Nahstreuung [f]
short-distance scatter (radio) Nahstreuung (Funk) [f]
sparking distance in air Luftstrecke (beim Funkenüberschlag) [f]
sparking distance in air Luftstrecke [f]
stationary distance curves (surveying) statische Distanzkurvenanordnung (Vermessungswesen) [f]
measured distance Stoppstrecke [f]
distance sleeve Abstandshülse [f]
test distance Messentfernung [f]
stop distance Bremsstrecke [f]
inner cone distance innere Teilkegellänge [f]
distance between supports Spannbreite [f]
focal distance Brennweite [f]
discharging distance Entladungsstrecke [f]
distance measurement Abstandsmessung [f]
distance washer Abstandsscheibe [f]
distance range Reichweite [f]
distance indication Entfernungsanzeige [f]
lattice distance Gitterperiode [f]
cone distance äußere Teilkegellänge [f]
distance piece Abstandshülse [f]
stopping distance Bremsstrecke [f]
distance bushing Distanzhülse [f]
mean cone distance mittlere Teilkegellänge [f]
middle cone distance mittlere Teilkegellänge [f]
distance plate Distanzplatte [f]
distance piece Distanzscheibe [f]
distance bolt Distanzschraube [f]
arc distance Bogenlänge [f]
distance sleeve Distanzhülse [f]
long-distance heating Fernwärme [f]
distance sleeve Distanzsäule [f]
long-distance data transmission Datenfernübertragung [f]
distance spacer Distanzscheibe [f]
arcing distance Schlagweite [f]
distance plate Distanzscheibe [f]
striking distance Schlagweite [f]
distance sleeve Abstandhülse [f]
distance independence Abstandsunabhängigkeit [f]
long-distance call Ferngespräch [n]
distance piece Distanzstück [n]
distance plate Distanzblech [n]
distance tube Distanzrohr [n]
focal distance ratio Brennweitenverhältnis (Optik) [n]
distance ratio Abstandsverhältnis [n]
distance piece Abstandsstück [n]
long-distance gas Ferngas [n]
distance spacer Abstandsstück [n]
distance dimension Abstandsmaß [n]
distance tube Abstandsrohr [n]
distance pipe Distanzrohr [n]
cover a distance eine Strecke zurücklegen [v]
distance bolts Abstandsbolzen [pl]
distance bushes Distanzbuchsen [pl]
distance bushes Distanzhülsen [pl]
distance columns Distanzsäulen [pl]
distance bushes Abstandhalterhülsen [pl]
distance meters Entfernungsmesser [pl]
distance pieces Distanzstücke [pl]
distance pieces Abstandhalter [pl]
distance plates Distanzbleche [pl]
distance plates Zwischenplatten [pl]
distance rings Distanzscheiben [pl]
distance rings Distanzringe [pl]
distance rolls Abstandsrollen [pl]
distance sensors Abstandssensoren [pl]
distance sleeves Abstandhülsen [pl]
distance spacers Abstandshülsen [pl]
distance spacers Abstandsstücke [pl]
distance tables Entfernungstabellen [pl]
distance tubes Distanzrohre [pl]
distance tubes Distanzbuchsen [pl]
long-distance heating stations Fernheizstationen [pl]
short-distance transmitters Nahsender [pl]
Long distance conveyors Langstreckenförderer [pl]
distance from center to center Abstand von Mitte zu Mitte
micro-optical distance sensor mikrooptischer Abstandssensor
reduced focal distance reduzierte Brennweite
rim bevel distance Abstand zwischen Anlage Radlager und Felgentragsitz
short-distance Kurzstrecken-
short-distance Nah-
center distance Abstand von der Mitte
stroke distance Hubweg [m]
bearing center distance Lagermittenabstand [m]
distance value Abstandswert [m]
transport distance Transportweg [m]
groove distance Nutabstand [m]
feed distance Vorschubweg [m]
ball distance Kugelabstand [m]
nominal distance Nennabstand [m]
travel distance Verfahrweg [m]
drive-up distance Aufschiebeweg [m]
tension distance Spannweg [m]
deformation distance Verformungsweg [m]
label distance Etikettenabstand [m]
braking distance Bremsweg [m]
line distance Linienabstand [m]
distance between holes Lochabstand [m]
travel distance Verfahrbereich [m]
distance between the rows Reihenabstand [m]
measuring distance Messweg [m]
bearing distance Lagerabstand [m]
profile distance Profilabstand [m]
distance sleeve Zwischenhülse [f]
bearing distance Lagerentfernung [f]
distance change Abstandsänderung [f]
measured distance Messstrecke [f]
center distance Spitzenweite [f]
distance tolerance Abstandstoleranz [f]
travel distance Verfahrrichtung [f]
transport distance Transportstrecke [f]
centre distance Achsabstand [m]
centre distance Achsabstand (Fördertechnik) [m]
centre distance Achsenabstand [m]
centre distance alteration Achsabstandsänderung [f]
centre distance deviation Achsabstandsabweichung [f]
centre distance fluctuation Achsabstandsschwankung [f]
centre distance line Achsabstandslinie [f]
centre distance alterations Achsabstandsänderungen [pl]
centre distance deviations Achsabstandsabweichungen [pl]
centre distance fluctuations Achsabstandsschwankungen [pl]
centre distance lines Achsabstandslinien [pl]
measuring distance Messabstand [m]
distance bush Distanzbüchse [f]
distance of axles Achsenabstand [m]
distance piece Distanzstück [n]
distance pieces Distanzklötzchen [pl]
distance pieces Abstandsklötzchen [pl]
distance sensor Abstandssensor [m]
error distance Fehlerabstand [m]
distance sensor Entfernungssensor [m]
angular distance Winkelabstand [m]
sensor distance Sensorabstand [m]
distance sensor Distanzsensor [m]
distance protection Distanzschutz [m]
distance measurement Fernmessung [f]
distance control Fernlenkung [f]
distance control Fernschaltung [f]
distance control Fernsteuerung [f]
critical distance kritische Entfernung
focal distance Brennweite (Optik) [f]
focal distance Brennweite [f]
interionic distance Ionenabstand [m]
distance matrix Distanzmatrix [f]
migration distance Trennstrecke [f]
lunar distance Mondabstand [m]
distance circle Entfernungskreis [m]
distance determination method Entfernungsbestimmungsmethode [f]
distance determination Entfernungsbestimmung [f]
zenith distance Zenitentfernung [f]
long working distance condenser Kondensor langer Schnittweite
Optical Microscopy
working distance Objektabstand [m]
working distance Arbeitsabstand [m]
optical distance optischer Weg [m]
pupil distance meter Pupillometer [m]
working distance Objektabstand [m]
working distance Arbeitsabstand [m]
distance spectacles Fernbrille [f]