humoring - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire


Sens de "humoring" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 42 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
humor humor [m]
humor talante [m]
humor temple [m]
humor donosidad [f]
humor jocosidad [f]
humor taranta [f]
humor aplacar [v]
humor complacer [v]
humor humorismo [m]
humor capricho [m]
humor genio [m]
humor humor [m]
humor índole [f]
humor fantasía [f]
humor mimar [v]
humor placer [v]
humor satisfacer [v]
humor carácter [m]
humor ingenio [m]
humor talante [m]
humor natural [m]
humor chiste [m]
humor sal [f]
humor agudeza [f]
humor chanza [f]
humor aguadija [f]
humor humorada [f]
humor dar gusto [v]
humor acceder [v]
humor agradar [v]
humor acomodarse a [v]
humor adaptarse a [v]
humor desempeñar bien [v]
humor consentir en [v]
humor dar alma a [v]
humor cumplir [v]
humor gracieta [f] ES derog.
humor seguir la corriente [v]
humor seguir el rollo [v]
humor erupción cutánea [f]
humor disposición [f]
humor seguirle la corriente [v]

Sens de "humoring" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 26 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
humor [m] mood
humor [m] mood
humor [m] humor
humor [m] humour
humor [m] temper
humor [m] spirits
humor [m] humorousness
humor [m] wit
humor [m] blitheness
humor [m] humor
humor [m] disposition
humor [m] jolliness
humor [m] cheerfulness
humor [m] joviality
humor [m] good attitude
humor [m] humorousness
humor [m] fit
humor [m] cue
humor [m] vein
humor [m] tune
humor [m] spirit
humor [m] CO PE PY rare strong body odor
humor [m] normal body fluid
humor [m] bodily fluid
humor [m] gen humoris
humor [m] mood

Sens de "humoring" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 109 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
ill humor maña [f]
humor [us] humorismo [m]
humor [us] gracejo [m]
humor [us] jocosidad [f]
black humor humor negro [m]
dominant humor humor pecante [m]
sense of humor sentido del humor [m]
aqueous humor aguadija [f]
humor flows destilación [f]
sense of humor sentido del humor [m]
black humor humor negro [m]
gallows humor humor de la horca [m]
blue humor humor azul [m]
off-color humor humor en mal gusto o demasiado vulgar [m]
blue humor humor en mal gusto o demasiado vulgar [m]
toilet humor humor escatológico [m]
american wit and humor ingenio y humor americanos [m/pl]
black humor humor negro
caustic humor humor mordaz
biting humor humor mordaz
caustic humor humor cáustico
biting humor humor cáustico
corrosive humor humor corrosivo
caustic humor humor corrosivo
ill-humor disgusto [m]
humor a caprice satisfacer [v]
good humor gracia [f]
winning a woman's heart using humor miqueo [m] SV
ill humor maña [f] AMER
vulgar humor sal gorda [f] ES
be out of humor arrastrar el ala [v]
be in a good humor ir de buen rollo [v]
be out of humor estar melancólico [v]
be out of humor estar furioso [v]
be out of humor estar irritado [v]
be out of humor estar de mal humor [v]
be out of humor sentirse poco inspirado [v]
be out of humor estar de mala luna [v]
be out of humor estar de mala uva [v]
humor someone llevar el genio a alguien [v]
humor someone llevar la corriente a alguien [v]
humor someone seguir la corriente a alguien [v]
humor someone llevarle a alguien la corriente [v]
comply with the humor or mood of someone llevarle a alguien la corriente [v]
comply with the humor or mood of someone seguir el aire a alguien [v]
comply with the humor or mood of someone seguir el humor a alguien [v]
comply with the humor or mood of someone seguirle a alguien la corriente [v]
humor someone seguir el aire a alguien [v]
humor someone seguir el humor a alguien [v]
humor someone seguirle a alguien la corriente [v]
humor someone llevarle a alguien el humor [v]
humor someone seguirle a alguien el humor [v]
schoolboy humor chistes infantiles [m/pl]
humor someone reírle la gracia a alguien
gallows humor humor negro
gallows humor humor macabro
schoolboy humor bromas de escolares
schoolboy humor bromas infantiles
schoolboy humor (us) bromas de escolares
is that what they call humor where you come from? ¿a eso le llaman humor de donde tú vienes?
is that what they call humor where you come from? ¿de dónde tú vienes le llaman humor a eso?
you've got a real sense of humor tienes un gran sentido del humor
I fail to see the humor no le veo la gracia
in good humor[us] de buen humor
in bad humor [us] de mal humor
person with a sense of humor guasón [m]
person with a sense of humor guasona [f]
out of humor de mala leche [adj]
with a sense of humor guasón [adj]
be in a bad humor estar de mal humor [v]
be out of humor estar de mal café [v]
be out of humor estar de mal tabaco [v]
be out of humor estar de mala leche [v]
be in good humor tener buen semblante [v]
humor someone reírle la gracia a alguien [v]
dry humor chiste alemán [m] LA
humor me entretenme
humor me diviérteme
humor me hazme reír
sense of humor sentido del humor
aqueous humor humor acuoso
General Medicine
aqueous humor humor acuoso
radical humor húmedo radical [m]
coloboma of the vitreous humor coloboma del humor vítreo
crystalline humor humor cristalino
plasmoid humor humor plasmoide
humor cristallinus humor cristalino
humor aquosus humor acuoso
humor vitreus humor vítreo
ocular humor humor ocular
vitreous humor humor vítreo
aqueous humor humor acuoso
morgagni's humor humor de morgagni
ocular humor humor ocular
thunder humor humor en trueno
vitreous humor humor vítreo
aqueous humor humor acuoso
gallows humor humor de patíbulo
vitreous humor humor vítreo
aggressive humor humor agresivo
sense of humor sentido del humor
aqueous humor humor ácueo [m]
aqueous humor humor acuoso [m]
vitreous humor humor vítreo [m]
vitreous humor humor vítreo
aqueous humor humor acuoso
Industrial Hygiene
vitreous humor humor vítreo
surreal humor astracán [m]
absurdist humor astracán [m]