violent - Fransızca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "violent" in French English Dictionary : 26 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
violent impétueux [adj]
violent éperdu [adj]
violent violent [adj]
violent tortionnaire [m]
violent furieux [adj]
violent foudroyant [adj]
violent rageur [adj]
violent fort [adj]
violent vif [adj]
violent vigoureux [adj]
violent robuste [adj]
violent violent [adj]
violent accusé [adj]
violent rapide [adj]
violent aigre [adj]
violent impétueux [adj]
violent costaud [adj]
violent solide [adj]
violent puissant [adj]
violent véhément [adj]
violent intense [adj]
violent forcené [adj]
violent rude [adj]
violent emporté [adj]
violent gros [adj]
violent violent [adj]

Meanings of "violent" in English French Dictionary : 15 result(s)

Fransızca İngilizce
violent [adj] violent
violent [v.p./der.] third-person plural present indicative of violer
violent [v.p./der.] third-person plural present subjunctive of violer
violent [adj] tearing
violent [adj] vehement
violent [adj] violent
violent [adj] quick-tempered
violent [adj] forcible
violent [adj] trigger-happy
violent [adj] intense
violent [adj] physical
violent [adj] fierce
violent [adj] acute
violent [adj] hot-headed
violent [adj] violent

Meanings of "violent" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 46 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
feminine plural of violent violentes [adj]
masculine plural of violent violents [adj]
feminine form of violent violente [adj]
by violent means par des moyens violents [adv]
become violent devenir violent [v]
become violent s'emporter [v]
become violent être déchaîné [v]
become violent devenir brutal [v]
violent-tempered rageur [adj]
violent scene scène de violence
persistent violent behaviour comportement violent persistant
Human Resources
deal with a known difficult or violent client composer avec un client réputé difficile ou violent
deal with a known difficult or violent client traiter avec un client réputé difficile ou violent
die a violent death mourir de mort violente [v]
violent offence acte de violence
violent and serious crimes crimes violents et graves
pattern of persistent violent behavior comportement violent continuel
violent impulses impulsions violentes
violent offender délinquant violent
violent recidivist récidiviste violent
violent recidivist récidiviste violente
violent attack attaque violente
violent conduct conduite violente
assessing the risk of non-violent reoffending évaluer le risque de récidive sans violence
violent and serious crimes crimes violents et graves
violent crime crime avec violence
violent death mort violente
violent impulses impulsions violentes
violent offender délinquant violent
violent crime crime de violence
serious violent offence infraction grave avec violence
pattern of persistent violent behaviour comportement violent continuel
State Law
pattern of persistent violent behaviour schème continuel de comportement violent
potential for violent behaviour propension à la violence
Governmental Terms
non-violent means moyen pacifique
history of violent behaviour antécédents de comportement violent
violent behaviour comportement violent
violent death mort violente
UN Terms
towards a nuclear weapon-free and non-violent world vers un monde dénucléarisé et non violent
Human Rights
non-violent conflict resolution skill technique de résolution non violente des conflits [f]
violent behavior comportement violent
violent explosion explosion violente
non-violent conflict resolution résolution de conflits non violente [f]
violent spin vrille agitée
non-violent conflict resolution résolution non violente de conflits [f]
violent storm violente tempête