bothering - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "bothering" in Spanish English Dictionary : 17 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
bothering aporreamiento [m]
bothering aporreo [m]
bothering sofocamiento [m]
bothering aporreadura [f]
bothering asaeteador [adj]
bothering asediador [adj]
bothering asediante [adj]
bothering molesto [adj]
bothering sofocador [adj]
bothering sofocante [adj]
bothering fastidioso [adj]
bothering puyón [m] HN
bothering tallada [f] MX
bothering fastidiosa [adj/f]
bothering carlanca [f]
bothering molienda [f]
bothering puteo [m] derog.

Meanings of "bothering" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 36 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
repeated bothering maceo [m]
something which is inconvenient or bothering desconveniencia [f]
something which is inconvenient or bothering inconveniencia [f]
stop bothering dejar en paz [v]
bothering a woman, usually insistently joteo [m] CL teen
bothering insistently cateteo [m] CL
bothering excessively abacorado [adj] DO
bothering a woman insistently jote [adj] CL teen
constantly bothering others relajado [adj] DO
stop bothering marcharse con la música a otra parte [v]
stop bothering ir con la música a otra parte [v]
stop bothering irse con la música a otra parte [v]
stop bothering someone dejarse de vainas [v] DO PR EC PE
stop bothering and teasing someone dejar el pugilato [v] PR
stop bothering someone dejar esa vaina [v] DO PR
stop bothering someone dejar ese cráneo [v] PR
stop bothering someone dejar la jeringa [v] PR
feel annoyed because someone else is continually bothering them (person) estar alzao de un lao [v] DO
stop bothering someone quitarle el guante de la cara [v] PR
you are not bothering me no me molestas
what is bothering you? ¿en qué piensas?
what is bothering you? ¿en qué estás pensando?
stop bothering me no me fastidies más
stop bothering me no me molestes más
what's bothering you? ¿qué es lo que te molesta?
what's bothering you qué es lo que te molesta
i hope i'm not bothering you espero no estar molestándote
cease bothering someone fregar la cachimba a alguien [v]
cease bothering someone fregar la paciencia alguien [v]
cease bothering someone cargar sobre alguien [v]
cease bothering someone codear a alguien [v]
stop bothering me jobar [interj]
what is bothering you? qué mosca le ha picado [expr]
what's bothering you? ¿qué mosca te ha picado?
what's bothering you? ¿qué es lo que te molesta?
stop bothering me! ¡deja ya de joderme de una vez!