tied together - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük

tied together


Meanings of "tied together" in Spanish English Dictionary : 2 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
tied together caponado [adj]
tied together caponada [adj/f]

Meanings of "tied together" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 14 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
top sheet, blankets and bedspreads, tied together cosido de la cama [m]
bundle of things tied together mazo [m]
pair tied together mancuerna [f]
set of things gathered or tied together in a single group gajo [m] HN EC
set of tobacco leaves tied together at the leafstalk, especially for transport matul [m] CU
two raw cane sugar packs tied together atado [m] GT HN SV CR
group of three to five tobacco leaves tied together and hung to dry cabeza [f] HN
pair of stones tied together with cord to control a kite chachahuata [f] SV
platform made with boards or planks joined together or on a group of canoes that are tied together, that is used to transport people and things from one side of the river to the other chalana (francés) [f] VE BO:E
set of blue land crabs tied together ensarta de jueyes [f] PR
made with thin bamboo canes arranged contiguously and tied together (rustic construction) cañizo [adj] VE EC
mythical animal that according to popular beliefs walks at night with it's front legs tied together mula maneada [f] VE rur.
be tied together estar cosido a los autos [v]
be tied together ir cosido a los autos [v]